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Into the Darkness (Tiffanian and Hentaispider)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Garrett: HP = 60, PP = 45, EP = 80, Status = Fine
Laena: HP = 67, PP = 56, EP = 46, Status = Fine

Garrett had just started into the jungle an hour ago, departing from a village on the edge of Badaria toward Glassmoor. There was a rough road between the village he had departed from and the village that was his destination, and he had made good time along it so far, having encountered no one save for a cloaked man traveling in the opposite direction. The dirt path was becoming increasingly muddy, and a light sprinkle had begun to fall from the clouded over sky, and it looked like it would be getting worse soon. Glassmoor was at least a day's travel away from where he had started, and Garrett doubted that he would make it before the rain started to pour in full. He would have to find some shelter, and soon, or risk getting caught in a thunderstorm.

Meanwhile, Laeta watched the strange man walk down the road, passing within thirty feet of where she hid among the trees. The rain were coming, and she knew that it would be a very powerful storm tonight, as the monsoon season had just started. If the human was unconcerned, or simply didn't know this, she couldn't be sure, but the harpy could tell that he wasn't yet searching for shelter. As she watched him stroll by, she spotted movement in the trees beyond him, watched as vines began to snake their way toward his feet, the man apparently totally oblivious to their presence. A pair of blazing green eyes shined from within the darkness of the trees on the opposite side of the road, clearly watching him with great interest, and there was little doubt that the two were unconnected.
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge and Tiffanian)

The wind started to whip about his clothing, his feet occasionally slipping in the now muddy pathway. He even had to concentrate just to keep his balance as his foot gave way beneath him as the slight trickle began to turn into a full torrent, only catching himself with a hand and knee into the mud. Standing back up, he pushed forward through the sudden fierce storm. He needed shelter, but where the hell was he supposed to find shelter in a place like this? Best thing he could think of was to keep on walking until he found a place with thick enough trees to at least take some of the blunt force of the wind off his face. Though at the same time, he kinda enjoyed the storm. It was a force that was unseen and powerful, yet he had to push onward through it. He was pretty sure that a storm was going to be the least of his problems in his future, and if he couldn't even handle a little bit of wind and rain, he might at well just give up now. No, he'd stop to breath and rest only if needed. In a way, he perhaps considered this to be training. Plus for all he knew, the storm could last for days at a time or so and he'd never progress if he stopped every five minutes. Though if the wind did change direction and pushed at his back instead of him having to fight it, might be much more helpful. He'd rest, just not now. Nothing serious was going on, and the feel of the rain and water streaming down his body wasn't unpleasant to him. He'd actually always enjoyed cold waters anyway.

Maybe about ten or so minutes, then I'll catch a break. Thunderstorms are nice to watch, but I don't want to get sick out here.

For some reason, he did get an odd chill up his spine. It wasn't from the rain, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

Maybe this rain is a little bit colder than you thought it was? Whatever, if you stopped to think about every odd chill you've ever felt, you'd still be back at home probably sleeping under your covers. Though a bed would be nice after all this. I'll just keep going until I find some sort of residence.
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge and Tiffanian)

Rain... What a hateful thing it was. Laena hated the rain, the way it made the air cold even in the jungle, and made her feathers into a soaked mess. Why did she live in the jungle during monsoon season, anyway? Why didn't she just fly away to some part of the world with more tolerable weather? Maybe it was sloth, or fear of the unknown, or any number of her more negative traits. Though maybe, just maybe, this place meant something to her despite the cold rain that was beginning to fall. Maybe, despite all of its many flaws, this place was home...

For the moment, of course, the harpy was too distracted to care much about the raindrops that began to pelt her long brown hair. Her pale green eyes were focused on a young man who was quite clearly going the wrong way, deeper into the jungle. He was quite a handsome man, at least in her eyes, and he had a kind face to go with it. Laena couldn't quite pin down what it was about him that told her that, or what about him made him seem... promising... but all the same he was.

Unfortunately he wasn't alone. A few vines started to follow him, creeping towards his ankles. He seemed oblivious to their presence, as well as that of the brightly shining green eyes peering at him through the trees. This would not do. Not nearly content to sit and watch the man come to whatever harm those eyes surely intended him, the harpy jumping from her perch and beating her wings once, twice, and then easily taking wing, concentrating on the wind around her as she did so. In a way that she had been able to do from a very young age she began to manipulate the air currents, causing them to blow particularly hard against the creeping vines, and she shouted "hey human, watch out behind you!" as she flew to his aid.

