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Immoral and Unethical (Aaron;Rathuris)

Re: Immoral and Unethical (Aaron;Rathuris)

"I'm sure," the bandit began, before halting, as she seemed to be more intoxicated than before. "-that it won't matter. Either way, you're fine with it, right?"
Re: Immoral and Unethical (Aaron;Rathuris)

Aaron gave a small breath of relief at her words. Still fidgeting nervously as he squeeked out a single word. "Yes...." Trying to avoid looking at her as he tried to stop the bright red blush on his face. Though he was having very little luck with the thought of what will happen.
Re: Immoral and Unethical (Aaron;Rathuris)

The bandit girl was silent for a time. The conversation making her remain a bit against the idea of conversation, until she just looked at him directly. "You ever had experience with that kind of thing?" she inquired, letting Aaron decide on how to answer that.
Re: Immoral and Unethical (Aaron;Rathuris)

Aaron looked even more embarressed as she sat squirming in the bandit's gaze. His face still bright red as he answered her question. "Yes.... Some...." The small half-breed continued to fidget under the bandit's gaze and likely everyone elses as well.
Re: Immoral and Unethical (Aaron;Rathuris)

More silence. The bandit had her fair share of the drink before she seemed to finally be empty. "Don't sweat all that right now. How about we just get you a room and you sleep on it? I feel pretty relaxed myself." she said with a chuckle.
Re: Immoral and Unethical (Aaron;Rathuris)

Aaron gave a meek nod. "A room would be good." Still shy and embarressed about being propositioned. He stood up and looked nervously at the bandit. "Could you show me where my room is?" The small half-breed clearly trying to calm down, though with his bright red face he didn't look too successful.
Re: Immoral and Unethical (Aaron;Rathuris)

"Sure thing. I need to lay down myself after all that drink." The bandit announced, before going into the back and not even getting keys, before Aaron would realize that they didn't use keys. You just locked your door from the inside. "Here's the room." the bandit announced, before walking Aaron into a small box room with naught but a rectangular straw bed. Not even a nightstand was provided. It was only short of sleeping like an animal.
Re: Immoral and Unethical (Aaron;Rathuris)

Aaron gave a start as the bandit wander away. Quickly moving after her once he realized she likely already had the key. He followed the woman into the room and looked at the woman, a light blush still covering his face. Though the room was bare and barely livable, it was much better then sleeping outside without shelter. Sitting down on the bed he began to squirm nervously. "So... Uh... What now?"
Re: Immoral and Unethical (Aaron;Rathuris)

The bandit shrugged. "Just... Take a load off, I suppose." the bandit offered. "Why do you look so nervous? It's making me nervous." The bandit sighed, shaking her head. "Anyways... Need anything? Or should I just leave you be?"
Re: Immoral and Unethical (Aaron;Rathuris)

Aaron gave a small nod. "Alright." Removing his long robe and neatly folding it up before laying it on the floor next to the cot. "It's just... People and.... Intimate things make me... Nervous." Looking nervously at the bandit before reaching up into his shirt and fidgeting for several moments. Removing his chest bindings a few moments later, before rolling it up and placing it on his robe. Giving a small sigh as he felt his breasts hang free beneath his tunic.

"I am fine." His hands fidgeting a moment before looking nervously at the bandit. His eyes drifting momentarily to the bandit's bosom before snapping back up to her face. " I guess I have a question." His face turning a bright red once more. His hands raising up to lightly touch his his own breasts before quickly returning to his lap. His face turning even brighter as he spoke barely loud enough for the woman to hear. "It's about.... Breasts....."
Re: Immoral and Unethical (Aaron;Rathuris)

The bandit waited for a while after asking her question, apparently waiting for an answer. She rested her back against the wall and folded her arms, staring blankly at the wall as Aaron undressed. Then, Aaron announced he had a question. "Okay," the bandit replied, listening. Then, Aaron announced what the question was going to be about.

"Okay," the bandit replied, waiting for the question.
Re: Immoral and Unethical (Aaron;Rathuris)

Aaron blushed and began to fidget about in embarrassment. "Are they ... Uh.... You know...." Trying to make the question in his mind come out clearly despited his embarressment. "Suppose to..... Hurt when bound.... Uh... To prevent movement.... When running?" Looking a little relieved, though still clearly nervous now that he had gotten his question out. His mind starting to worry that she might think him strange or some sort of deviant for such a question.
Re: Immoral and Unethical (Aaron;Rathuris)

The bandit sighed. "No." Came her simple answer. "It's hurting because you're making it too tight. Just make it snug..." she said with a simplistic tone. "Then it'll be fine. You don't need to suffocate yourself just to stop your boobs from bouncing all over the frickin' place." she said with a sigh, before taking a moment of thought.

