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In today's news...

Re: In today's news...

Following the Ukrainian government's refusal to be more pro-Europe, and instead seeking ties to Russia, there was a bit of unrest for a while now.
However, today things escalated further, with a new law designed to limit protests backfiring and getting more people onto the street than before

The Russia Today source may be a little bit biased, as the protesters are opposed to closer ties to Russia.
The BBC may also be a bit biased, as the protesters are in favour of closer ties to Europe.
The most obvious bias here is RT conveniently not mentioning the anti-protest law and instead just claiming it to be an 'anti-government' protest.
Re: In today's news...

The most obvious bias here is RT conveniently not mentioning the anti-protest law and instead just claiming it to be an 'anti-government' protest.

RT does mention the legislation: "The new legislation includes authority to arrest protesters who wear masks or helmets, or erect tents or stages without permission from the authorities, criminalization of libel and the distribution of extremist materials, including via the internet, and a ban on motorists to form convoys of more than five vehicles."

You just have to scroll down a little ways. I was also checking out the cardboard-looking shields the police are carrying in the last picture. I've seen more convincing defensive gear at a comics convention.

I think both articles agree that the government's cracking down and the people are getting more violent.
Re: In today's news...

My bad then, I just skimmed them and didn't read the details

Here's a puppy with some pancakes instead

Re: In today's news...

Here's a puppy with some pancakes instead

That has to be photo-shopped (or fake flapjacks). Any puppy I know would be scarfing down those pancakes so fast they'd run the risk of choking themselves.

Though to be fair, I'd probably have a hard time resisting that temptation, myself. :)
Re: In today's news...

Why are you showing me food when i'm so hungry!!!

Also you haven't seen a dog with food refusal training, now thats funny. they try to turn away but keep looking at it to make sure it doesn't go away. Then you give it to them and they are happy.
Re: In today's news...

The word "Candy" has been trademarked by K*ng (maker of C*ndy Crush Saga).
This means there will be no more game titled with "Candy" from now (other than from K*ng).


Trademarking a word which generic word.
Lol, seems I should trademark every word of in dictionary :p.
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Re: In today's news...

The word "Candy" has been trademarked by K*ng (maker of C*ndy Crush Saga).
This means there will be no more game titled with "Candy" from now (other than from K*ng).

Trademarking a word which generic word.
Lol, seems I should trademark every word of in dictionary :p.

It's not QUITE that simple. If game developers can provide evidence that they came up with the name on their own, they can keep their title.

On one hand, copyrighting a word like "candy" for video game titles seems ridiculous. Then again, one of the more underhanded moves in the business is to try to "piggy-back" on someone's commercial success with something that sounds similar. If I made a shit game called "Candy Smash Series," I'd probably get a decent amount of customers to buy my game by mistaken association.

An example of how people can easily make that mistake:

That was a rather complicated litigious mess, considering the existence of a live-action "Ghost Busters" TV show before the "Ghostbusters" movie in 1984, but the timing of the release of "Ghost Busters" was clearly a move to capitalize on the Columbia Pictures franchise. Also, note the similarities between the "Ghost Busters" logo and the "Ghostbusters" logo commonly associated with the movie (the ghost behind the "no" sign).

Will this hurt small businesses needlessly? Absolutely. Is it excessive and completely uncalled for? Eh. Depends on your viewpoint.
Re: In today's news...

Double-post, but I think this is sufficient cause:

Pretty nifty. I'm against actual rape, so obviously I support this idea wholeheartedly.

I also think this would make for a rather hilarious bit in a hentai video... when the tentacles just can't get the girl's underwear off. :p
Re: In today's news...

In similar, yet infinitely more disgusting news:


I'm just... This makes me want to burn down something.
Re: In today's news...

In different, more lighthearted news:
Space race is over guys, go home, North Korea won

North Korea confirms it has landed a man on the Sun

Whether or not this is satire or an actual honest propaganda attempt by North Korea remains to be seen
Re: In today's news...

