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Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Making the mistake of purchasing the aid of a poorly made boat, and then deciding, by some burst of stupidity, that he wanted to set sail on the great blue with absolutely no intention in mind upon arriving. The captain of the small craft was a flaming homosexual, and often bumped Alex the wrong way several times during the trip. The captain had an unshaven, scruffy beard, and smelled of piss, and vomit. He thought the slightly feminine Alex attractive, and often made passes at him during their voyage.

They eventually got hit by a powerful storm, damaging the ship badly. The captain's ugly ass was swooped away by the powerful wind, where a shark suddenly sprung forth out of the water, and swallowed him whole, some time later dieing of food poisoning from eating someone so ugly, and nasty. Alex himself managed to cling to the mast, which had unhoisted sails. He thought it would be a good idea. However, it turned out that it was not a good idea, as the mast was ripped off the ship, sending it, and Alex who clung to it, flying away, while the boat quickly faded from eyesight...

Then, a magical tornado, summoned by Link, the Wind Waker, carried the mast, which Alex still clung to, over to a nearby island. Once he reached what appeared to be a beach, the tornado dispersed, and the mast's broken edge went soaring down, lodging itself in the sand, and knocking Alex off, before he landed on his ass, his fall cushioned by the soft grains.

The beach seemed to extend for some distance in either direction, and Alex couldn't make out an end to it. There was also a patch of woods beyond the small beach, and given how clear it appeared, people or large creatures must visit this area quite often, as it was quite clear, the two closest trees being ten feet apart, allowing easy travel.

And finally, given the position of the sun, when he looked to the West, he saw a rather intimidating mountain range... Where rainy clouds seemed to reside over them...
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

"Well, this is a fine mess I've gotten myself into," Alex thought to himself as he got up and dusted himself off, unaware of how much danger he was just in.

Alex stood there for a few minutes, unsure of where to go. After all he'd never been outside of his house until his parents were murdered and now a whole world of opportunities opened up to him. Finally coming to a desicion Alex heads off in the direction of the forest, at least that looked as if it may house some people.
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

During Alex's walk through the forest, he eventually found himself lost, without direction on where he should go. Some time during his directionless trip, Alex heard what he thought was the sound of little children laughing, and singing. Upon investigating the sound, Alex saw about a dozen of girls, looking to be about 12 years of age, but with little pixie wings on their backs dancing in a circle, singing a song without lyrics, mostly a long series of them saying, "La-la-la" in many different tones to form a rather cute song.

None of them happened to notice him yet, most likely due to how busy they were playing with each other...
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

"How....curious..." Alex thought to himself as he watched the girls dance and sing happily. He stood there for a few minutes watching them before making his presense known.

"Hello young ladies, could you tell me where your parents are?" He starts off, trying to sound as polite as possible. "I'm, uh, kind of lost and I need to find someone who could help me."
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

The girls calmly looked over to Alex, and then looked amongst each other, as if confused, "Parents?" one winged girl asked another, "Is he talking about us?" another one asked, before one of the apparent braver ones started her wings, and they soon were flapping at a speed faster than Alex's eyes could comprehend, lifting her into the air, so that her face was about level with his. She smiled at him, "I think you are as confused as you are lost, human!" she giggled, "We're Fairies!" she announced, all of her friends nodding in agreement. "We can help you, but we want you to play a game with us first!" she offered, all of her friends giggled, and seeming excited and happy at that notion.
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

Alex stares in amazement as the girl seems to fly. "Well this place sure is interesting." He thinks to himself.

"Okay, what kind of game do you want to play?" He asks them, deciding to go along with their joke until he can find some adults.
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

The lead Fairy puts a finger to her lower lip in thought, before turning while maintaining her stance in mid-air to the other Fairies. "What game should we play?" she asks the group, before they suddenly have an uproar of suggestions.

"Hide and go Seek!"

"Ring around the Rosie!"

"Hopscotch! Hopscotch!"

"Buck Buck! I wanna ride on his shoulders!"

"Duck, Duck, Goose!"

"Huckle Buckle Beanstalk!"

