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Interest Check/Millford OOC


Horn Dog
Jan 7, 2009
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Since apparently Blarg's thread is Blargs thread and I shouldn't be using it...

I'm vaguely tempted to run a Maid game.

It would be a game with 2 masters under the one room, a brother and sister; ideally full of intrigue as the two of them try to work against one another.

If I do run it, I have no idea how many players or how picky i'll be about them. So for now, dubious interest check.

I'm also considering allowing Servant boys (a.k.a male maids), as well as trying a few other minor rules changes. I know for the stress rampage, the effects will always last 1 scene, having it based on time for a forum game is stupid, and having it last based on how much stress you have screws over high spirit characters.

Oh, and one thing I will insist on: if you can't manage one post every few days, if you're the sort to have some sort of writing block that results in you not replying for over a week, please don't apply.
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Re: Interest Check

So, I'm interested, am I in? :V

If it does happen, give a heads up.
Re: Interest Check

Oi Inc, about the male servants; would you be cool with futas or hermaphrodites, like if someone rolled Actually a Guy? Also is this going to be light/funny or dark and SRS in theme?
Re: Interest Check

I guess I could give it a whirl. Just add another one onto the pile.
Re: Interest Check

I'd be interested too.

(Also on the topic of the two masters, I will find this incredibly hilarious if it turns into TF2, the Maid Version)
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Re: Interest Check

Regarding theme, probably closer to serious than light and funny. I struggle to write light and funny and tend more towards a more realistic approach.

Prefer no futas.
Re: Interest Check

Meh, fair 'nuff. Hrmmm. Not sure if interested. Is it going to be all dark and everyone will be trying to embarrass, shame, or ruin everybody else; or can there be SOME light moments? 'Cause I'm probably going to sit out if it's all dark and harsh everyone's characters are out to screw each other over. :\
Re: Interest Check

Sounds neato.
Hereby stating that I wish to play.
Re: Interest Check

With 4 interested players, I might start off character creation soonish. Time to start plotting in proper about this, instead of plotting about that h-game I'll never make :p
Re: Interest Check

Yay! Although four is death...
Re: Interest Check

I see no problem with this..

Re: Interest Check

But dying is baaaaaaad
Re: Interest Check

Modified modified creation rules

Going to change things up slightly again from the house rules Blue and I agreed upon years ago.

Step 1
Roll all scores in order. Post roll, you can swap two scores, reroll a single score, or reroll all your scores. If you reroll, you must keep the result of this reroll. You are only allowed a single reroll in either case.

Step 3
You can pick your colours. It's not a big deal. I'll be picking the colours of the masters, it's only fair :p

Step 5
Due to revised stress explosions (always lasting 1 scene), you're more likely to be stuck with what you get, even if it removes you from play. Hopefully, the scenes won't be too long and if they are I'll probably try and do something with you on the side.

How do people feel about maid complexes? I'm uncertain whether or not I want to use them, so I'll open this up to opinion.
Re: Interest Check

Question: are we gonna use an online dice roller or the honor system?
Re: Interest Check

I usually just handle all the die rolls myself, it always seemed easier that way.
Re: Interest Check

Rules sound ok, boss man. And Complexes, I could run with anything. If anything, it might make things interesting.
Re: Interest Check

So, we choose colors now, you give us our stats and such, then we decide on whether to reroll and stuff? Also: complexes are a-ok.
Re: Interest Check

Rules and complexes are fine with me.
Re: Interest Check

Oh, something else I forgot to mention, rather than a "head maid", there is a chance for maids to be declared one of the two master's "personal servant". This gains all the advantages of the head maid type, (although she is unable to automatically order around the other master's personal servant), but the personal servant only loses favour for the actions of lesser maids if they were perceived as under her command at the time.

I am considering having a pair of personal servant NPCs at the start of the game to add more maids to the mansion staff, as well as give some potential antagonists/stepping stones for the players ;) One would have to see them disgraced while building your own appearance in the eyes of a given master to replace them, and then fear the reprisal of the disposed favourite~
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Re: Interest Check

interested to join