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How Things Will Work (And OOC discussion thread)


Nov 9, 2008
Reputation score
The Campaign shall operate upon the following guidelines, which are henceforth to be denoted as the Laws of the Crimson Throne:

  1. This Campaign is a 3.5 adventure path with the occasional modification so as to allow for more flexibility and creativity.
  2. In order to ensure a healthy plot progression, a DM post shall begin to be written when all players have responded at least once, or a majority of the current (7 players, thus 4) players have posted once five days has passed, regardless of those that have yet to post. ((Means 5 days, and I move on regardless)) This rule applies only to non combat situations.
  3. In order to ensure a healthy plot progression, actions in combat are only resolved after all player actions for a round have been declared, in which each action will be carried out in terms of initiative order (the same does not apply for enemies who roll a higher initiative than the party, as those will have their actions written out before player declarations begin.) To compensate, each player gets a "free ready" action per round of combat, which they can use to have their character take an alternative action should the situation change unexpectedly following another resolved action in the same round. Characters that fail to declare their actions within five days, or have both their normal and readied actions voided due to events in battle will be "NPCed" to take the most plausible IC action.
  4. There shall be NO cheating of dice whatsoever (don't try to reroll multiple times on invisiblecastle, a search function exists just for that). If any player is caught cheating with dice, they have their dice rolled personally by the DM for the remainder of the module, and possibly expelled from the game on a second offense during the course of an adventurer path. Seriously, it's a game, don't cheat.
  5. Party infighting is forbidden, barring extreme circumstances that warrant such. No, that +1 tome of STR does not give you an excuse to gib your party member. Everyone here is considered to be an adult, act like it. Settle disputes with majority rule or something.
  6. Should be obvious enough, but it should be noted that this campaign is NOT an ERP. If you're looking for one, sorry but please look elsewhere. That's not saying smut can't happen within the party, just that a reminder that most things ARE out to kill you, and any that actually "rapes" you will probably level drain you back to a level 1 plebian at higher levels.
  7. Have fun. No really, I will beat you with a spork if you don't have fun.

Any questions?
Re: How Things Will Work (And OOC discussion thread)

Welp, there would be less thugs/henchment to worry about at day, though they may not be expecting a nighttime assassination or invasion, and tue darkness would provide a certain amount and element of stealth to our task. They both have their benefits and drawbacks. But I think day would be best while his lackeys are away, it just means well have to be sneakier and more cautious actually going to Gaedrens hideout.
Re: How Things Will Work (And OOC discussion thread)

...Okay so passing out for an entire evening on a night before my planning of an IRC game session wasn't the smartest thing to do. Short notice but, based on what I know of schedules thus far,

How convenient/inconvenient would a game session from 4:30 PM EST to say...8:00 PM (Time subject to change, and may go longer if people are willing/able to stick around) be for everyone?
Re: How Things Will Work (And OOC discussion thread)

I suppose that would be do-able, though I might quit early.
Re: How Things Will Work (And OOC discussion thread)

I'm scheduled to work till a half hour after that, so I'll be a bit late, but other than that I'm fine.
Re: How Things Will Work (And OOC discussion thread)

Re: How Things Will Work (And OOC discussion thread)

Count me in.
Re: How Things Will Work (And OOC discussion thread)

All players please report to #baconroom on irc.rizon.net when you're ready. I'll also be opening up a game room on OpenRPG, blackstar server network so I can do a realtime game map. If anyone would like a more accurate idea of what they can and can't do, feel free to join the room on Blackstar: ULMF CotCT.
Password will be bacon.
Re: How Things Will Work (And OOC discussion thread)

Walking home from work now, should be on in about twenty.

EDIT: Loot list!
A narrow teak cigar case inlaid with tiny bits of jade worth 25 gp, a 2-pound gold ingot worth 100 gp bearing the Cheliax coat of arms, a miniature gold crown worth 350 gp, a fist-sized scrimshaw carving of a kraken worth 200 gp, a silever ring worth 150 gp bearing the inscription "For Emmah- the light in my nights," a highly realistic and highly scandalous ivory figurine of two succubi worth 450 gp, a masterwork shuriken, an adamantine arrowhead, an abalone-shell holy symbol of Shelyn worth 300 gp, A tiny glass tube containing a dose of "oil of keen edge" (so says the label), an obsidian wand of magic missle (23 charges) from the Acadamie, a crystalline vial (worth 50 gp) containing a dose of silversheen, And...something that stands out far more than anything else, a bejeweled brooch with a broken clasp, depicting a pseudo dragon and imp coiled around each other in an almost ying-yang pattern. ( DC 15 Knowledge, nobility & royalty) for more info.

Keylo Addition:
A Masterwork Dagger
3 CLW potions
Masterwork Hand Crossbow
Small Flail
And a Magical Harrow Deck (Identify 3/day, Major Image 1/day, can be used at special times to give powerful Harrow Readings that will grant special bonuses. ((DM Note: Main source of Harrow Points and Harrow bonuses. Treasure them.))
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Re: How Things Will Work (And OOC discussion thread)

My apologies for the immense delay in the next post. Finals have eaten up most of, if not all my time. Last one is on Monday though, so hopefully I'll be able to get this back on track around then.
Re: How Things Will Work (And OOC discussion thread)

No worries, pretty sure everyone has less time right now, between school and the holidays.
Re: How Things Will Work (And OOC discussion thread)

What is this school you speak of?
Re: How Things Will Work (And OOC discussion thread)

Okay, as we're kinda at a transition phase in the plot, I am proposing we do a live session of CotCT to move things on in a smoother manner. Largely as because there's also going to be a hefty amount of dialogue in the next arc before quests and what not take place, and I imagine that it'd be better if interrogative questions are asked in real time.

With that said, what time would be good for everyone to have a session? I'm pretty much open for any time until break's over hence...all up to the rest of you.
Re: How Things Will Work (And OOC discussion thread)

My sleep schedule has gone belly-up, so any time late at night would work. Pretty much any time after 10PM and before 10AM EST.
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Re: How Things Will Work (And OOC discussion thread)

After boxing day, late afternoon to night, any day is good for me. I'm usually up till around 4AM EST, but if I have the next day off, I can stay later.
Re: How Things Will Work (And OOC discussion thread)

Well, after a week...and only a few responses, it seems that the session probably isn't happening any time soon. Thus leaving me with another option, a timeskip. Can everyone tell me where there characters would be in say...two to three days, essentially where they'll be following the streets returning to relative "peace"? (A loose one of course, with rebellious murmurs about the place here and there of course)
Re: How Things Will Work (And OOC discussion thread)

oh, hey neat timing. XD

I'd say that once Jess calms down, she'd try and arrange a group meeting so they can return that shiny brooch for a handsome reward. Does that work for everyone?
Re: How Things Will Work (And OOC discussion thread)

That works for me. Ankieseth would probably lay low with the rest, possibly taking some time to inflict a little bit of excruciating pain on Gaedron if given the chance, and wait until he can be taken to jail and the reward gained for his capture and the brooch. I forget who actually had the brooch, but I'm pretty sure that it's not him.
Re: How Things Will Work (And OOC discussion thread)

Fine by me. Izak would probably return to his job of assassinations and such. Just be careful not to go hunting for him at night.
Re: How Things Will Work (And OOC discussion thread)

Better than what we seem to be doing right now. Raven will be um...Running some street con or something, I guess, since I think he's pretty much broke and jobless at the moment.