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Illyasviel's Ranch [GMed by Armacalic]

Re: Illyasviel's Ranch [GMed by Armacalic]

"Right..." Illya said smiling warmly at the dhampire before taking the Amulet and placing it snugly around her pale neck. "Would you mind terribly if I took the doll back to your lab, for reanimation. Someplace secure and out of the way, if she turns violent again?" She asked Venice, if she agreed Illya would take the box of doll parts back to the designated area and arrange them on a floor in a rough facsimile of a human body. She would then step back a few feet, close her eyes and folding her hands tightly together before chanting in some long forgotten tongue, arcane and alchemical symbols beginning to glow in a eerie blue light all over her body before will o' wisps would start manifesting around her and drifting towards and all around the dolls body. She would continue to raise her voice slightly louder as the spirits entered the doll through mouth, nose, eyes and other orifices. Shortly the doll would begin glowing a bright blue color, signaling the ritual was close to completion. Illya would snap her own eyes open and throw out her hands, the arcane symbols leaping off her body and going into the doll finishing the ceremony, bringing the doll back to life once more..... She would wait for it to come to full awareness and life before promptly pressing the button in the center just in case.
Re: Illyasviel's Ranch [GMed by Armacalic]

“That you can, lady Ilyasviel, but I have to set a couple of restrictions, for the safety of the facility.” Venice said, with a bit of regret in her voice, beckoning one of the girls outside the office to come inside, and so it did, a strong looking Lamia, donning a maid uniform as well, that befitted her image somehow. “You will have to be accompanied by this person. She will take care of the doll if something goes wrong.”

“Now, dear, guide lady Ilyasviel to the laboratory.”


The lich girl started with her ritual, following a procedure the lamia had seen a couple of times before, the serpent woman watched with a frown in her face, her body ready to jump in the moment something looked dangerous.

Before long, the doll started stirring, slowly lifting itself up with slightly mechanical movements, taking its time to get set straight before looking around, finding both Ilya and the lamia looking at it from a safe distance, the doll take two steps toward the girl before stopping. Looking at Ilya as if the doll was waiting for something, but what? Maybe Ilya could figure it out.
Re: Illyasviel's Ranch [GMed by Armacalic]

Illya made no objections to being accompanied by the lamia and after the ritual was finished would look back to the lamia and giver her a knowing nod, before turning her attention back to the doll as she tool a couple of steps toward her before stopping. As the doll stopped infront of them Illya cautiously and slowly tool the same two steps towars the doll before stopping as well. She would then make a courtsey to the doll before adrressin her, "Doll... I apologize for neglecting you with my undeath. Twas not my attention, as I was sadly not even aware of your very existence. If I had known you were around and waiting for me I would have taken you to the orphanage with me. It woul gave made my childhood less bleak... If you are willing to forgive me and give me a chance I would like to give you the love and attetion you desired and were woefully denied by my heedless actions. Will you accept my apology? I truly wish not to have to battle you and harm you again." She said as she extended her hand out towards the doll in a gesture of peace.
Re: Illyasviel's Ranch [GMed by Armacalic]

The cold, artificial eyes continued staring at Ilya without an emotion to show, motionless in the spot it had stopped at. For a moment, if the lich girl had paid any attention while talking, she could have noticed and sworn that the doll tilted its head from time to time, reminiscent of a child looking at an object with innocent curiosity.

Ilya finished, and the doll just stared, seconds elapsed, and the doll didn’t move, the lamia maid behind Ilya began preparing her claws just in case anything happened, approaching Ilya to have time to jump between her and the doll if needed be. A minute elapsed, and the doll twitched, then, much to Ilya’s pleasure, it did a curtsy of its own accord and, moving a hand, somewhat shakily, the doll's hand meet with the lich girl’s own, replying to her gesture.

“Ssssseemss it wassss a ssssuccesss, Lady Ilyassssviel.” Stated the lamia as she relaxed a bit.
Re: Illyasviel's Ranch [GMed by Armacalic]

In a rare show of full emotion, Illya smiled brightly, taking a firm grip on the doll's hand before pulling it in for a full embrace. She held the doll tightly and closely for several seconds before releasing it and stroking its once again silky black hair. "Yes... I am most pleased, and relieved. Though I suppose I should give her an actual name rather just doll, yes?" She responded to the lamia before putting her finger to her chin and tilting her head in concentration, "Hmmmm...... How does..... Silvie, sound to you? Do you like that name?" She asked friendly towards the doll awaiting her answer.
Re: Illyasviel's Ranch [GMed by Armacalic]

The doll seemed to go stiff for a moment when it was embraced by Ilya, as if suddenly taken aback by such a sudden move, but the doll didn’t fight back, although it seemed like the lamia was about to pounce on both of them. But nothing happened, thankfully for the 3 of them.