Cast Buffeting Winds (Level 1 Wind spell)
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge and Tiffanian)

Garrett: HP = 60, PP = 45, EP = 80, Status = Fine
Laena: HP = 67, PP = 56, EP = 46, Status = Fine, Buffeting Winds

Casting (Laena) : Success.
Attacks against Laena and her allies (including Garret) take a -8 penalty.

Perception (Garrett) : Enemy wins!

Attack (Enemy) : Miss! Stupid low rolls....

The sound of Laena's shout from up above caught Garrett's attention immediately, and he turned to see the harpy flying in the skies, and a sudden wind caught his clothes and wrapped around him. He could sense the magics working on the air around him, but what they were doing was beyond his ability to discern. As he looked up at her, he almost didn't see the vines reaching for his legs before it was too late, and he spotted them just a a powerful gust of wind pushed against them, forcing them back just long enough for him to back away out of their reach.

The alraune (which Garrett still hadn't seen but that Laena could see crouched within the woods) finding itself caught, swiftly worked to withdraw her tentacles back into the forest. She retreated a ways into the woods, out of the harpy's sight, but she knew that the creature hadn't given up on its pursuit of its prey yet. Garrett watched the vines retreat, but hadn't ever seen their source.
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge and Tiffanian)

Trudging through the mud, his ears caught the voice of something. He wasn't sure, probably just being paranoid, a noise in the wind perhaps, but it sounded real enough to try to figure out where it came from. Glancing above, he saw what looked like the figure of a woman with wings soaring above him, but before he could even draw his sword, a large gust of wind that felt even too strong for the storm itself wrapped around his body. Struggling to stand, he noticed the wind was tearing at what looked like to be vines, and was able to tell that they were in fact moving towards him!
He quickly jumped back as the vines nearly grasped his leg, but then quickly retreated from him soon afterwards. It seemed the wind had prevented the vines from grabbing him, what he thought was an odd storm wind was actually that of magic source. It wasn't an attack, it had protected him!

Briefly Garrett glanced to the sky, trying to find the bird woman again before reminding himself that he was still currently under attack, as whatever monster those vines were could possibly come back for a second attack. Whatever was helping him probably wouldn't hold out for long, so if there was a time to cast a spell, this was the time!

Cast Battle Aura 5 EP
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge and Tiffanian)

Thankfully the man seemed to acknowledge Laena's shout, turning to her for a moment before looking back behind him at the vines that were batted away from him by her directed gusts of wind. Oddly he seemed to try to find her with his eyes again briefly rather than focusing on the retreating vines, before he turned back and began to glow slightly, preparing himself for battle with his spirit energy, something the young harpy hadn't seen much of before. She decided to ready herself for combat as well, manipulating the winds around her once more into a swirling armor that would be hard for the alarune to penetrate. She swooped down farther, but kept herself in the air above where she thought the vines would reach her, shouting "I know you'll be back, plant! Save us all the trouble of waiting and come out to fight why don't you?"

Cast Wind Armor (Level 3 Wind spell) Enemies must pass a res check when attacking or miss automatically (4 EP)
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge and Tiffanian)

Garrett: HP = 62, PP = 43, EP = 72/77, Status = Fine, Battle Aura 5
Laena: HP = 67, PP = 56, EP = 41/46, Status = Fine, Buffeting Winds, Wind Armor

Casting: Success!
Wind Armor is up!
Garrett gets Battle Aura as well!

Attack: Miss!

Garrett's power was called up with ease, as it almost always was, and Laena felt the winds wrapping around her protectively as well. So empowered, with the harpy in the air and Garrett on the ground, they both stood ready following her taunt in the hidden plant woman's direction. For a moment, there was no response, and then a glob of golden powder suddenly shot out from the woods, directly for Laena. She had little trouble in dodging it, however, and the alraune didn't step out into the open. They might be able to just leave, as she didn't seem likely to come out alone against two individuals that were already prepared for her, but that didn't mean that she wouldn't follow them if she did.
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge and Tiffanian)

Laena flapped her wings to stay in place as she peered into the forest, waiting for the alarune to attack, and after a moment's pause a cloud of yellow powder shot out at of the harpy. She didn't even bother to move out of the way, instead allowing the swirling winds she had called around her shred the cloud and send it flying harmlessly to either side of her. She continued to stare into the trees, waiting for the alarune, but the opponent didn't come. "Coward" she called out into the trees, as she flapped over to the man. "You aren't safe here, human. There are any number of potential enemies like her out here, and this rain is only going to get worse. I can give you shelter from the storm, if you'll allow me to pick you up in my talons and fly you there" she said, barely glancing at him as she kept her eyes peeled for further danger from the alarune. "I'll try not to poke you any, but no guarantees, these weren't made for carrying people."

