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Immoral and Unethical (Aaron;Rathuris)

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Stories one might hear about are often of rather amazing people. A diamond slime with the power to bring about world peace, a man protecting his demonic little sister, a scylla with her eyes set on the throne of Atlantis, and an inventor with a past of regret who went over seas and flew into into a world over his head. Not all stories though, are of amazing people...

Aaron's story was one of a timid halfbreed born from the womb of a holstaurus, and was altered by an angry witch to look more feminine. The witch alone was but one of many cases. Aaron, like many other men in a world of mamono, would have been bullied and pushed around by those who'd refer to themselves as the superior sex, until he came across the skilled combatant. A man who could wield both steel and magical thread in hand. A rare talent, indeed. Aaron would approach this man, and ask to learn from him as an apprentice. "I'm sorry, little girl. You don't look much suited for combat~" he said, before patting Aaron's head. A clarification later, and the man understood. "So, that is the case! I didn't recognize you as a fellow man with that curse put upon you!" he laughed. The man wore a traveling robe, and had rather simple, short cut brown hair, and stood a fair bit taller than Aaron.

"You may call me Master Fenrir." he introduced himself, before he heard out Aaron's name, and announced his terms.

"If you want me to train you, you'll have to do whatever I say, alright?" he said with an intentful smile. All he needed to hear was an acknowledgement. "Great! Now, I'm curious, so strip down, alright?" he commanded Aaron, before doing a full body examination of the halfbreed, most astonished with his testicles. "So, for lack of breasts, a male holstaurus acquires larger than average genital size. Interesting." he commented, and the strange man's antics would only continue...

Chapter 1: Immoral and Unethical

What Aaron had to suffer wasn't always sexual. Plenty of times Fenrir would play pranks on him, and justify it by calling it training. While walking quietly along a dirt path, he would suddenly shout, "DODGE!" before Aaron would received a slap to the forehead, stinging with pain. "Your reaction time is still terrible." Fenrir sighed. "I honestly wonder how much of my training you remember? I want to test it out... Let's see..." Fenrir looked a little off the path, searching for something, before he came across some tracks on the dirt. "Perfect." He grinned. "Looks like the tracks of a giant mouse. Follow them, and remember my training." he advised, though he never taught Aaron how to deal with giant mice.

The tracks led into the woods, prime ambushing territory. Though Fenrir seemed to have confidence in Aaron, assured that he'd definitely succeed. If not, then he'd fail and get to watch Aaron enjoy a woman's touch.
Re: Immoral and Unethical (Aaron;Rathuris)

Aaron gave a startled little "Eep" when his master yelled dodge, only to see the hand smacking him in the forhead too late. As he held his forehead in pain, over the red handprint, he frowned and mumbled. "Sorry Master." He followed his master gaze and looked at the tracks.

"Yes Master." Approaching the edge of the path cautiously he bent over to examine them closely. Hoping to see some sign of how many and how recent the tracks were. Also to check to see which direction they went incase he needed to return to the path.
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Re: Immoral and Unethical (Aaron;Rathuris)

"Be careful!" he cautioned his trainee. "You wouldn't want to get bitten." he said, watching as Aaron went about stalking the tracks to find the mouse. It didn't take terribly long either.

Aaron soon stalked up to an opening in the vegetation. A single large mouse was sitting with her legs folded, eating an apple she stole from a nearby apple tree, her two front teeth chomping into the juicy apple and tearing it apart as she quickly ate it. It seemed Aaron had the jump on her.
Re: Immoral and Unethical (Aaron;Rathuris)

He looked about the clearing cautiously, before sneaking up towards the mouse. Though despite his mission to fight her, he could not help but be nice to the monster. "Hello, my name is Aaron." Given the mouse a smile should she look at him. "Would you like to come with me? My master would like to meet you."
Re: Immoral and Unethical (Aaron;Rathuris)

Looking up at Aaron, the mouse listened, before suddenly grinning at Aaron. Without a word, it jumped, and tackled against Aaron, knocking him to the ground, before she put her lips to his neck. He could feel her lightly biting him, not enough to cause pain, but clearly to arouse, as he began to feel magic flow through him from her kiss.

"Are you winning, Aaron?" his master inquired from behind the trees and bushes.
Re: Immoral and Unethical (Aaron;Rathuris)

He gave a small gasped as the mouse woman kissed his neck. He began to grow hard as he felt the magic of the kiss trying to stir. In a panic, he pushed his hands out towards her. His hands squeezing her breasts accidently. Trying to ignore his growing arousal and the mouse soft bosom, he closed his eyes.

Focusing deep within himself, he called for his magic, sending threads of power through the air. His mind shaping and binding them together as he sent them spiralling towards the mouse. Focusing on the mouse he let out a deep breath as if trying to blow her off of him, his magic mixing with his breath and taking shape as a gust of wind.

He gave a silent pray as he unleashed the wind spell on the mouse, hoping it would blow her off before he got too distracted.
Re: Immoral and Unethical (Aaron;Rathuris)

Magic focusing, a gap was created between Aaron and the mouse, before a flourish of air sent the rodent girl sailing through the air a short distance off of the ground, and sliding along her back a few inches when she touched the ground.