The doll continued looking, with its head tilted slightly sideways, as if confused or curious at what the lich girl was pondering. Until she shoot a question, making the doll flinch as if surprised before its head dropped for a second. After a while it looked up, with those expressionless blue eyes of hers, giving a quiet nod to Ilya’s suggestion.
Re: Illyasviel's Ranch [GMed by Armacalic]

Illya kinda pouted as the doll merely nodded at her question. Murr. I hope she isn't going to be a total mute. That'd get.... kind of boring, fairly quickly. She thought before playfully tapping her on the head with knuckles and stepping back, sticking her tongue at the doll, "Silly. Can you not speak? You don't have to remain silent. Besides it'll get rather lonely and boring in my room and lab at our ranch without a decent conversation partner~" She said in a teasing manner, before resuming her usual calm and businesslike demeanor and turning to the lamia, giving her a small curtsy. "Thank you for your assistance." She said as she made her way out of the laboratory and back into Venice's office, where she curtsied to the dhampire before speaking, "Thank you, Lady Venice for all you have done for me, us. Is there anything else I need to know? Anything I will need to do? If not I will return to my homestead." She said in a businesslike and formal manner. If Illy had nothing to add or anything, she would turn to Silvie before speaking, "Come, Silvie. Let us return home, we have much to prepare."
Re: Illyasviel's Ranch [GMed by Armacalic]

The doll looked at Ilya for a couple of seconds, her mouth slowly taking a shape, smiling as it said “I… can.” She said, with apparent shyness behind her voice.

With that the lamia took both of them to Venice’s office again, to show the fruits of Ilya’s labor.

“Ah, Lady Ilyasviel,I can see that the ritual was a complete success.” She turned to the stoic doll with a slight snicker coming out of her. “And what’s this little one’s name?” Silvie took a step back at the question, moving somewhat meekly as she moved behind Ilya, a small blush betraying her stoic demeanor.

“There’s very little else you need to know, Lady Ilya. As of now you are credited officially, I hope your enterprise proves fruitful.”
Re: Illyasviel's Ranch [GMed by Armacalic]

"Don't be afraid, Venice is a friend~" she said as she patted Silvie's silky black hair, "Lady Venice, this is my dear friend Silvie. I am afraid she is quite shy around others, milady." She said as she took a hold of Silvies hand gently like a mother or elder sister would her daughter's or younger siblings. "Thank you, Venice. I shall strive to care for my mamono the best I can, and not to get too absorbed in such negative thoughts. If there is nothing else, then I shall take Silvie and head back to our ranch. Thank you for everything, milady." She said as she gave the dhampire a curtsy before heading back to her house, "Come along, Silvie~" she cooed out at her doll friend.

After some time, she would arrive back at her estate, "Were back, Tomas. Please tell Sor Claus that Silvie will no longer be a threat or a problem. We will be on my quarters if you need anything." But before she entered, she paused for a bit before turning to look at Silvie, "Though I will have to get some food for you. Both of us actually. Is there anything in particular you would like, Silvie?" She asked kindly, whatever Silvie requested Illya would be sure to order a weeks worth of it before heading back to her room, Silvie in tow.
Re: Illyasviel's Ranch [GMed by Armacalic]

“Welcome back milady.” Tomas exclaimed as he looked at both short figures entering the mansion, nodding as Ilya explained the situation, the butler smiled at the doll who flinched slightly, backing off a step while Tomas sighed with some disappointment under his breath.

“Will do milady, I’m sure he’ll be pleased to know that… Although I would recommend milady to avoid having the little missy wandering on her own, just to be on the safe side.”

With that, everything seemed to be fine, as they started talking a bit about food while walking, it was no surprise that Silvie fumbled her words again as Ilya asked her, the living doll was a bit of at a loss, looking into the windows one after another as she tried to think.