Having the man's acquiescence, Laena flew over and carefully took a hold of his shoulders with her talons, doing her best not to tear his clothing or stab into him, and then flew up into the air. She strained somewhat with the effort; he was a bit heavier than she had judged, and though she could still lift him, it wasn't quite as easy as she had planned out in her head. Still, the trip four trees over and up towards the canopy went without incident, besides a few pokes in the flesh of his arms from the sharp talons. Finally they came to a small house, and the harpy set the human down on a mostly covered deck that seemed to stretch around the length of the house. It was just in time, too, as the rain began to come down harder than before, working itself up to a downpour.

It was then, as Laena stood under the deck cover shaking her wings out to dry her feathers, that Garret would get his first real look at the harpy. She was crouched slightly on digitigrade legs, the upper half covered in small brown feathers, the lower half hard, plain scales, and standing roughly 4'10. It was clear that the house was made with this in mind as well, as he would have to crouch himself in order to be able to fit properly in it. The feathers of her wings hung off of what looked to be fairly normal human arms, and were the same shade of brown as the feathers on her lower body, as well as her waist-length hair, which clung to her thin body with the moisture. She was turned at a somewhat odd angle from him, but he could still see the bandages she had wrapped tightly around her chest, soaked wet by the rain and transparent enough that he would be able to catch a decent glimpse of her small chest... "Sorry if I hurt you any, I tried to be as careful as possible. You can go inside if you want and wait for me to dry off a little. I'll make you something to drink to warm you up" she said, turning to him and tilting her head as her pale green eyes looked him over. He's even cuter up close she thought, blushing slightly before she looked away again.
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Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge and Tiffanian)


Sheathing his sword, he takes a quick glance at his savior. From what he could remember from any of his classes or research, he wasn't familiar with this type of species. He could tell she wasn't a demon, at least he didn't think so. Crawling to the back of his mind and hastily reflecting upon some things, he did come up with something.

OH! A harpy. Half woman, half bird. Relatively human in appearance, and some are legend to be old and haggard looking, feasting upon the flesh of humans. But she's far from either of the two. Still, I should be cautious otherwise. Logic is a problem in both factors though. If I don't take shelter, I'll either get attacked by that thing again or die out here from something else. If I go with her, I'm possibly walking into a trap. But if she's telling the truth...

Garrett gives a quick nod. "All right, just don't try anything funny."

The flight wasn't exactly unpleasant, but as the girl said, her talons weren't meant for carrying people. Arriving at the destination, he stretched his neck side to side, rubbing his shoulders from a slight soreness.

"Sorry if I hurt you any, I tried to be as careful as possible. You can go inside if you want and wait for me to dry off a little. I'll make you something to drink to warm you up"

It had been a while since he had met somebody with decent hospitality. This helped relax his mind a bit, he was just being paranoid. Not everything out here was trying to kill him or seduce him like those demons would. Glancing at the woman, his cheeks flushed a bit seeing her chest showing through wet bandages. Turning his head quickly, he gave a short response.

"Sure! Um.. I'd love to! I just.. I'll just go wait inside like you said. You dry off. And all that stuff." Ducking under the small doorway, he was desperate to remove himself from the sudden awkward situation.
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge and Tiffanian)

When Garrett entered into the house, he would find that it was relatively small, and that there was only one room. One side of the room was dominated by a huge fireplace. The hearth was made of common stone, and extended for quite a distance around the fireplace so as to prevent stray sparks from catching the wooden floor on fire. It seemed to get thicker the closer one got to the fireplace, such that it was raised somewhat off the rest of the hearth. Next to it on the left were all the various materials needed to start a fire; wood, from kindling on up to rather thick logs, and various materials for tending a fire. On the right were two cabinets built into the wall, one of which looked normal, the other of which had an odd wooden tube extending to it from the wall. The wall opposite the door was dominated by a table and some chairs, as well as more cabinets and dressers built into the wall on either side. The wall to his right had a fairly large bed in the middle of it, and not much else. In all it was a fairly sparse home, though it seemed well-built. He would find that he didn't have much clearance with the ceiling, though, probably because the harpy was so short.

