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In today's news...


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: In today's news...

Piracy has effectively been decriminalized in the UK.

4 warning letters will be sent if piracy continues in a household, but no legal action will be carried out and it is no longer a crime to pirate media.
Very nice
It's about time people started figuring out the current intellectual property laws just plain don't work right. Though just pirating everything isn't very good either. Support who you want to support, of course

Some news on that Malaysian air flight that got shot down over Ukraine

After a long back and forth over who did it, it seems likely that the rebels shot it down by mistake. There does not appear to be any direct Russian involvement

Other theories I have heard so far are:
*Ukrainian forces shot it down with air-to-air missile to get more western support as a false flag(Possible)
*Ukrainian airplanes flew behind it to use it as cover against rebel anti-air systems, leading to disaster for the civilians. (Also possible)
*Rothschilds own a large chunk of the shares of the airline and orchestrated it all to get the insurance payout as the airline is not profitable(Probably coincidence and unlikely, but technically possible)
*It was a hit by organised pharmaceuticals companies to prevent curing AIDS so they can keep selling AIDS slowing pills(Possible, but unlikely)
*UFO shot it down (Lets just say 'Probably not')


Former Admin
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: In today's news...

It has been obvious that it was rebel forces that did it by mistake. Hell, the rebels tweeted about how awesome they where for shooting down an aircraft, something that mysteriously disappeared about the same time as an intercepted transmission talked about how the plane that crashed was 100% civilian (the russian intelligence officer they were talking to attempted to rationalise this massive mistake with "they were probably spies anyway").


Turtle Poker
May 18, 2010
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Re: In today's news...

What get's me is he specifically said "they are *bringing* spies". What, is he saying they were going to land and let some people off? Are they going to Parachute out? Granted, I think he was just going to make some claim anyway, but it sounds like to me that he didn't even know what they were talking about, as the plane was not scheduled to stop in Ukraine.


Demon Girl Master
Feb 16, 2012
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Re: In today's news...

Piracy has effectively been decriminalized in the UK.

4 warning letters will be sent if piracy continues in a household, but no legal action will be carried out and it is no longer a crime to pirate media.

Is not all that easy basically is a VOLUNTARY program and doesn't apply to all types of pirate media.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: In today's news...

Dutch news, that also applies to international stuff regarding the airplane in Ukraine

To acompany the researchers looking into the plane are 40 marechaussee (Military police), and commando units. A mobile air brigade is standing by as they may be send as well.

Source is in dutch so you may need google translate

Edit: And an apology, sort of, from the people who shot it down

Another edit for more airplane stuff, not a very unbiased source, but it's something anyway

Someone talking about how ukrainian airplanes hide behind passenger airplanes to try to get the rebels to shoot one down
Source is from an anti-Kiev channel so it may be slightly biased

Yet another edit
...For Science!

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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: In today's news...

If you're going to the beach in Florida

Don't drink the seawater and don't get it in cuts, scrapes, or any sort of wound

Bacteria going around that will make it pretty painful


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: In today's news...

Okay, that's kind of hilarious and too late, considering my co-worker leaves tomorrow for Florida and today was the last day I'd see him before he left.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: In today's news...

Well they do give that warning just about every year for most of the states that border the Gulf of Mexico. Since the water in the Gulf gets pretty warm every summer, like taking a nice warm bath.

Unless they have a horrible immune system, open cuts, or are stupid enough to drink salt water they should be safe. And if they have any of those problems maybe going to the hospital would be better than a vacation.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: In today's news...

Some more news on ISIS

They're approaching one of Iraq's biggest dams, and if previous dam-captures are any indication, they plan to wreck the thing. Which would cause a lot of people to die from a giant wave first, then floods the farmlands so they cant be used, and as side effect it would turn off electricity for most people there so it's back to the dark ages for Iraq
Or in other words

The people in Iraq are going to have some bad times


Demon Girl Master
Feb 16, 2012
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Re: In today's news...

Sorry for my drama Internet News
Twitch experiencing storms with change to their VODs
Changes To Audio In VOD

"Flagged Content will display an on-screen notification informing viewers that content owned or controlled by a third party has been identified"
"This includes in-game and ambient music"
"Please note that Audio Recognition is not guaranteed to be 100% accurate. It may return false positives or miss content from copyright owners who do not work with Audible Magic" [or don't]
"Starting today, Twitch will be implementing technology intended to help broadcasters avoid the storage of videos containing unauthorized third-party audio." [and you cant download them back or play them without having audio on your Video On Demand cut unless you do some shenanigans]

The results are just terrible as the movies are loaded in chunks of 30 minutes from 2 seconds infringement you could manage to get 1 hour censored,
as a result streamers moving to hitbox.tv and Twitch experiencing funny false positives and outrages, welcome content ID Youtube (it also hit speed runners quite hard)

Twitch own videos getting muted (twitch weekly)
We will block your music even if you aren't signed up

and to add further salt

"we have to remove the “save forever” option entirely for past broadcasts"

also i am not sure what they will respond to the ama

edit: TotalBiscuit talks about this
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: In today's news...