“Ah… a b-baked potato…” She said after a bit of deliberation, catching Ilya and Tomas by surprise, the latter unable to hide a chuckle that made Silvie get closer to Ilya as she tugged onto her sleeve, looking almost as if pouting with her slightly puffed cheeks.
Re: Illyasviel's Ranch [GMed by Armacalic]

Illya also chuckled a little at Silvie's request, "Very good~ I will be sure to order a weeks worth of potatoes for you then." She said as she patted the dolls head softly, "Thank you, Tomas. I'll be sure to keep Silvie on watch and try to keep her out of trouble. Thank you for your kindness and understanding." She said as looked back to Silvie, "I put in the order for the potatoes, Silvie. They should be here before too long. Then we just have to cook them. Meanwhile I think I should get you some training, just to see what needs work and what your strengths are." She said as she ruffled the dolls hair playfully.

Sunday: Rest
Monday: Domino
Tuesday: Endure
Wendsday: Dodge
Thursday: Study
Friday: Shoot
Saturday: Run
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Re: Illyasviel's Ranch [GMed by Armacalic]

“Got it, how about you milady?” Tomas asked, waiting for the lich girl’s answer before bowing at the pair with an unmoving smile. “I’ll make sure to stock on the ingredients then, milady, little missy.” With that, he moved out of the room, leaving Ilya and Silvie to do their own thing.

“Training?” Silvie reacted with certain curiosity at the word, visibly happy and yet slightly confused. “What do I do?” She asked quietly, preparing herself to do exactly as instructed if needed be.
Re: Illyasviel's Ranch [GMed by Armacalic]

"I would like some grilled tuna and chicken with light seasoning, and a small salad please, Tomas thank you." Illya said before turning to the doll and pinching Silvie's cheek playfully, "Yes, silly. You'll need to work and get strong in case we run into any wild mamono, or I decide to partake in the tournaments. These exercises will help make you faster, smarter and stronger. For tonight though, you can just relax~ You've already had a trying day with the excitement from earlier. So, for tonight we can just eat, play talk and relax before bed. We will need a good deal of rest for the busy week ahead." She said as she walked up to her room with Silvie in tow while they waited for the food to arrive and Tomas to finish preparing their meal. After that they would share a warm bath and play together before Illya and she would take turning grooming each other and tending to each other's hair, before finally settling in for the night. The next day, Illya would see to Silvie's training beginning with the domino program.

((Today is Sunday))
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Re: Illyasviel's Ranch [GMed by Armacalic]

“Ow… o-ok…” The living doll could do nothing more than to pout under her master’s attack on her cheek which quickly took on a red hue. “No training… today, then.” Silvie said as if to convince herself, and then started walking around the room to watch all the objects and furniture within its confines. Before long, Tomas arrived with the requested food, leaving the trays neatly organized in one of the couple of small tables in her room.

“Bon appétit girls. I hope you find both of these dishes to your liking. If you need more, just ask.”

The whole thing seemed pretty much rehearsed as Tomas walked out of the room again, leaving the girls to fend for themselves against the food, with silver utensils that Ilya would certainly not remember, not only because of her condition, but because these had never been in the mansion prior to that day.

The remainder of the day was spent leisurely, Silvie learning a lot of things she had had no knowledge of before, because of all the time she had remained uncared for.

The next day came quickly, seeing both girls snoring quietly, with comfortably cuddled with each other, with Ilya’s chin resting on Silvie’s head as Silvie’s cheek squished Ilya’s chest.
Re: Illyasviel's Ranch [GMed by Armacalic]

"D'awwwwwww~ You're such a cutie, Silvie!~" Illya said as she deftly and quickly plucked the doll up and proceeded to spin her around, mashing her face into her chest before setting her down and nuzzling the top of her head. Once dinner was ready, Illya took the time during which to speak with Silvie, asking what sort of things she would like to do, what sort of mamono she would like for playmates, and idle chit chat. When they had finished dinner, Illya would take Silvie to the bath, filling the tub with medium warm water and lots of bubbles before delicately stripping the doll of her clothes and setting her inside of it and joining her herself. The two would take turns, gently scrubbing each down, starting with their backs, occasionally playfully splashing the water at each other before rinsing off, getting and drying off. Then they slip into their pajamas and brush each other, getting it nice and silky, before crawling into bed and tucking each other in before nodding off to sleep to end the day.


