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RPG RPG Maker [ikebukuroDPC] 戦乱のヘキサ / The War Disorder Hexa (RJ222686)

Oh good god, someone uploaded a save in f95


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All special item
At the bar
The event progresses after clearing a certain number of endings.
1 Ending: Rowork will gives you a "Interrupt Song" and a customer behind the piano will gives you a "Ticket Stub" unlocking "Quaro Recital" (recollection mode), you can also check the conditions of the events that you have not watched yet.
3 Ending: Another customer in front of the one who give you ticket will be able to confirm the clear condition.
5 Ending: You can get "Humanity and Choice" from the waitress and "Dreamer's Medal" from the treasure chest in the back. Check the crate at the back and you will find a hidden staircase where you can get a op item "Signpost to Glory", made your character automatically win even in impossible battle (Gear alone vs Gutrun)
Clear all ending of each main character: You will enter the true ending through the conversation with the client in front of bar.
Clear 18 ending : Painter John completes the painting (all clear bonus).
"Psychology of Thieves" : from a customer near the entrance, after watched rape scene in the bar of Temiro City in the Faye Arc, where she raped by Imperial soldier after fall because crack at the bar floor (Do Faye Arc-> Sleep at Temiro -> Interrupt Imperial soldier -> Choose cracked floor -> H scene -> use "Interrupt Song" -> Talk to customer)

"Dispressor's Cloak"
In the Faye Arc, examine the cloth displayed in the armor shop of the bazaar in Rupa (purchase for 99,500 G).
"See-Through Glasses"
Obtained in Chapter 10 of the Ingo Arc, after going up the river to the south by boat from the riverside village.
"Winding Horn"
In the Ardelheit Arc, choose Faye to gather information about corruption of Minister at his mansion. You can find it in a small box in a hidden room in the minister's mansion (the room with the evidence of the fraud).
"The Lone Wolf Crest"
Obtained after completing Slayer's recollection event in the Faye Arc. First Gutrun must be defeated by Borde in his Arc, the number of chapter she defeated will be recorded. Meet Gutrun at the Temiro bar, and in the same chapter she defeated find her at abandoned house (very good place to replenish Faye MP without need to sleep)
"Bad Luck"
Obtained in the Fae Arc when you keep losing at gambling at the mercenary camp on the kingdom side.

How to obtain the most powerful equipment
Myrmidon (Faye)
Can be purchased at the weapon shop in Capital Aldran in the Faye Arc (78,000 G).
Slayer Style (Faye)
Can be purchased at the weapon shop in Zaldo in the Faye Arc (77,700 G).
Huge Hammer (Meat)
Can be obtained by defeating Gaspard in the Reda chapter.
Slayer Slayer (Ingo)
You can get it from a treasure chest in the Ingo chapter.
Unicorn Piercer
Obtained by clearing the unicorn event described below.
Sword of Node
Obtained in the Adelheit Arc in the process of completing the good end condition.
Tyrant Style
(Requires "Deep Sea Dragon Scale", "Darkblood fur" , and 300 metal materials).
Required 5 blacksmith
"Deep Sea Dragon Scale" can be obtained from the blue treasure chest in the nobleman's mansion.
"Darkblood fur" can be obtained by examining the cloth behind the weapons shop in the bazaar in Rupa.

