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In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

Mierin shakes her head. "We'll have to head to the surface for that. I'm afraid your friend will have to stay behind, in any case. I think I can reverse the spell, but it'll take a long time and you'll be a long way down for most of it."
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

"Hm... Alright, can we go to the surface and explain this to her before we start? Also, though, it doesn't seem to make sense that I'd need to be far under water to become human again. That seems dangerous, really" Jessica replied, flapping her tail a little bit below her. She didn't like the thought of becoming a human again at the bottom of the ocean with no scuba gear.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

Mierin starts swimming towards the surface at a leisurely pace. "The ritual needs to be done in a special place. Don't worry, we'll be moving upwards as it continues, so we should be at or near the surface by the time you become fully human. And even if something goes wrong, I can make you able to breathe water for long enough to get you to safety."
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

"Oh, that makes sense I guess. Yeah, that'll be fine" Jessica replied, starting to swim up to the surface as well, an arm gently urging Tamara to follow them. Once at the top she would explain that there was a ritual that would need to be completed, and that it would probably be better for the ottergirl to stay on the surface while it happened.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

The three of them surface fairly quickly, but when Jessica explains herself to Tamara, the ottergirl takes on a pouty expression. "Aww... I wanted to see you change. You'll come visit me afterwards, though, right?"

Mierin stays quiet as Tamara and Jessica talk, her expression staying neutral as the two talk in english.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

"Well, supposedly we'll be swimming up to the surface as I change, so you might get to see some of it. And of course I'll visit you, I wouldn't just randomly leave you here" Jessica replied. "I guess you could follow us if you wanted, I just didn't think it would be good to make you sit there under the water."
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

"If it takes as long as you said, I don't think that would be a good idea. I'll see you on the beach when you come back." Tamara quickly reaches out to hug Jessica and says her good byes before starting to swim to the shore.

Mierin watches the ottergirl leave and turns to look towards the sun for a moment before letting out a sigh. "Are you ready to go?"
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

"Alright then, that's fine. I'll see you when we're done" Jessica replied, hugging Tamara tightly. She was already growing a little bit attached to the ottergirl, a little bit less shy around her... It would be nice to have legs again, and to be able to walk around on the ground with her. "Yes, I'm ready when you are" she said as she turned to Mierin, wondering what the mermaid was sighing for. She couldn't wait to get this ritual done with.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

Taking another long look at the sky, Mierin starts swimming away from the shore and downward.

The trip takes hours, with little to entertain Jessica but swimming as Mierin doesn't talk much. There are some beautiful coral reefs, but Mierin seems to take care not to get too close. As the pair goes deeper and deeper, the sunlight begins to fail, and Jessica can no longer be certain how long they have been swimming as Mierin is forced to conjure up a small light for them to travel by, though fish are still plentiful even in these cold depths. Finally they arrive to a strange, twisted place that fish seem to avoid. Jessica can see Mierin smiling faintly as they enter what seems to be another city under the waters, but unlike the place where the merpeople were, this one is twisted and abandoned.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

Jessica began to follow Mierin down soon after the mermaid started swimming at a diagonal from shore, after a long look back at Tamara. The trip turned out to be incredibly long, hours going by as they seemed to avoid anything and everything that looked particularly interesting. There were a number of beautiful coral reefs along their path, but it seemed that the nerdy girl wasn’t allowed to get closer to them. Eventually the sunlight began to dim, so far under the surface were the two of them, and Jessica could hardly see until her companion lit up a magical light to guide them. The water was getting colder too, but even here in this harsh and unforgiving zone there were plenty of fish swimming by them, though the fish did seem to get a little bit stranger the deeper they got, into the zones where sunlight was a hope no creature could remember. Eventually they came to their destination; a city that was truly at the bottom, one that had obviously been abandoned for a long time. Fish seemed pointedly to avoid this place, and there was a foul aura coming off it. "Mierin… are you sure we have to be here? I… don’t feel comfortable here" she murmured, noting the strange smile on the mermaid’s face.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

"Don't worry about it. Nothing bad is going to happen." Mierin continues further into the strange place. Something about the way the ruins look is clearly wrong, but due to lack of light it takes a while for Jessica to realize that it's their very geometry that's strange, as if the angles of the shapes were adding up wrong. Finally Mierin stops in front of a very large building, looking like a temple of some sort. The huge doors are made of some strange metal that seems uncorroded by the sea water. There are huge slabs of stone in front of the building carved with strange symbols in the shape of a circle, and it is in the middle of that circle that Mierin stops, beckoning Jessica to come closer. A strange word comes from Mierin's lips, and the stone starts glowing faintly, showing the arcane symbols clearly.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

"Okay…" Jessica replied, not sure what to think of this whole process. As they swam deeper and deeper into the ruins, something kept bothering the nerdy girl, but she couldn’t quite put her finger on what for a long time… Finally she realized that it was the architecture, but not anything about the symbols or aesthetics per se. It was just… wrong. There was something horribly wrong with it, in a way she couldn’t wrap her brain around or describe. It hurt her head to think about, so she began to stare straight ahead, trying to shake the ominous feeling that came over her. After some time the two mermaids came to a sort of temple, which was incredibly large. The doors were impressive and imposing, and were made of some kind of metal that hadn’t corroded, despite how long ago it seemed to have been built. Mierin led the former human out over a couple of stone slabs that had been carved in strange, circular symbols, and then spoke a single bizarre word, which made all of the symbols glow faintly. "Are you sure this will be fine…?" she asked nervously, swimming slowly towards her companion. "This place is... it's not right, I don't feel right here."
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