The lead suddenly turns, and nods, "We'll play Huckle Buckle Beanstalk!" she announced happily, and all of the others yelled, "Yay!" in unison, even those who did not get to play the game they wanted, they were apparently happy just to play.
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

"Huckle Buckle Beanstalk? I don't think I've heard of that game before," Alex tells the girls, though he did sound curious. "So, how do we play it?"
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

The Fairy giggled, "It's easy!" she told him, reaching up to her hair, and taking the beads that lifted a lock of her hair into the air, letting all her red hair fall to her shoulders as she held the beads in her hands, "I'm gonna give my hair beads to one of my friends, and when the game starts, we'll all scatter, and pretend like we're the ones with the beads, trying to hide them, while the one who really has the beads will hide them while you're distracted!" she giggled, "Then, if you find the beads, you win! If you give up, then you lose! And you have to grant us a wish!" she instructed him.
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

"Well it sounds like a fun game. Alright, I'll play," Alex then waits for the girls to do what they have to do.
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

The Fairies bounced happily at Alex's agreement, and quickly huddled together, whispering to each other, with some peaking up at Alex to make sure he wasn't listening. They then all flew behind a large rock, so that Alex could not see them, a cute little fairy's head occasionally popping out to check and make sure he wasn't peaking. More whispering was heard, before Alex heard a sudden, "What!" in exclamation from one of the fairy women, before a, "Shhh!" from the rest of them.

Then, after what seemed like too long a time, all of the fairies flew over the rock, all except the lead fairy, who now no longer had her hair beads in her hands, holding their hands behind their backs, not allowing Alex to see which one of the fairies was the one who was carrying the beads. "Okay, are you ready!" the red haired, lead fairy shouted, holding both her hands in the air, "Go!" she shouted, and then all of her friends quickly scattered in all directions, looking for a place to hide the beads... Even though all but one didn't even have the beads, while the main Fairy remained where she was as her friends scattered into the woods.
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

"I wonder what they're talking about?" Alex thinks to himself as one of the girls shouted and another shushed her. Regardless he stood there patiently until they reappeared from behind the rock.

"Uh, why haven't you run off too?" Alex asks the red-haired girl as her friends all rush further into the woods.
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

The girl blushed, and smiled innocently at Alex, "B-because it'd be too obvious for me to still have the beads!" she told him, "You'd better hurry! Who knows where those beads might end up?" she giggles.
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

Alex stares at the girl for a moment, one eye squinted as if he's considering what she said to be a lie. Though a moment later he realises that it would be too obvious for her to have the beads so he sets off into the woods. Before backtracking to the red-haired girl only after a couple of minutes.

"Do you ha-" Alex starts, though cuts off midsentence as he decides that she wouldn't have the beads and all he's doing is wasting time. Closing his mouth and dropping his arms to his side Alex then makes his way further into the woods in the hopes of trying to find the girl with the beads.
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

Even during those couple minutes, the search for the beads was quickly becoming discouraging, and fruitless. Even after finding various little fairies, searching all over the forest for those small beads would eventually leave Alex without a clue as to where they are, and without hope of ever finding them.

For however long he searched, once the lead fairy saw him despair, she giggled, "You give up?" she asked, having followed him during his whole search, flying not too far away from him the whole time. Eventually, other fairies joined in following him, laughing and giggling as he could not find the beads.
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

Alex had been searching for the girls for what seemed like hours, and he had been growing tired of this game.

"Yeah, I give up. You all are too good at hiding," Alex replied to the lead girl as he stopped to take off his suit jacket in the hopes of cooling down.
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

All of the Fairies, now collected once more, celebrated their victory by shouting, "Yay!" in unison, some even clapping their hands together in victory. The lead Fairy then floated up so that she was in front of Alex, smiling, and strangely blushing at him, "Now, before you grant us our wish... Do you wanna see where we hid the beads?" she giggled.
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

"Oh man, I never did have any chance of winning, did I? Alex thought to himself as the girls reassembled together and cheered about their victory, though dispite his loss he smiled softly as he watched the girls.

"Yeah okay, though I don't suppose I would've been able to find them however long I searched, right?" Alex sat down on a log for some much needed rest. After all he's not used to such physically demanding activities.
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

The lead fairy giggled, blushing at him, "Actually... They were right in front of you the whole time..." she told him, floating over to the log he was sitting on, and sat down herself, with her body pointed at him, and her legs spread to either side of the log. She lifted up her skirt, and Alex saw her surprisingly mature nether parts, as if this little girl was not a girl at all... But a full grown woman. And sticking out of her pink slit, was a single bead. The fairy moaned with pleasure, as she started pushing the beads out of her pussy, one at a time they slipped out of her, until the juice-soaked beads made a 'pop' as the final one was pushed out, and the fairy shamelessly lifted the beads up in her hand, and yelled, "Ta-da!"
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

Alex sat there watching the girl pull the beads from out of herself, he could feel his face warm up as he started blushing. For reasons unknown to him he kind of enjoyed seeing her pull the beads out of herself, his member started to become hard even though he knew not the reason for it.

"That was a cruel trick to play on me," Alex said, his voice somewhat quiet. "I never would've been able to win the game and you knew it." Alex sighed. "So what is it that you wish to do?"