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In A Strange Land (Mindflayer)

Re: In A Strange Land (Mindflayer)

Brandi would find herself not being asked to cover up, given most of the orcs were wearing just about the same amount of clothes as her. Though she would find herself offered a bucket of water by an elf. "H-Here, you should wash yourself up. Having sperm on you can draw in monsters sometimes."

If Brandi did was off, the elf would say. "S-Soo umm, what are you planning to do? W-We could use some help if your up for it."
Re: In A Strange Land (Mindflayer)

"Oh it can? I was unaware that monsters existed. Though then again, I was unaware that orcs and elves existed in anything but myths of humanity, so I suppose monsters very well could exist too," Brandi replied with a curious look on her face. "And what help do you require? If it is breeding help, then I am apparently built for that," she then asked curiously.
Re: In A Strange Land (Mindflayer)

"Well, you did pretty good fighting too. S-So we were wondering if you could help us with some g-gnolls nearby, they don't really raid us, but they keep tolling us whenever we try to trade with the other towns. "And yeah, stuff like abysswolves and nightmares and the like. They are attracted to people that already smell of breeding."
Re: In A Strange Land (Mindflayer)

"Some gnolls? What are gnolls exactly? And of course, if you don't mind helping me to get cleaned up, then I'd appreciate it," Brandi asked curiously, and asking for help to get cleaned up properly so the abysswolves and nightmares didn't bother her. "And what do you wish for me to do to these gnolls?" she then asked.
Re: In A Strange Land (Mindflayer)

The elf would dump the bucket onto Brandi, before pulling a small cloth out and washing her off. Soon she would be cleared, while the elf said. "Gnolls are kinda like the orcs, except they are fuzzy and have their own villages. They aren't as vicious, but they are prone to taking girls as breeders for weeks or months at a time...And their 'toll' is usually one of the members of our caravans."
Re: In A Strange Land (Mindflayer)

"Hmm... I see. Should I let them take me then as part of the toll for your next caravan? Miss Sylva and miss Val neither one can walk right now. So perhaps I could have sex with them all until none of them can move and even feel like raiding your caravans," Brandi replied after the bucket of water was poured over her and she was scrubbed clean.
Re: In A Strange Land (Mindflayer)

"T...That is one way you could I guess? I was thinking that you could fight them off, b-but if they are h-having sex with you I guess that would let our caravans go by easily." The elf said as she continued cleaning, blushing at the thought of Brandi having sex with an entire tribe at the same time...
Re: In A Strange Land (Mindflayer)

"Hmm... I shall see what I can do to help. Your chiefs did help me learn more about myself after all, so it is the least I can do to repay their help, and yours here," Brandi replied with a smile before she went to collect her clothing and sword, getting dressed and taking a walk around the town to map it out in her mind while Sylva and Val both rested.

Only after they had managed to crawl out of bed to get cleaned up would Brandi return to talk to them about the gnolls she'd been told about by the elf girl. "What do you both think I should do? My primary directive is the continuation of the human race, that much is obvious. With you two I have mostly done that, but it is an ongoing directive, after all. So I must keep going until my body can no longer achieve either pregnancy myself, or impregnation of others. And speaking of which, how can I tell if I am pregnant by either or both of you?" Brandi asked the duo when they were in the bath getting cleaned up.
Re: In A Strange Land (Mindflayer)

Sylva and Val were still stuck on the bed, though at the very least they were sitting up now. The two girls blinking at Brandi's question. "T-The old androids said they got a notification if something like that happened. So it's possible that we didn't manage to put a child in your belly."

Val pouted a bit at that, before sighing. "Next time we definitely will, but yeah, we're kinda drained for a bit. So might as well go deal with those gnolls. Maybe you can get them to join the village to. That'd be entertaining to say the least."
Re: In A Strange Land (Mindflayer)

"Ah I see... that would make sense," Brandi replied after a few moments, checking all of her most recent notifications before she looked back to the two. "Hmm... I shall attempt to do that then. Less warfare and fighting will ensure that the human race continues," she went on to say with a nod.

"Should I leave now, or do you require any more of me here?" Brandi asked after a few moments.
Re: In A Strange Land (Mindflayer)

"U-Up to you. We likely aren't going to be leaving here for a while, and with the orcs onboard. All the immediate danger to the village has been dealt with. Just make sure you come back got it."

"Heh, what the elf said. We'll be fine here. Just make sure you come back sooner then like a month, or we'll come looking for you." The orc added as she gave Brandi a thumbs up.
Re: In A Strange Land (Mindflayer)

Brandi smiled and gave the two a bow before she turned to leave. "Don't you worry, I shall return. It'll take more than sex to knock me out and take me out of commission," Brandi replied with a chuckle before she started to leave. "Oh... which direction is the gnoll village?" Brandi asked curiously, figuring it might be a good idea to know that much at least.
Re: In A Strange Land (Mindflayer)

"To the east, out along the main road." Sylvia replied as Brandi turned to leave, and soon she was out into the street. The android finding the elves preparing a caravan already. More specifically, a single horsecart with a pair of elves on it. One of them the same one from before.

"H-Hey over here! Come with me and we'll get you to where the gnolls usually 'toll' us."
Re: In A Strange Land (Mindflayer)

"Very well, thank you both for everything. I will never forget either of you, I swear it," Brandi replied with a smile before she turned to leave.

After leaving the two matriarchs or chiefs rather of their respective peoples, Brandi made her way outside and found a small caravan being prepared to leave when she got outside once more. "Oh alright. Hopefully it won't be too troublesome a time," Brandi told the elves at the cart that were preparing themselves to leave, jumping up into the cart and taking a seat and waiting to leave whenever they were ready.
Taking a seat on the cart, Brandi would feel it shifting around her as the other elves sat aboard, and soon they were off. The land around her was well, rather idealistic, farmlands, forests, and rolling grasslands all around them as they went. Though it was in one of those forests that the other elves started to get a bit agitated. Shifting around and watching nervously. "B-Be ready, if there's going to be a 'toll' it's going to be soon."
"Very well, thank you for the ride. I shall handle the toll for you, and make sure they don't demand one again. I'll make sure that their cocks and balls won't be able to handle any pleasure for at least a week, and make them think twice before jumping you ladies," Brandi promised as they rolled along on the cart, her optical sensors watching the landscape around them cautiously.