"If you got nothin' else, I'll just retire to my own room now." The bandit announced, all mirth apparently gone from her face.
Re: Immoral and Unethical (Aaron;Rathuris)

Aaron gave the bandit a nod. "Oh, I see." Guessing that it made sense to be snug, not super tight. "Thanks." Giving the bandit a small smile despite his still red face. Hearing saying she was ready to leave he gave a nod. "No. Nothing else. Thank you again."

Should she leave he would follow her to the door and close it behind her. Locking the door a few moments after she left. Though forgetting that a lock was simply an obstacle for a bandit, especially one with a key. He then head to his bed and laid down, his mind still racing. After several minutes his tiredness caught up and he once more fell asleep.
Re: Immoral and Unethical (Aaron;Rathuris)

Going to sleep for the night, Aaron would get an early awakening through a pounding on the door. "Ya weren't supposed to lock yer door, ya idiot!" sounded off the voice of the one-eyed woman from before. "Open up! Ya have yer first customer!" she declared without too much restraint.
Re: Immoral and Unethical (Aaron;Rathuris)

Aaron jolted awake as he heard knocking on his door. Heaing the bandit yell at him through the door, he hurried to the door. "Sorry." After being yelled at to open the door, he unlocked and opened it without thinking. Looking at the bandit in a tired haze as he spoke. "Customer? But I am not selling anything." Stretching with a yawn as he he looked at the one eyed bandit.
Re: Immoral and Unethical (Aaron;Rathuris)

Opening the door, Aaron would notice that it wasn't just the one eyed bandit, but also a Tanuki standing behind her, complete with their customary shadowy eyes and shadowy disposition in general. "What are you talkin' about kid? You're on sale!" the one eyed woman declared, walking into the room and gripping Aaron's shoulder before pushing him down to sit on the bed before leaning in close. "You show her a good time, okay?" she instructed Aaron, before turning to leave without another word to him. "Be rough with him if you want. But no lasting injuries. He needs to be able to get hard again." she instructed the Tanuki, who only grinned at the woman's words with a toothy grin.

The door was shut, leaving Aaron with the Tanuki, who stared at Aaron as if he were a slice of meat. "Spread your legs." she commanded, before unbuttoning her shirt, revealing her C-cup breasts as she took it off.
Re: Immoral and Unethical (Aaron;Rathuris)

Aaron simply stared at the pair, dumb founded. "Uh? What? But?" Aaron was surprised and at a complete loss as to what to do as he was pushed down on to the bed again. "Sale?" Frowning a moment as the bandit left without explaining what she meant.

Hearing the tanuki command him to spread his legs he nodded. His mind finally figuring out what she meant by selling him. Seeing the woman reveal her breasts was the final clue. He averted his eyes from her breasts and looked away from her. His face already a beet red, and his pants tightening up and beginning to bulge slightly from the sight of her nude flesh. "So.. Uh... Now what?" Looking shy about how to continue.
Re: Immoral and Unethical (Aaron;Rathuris)

The tanuki chuckled at his question. "Are you a virgin? Makes sense, you went for almost nothing." she declared, before stepping up to Aaron, and releasing a latch long her belt, causing her pants to fall before she peeled away her panties. Once fully nude, she approached the bed in stride, before moving up along Aaron, straddling herself over him and pushing his upper half to the bed. She continued to move over him, before she assertively got her thighs around his face, gripping the back of his head with her hand and forcing him against her crotch. "Do you know how to use that tongue, virgin? The better a job you do, the better I'll be to you." she cooed, with a hint of promised sadism. "If you bite, keep in mind they said I'm allowed to be rough."
Re: Immoral and Unethical (Aaron;Rathuris)

Aaron realized he had made a huge mistake. He had trusted the woman naively and thought they meant him no hard. He simply shook his head at her question as he tried to think of a way out of this situation. He quickly realized that he was in the center of their town and likely surrounded by dozens of woman. He just didn't have the magical fortitude to fight so many women with his magic.

He let himself get pushed down onto the bed. He resigned himself as she straddled his face. Knowing he needed to bide his time till either his master saved him, or he found a way to escape, he decided to go along for now. He began to lightly kiss around the tanuki's outer lips gently. Finding her little pleasure bud, he kissed it a little harder. Gently sucking on it as if it was a candy. After a few moments, he began to make slow licks all along her slit, and ending with a flick of her little buzzer.