After a few minutes Laena came in to the house, still wet but not dripping any more, and quickly walked over to the fireplace, beginning to make a fire. "Sorry about the size, I didn't exactly build this with humans in mind. It's not every day I get a visitor who doesn't fly" she said, poking around with the kindling before reaching for a match and striking it against the stone, setting the kindling on fire and then grumbling as she hopped over to fiddle with the damper. In a few minutes she had a decent fire going, and she turned to Garrett, saying "I hope you like tea, it's the only hot drink I have." She hopped over to the nearest cabinet, getting out a strange contraption that seemed to be made of metal and sitting it over the fire, and then a tea kettle. She opened the other cabinet and from it got a bucket of water; it seemed that the odd tube was a method of rainwater collection, and likely filtering. After pouring some water in the kettle she put it all away and set the kettle on the contraption above the fire.

"It should be on in a few minutes. What's your name, anyway? And why are you going deeper into the jungle? It seems most people are going out these days" she said, hopping over to one of the dressers by the table and pulling out another bandage, a brown pair of panties, and a towel. "Turn around for a minute, by the way" she said before stripping off her wet clothing and toweling off, then putting on the dry clothes. After that she hopped over to the table, having a seat at the chair and waiting for his answers, and the water to boil.
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge and Tiffanian)

While it was slightly annoying to have to keep his head ducked a bit, he really couldn't complain about the circumstances. And he was very tired, so the last thing he wanted to do was stand straight up. Taking one of the spare chairs, he removed things, all except his pants.

Meh, sure they'll dry off just fine over time.

He let out a relieved sigh of relaxation, finally able to close his eyes and rest his mind. Before he could start to fall asleep from exhaustion, the woman started to inquire about him. Waking himself up with a small slap to his own face, he did his best to listen.

"Hey no no... it's fine. I'm not exactly the tallest man in the world, so I don't have to duck down too much. And I'm glad just to have a place to just relax without turning into plant fertilizer for that thing, whatever that was." The woman offered tea, and anything right now for a hot drink would just hit the spot perfectly.
"Thank you very much! I don't mean to be a bit rude, but I have not met anybody of your... type? You certainly aren't one of those demon things, as you prove with your ability to be a great hostess."
That had been something else that caught him off guard. He was expecting to be taken to something like a nest, or anything more primitive than an actual structured building. Though to be fair, everything out here was practically new to him since the only safe place had been home.
"And to answer your question, I'm Garrett. I'm.." A bit hesitant to just go and tell his plans to a complete stranger, Garrett tried to downplay his real reasons a little bit, or rather alot.
"I'm just trying to find some family. I've been living alone for a while and I figured it wouldn't go hurt to go give a visit." The woman requested that he look away briefly, which he did hesitantly as he found himself admiring her petite figure for a moment.
"So, what's your name?" He asked as he averted his gaze.
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge and Tiffanian)

"Never seen a harpy before, huh? That doesn't surprise me much. We're rare, and you won't find any of us outside of the Amazon, really. And we certainly aren't demons" Laena replied as she sat back in one of the other chairs, gently stroking her feathers as she did so. "We were once human, a long, long time ago. And then we were blessed by magical energies, and made more than human. The price was that we would never be able to have male offspring of our kind" she explained.

When he mentioned that he had family here in the Amazon Laena flinched involuntarily. Poor guy, this isn't a good place to have family... she thought, looking down for a moment before the kettle started to whistle. "Oh" she muttered, hopping up and then over to the fireplace, to pick the kettle up and place it on the table. She then got into another of the cabinets, pulling out two cups and two little leaves. "Well, I'm sure you'll find them" she said, not at all convinced of her own assurances, as she put a leaf in each cup and poured some of the water in. "I haven't got any sugar for it, sugar is hard to come by these days, so I'm afraid you'll have to take it plain."

"Ah, my name is Laena" she said as she waited for the tea to steep for a few minutes. "I... um..." she muttered, not sure what to say now. Now she had him in her home. A cute man, sitting there, in her home. What did she do now? She wasn't sure. Her culture... Her culture didn't offer her anything worthwhile on this subject. Most harpies took their mates by force, at first anyway. And that was something that she most certainly didn't want to do. She took the tea leaf out of her cup and began to sip at it, looking at him and waiting for him to say something.
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge and Tiffanian)

Garrett couldn't help but raise an eyebrow of slight curiosity about her kind.

No male of the species? Well, that's inconvenient. So the women of their species aren't able to find any males, that means they'll eventually die off... how sad. Best to keep such a touchy subject quiet.

He gave a wide smile as he took the cup from her, taking a sip and indeed finding it to be a bit bitter from lack of sugar. But it was warm, and his body was craving anything to heat it up a little bit after that soaking rain.

