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How do you feel about porn with ugly guys and hot girls?

Re: How do you feel about porn with ugly guys and hot girls?

cause cocks are turn offs for me.
Yes you have one porking a girl in the background of your profile.

EDIT: Nvm tot double dildo was a D, i need a nap. x_x"
Re: How do you feel about porn with ugly guys and hot girls?

No more dizzy water for you. :3
Go home meat bag you're drunk. XD
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Re: How do you feel about porn with ugly guys and hot girls?

Ugly guys with hot girls in porn?
If it's with real actors then it's already a turn off for me anyway xD

Jokes aside (... well, not really xD), if it's for showing some context like: "she got so slutty, she will do with anyone, even this ugly prick", then sure, works for me.
Pretty much similar applies when it's just rape.
Without that implication it just feels off...
Re: How do you feel about porn with ugly guys and hot girls?

Ugly guys with hot girls in porn?
If it's with real actors then it's already a turn off for me anyway xD

Jokes aside (... well, not really xD), if it's for showing some context like: "she got so slutty, she will do with anyone, even this ugly prick", then sure, works for me.
Pretty much similar applies when it's just rape.
Without that implication it just feels off...

I totally agree with you. As long as it has a solid back-story it could be exciting, if it's "just because"...well...no thank you.
Re: How do you feel about porn with ugly guys and hot girls?

I like it actually...

makes me think that there is some poetic justice seeing not so handsome (I don't call anything flat out "ugly"...ugly is just a state of mind...and I hate ugly minds...) guys bang hot chicks in porn...

then again being filthy rich will net you a lot of grade-A pussy MOST of the time... so you don't need looks much when you can slap around someone with a stack of $100 bills...

and then again if you have that much money it isn't an issue in changing your appearance to please the aesthetic standards of this world...

But I digress...Like I said before, I like it...one of my fetishes actually...