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How to Apply a Partial

Re: How to Apply a Partial

Just asking tidbits in here ...
If in RPG MAKER VX ACE using Menu F9 ...
I already finish "Terms" (most right) translation and want to test run it ...
but which FILE (containing "Terms") should I put in test folder (in case it fail / broken / conflict) :confused:

We Know Item data, Character at Actor Data, Armor at Armor data ...
But which data contain "Terms" ?
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Re: How to Apply a Partial

Sorry for bumping into the thread, do you mind reuploading the all decrypt? Checked your new google drive didn't see any in there
Re: How to Apply a Partial

Sorry for bumping into the thread, do you mind reuploading the all decrypt? Checked your new google drive didn't see any in there

Yeah, cause I only uploaded Partials to the new drive.
I have updated the first post with the decrypter.
So what do you do when you try to decrypt an MV game and it returns this instead of actually doing it?

[x] Expected section name ".enigma2", found ".reloc"
[x] This file is not protected with Enigma Virtual Box or is hacked.

Asking for RJ210055

Edit: Link to the translation page comes out fucked for some reason, but it won't let me remove it from the post.
You are trying to unpack a game with a www folder already there. It says clearly in the guide:
-:RPG Maker MV Game Decrypt Guide:-
Okay, so RPG Maker MV is a bit diffrent, but in theory the same.
This is for unpacking Game.exe not for decrypting images, scroll down for that.
This is ONLY if there is NO www folder. If there is A www folder, you can skip this part.

You want the second part of the guide.
You are trying to unpack a game with a www folder already there. It says clearly in the guide:
-:RPG Maker MV Game Decrypt Guide:-
Okay, so RPG Maker MV is a bit diffrent, but in theory the same.
This is for unpacking Game.exe not for decrypting images, scroll down for that.
This is ONLY if there is NO www folder. If there is A www folder, you can skip this part.

You want the second part of the guide.

Ok, but skip to where though?
That's the entire guide.

First you unpack the exe, then you drop the translation folder over it.

Okay, but where is the Data folder?
It's moved to www. But, there is no need to go in there.

For you, is just matter of extracting the RJ Data . Rar in root where Game.exe folder is and when it asks to overwrite, let it.

Then simply click the Game.exe and...

The only thing under that is image decryption, which (I assume) isn't what I need.

In the translation thread itself.

Fail to load img/system/IconSet.png

what happen!!?

This happens because you did not decrypt the rpgmvp files.
Use my "How to Apply Partial" guide and scroll down until you find : -:RPG Maker MV Decrypting images:- follow the steps there then try again.

So it breaks the IconSet.png if you don't unpack, but you can't unpack because it's already unpacked?


Or I need to do this bit?
-:RPG Maker MV Decrypting images:-
Right, so you wanna get into the good stuff or apply image translations? Well, you gotta decrypt the *.rpgmvp files.
First Google for Petschko's RPG-Maker-MV File-Decrypter (Java-Version) , grab the "(!!Alpha!!) - Version: 0.1.3 " from the text below, not the one at the top. It's near the text : Installation
Now, you got it? Good, lets move on.

First thing you wanna do is run the start.bat
I didn't think this translation contained any images.
Eh, I'll do it anyway.
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No,it does not contain any. But, for the partial to work you need to decrypt the rpgmvp files in any case.
I re-worded it so it makes more sense now.
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No,it does not contain any. But, for the partial to work you need to decrypt the rpgmvp files in any case.

Well, the RPG-Maker-MV File-Decrypter doesn't want to do it.
It says Locales isn't a valid MV directory. Tried it a couple of times like the guide says, but it's the same message every time. There's a box you can tick to attempt it anyway, but doing that means the dycryption does nothing. No Output.

Every single stage of trying to apply this translation has been a massive cocktease. First the download failed to work, then I couldn't find the password, then the extraction didn't work and I borked my game by applying the translation too early.
Now I can't decrypt the other files because the file-decryption doesn't recognise them as valid.

I've been at it for about two hours, and all I've managed to do is make my game completely unplayable.
I'm downloading a fresh copy to transfer my saves over. I'll see if the File-Decrypter likes that version any better. If not, I'll just have to play it in moonrunes again.
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Turns out I was doing it wrong. This image confused me. I thought Locales was selected, so I tried to open that one with the decrypter, instead of 2016z001214 itself (the file that you're in, in this image.)

The mention that it might return an error message just threw me off even further.

TLDR, I was trying to decrypt the file INSIDE of the file I should have been decrypting.

Got my output and the translaton finally seems to be working.
Hopefully I'll remember all of that for the next time I need to do it.
When I try to launch the mw decrypter it says java exception occured. If I launch the start.bat it says it is unsupported because it uses version 52 of java while mine is ver. 60. Do I have to find an older java?
I've also had some problems with the RPG Maker MV Decrypter, has anyone gone into the output folder to find that it just copied over the files without decrypting them?

EDIT: I'm not sure why this is, but after finding a fresh, clean version of the game I was trying to decrypt, it was able to work. The one I had problems with earlier was first translated with what I'm guessing is Google, and then... re-encrypted, I think?
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does anyone have solution for if there is no game.rgss3a or game.rgssad? i dont know what to extract since the only thing that i can extract isnt there
does anyone have solution for if there is no game.rgss3a or game.rgssad? i dont know what to extract since the only thing that i can extract isnt there

That's the file with all the game data in it. If you don't have one of those, how are you even playing the game?
Unless it's already extracted, I guess.
does anyone have solution for if there is no game.rgss3a or game.rgssad? i dont know what to extract since the only thing that i can extract isnt there
Could you show me the game folder please? I can try figure out what is the problem. : )
That's the file with all the game data in it. If you don't have one of those, how are you even playing the game?
Unless it's already extracted, I guess.

thats what i was thinking which im pretty sure that means I'd have to just move the game data from the translation over and it would just replace it all and work right?
sure but how exactly do i do that? lol i know some tech stuff but im not the most computer savvy in the world

Take a screenshot, Crop it so only shows what you wanna show , upload to imgur or a similar image hosting site and post the url here.
Sorta like this :
Take a screenshot, Crop it so only shows what you wanna show , upload to imgur or a similar image hosting site and post the url here.
Sorta like this :

awesome thank you here you go then this is everything the folder and the thing that says part 2 is just the other bit of the game that was broken up so it has all the same stuff
Looks like it was already decrypted . Try apply translation?
Looks like it was already decrypted . Try apply translation?

so then to do that all i need to do is go to that part on your walk through where i move the translation over and it says that there are already these files would you like to replace them and do that and it should work?