"Well, I'm sure you'll find them."
The cheerful demeanor that he had vanished as he thought about his family.

Are they still alive even? Are they monsters? I'm pretty sure I have a good idea what they did to my sisters, raping them and inflicting nothing but torment and pain upon them, day after day after day... They'll all pay. Monsters from hell, I'll make sure they're tortured to the point they wish they had stayed there! Thinking too much, he remained silent for quiet some time, mulling over in his thoughts. What he'd do once he found them, how he'd make them pay. How he'd never forgive these things for what they had done.

"Yeah... I'll find them." Finally breaking his silence he murmured softly, a light sting of contempt within his voice. Garrett blinked, realizing that he was in the presence of somebody else and now wasn't exactly the time to doze off.

"Sorry, guess I'm just really tired. Pleased to meet you Laena. I'll try not to be a burden for so long. If it's ok, could I possibly sleep here for tonight? I promise next morning I'll be off on my way afterwards. I'm sorry I can't do much to really repay you, and I am in a hurry. I got to get to them as soon as possible. But I won't forget your hospitality!"

He was running out of small talk, and also getting very tired. His ego must have been the only thing keeping him going through that storm, cause only now since he's been out of it has he felt exhaustion and lack of energy.
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge and Tiffanian)

Laena's eyes went wide and she blushed as the human asked to spend the night in her little home, looking away quickly. He talked about repaying her, but surely he didn't mean sex. Surely not. But this was a small house, and there was only one bed... Could he be offering? He also talked about leaving early in the morning, and she wanted more than just a night of sex with this man, she could tell. But how to ask for it?

There was silence for a bit, the only sound the rain beating hard against the wooden roof. Finally she muttered "it's okay, you're not being a burden yet. And of course you can stay the night, but... there's only the one bed. And... I... You don't need to leave immediately you know." She was started to turn red, not sure what to say or do. She suddenly got up and hopped over to the fireplace, beginning to tend the fire with a poker to distract herself. Maybe with a little more time to think she would be able to figure out what to say.
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge and Tiffanian)

Stroking his chin, he did have to agree to help her somehow.
"Your right. I don't have to leave right in the morning, I could possibly help you out with a couple of chores, least I could do for saving my life. And my family isn't really going anywhere any time soon."

Besides, it's been 2 years since then... I know they either aren't alive, or they've been turned into one of them.
His intention was more to actually saving their souls, rather than their bodies. The only way they would still be unharmed right now would be by pure luck. This was something he'd thought long and hard about before even setting out into the wilderness. It's just something he doesn't like to dwell on, like he was starting to right now.

"And don't worry about me sleeping. I'll sleep on the floor if you got any blankets or stuff. Would be rude to make the hostess abandon the comfort of her own bed." His eyes couldn't help but scan her curved petite figure though. The idea of getting that close with her in the bed kept crawling up in his mind. Sure she had feathers and talons, but besides those she was still very attractive. And it would take forever for his clothes to dry after the drenching they took, so he'd practically be naked right up against her if they shared the bed. His wet skin pressed against hers.... Garrett had to shake his head rather suddenly side to side, dismissing those perverted thoughts.

You don't even know the girl, and you just learned her name stupid. That's the kind of piggish attitude you've hated in other guys. However, a thought did suddenly occur to him.

"Hey Laena? I noticed as you were flying me in that there were no other residents or buildings nearby. Does that mean you just live out here all by yourself?"
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge and Tiffanian)

Chores. Chores? Garrett was a nice guy, offering to help Laena with whatever she needed done around the house. Somehow it wasn't satisfying, though. She didn't need any help with the day to day things, this place was fairly low maintenance. His assertion that he would sleep on the floor did nothing to lift her spirits as she poked at the fire, unable to see the way he was looking at her backside. She tried to come up with a suitable response, something to convey what she wanted, but as she poked uselessly at the fire nothing came to mind, until he finally snapped her out of it by asking if she lived alone.

"Hm? Oh, I'm not exactly alone. Harpies don't really live in "villages," but there are others scattered around here and there, and I meet with them from time to time. The distance doesn't matter as much when you can fly" she replied, clutching the poker tightly before finally putting it away and turning around to look at Garrett. She was blushing slightly as she struggled to put what she wanted to say into words, walking slowly towards him again. "You, um... You don't... I..." she muttered, looking down at the floor before finally looking him in the eye and saying "I wouldn't mind sharing my bed with you." Her face was in the process of turning bright red, and it was hard to keep from fidgeting uncomfortably, though she managed somehow.
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge and Tiffanian)

Drinking his tea lightly, he listened to her intently. However, he did notice that she was getting rather flustered about something.