Sorry for my drama Internet News
Twitch experiencing storms with change to their VODs
Changes To Audio In VOD
What I heard of this, pretty much all streamers I know of(Except for one) have abandonned Twitch either on hearing Google bought them out or shortly after. And of course, they're proven right.
I'm pretty sure by now the only reason youtube is still popular is because of the lack of alternatives.

Some more ISIS news

Airstrikes in progress
Nobody is claiming these airstrikes as theirs
Everyone is pointing to the US, but the pentagon is denying they're involved

Still better than letting these extremists wreck the country even further

And then there's Ebola spreading some more

It's a pretty fucked up thing to catch, so lets hope they can isolate it and prevent any further cases.
It's another country in Africa, Benin to be specific

Some more on Israel

Pretty much everyone knows of Israeli warcrimes by now(With a video of a press reporter getting killed as they bomb a pair of ambulances being the most recent one I recall), but nobody is putting anyone on trial
So there's an internet petition going around for it (Because we know those things always work, especially against entrenched politicians with buddies in high places, right?)
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Has a penis diamiter of 4.5cm
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: In today's news...

And then there's Ebola spreading some more

It's a pretty fucked up thing to catch, so lets hope they can isolate it and prevent any further cases.
It's another country in Africa, Benin to be specific
Here's what I don't get: Ebola patients are actually being flown to places like and for treatment.

My medical knowledge consists of basic first aid and CPR, so I'm no expert. With that said, shouldn't we be trying to keep the sick patients in the same area as the outbreak? Should we be flying them outside of the continent?


Turtle Poker
May 18, 2010
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Re: In today's news...

They're pretty much kept inside a very advanced zip-lock bag the entire time, and the idea is that if we get them into some of the advanced isolation wards that these countries offer their chances of survival will be higher, and they'll have ready access to experimental drugs. The CDC and FDA have pretty much just wiped the slate clean as far as the normal regulations on human experimentation go and have told the drug companies to offer whatever they have, "ready" or not. So far, it actually seems to be working, but it's far to soon to tell for sure.

Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: In today's news...

The person discovering where ebola comes from has said that he'd have no qualms sharing a bus with an infected. As long as you don't get their blood on you, you should be good. Of course, that's precisely why the infected bleed so much.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: In today's news...

The person discovering where ebola comes from has said that he'd have no qualms sharing a bus with an infected. As long as you don't get their blood on you, you should be good. Of course, that's precisely why the infected bleed so much.
This is pretty much why this new Ebola thing is such a big deal
It's apparently not just blood anymore, but sneezing as well. Which makes it much more transmittable.

Normally, Ebola patients can be flown to wherever easily enough for treatment, because it's only the blood that's giving trouble. But with a dangerous illness like this, nobody is taking chances since it may have mutated to transfer in other ways so it should still be safe with the patients in quarantine. Nobody seems entirely certain on that bit, just that it's spreading pretty far in Africa by now, and regular containment isn't necessarily enough anymore. (Last I checked it did not induce sneezing either, so on its own that shouldn't be a problem either)


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: In today's news...

Robin Williams was found dead today in his Tiburon, CA home of apparent suicide by asphyxia. He was 63.

All I can say is that he must have been battling some serious demons. Killing yourself by asphyxiation takes commitment after all...

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: In today's news...

Just read that Robin Williams died at the age of 63, of an apparent suicide according to the article I read. I loved Robin Williams, always laughed at him and his antics in his movies. He will be sorely missed. ;_;

Edit: Damn I must have posted that literally seconds after Lucas did. XD
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: In today's news...

Sadly so, Rest in Peace
For those who don't know him, here's some news stuff on him that would likely explain enough to get a good picture

All in all, a very good man, responsible for many great moments in culture

And in some updates on Ukraine and Russia stuff

Ukraine may end up blocking Russian gas from getting to Europe if no deal is reached. All in all, this is just more stuff going on that will need to be sorted out by the people who sort that stuff out

And a bit on the Gaza thing that no doubt everyone heard of by now, but is apparently completely overlooked in US media

UN institutes an inquiry into war crimes done in Gaza by both Hamas and Israel. However, Israel has already said the UN will find Israel to be guilty and claims it's not fair.
In the end, it's likely to result in yet another "Both sides messed up, but Israel is the bigger problem because they did much more harm" and then we'll continue just like last time Gaza was bombed.
(Opinion here)
If they don't think it's fair that someone is looking into war crimes that they've been doing to the point that denying it is like denying the sky is blue
Then maybe they shouldn't have done them. Literally the whole world minus US politicians is against them now
Both Hamas and Israel are completely incapable of respecting basic human rights and the whole area there should just be taken over by an impartial third party(Such as the UN) to establish stability without bombing out residential areas every 3-4 years


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: In today's news...

It comes in threes. This is the second one.

Edit: And three :/

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