The next day, Illya would wake up with Silvie's hair underneath her chin, taking a moment to sniff in the delightful clean scent of her recently washed mop, and nuzzling the dolls head before giggling to herself as she saw her snuggled up against her bosom. She would then gently rouse the little doll from her slumber, "Wakey wakey, sleepyhead~ It's time to get up. I hope you had a good night's sleep, because this week will be quite busy. First, let's get dressed and see what Tomas has prepared for breakfast. Then we need to head to the mamono training area. Don't worry, I'll tag along with you, okay?~" She said as she headed downstairs to the kitchen after getting dressed.
Re: Illyasviel's Ranch [GMed by Armacalic]

“Ok.” Was all the living doll could say, not really knowing what the day would have in store for her, luckily for them, Tomas arrived just after both of them had finished dressing, “Good morning milady, little missy. I will have you know today appears to be a sunny day with next to no chances of rain.” He said in a joking tone as he entered the room carrying in his hands 2 trays yet again.

“Let’s try my luck today, shall we?” He said, with his hands ready to reveal the contents of the trays. “I took my liberty to try and guess correctly what both of you would have for breakfast. So come on, tell me, what did you have in mind?”

Silvie retreated into her chair at the presence of Tomas, but it seemed that she was starting to get used to his presence, if only a little. “Ham and eggs…” She said with the faintest of voices, provoking a smile to appear on Tomas’s face. He lifted the lid, revealing effectively such one dish, a pair of sunny-side up eggs and a bit of ham. He would end up doing the same for Ilya, even if the request had been outlandish.

“Bon appétit. I’ll take care of the general cleaning of this room at 7 pm each day, so milady can rest assured.” With that, he left the room to continue with his other duties.

“It’s… tasty.” Silvie commented right afterwards, her cheeks turning a light rosy tint as she tasted this new flavor in her mouth.

They would enjoy their meal, and whenever Ilya decided it they would leave for the mamono training grounds, where a retainer would be waiting for them to approach and instruct them properly.
Re: Illyasviel's Ranch [GMed by Armacalic]

When Tomas arrived with the two trays and asked them what they wanted Illya would grow a small impish grin on her pale features, "...... Monkey brains." She said in a small mischievous voice just to get a rise out of the butler. When he and Silvie would start and look at her she would let out an impish giggle before batting her hand at him playfully, "Im teasing, Tomas! Im sure whatever you prepared will be fine." She said as he revealed the ham and eggs. She would cut into the meat and eggs and chew them slowly and deliberately before swallowing, a small smile appearing on her face, "Thank you. It was quite good. And thank you for taking care of clean up." She then turned to Silvie who had commented on the taste before pattin her head, "Well, Silvie-chan? Are you ready for a big day. Well start out with some strength excercises today, then tomorrow will be endurance followed by agility, academics, dexterity and then fitness. We can take a couple of days or so off after that. I just need to see what all well need work on, okay?" She said as she linked her arm in Silvies and made off towards the training grounds.
Re: Illyasviel's Ranch [GMed by Armacalic]

“I’m… ready.” The living doll said, although quite contrary to her words, her body was all but content with the idea for some reason. When they arrived they were greeted by the first trainer, who had already set up a place for the living doll to practice. “You Ilyasviel Von Tepes?” The trainer would nod after she identified, taking the living doll to an open space, containing solely big sized slabs of stone standing right one after another, “Give it a go, down them all.” Silvie gulped audibly before she prepared, taking off for the slabs. With a tackle in the right spot, she sent the first one down, followed by another, and another, and so on until the 8 slab that stubbornly refused to move even under the weight.

“Good job there.”

(Silvie gets +8 to power)

“A’ight.” The same trainer from yesterday, a tall and well built Cow girl, took them to a special area, where an impressive water fall awaited the trembling girl. “D-do I have to?” The girl said with a couple of tears in her eyes to Ilya, before the cow girl simply took her by the collar and left her near the deafening waters. The living doll entered, crying slightly as she tried to hold on for as long as she could, but it didn’t take long, from one moment to another, she was lost from the platform. Only to be found downstream, coughing and shivering with cold and fear. “I’ve seen better, you hafta try better.”

“I don’t want to try again…” The doll cried in the faintest of voices.

(Silvie gets +1 to Defense)

The cow girl snorted with a smirk. “Good to see your master’s got a good sense of perseverance. Come ‘ere.”. This time the pair was led into something of a target then, the buzzing already loud enough that they could imagine what was inside.

“You hafta dodge ‘em, go nuts.” The cow girl said giving one strong push at the doll that left her right in the middle of a number of fairies, all snickering at the sight. “All girls on target! Let’s get her!” That was about the only warning the living doll had before she was swarmed, avoiding the first, the second, Silvie was trumped when one of the fairies came from the side, and then another. “Good job everyone, specially you sweety!” The apparent leader of the fairies said as she went on to fondle the one that had gotten to Silvie first, leaving the place to them.