Magic seemed to frighten the creature, as it quickly tried to pick itself up and run away quickly.
Re: Immoral and Unethical (Aaron;Rathuris)

He stood up on wobbly legs, as he adjusted his pants. Looking to where his master voice came from during the struggle and speaking quickly. "Should I go after her, master?"
Re: Immoral and Unethical (Aaron;Rathuris)

"No," Fenrir replied, coming through the brush. "Despite being as large as children, those mice make good on their name, able to access many locations and escape from predators." he explained, before seeing Aaron looked a little flushed, and noting the mark on his shoulder. "Ah, she bit you. Isn't that a shame." Fenrir chuckled at Aaron's misfortune. "I can cure you, if you'll hold still." he offered, though at his touch on the bite mark that looked like no more than a hickey, Aaron would feel a rush of pleasure course through him, clearly a venomous bite filled with aphrodisiac.
Re: Immoral and Unethical (Aaron;Rathuris)

"Okay." Nodding as Fenrir explained about the mouse. He gave his master a nod and let him touch his throat. As he felt his master's touch, he let out a girly gasp and wobbled slightly. His hands quickly reaching to his groin to adjust his very obvious hardon. He gently bit his lip, a bright blush covering his cheeks, as he waited for his master to cure him.
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Re: Immoral and Unethical (Aaron;Rathuris)

"How unsightly of you." Fenrir commented while looking at Aaron. "You're making it seem like it's me making you act this way." he said, before withdrawing his hand. The lust and desire didn't go away immediately, but it would feel more controllable than before, meaning Aaron could relax a moment until it went away. "All done. Hopefully, that was just a fluke and you won't need my aid again."
Re: Immoral and Unethical (Aaron;Rathuris)

He gave a sigh as his master removed his hand. "Sorry master, the poison made your touch feel very go...." He quickly shut up as he realized what he was about to say. Looking away to hide the blush. "Sorry master, I will do better next time."

Deciding to dust himself off to keep his hands busy and to hide his slowly fading arousal. Fixing his messy robes and shirt while he spoke. "What will we do now master? Are we going somewhere?"
Re: Immoral and Unethical (Aaron;Rathuris)

"You best," Fenrir replied, nodding at Aaron's declaration to do better, and seemingly ignoring the first part. "You've already forgotten why we're out here? Well, mostly I wish to document some species of mamono, but we're also here for you!" he announced. "Get some training done! Trust me, with my techniques in hand, all you have to do is lose a little! Every healthy young man gets his butt beat the first few times," he said, trying to encourage Aaron.

With that, Fenrir would help lead Aaron out of the thick brush, and out and onto the open dirt road again. "Let's follow the path, I'm sure we'll find something interesting!" Fenrir declared. It wasn't long before Fenrir did indeed see something interesting. "Signs of bandits! Oh goodie!" he said, actually happy as he witnessed signs of a struggle, and a broken wagon wheel. "Possibly human bandits from the look of it. I've never seen human women take to banditry, but we're about to find out!" he declared with a smile, before he looked up, saw something, and immediately jumped, climbing into a tree and vanishing from sight.

Just then, a figure came into view from the road. And then two more came into view, until Aaron stood before five approaching women wearing light leather armor and hair contained within bandanas and the like, all looking dirty from travel and rather ruffled from a rough life. The one in front, a brown haired woman with green eyes and fair build, grinned when she saw Aaron. "What's this we got here? You lost, traveler?" she inquired, though the air was not friendly. Aaron's surroundings would suddenly feel thick with oppression. A red headed woman with brown eyes behind the leader smiled at Aaron as well. "You're not lost anymore. You found yourself straight into trouble~" she cooed.

"Don't get raped." Fenrir whispered from the trees. "Kick their asses!"
Re: Immoral and Unethical (Aaron;Rathuris)

He frowned as he followed his master back onto the road. As he saw the signs of a struggle, he could not help but hide behind his master. "B-B-Bandits?!" Giving a scared whisper that quickly turned into a frightened squeek when he saw his master quickly vanish at the sight of the approahing bandits.

He raised his hand infront of him and focused. Small invisible threads extending from within him. He carefully molded and knoted up the strands above his open palm, as he willed a flame barely bigger then his fist to appear. He gave a scared little shiver as he spoke with a shakey voice. "Y-you don't want to mess with me. I-I'm a mage." The small girly boy hoping his display of magic would deter them, as he quickly realized five were five too many enemies for him.
Re: Immoral and Unethical (Aaron;Rathuris)

The five bandits seemed to do a double take when Aaron made his claim to magic, and made good on those claims with a tiny display. All of the bandits were silent for a moment, seeming to think amongst themselves before one asked the question. "... Is that all you can do?" she asked. Then the other bandits began to share her doubt. "Yeah, how much of a mage are you?" one inquired further. "Can you pull a rabbit out of a hat?" another laughed, causing the others to chuckle as well, downplaying Aaron's ability, though they looked in no rush to see if Aaron's power was more than they were estimating it.
Re: Immoral and Unethical (Aaron;Rathuris)

"Uh..." He was taken aback at their lack of concern after his display and their taunts. He began to think quickly about what to do. Crap. Now what do I do? Should I build a wall of earth.... No that would take to long and they could get me in that time. Ice? No, takes to much focus to attack so many. Fireballs would have worked if there weren't so many. Wind? No, that would just slow them down. Oh, no... What do I do?