"Are you afraid? This is the place where the ritual has to be made. It wouldn't work elsewhere." Mierin says with a slight smile on her face as she swims around the circle, looking at the symbols carefully. The marmaid seems to catch some of the glow herself, but instead of making her seem lighter, the glow only outlines her, making the rest of her seem dark and menacing and at the same time, somehow more distant as if the mermaid was merely a conduit to something greater. "You need to be in the middle of the circle." As Mierin speaks those words, the circle seems to waver, as if the stones were merely painted on a giant canvas that caught the wind for a moment.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

"Yes, a little" Jessica replied quietly, still swimming towards Mierin. She couldn’t understand why the mermaid was smiling despite her own nervousness, checking the symbols to make sure they were right. The glow given off by those symbols cast an eerie light over both of them, but especially Mierin, who looked almost otherworldly. It was creepy as fuck, and it wasn’t helping with the situation. Still, the nerdy girl would have to go through with it; she wanted to become human again, after all, and this was the only way. When told to get into the middle of the circle she swam that way, still quite nervous and out of sorts, but determined all the same. The circle, for its part, started to look… fuzzy. Moving as if it were static on a screen. She quickly looked up, not wanting to see it anymore, just wanting to get this over with.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

The water above Jessica shimmers as well. Then the earth itself seems to yell out in agony, the very rock groaning as the city around Jessica starts to rise towards the surface. Mierin starts speaking unearthly words not meant into the mouths of mortals to pronounce, stammering them out as best as she can. Jessica's body starts to tingle all over, and the water seems to suddenly grow a lot thinner above her.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

In that moment even the water itself just above Jessica began to glow and shimmer, making her even more uncomfortable… right up until the earth beneath her screamed out, creaking and groaning with an awful, terrifying sound. The mermaid was shaking and shuddering in fear now, the horrible, inhuman words Mierin uttered only registering in her mind slightly, and only added to her mental state. "What the fuck is this" she muttered quietly as her skin began to tingle and crawl, "Lovecraft?" The ancient and broken city seemed to be rising all around her, as if time were being reversed, and she could feel that the water was… thinner, somehow. She wanted to swim away, to flee, but she couldn’t get her tail to move, was frozen in place in the center of the magic circle in a state of terror.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

The earth itself seems to groan in agony as the city starts rising swiftly towards the surface. Though water rushes out of the way, Jessica feels no movement at all, despite the rapidly approaching surface. Mierin seems to be in ecstasy, and she has stopped speaking, only lying against the stony surface of a street.

As suddenly as it started, it all finishes. Jessica finds herself lying on the stone surface of the circle on the surface under the hammering heat of a mid-day sun. Before she can recover, a sharp pain strikes her body, only to subsume in moments as she begins to transform. Her flesh simply melts before forming into a new, more familiar shape. As the transformation finishes, Jessica at least looks like a human again, though there seems to be something... strange about her new shape, and having legs feels strangely new and exciting.

A dozen feet away, Jessica sees Mierin laying very still, her face frozen in the ecstatic expression. Suddenly Jessica can hear stone groaning again, and as she looks behind her, she sees that the gigantic stone doors of the temple are slowly opening.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

The world beneath Jessica seemed to be in complete turmoil, creaking and groaning in a sort of pain as it began to rise towards the ocean’s surface. The city was… unsinking? She felt sick to her stomach, though not because of any sort of motion sickness. In fact she couldn’t feel any movement at all, despite the fact that she knew she was moving. Mierin had stopped chanting and was now laying on one of the streets, seemingly feeling quite good… This wasn’t what the nerdy girl had been promised. Was it? Yes, Mierin had said something about them “moving up” as the ritual continued, but she hadn’t envisioned it quite this way.

With a start Jessica realized she was laying on the stone of the magic circle in the burning heat, her tail flopping a bit as she tried to move and failed, quite literally a fish out of water. Before she could even really process what was happening intense pain washed over her, causing her to scream out in agony for a few seconds. It was over quickly though, replaced with a particularly disturbing transformation sequence. Her flesh was melting, which utterly terrified her, and she let out a wail as she watched. Before long it began to form into something resembling hips and legs, but that didn’t make it any less scary to watch… Finally she was human again, though, at least by appearance, although something about her felt really strange and off.

Mierin was still laying there on the street, stock still, her eyes glazed over as she looked straight ahead, seemingly blissful. Jessica was about to say something to her, but then she heard something behind her, the sound of stone groaning again… she turns to see what it is, and finds that the temple doors are opening very slowly. Her heart was filled with dread, though she didn’t quite know why. "Mierin… what did you do? What’s happening!?" she asked in a panic, trying to get up but failing, her body seemingly not listening to her commands.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

The huge doors continue drifting open, their hinges groaning under their weight. Mierin doesn't react to Jessica's calls, and she can't be sure the mermaid is even breathing. Somehow, the edges of the city seem much farther away now that they're in the surface. Jessica can feel some primal urge telling her to run away, and suddenly she can hear the sound of footsteps approaching, either normal-sized and close, or huge and far away; she can't be certain which.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

The doors continued to open slowly, groaning and creaking ominously as the weight of the doors strained the ancient hinges. Mierin was still laying on the ground perfectly still with a blank look of ecstasy on her face, not responding to Jessica at all. Was she even still alive? The nerdy girl couldn’t tell. "What the fuck…? Dammit Mierin" she muttered quietly, her eyes wide, her heart pounding. Was the city bigger than it had once been? It almost seemed like it, but she couldn’t tell for sure. The human felt an intense urge to run, and the sound of the confusing footsteps that approached hammered the point home nicely. She turned from the opening doors and ran as fast as she could manage, not interested in turning back for even a second, gripped by a primal fear that pervaded her being and overwhelmed her senses. She couldn’t even comprehend exactly why she felt that way, but it couldn’t have been good.