In different, more lighthearted news:
Space race is over guys, go home, North Korea won

North Korea confirms it has landed a man on the Sun

Whether or not this is satire or an actual honest propaganda attempt by North Korea remains to be seen

Probably Propaganda, knowing them.
Re: In today's news...

In different, more lighthearted news:
Space race is over guys, go home, North Korea won

North Korea confirms it has landed a man on the Sun

Whether or not this is satire or an actual honest propaganda attempt by North Korea remains to be seen

The source for the is the , which is trying to be another (complete with farcical articles).

I had to check, though. This is just the kind of thing their government would lie about.
Re: In today's news...

Live ammo fired at protestors in Ukraine

It's not sure who did it, and the ammo is not specifically anti-personnel(The link goes on to find the shell, it's for doorbreaking) so it could be a fluke or some random idiot who got his hands on the things, but all options are open

Still troubling
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Re: In today's news...

Live ammo fired at protestors in Ukraine

It's not sure who did it, and the ammo is not specifically anti-personnel(The link goes on to find the shell, it's for doorbreaking) so it could be a fluke or some random idiot who got his hands on the things, but all options are open

Still troubling

Let's hope things get under control fast there, but peacefully.
Re: In today's news...

Going by the newspapers, apparently Liberal Democrats and Labour have successfully made the bill to give British citizens the never-had vote, whether to stay in or leave the European Union, a 'dead parrot' by time-wasting. By failing to come to an agreement, the bill will not be ready in time for the Queen's Speech.

Here's hoping the public notices that one party is sleazy, back-stabbing and incompetent... and the other is also sleazy, back-stabbing, incompetent and also responsible for the nation-wide mess they now complain about.

Yay British politics!
Re: In today's news...

By strange co-incidence I happened to be googling for 'super nova' today, and discover that apparently a particularly notable one was just spotted only yesterday.
Exploding stars rarely make astronomers blink. Not because they’re incredibly jaded but simply because supernovae are a fairly common event. However, when a star explodes only 11.4 million light years away (practically next door in astronomical terms) they really sit up and take notice.

This is the case with supernova M82, a stellar explosion so close to Earth that it could soon be visible with binoculars.

Perhaps I'll try to find some binoculars.

(I was going to write "just occurred only yesterday", but then I remembered that if we've only just seen it, then it actually happened 11.4 million years ago. Space stuff...)
Re: In today's news...

Mayor of Sochi:

I particularly liked the part where Putin said homosexual guests at the 2014 Winter Olympics should feel "free" and "calm" but to "please leave our children alone."

Obviously Mr. Put-it-in and Mr. Pak-homo-v have failed to learn the difference between men who like dicks, women who like pussy, and the creep in the dirty van who uses candy to abduct minors. :rolleyes:
Re: In today's news...

*clears throat*

Re: In today's news...

So much for free press. Guardian had to destroy Snowden's hard drives to protect themselves from vague threats by the government
Re: In today's news...

So much for free press. Guardian had to destroy Snowden's hard drives to protect themselves from vague threats by the government

That's not precisely the motivation for their actions. The British government (and US) wanted the hard drives handed over so they could use them to help determine the leak. The Guardian destroyed the drives without surrendering them in order to preserve the original source.

We should probably switch to the debate thread if you feel strongly that this is a "free press" issue... there's the ability to report on the news, and then there's stealing top secret information. That means the information would cause "exceptionally grave damage" to a state's national security, and as such is only available to individuals who have been awarded a top secret clearance. These individuals are always placed under oath and made aware of the penalties for making said information available to the public.

A bad leak of top secret information could result in the compromise and death of not only operatives but also entire military units. What happens if North Korea is scrapping for a fight and suddenly gains the position of every South Korean ship? Lots of Korean sailors die in a horrible, burning, sinking hell that I hope to never, ever encounter.

Anyone who takes these huge hard drives of top secret information to the press is in grievous violation of their own oaths and federal law. They are traitors and should have never taken the oath to begin with. Frankly, I'd be tempted to kill them myself--which is actually an okay sentiment, as the defense of top secret material is one of the circumstances in which lethal force is completely permitted by the armed forces.