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Re: Interest and OCC Thread

Hah, I see a lot of Bellisera getting left behind as Elyna and Sie celerity charge shit in the future.

Bah, everyone knows slow and steady wins the race... or in this case the fight.

In my last post I refered to Teeu as Siehydra's master. Not what I think, just what Bellisera thinks.
Re: Interest and OCC Thread

Uh. What exactly does my Aura Perception power do? It's aWoD entry bases it on the original power sources, which obviously don't apply here. I'm assuming it lets me see traces of magic and ghosts and stuff?
Re: Interest and OCC Thread

Uh. What exactly does my Aura Perception power do? It's aWoD entry bases it on the original power sources, which obviously don't apply here. I'm assuming it lets me see traces of magic and ghosts and stuff?

Pretty much, yeah. It's useless when you're actually dealing with a magical creature, unless you want to know exactly what kind of corruption it has... But it's a very useful power when you're looking for something that wouldn't stand out in the first place.
Re: Interest and OCC Thread

I just realized I used willpower as a dump stat, which is maybe not my brightest moment.
Re: Interest and OCC Thread

I just realized I used willpower as a dump stat, which is maybe not my brightest moment.



Ok, Sponge. Before you start stating out any more of Gordon, we need to know more about him. Specifically what kind of hobbies he has. Being some random drifter isn't gonna get him a ticket to Mirafar.

Speaking of which, he needs to have some proof of lineage that connects him to Mirafar.

Anyway. It sounds like he's gonna have an obligation to his addiction for blood. That's not much of a problem for a character on the feeding power schedule, so we'll need to come up with an alternate one...

How about Gordon comes from a clan of Goblins that ran away from Mirafar when it fell, and they've been trying to train all their men to be mighty warriors to take it back all on their own. Then they got upset with Gordon and tried to traumatize him into becoming a mean person, so he blacks out and kills his tormentors, then runs away cause he's upset his whole clan by killing a bunch of elders and their best warriors. Gordon's whole extended family hates him and wants him dead. Thoughts?
Re: Interest and OCC Thread

Ahhh I thought I was on to something. Personal conflict usually creates good character development later in the story. I had no idea he had to be linked to Mirifir. And hobbies? I figured that would just develop over the story as well. And I didn't exactly want him to be a warrior, more like the backstabbing guy that hides in the background while the fight is ensuing. Though I do like the last added bit where now the goblins are actively hunting, should of thought of that myself. But it gives him more of a reason to flee.

Hobbies? Um... I don't know. OH! Loves to collect shiny things, doesn't matter if it's good or not, if it shines he wants it. Stuff like a diamond or a simple gold coin, and not just money wise, things that others might consider to be junk. A broken mirror (reflection in the light shines... I guess) or a marble.

I'm unsure what you mean by changing his 'schedule' though.
Re: Interest and OCC Thread

So activating celerity to charge made my boar sit on the sidelines and go "derp"?

On the topic of the boar, I think I should name him. Referring to him constantly as the boar is kind of awkward. Something silly and dumb to contrast against Avitus would be good. I'm thinking "Truffles".
Re: Interest and OCC Thread

So activating celerity to charge made my boar sit on the sidelines and go "derp"?

Not exactly. The Zombies are out in the open, so then can be charged, but the roses have other flowers, leaves and vines in the way.

Actually, celerity isn't as useful to mounted Exalted since the mount doesn't benefit from extra actions. As long as you sitting on the boar, you only get one 'move'. You could jump off, but then the boars gonna be upset that you left him all alone in a pitched battle.

On the topic of the boar, I think I should name him. Referring to him constantly as the boar is kind of awkward. Something silly and dumb to contrast against Avitus would be good. I'm thinking "Truffles".

Truffles sounds cute.


This fight scene needs
Re: Interest and OCC Thread

I'm starting to think this rp is too complicated 0_e, I have no Idea how I would fit in the story either (seems like other people are in the same story.
Re: Interest and OCC Thread

That is some pretty bitchin' music.
Re: Interest and OCC Thread

I'm not sure if the dice hate me or love me. On one hand, I seem unable to get a good hit in even with the +6 damage special effect (Which is welcome, even if I have no idea where that's coming from). On the other hand, hey the vines haven't hit me either.
Re: Interest and OCC Thread

From the aWoD magic article:

* Clinging
The character can hold themselves onto vertical surfaces and even ceilings for extended periods of time without special equipment or apparent effort. They can easily move up or down sheer surfaces at the rate of a steady walk, and scuttle across ceilings at the rate of a careful walk without danger or exertion. When such a character attempts to pull Wuxia or Spiderman inspired stunts involving running on walls or brachiating over a crowd they find this much easier, because they can support their weight merely by putting a hand against a wall. For practical purposes, this means that such stunts are much less extreme for them than they appear to outsiders. The thresholds are generally reduced by 2 (a crazy extreme stunt would be merely a professional stunt from their perspective).

...I'm not seeing much here, but does that magic stickygrip extend to feet, too? Like, could I stand upside down on a ceiling?

Actually, what I'm wondering is if Clinging could let me do the Smooth Criminal lean.
Re: Interest and OCC Thread

...I'm not seeing much here, but does that magic stickygrip extend to feet, too? Like, could I stand upside down on a ceiling?

Actually, what I'm wondering is if Clinging could let me do the Smooth Criminal lean.

Heh, the Smooth Criminal Lean would be so easy that you wouldn't have to roll any dice. Sticking to surfaces is possible, that's what the power does, though walking upside down is allot harder than crawling upside down. The power itself lowers the difficulty of doing climbing stunts, so I gonna say that if you actually want to tell gravity to STFU you'll have to score 2 net hits. Gripless ceilings are often a 6, so with Clinging you'll need a 4 to crawl around up there, and a 6 to walk/run on it as a floor. Walls are a bit easier, and you only need to score a single net hit to stand sideways on it, but that may be unnecessary as you can run along it on two feat and tap a hand on it for balance.

Oh, and Quartz, the sword occasionally gives you a plus one to damage if you specialize in it, which you have not. I have been giving you bonus damage in error. You can keep getting it for the rest of the fight.
Re: Interest and OCC Thread

It looks like we lost indrick, he hasn't signed on in two weeks >.<
Re: Interest and OCC Thread

I was gonna give him another day. Prompt him with a PM/email. Then figure out how to fade the character to the background. I had hopes for Belisera, and her Daughter. I had some interesting 'distractions' cooked up.

Perhaps I move too slowly.
Re: Interest and OCC Thread

My bad, I really need to stop killing random people that I rp with.
Re: Interest and OCC Thread

Perhaps I move too slowly.

Nah, I think I was just being too impatient. I'm sure you'll figure something out if he doesn't pop back in.

EDIT: Also, yes you should stop murdering people you RP with! >.>
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Re: Interest and OCC Thread

Sort of realizing that I probably should have asked TWO whether to edit that post so we were on the same page or not. Oh well, I'm sure there will be plenty of opportunities for raep in the future!
Re: Interest and OCC Thread

Phoenix doesn't really have much to do with Pyy, I guess, but TAB's lack of activity is slightly (very) worrying.