Odd? Is it just me, or does she seem nervous about me being here? Though I haven't done anything in particular.

"I wouldn't mind sharing my bed with you."

He was just finishing up the tea when Laena said that, catching him by surprise as he choked on the tea and managed to swallow it down following by a bit of coughing.

"Your serious? I mean not that it would be a bad thing, it's just kinda weird. I mean not weird a bit unusual and people don't usually sleep in the same beds, least I didn't with other people but that was just me!"
The way he continued to babble didn't exactly make him seem all that calm about the situation. His cheeks were flushed deep red as he scratched the side of his head.
"I mean if you want... I g-guess that's ok. I mean I won't do anything, I promise! Not that I would! I know I could but wouldn't, well I shouldn't you know? I'm... shutting up now." Thoughts exactly weren't falling into place with him. The exact opposite really. Just her suggestion of him sleeping in the same bed of her brought up other thoughts, bare bodies tightly pressed up against each other.
NO! Stop it! Pervert! Just shutup and go along with it. It'll be over in the morning anyways, you can handle one night being that close to a .... cute naked woman, possibly just touch her a little bit. See how wet you can make he- STOP IT!

Giving a stammer, he glanced back at the bed and figured he needed the sleep anyways.
"Well uh... it IS getting late. I... I suppose getting to bed right now would be ideal.."
Hesitantly, he walked over to the bed and tried to shut his brain off, possibly go to sleep as soon as his head hit the pillow?
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Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge and Tiffanian)

Laena watched as Garrett choked on his tea, coughing and sputtering after he gulped it down, and then began to babble. His thoughts were barely coherent as he professed how weird it would be to share a bed, and then how he would do it, but he certainly wouldn't and shouldn't do anything! He was clearly as nervous as she was, his face going nearly as red as hers as he started to head towards the bed, apparently intent on sleeping. She hopped forward, catching his arm with her hand, saying "wait! You make it sound like you would be going against me if you did something... We could do... plenty together... if you wanted..." She was very quiet, looking down at the floor as she spoke, obviously still nervous, but gaining some ground. How do I say this? How do I get him to understand that I want him for more than just tonight? Should I even say it while I'm basically asking him for sex? The thoughts came rapidly as she tried to gently force Garrett to face her, and to force herself to look up into his eyes. "I... I've been looking for..." she started, but she trailed off without finishing, no words coming to mind as she stared at the man.
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge and Tiffanian)

Stopping in his tracks, he felt his hand grabbed gently. Garrett turned his face to see hers, and was surprised to find that when their eyes met, he couldn't help but feel that she wasn't telling him something.

"We could do... plenty together... if you wanted..."

He swallowed nervously. It was hard trying to piece together the things in his head, thoughts and questions scattered. It wasn't a bad thing, and he couldn't say he was against it. It just seemed she was almost pleading the way she voiced it, begging for something. While she had verbally almost declared she wouldn't mind his possible advances, there was more to it perhaps?

Ok, normally woman wouldn't jump at the first opportunity to jump a mans bone, unless she was a total slut of course. But she doesn't give off that kinda vibe. So-
Preventing himself from slapping his own head at his stupidity, he couldn't believe he didn't figure it out sooner. As he bit his lip, he tried to voice out the conclusion he'd come to.
"You earlier said that harpies couldn't have mates of the same species, right? And that means you'd have to find another man, so does that mean that your currently.. asking me to... impregnate you? Not because you actually want me to, but because you have to otherwise your kind will die out?"
He didn't ask it in so much as a question really. More he was trying to find out if this was what made her so nervous as he did. Now that he thought about it, she was probably more nervous because she's known all along her life she'd have to offer herself to some random guys just to keep her kind from vanishing.
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge and Tiffanian)

"What? I don't... I don't necessarily want you to impregnate me..." Laena stuttered. He wasn't too far from the truth about what she wanted, but his idea of her motivations was way off base. "I have plenty of time to have children... All the time in the world, hopefully..." she said with a somewhat sad smile, and a hard gulp. "I... What I want is... a mate" she said, barely squeaking out the last words. "I want someone to share a bed with me more than just tonight... and you seem like a good man. Kind, and... cute... and..." her face was beet red, and any more words just stuck in her throat before she could say them as she fidgeted, still holding onto Garrett lightly as she looked into his eyes nervously.