(Silvie gets +5 to Speed)

“Aight, I mite not look like it, but I’m a real book worm too. Come ‘ere.” The cow girl would end up guiding. The session went well for the most part. Until Silvie nodded off due to a combination of exhaustion and boredom. “I don’t mind the girl sleeping a bit mizzy, ‘tis stuff is sometimes hard to understand.”

(Silvie gets +6 to Intelligence)

“Aight, you are going to hit stuff now.” The cow girl said as they arrived at the target range, where a bunch of were off playing unaware of their surroundings. “Go get ‘em girl.” Nobody had to know these fairies were just receiving punishment for fleeing of to play instead of an actual training.

“Eek!” Fell the first fairy after being hit with a rock, alerting the other fairies that there was something, “Ouch! Ow!” Fell the second and the third, while the 4 one managed to run off, clearly knowing she was to be reprimanded.

“Good job, that arm of yours is well put.” The cow girl said, petting Silvie on the head a bit too strongly, making the doll wince a little with a tear on her face.

(Silvie gets+7 to Skill)

The cow girl only grinned at the pair as she saw what the living doll had in store, and took them quietly this time to an open space, a track field. “Alright, you are to run for 1 hour today.”

The whimpers of the living doll could be heard for most of the better part of an hour, until she fell down completely exhausted just 15 minutes short of the mark. “Good job there, you wouldn’t believe how many people fall on the first 20 minutes.”

(Silvie gets +10 to Life)
Re: Illyasviel's Ranch [GMed by Armacalic]

Illya watched intently as Silvie would get onto each of her training excercises, being sure to try to give an encouraging word after each one. As Silvie charged, and knocked all but the last(?) domino down with her blow, she cheered her on from the side lines, "ALRIGHT! WAY TO GO SILVIE!~" she said as she ran and glomped the doll celebratorily.

Next she watched on nervously as Silvie entered the area with the waterfall, crying out loud and worriedly as she was swept away by the tsunami, "SILVIE-CHAN!" She screamed out as she ran down the stream, rapidly hugging and drying out the poor soaked and terrified doll girl. "Thats okay, we can try it again after a good while. But defense is an important part of your training." She said wiping the tears from her eyes.

She ran up to pat an ruffle the doll girls head after she had finished the dodging session, "You did well, Silvie-chan! Next time I lnow they wont be able to touch you~" she said before giving her a little squeeze.

"No worries." Illya said as she gently ruffled the dolls hair, not to wake her. "Shes ha a trying week so far. D'awww~ shes so cute asleep..." She said adoringly at the sleeping doll.

"Alright, Silvie! That was how its done! Excellent aim!" She said coming up and offering the doll a bottle of water. "I have to say your training is coming along swimmingly!" She gradulated her friend.

Finally, as Silvie inevitably dropped from exhaustion, she ran up and lifted the doll girl up on her back piggy-style. "Alright. I think thats enough for a while. You can rest now Silvie..." She said lovingly. She then turned to the Holstasorus, "Thank you for everything this week. Well see you later~"


She let Silvie sleep that night, gettin her self ready while the doll rested and finally tucked herself in with her. That next day when they both awoke, she would await for her to wake up before heading to the bath with her, washin and playing contently as they did the prior week. During breakfast, she would speak to Silvie. "I was most pleased with you training Silvie. You did remakably well in all accounts. So I thought I would reward you with atrip through Venice City an maybe see if I could buy something nice. What do you say? Does that sound fun?" She said awaiting her mamono's answer.
Re: Illyasviel's Ranch [GMed by Armacalic]

The little mamono looked at Ilya with wide eyes, before slowly but surely, a tiny smile appeared on her face, before she nodded at the suggestion. Her mouth moved, saying yes, but the excitement robbed her of her whispers, it was decided then.

They would move onto the big city, which by now had moved to a different topic, so except for the occasional comment or glance through her way, Ilya was now being completely ignored. Or was it simply that there was a small girl at her side? People didn’t look at them regardless.

There was a lot of stuff to do in the city, there was a local amusements park, nothing but a ranch that had gotten the idea of creating a couple of mamono-powered attractions for people. Or they could go get themselves a treat first, there was a lot of different places, bakeries, candy stores, or perhaps going into a full fledge restaurant would do?

Or perhaps paying a visit to Venice first? Paying her respects talk to her a bit of luck had it that the dhampire wasn’t too busy.

The outskirts of the city were no slouch either, what they didn’t have in stores or other business, it made up with breath taking views that could soothe one’s hearts.