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Hunting party [Sera]

Re: Hunting party [Sera]

(Sera attacks, aimed attack, leg)

Her aim was very good!

It's leg appeared to be armored as well, as her slash didn't cut it off, but it did bleed a lot.

(Enemy attack)

It's pouncing was useless, it couldn't keep up with Sera's agility.
Re: Hunting party [Sera]

Sera grins, and tries to stab it right in the face now that it's stunned from getting it's leg chopped.
Re: Hunting party [Sera]

(Sera attacks!)

She stabbed it directly where she did last time, the blade went all the way through, rendering the beast motionless.

(Sera has earned 50 FP!)

(Continue, or return home?)
Re: Hunting party [Sera]

Sera takes this opportunity to search the house...figuring more than one monster wouldnt' be inside.
Re: Hunting party [Sera]

(Perception check)

A tentacle wrapped around her leg as she was still in the building, and dragged her outside. She quickly chopped it off when she got the chance, but then more showed up out of sewer grates and out of the man hole nearby.

Re: Hunting party [Sera]


Sera shakes her head. "Oh no. NOT THIS TIME!" she jumped forward and began slashing at the tentacles.
Re: Hunting party [Sera]

(Sera attacks)

A quick slash splits a tentacle apart.

But there were still many more

(enemy attack)

She quickly dodged several attempts to grab her, as the tentacles simply swished by her.
Re: Hunting party [Sera]

Sera kept getting to work, slashing and hacking away at the tentacles. "Die, you damn thing!
Re: Hunting party [Sera]

(Sera attacks)

Another tentacle sliced in half.

The tentacles began to tremble, as a pink one, similar to the one that went inside her appeared.
Re: Hunting party [Sera]

Sera paused...looking around...she frowns...and grabbed it and yanks it down, wrapping her soft lips around the pink shaft. "Mmphmm" she closed her eyes as she began to suck.
Re: Hunting party [Sera]

Distracted with sucking on it, the other tentacles grabbed her by her arms, and held them behind her.

Not wearing very much to cover her sex, the pink tentacle began to aim for her pussy.

Re: Hunting party [Sera]


Sera blushed and spread her legs wide. "Go for it...please...just do it." she blushes and bites her bottom lip, figuring the pink shaft pulled out to bury in her sex...
Re: Hunting party [Sera]

(Sera gives in)

Her desires were met as the tentacle plunged into her depths as she cried with pleasure.
Re: Hunting party [Sera]

Sera cries out, hips bucking wildly as she felt the pink shaft plundering her dripping sex, arching and moaning, thrashing about, but keeping her grip on her sword -tightly-.....
Re: Hunting party [Sera]

The pink tentacle, as if it remembered her, started pounding that same spot it did last night, over and over.

Sera was sent into shock, her knees were about to collapse as she immediately orgasmed all over the tentacle, and the ground.

Just like before, she was in such a daze by the thrilling orgasm, she watched helplessly as more eggs entered her womb. Each egg made her gasp in pain and pleasure, until it was finished.

Once it was done, every tentacle retreated back into the sewer, as a nearly broken Sera lie there, breathing heavily

(Mental status: Red)
Re: Hunting party [Sera]

Sera got up and slowly made her way back into that house..closing the door as she went to check the place out for some clothes at least.
Re: Hunting party [Sera]

It's like survival mode, you either keep going, or return to base, as it's only about 100 feet away at the most. You've just been circling it.
Re: Hunting party [Sera]

(then Keep going I suppose)
Re: Hunting party [Sera]

Determined to keep going, Sera continued her patrol.

(Perception check)

During her trek inside the house, she encountered some kind of giant caterpillar, it didn't seem to notice her yet.
Re: Hunting party [Sera]

Sera frowns, and since she has the drop on it, she lunges forward to slash at it...figuring big soft and slimy wont put much of a fight up against her sword.