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How about a little chess?

Re: How about a little chess?

So, we can discuss strategery but out and out playing the game by ourselves is out. Works for me *laughs* I say we at least give it a shot. At least there won't be any dysentery to worry about or exploding fire on planets.
Re: How about a little chess?

And the teams are:

The Black Team:

The White Team:

This is also the lineup you'll start at.
If there're no other questions, I'll start now. (I started now because Aika's over at Britain, so I've gotta start at a time he would most likely be on)
Re: How about a little chess?

I'm having battle chess flashbacks *laughs* So, lemme get this straight, you want *us* to edit the chess board pic or just state our move and are you gonig to change it? If that's the case, I might be making a new gallery *laughs*
Re: How about a little chess?

Well that's what I was hoping for, but if you want I'll just do it for you.
Re: How about a little chess?

I'll see if I can do anything with my crappy ass photo editing programs I've got. If I can't do it, then I'll just draw lines for my moves *laughs*
Re: How about a little chess?

Wait, who's turn is it?
Re: How about a little chess?

Aika's as far as I know. Dark, does he know the game started? *laughs*
Re: How about a little chess?

I sent him a message, but if he doesn't respond then the Black team just goes then.
Re: How about a little chess?

well maybe is a unnecessary suggestion but, how about if Cooper move instead of Aika?
Re: How about a little chess?

Actually, I'm considering making this a free-for-all chess game. Instead of teams, we could just let anybody come in and make a move. We'd need restraints of course, but anybody can play on any team they want. That way, we don't have to worry about who has to move first.

Edit - Well Aika already made a move. I guess we'll have to do that later.
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Re: How about a little chess?

Actually, I'm considering making this a free-for-all chess game. Instead of teams, we could just let anybody come in and make a move. We'd need restraints of course, but anybody can play on any team they want. That way, we don't have to worry about who has to move first.

Edit - Well Aika already made a move. I guess we'll have to do that later.

That sounds like a more interesting idea. Of course, I still probably wouldn't participate since I'm too lazy to learn how to use GIMP.

Also: Why do most people start with e2-e4? Just because it's probably the first opening you learned, doesn't mean it's the best. Myself, I usually start with d2-d4 or b2-b4 lately. Don't get to castle so early, but that probably shouldn't be a top priority anyway. Castling is just a good way to get your king trapped in the corner if you play poorly.
Re: How about a little chess?

It opens up your bishops. I'll just leave it at that.
Re: How about a little chess?

haha, you said cooper
Re: How about a little chess?

yeah, yeah, mistake. Its all the fault of the creator of the keyboard (he put the "P" close to the "O")
Re: How about a little chess?

Cooper happens to be my cousin's name. I didn't know Cooper was an actual name.
The creator also coincidentally placed the numbers 2 and 3 above W -- the letter W has two points aiming down and three points aiming up. 2 divided by 3 equals 0.666 which is none other then the number of the beast. Normal human sex cells have 23 chromosomes. Other human cells have 46 chromosomes, arranged in 23 pairs. the number 23 is fucking everywhere.
Re: How about a little chess?

If Cooper is your cousin's name, how could you not know Cooper was a name? :confused:

As for the free for all, let's see how well an organized game goes before we plunged into Chaos.
Re: How about a little chess?

As for the free for all, let's see how well an organized game goes before we plunged into Chaos.
I think a free-for-all would go quicker, because anyone who wandered by could post up a move right then and there. But I do agree that we should finish this game before starting a new one.

Speaking of which, it's your move, Dusty.
Re: How about a little chess?

I think a free-for-all would go quicker, because anyone who wandered by could post up a move right then and there. But I do agree that we should finish this game before starting a new one.

Speaking of which, it's your move, Dusty.

That could lead to parallel univer- er, games, if two people posted simultaneously.
Re: How about a little chess?

Whoever gets the post in first is the legitimate move, I'd suppose. And previewing's good for preventing that.

On a note of free for all chess...

For those of you unfamiliar with Malkavians, they're insane. That should hopefully clarify any confusion as to the previous link.
Re: How about a little chess?

Whoever gets the post in first is the legitimate move, I'd suppose. And previewing's good for preventing that.

On a note of free for all chess...

For those of you unfamiliar with Malkavians, they're insane. That should hopefully clarify any confusion as to the previous link.
It sounded more like a Monty Python sketch to me... :D