Unicorn Event
This is a chain event that spans all the main characters.
The item can be obtained by clearing the event.
(1) In the Gear Arc, a unicorn is found in the middle of the forest where Lark's bathing event occurs.
(2) In the Ingo Arc, picks up Gia's glove in the forest around Fort Royce, sell it to merchant.
(3) In the Borde Arc, after receiving information from the merchant, invade Fort Royce.
(4) In the Adelheit Arc, take back [Fort Royce from the Empire. The Empire will invades Fort Royce in the same chapter as the one in which the Empire invaded Fort Royce in the Borde Arc The conditions are that
(a) Claris not left
(b) The minister not lost his position.
Because it is necessary to hear it from Claris and Mendelssohn in order to proceed with the event
(5) In the Faye Arc, after defeating Mendels, go back to the inn in Capital to confirm the posting and answer Mendels' call after that make contact with the unicorn in the vicinity of Fort Royce. * Faye must be a virgin.
(6) In the Leda Arc, receive Soria as a companion, see a unicorn in the woods in the north. Talk with Soria, receive "Unicorn Piercer" you will be informed of the completion of the event.
I've been collecting every item in this game, as well as every H-Scene and I wanted to ask, where do you get the "Slayer Slayer"? Did looted so many chests and got everything else from Ingo's story but that.
can anyone give tips? i'm trying to play as the Bandit guy and trying to have an encounter with Faye. I think it's RNG but I'm still stuck even though I have S/L multiple times.
can anyone give tips? i'm trying to play as the Bandit guy and trying to have an encounter with Faye. I think it's RNG but I'm still stuck even though I have S/L multiple times.
I think you need to have finished Faye's route first.
All special item
At the bar
The event progresses after clearing a certain number of endings.
1 Ending: Rowork will gives you a "Interrupt Song" and a customer behind the piano will gives you a "Ticket Stub" unlocking "Quaro Recital" (recollection mode), you can also check the conditions of the events that you have not watched yet.
3 Ending: Another customer in front of the one who give you ticket will be able to confirm the clear condition.
5 Ending: You can get "Humanity and Choice" from the waitress and "Dreamer's Medal" from the treasure chest in the back. Check the crate at the back and you will find a hidden staircase where you can get a op item "Signpost to Glory", made your character automatically win even in impossible battle (Gear alone vs Gutrun)
Clear all ending of each main character: You will enter the true ending through the conversation with the client in front of bar.
Clear 18 ending : Painter John completes the painting (all clear bonus).
"Psychology of Thieves" : from a customer near the entrance, after watched rape scene in the bar of Temiro City in the Faye Arc, where she raped by Imperial soldier after fall because crack at the bar floor (Do Faye Arc-> Sleep at Temiro -> Interrupt Imperial soldier -> Choose cracked floor -> H scene -> use "Interrupt Song" -> Talk to customer)

"Dispressor's Cloak"
In the Faye Arc, examine the cloth displayed in the armor shop of the bazaar in Rupa (purchase for 99,500 G).
"See-Through Glasses"
Obtained in Chapter 10 of the Ingo Arc, after going up the river to the south by boat from the riverside village.
"Winding Horn"
In the Ardelheit Arc, choose Faye to gather information about corruption of Minister at his mansion. You can find it in a small box in a hidden room in the minister's mansion (the room with the evidence of the fraud).
"The Lone Wolf Crest"
Obtained after completing Slayer's recollection event in the Faye Arc. First Gutrun must be defeated by Borde in his Arc, the number of chapter she defeated will be recorded. Meet Gutrun at the Temiro bar, and in the same chapter she defeated find her at abandoned house (very good place to replenish Faye MP without need to sleep)
"Bad Luck"
Obtained in the Fae Arc when you keep losing at gambling at the mercenary camp on the kingdom side.

How to obtain the most powerful equipment
Myrmidon (Faye)
Can be purchased at the weapon shop in Capital Aldran in the Faye Arc (78,000 G).
Slayer Style (Faye)
Can be purchased at the weapon shop in Zaldo in the Faye Arc (77,700 G).
Huge Hammer (Meat)
Can be obtained by defeating Gaspard in the Reda chapter.
Slayer Slayer (Ingo)
You can get it from a treasure chest in the Ingo chapter.
Unicorn Piercer
Obtained by clearing the unicorn event described below.
Sword of Node
Obtained in the Adelheit Arc in the process of completing the good end condition.
Tyrant Style
(Requires "Deep Sea Dragon Scale", "Darkblood fur" , and 300 metal materials).
Required 5 blacksmith
"Deep Sea Dragon Scale" can be obtained from the blue treasure chest in the nobleman's mansion.
"Darkblood fur" can be obtained by examining the cloth behind the weapons shop in the bazaar in Rupa.

Unicorn Event
This is a chain event that spans all the main characters.
The item can be obtained by clearing the event.
(1) In the Gear Arc, a unicorn is found in the middle of the forest where Lark's bathing event occurs.
(2) In the Ingo Arc, picks up Gia's glove in the forest around Fort Royce, sell it to merchant.
(3) In the Borde Arc, after receiving information from the merchant, invade Fort Royce.
(4) In the Adelheit Arc, take back [Fort Royce from the Empire. The Empire will invades Fort Royce in the same chapter as the one in which the Empire invaded Fort Royce in the Borde Arc The conditions are that
(a) Claris not left
(b) The minister not lost his position.
Because it is necessary to hear it from Claris and Mendelssohn in order to proceed with the event
(5) In the Faye Arc, after defeating Mendels, go back to the inn in Capital to confirm the posting and answer Mendels' call after that make contact with the unicorn in the vicinity of Fort Royce. * Faye must be a virgin.
(6) In the Leda Arc, receive Soria as a companion, see a unicorn in the woods in the north. Talk with Soria, receive "Unicorn Piercer" you will be informed of the completion of the event.
Almost word for word this reminds me of a guide online I saw a few months ago. For the life of me I can’t seem to find it again. Do you happen to have a link for it?