He looked about the forest a moment before looking at the flame in his hand. As he saw how it moved and shifted with the wind he got an idea. "Enough t-to fry you..." Speaking back boldy, trying to hide his fear. "Do not come closer o-or you'll end up BBQ'ed." Summoning up more threads, as he slowly sent them towards the flame, binding and melding them together as he once more began to form the threads into a small directed path infront of him.

With a 'whoosh' he sent a foot wide burst of bright orange flame from his palm and sprayed it in a arc infront of him. The flame barely going six feet infront of him. as the spray ended only the flame in his palm remained. Wiping some sweat from his forehead he looked at the bandits. "Well?" I just hope they don't press, I doubt I am strong enough to do many more of those.
Re: Immoral and Unethical (Aaron;Rathuris)

The bandits took a step back from the display of flames, clearly double taking on the idea of rushing someone who could do that. They seemed to huddle for a moment, before suddenly clearing a path in the road. "Well, you've convinced us! We're just gonna let you on through then. No hard feelings!" The tall, brown skinned bandit said, before leading the others clear past Aaron, seemingly leaving him be.

Despite the bandit's apparent departure, it seemed Aaron's master wasn't there to praise him. He wasn't in the tree, and all Aaron had was his objective to follow the road to the next town for rest and good food. Normally, Fenrir did this due to whatever test Aaron was being put through being unfinished. So such meant that such was likely not the last he'd see of the bandits...
Re: Immoral and Unethical (Aaron;Rathuris)

He nodded as they went past him and left him be. He let out a sigh as he looked back to see that they would leave him alone. Yay, I can for a moment. Wiping the sweat from his forehead he looked about for his master. Not seeing him brought on a frown. Guess he still has something planned.... I am glad they didn't attack. I am quickly getting tired from using magic. He took some deep breathes to try and ease the pent up tension in his body.

Not sure what to do he stood thinking for a moment. Should I try and find master? Or should I continue on in case he went ahead? He tugged and lightly scratched a floppy ear in hesitation, unsure of what to do while by himself. He took a step towards where his master vanished, but stopped as he glanced at the forest and what might lurk with in. With a scared glance towards some bushes and trees, his chosice was made for him as it rustled in the wind. With a start at the rustling of the wind, he hurridly started down the road. Not bothering to look back in his flustered haste.
Re: Immoral and Unethical (Aaron;Rathuris)

Aaron's travels would take him down the road until evening began to set in. Still no sign of his master or any other threats, though there were a few mamono that passed by in the distance through the trees, seemingly uninterested in attacking Aaron. Fenrir would have taught Aaron well enough to survive and make camp on a basic level, so all was a matter of finding some berries, which Aaron did, and locating a spot in the woods to set up camp. Either that, or braving the night, and it's likely predators.
Re: Immoral and Unethical (Aaron;Rathuris)

He gave a sigh of relief as he was unmolested during his journey despite the harrowing appearances of more monsters. It is getting dark, should I hurry on looking for master? Or should I hunker down for the night and rest after using so much magic today? It might be safer to find a spot to hide for the night. As he happily munched on some berries, he searched for a spot to camp for the night. He quickly found a spot several feet from the path samwiched between a few trees and some bushes. Seeing that it let him see the path while keeping him hidden was a bonus. Removing his robe, he set to work getting together a camp.

He built a small lean-to against the trees and bushes. Laying down interwoven leaves and stickes to both prevent water from getting inside as well as given it a natural debris sort of look. After making sure there was no small rocks inside his little shelter he looked about for something to make a bed of. With a smile, he gathered up some moss and some leaves and laid it on the ground for a soft bedding. Now I just need something for my head. Gathering his robe, he bundled it up into a small pillow and laid that at the end of the lean-to and against the tree. After a hour, he nodded in satisfaction at his improvised camp. Though he would forgo a fire tonight as he knew it would attract more trouble, then it would scare off.

Looking about to make sure he was alone, he removed his tunic and began to unbind his chest. Giving a relieved sigh as his chest pushed out, no longer being held by the bandages. I should really get master to teach me about shapeshifting magic, or at least how to break curses. He massaged his sore breasts for a few moments before throwing his tunic back on. That feels much better, the bindings have been getting painful lately. Perhaps I shouldn't wear them? I will have to ask master, he has had more experience with women then me. He threw his chest bindings into his shelter befor sitting down one more. He gathered up more berries and made a small dinner out of them. It is going to be a cold night without master. Crawling into his shelter, he covered up the entrance with leaves and sticks to try and hide it. Once he felt safe in his little shelter he laid down, gathering up some large leaves as a makeshift blanket. Despite his intention to remain awake for a couple hours in case his master found him, he was asleep mere moments after his head touched his pillow.
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