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Into the Maw (Game Thread)

Re: Into the Maw (Game Thread)

"Captain, with all due respect, next time there's a fight station-side, could you have someone vox a warning over to us on the Beneficient Murder? Or just me? If that frigate of theirs decided to take a cheap shot and blow up our engines before bailing out I wouldn't have the foggiest that was coming until it was too late. We're lucky they probably assumed you had warned me. Not to mention it'd slow down a rescue if something went pear shaped. I thought that was why you had brought Ishta along out there.," said Naomi, keeping her voice even. Ungh, they had dodged a huge bullet there.

"And with all due respect, Voidmaster, you would be wise not to so openly tell me how to look after my ship and crew, especially when you do not have all the facts at your disposal. Had another frigate entered into an attack vector targeting the Beneficent Murder - regardless of whether you've had warning from myself or not - I would trust you to not be asleep at the helm. We were also lucky that this Captain Fel only sent five hired guns against our small contingent, when he could have sent many more. Nor was I aware of Captain Fel's identity until well after the fight was over and even then could not speak openly of it while in front of the arbitrators.

"In short, Voidmaster, by the time it was prudent to send word of a possible attack on our ship - unlikely given that such an incident within Calixus Sector space is not sanctioned by a Warrant of Trade and would brand Fel as a marauder and traitor to the Imperium - the danger had already passed and I was back on the ship."

The noblewoman cocked her head to one side and fixed Naomi with a challenging stare. The following words were delivered in a tone that intimated the Voidmaster should be cautious.

"Your suggestion is noted for future scenarios. You and Siegismund have your orders. Dismissed."

With that ordeal over, Faydra would remain with her psyker and navigator, in order to best observe the contents of the mnemolith and its transcription onto a starmap that would be locked by her own genecode upon its completion - though not one that would open at her faintest touch, naturally.
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Re: Into the Maw (Game Thread)

Anya gave the psyker a nod. "I am ready when ever you are." Gesturing for her to go first, knowing the astropath was more likely to obtain a clearer picture then she would. Plus she was hesitent to go first in case the other psyker had booby trapped the mnemolith during that brief contact. "Once we have a location, I can chart use a course and Warp route."
Re: Into the Maw (Game Thread)

Ishta nodded, giving a small smirk. Not giving a response, she stood from her chair and reached for the Mnemolith, gripping it firmly.
Re: Into the Maw (Game Thread)

The Captain had some fair points but she was clearly overconfident. The fact they had been attacked hadn't been spoken until hours of the event, and had there been a more coordinated attack, they would have been caught with their pants down. Clearly they had been, but she hadn't been warned at all. It could have gotten them all killed. It definitely made her doubt whether the Captain had much idea what she was doing.

Though frankly she didn't know what she expected, most of the nobility was about the same, everyone was pawns for their use. Tools, disposable. Wasn't any different anywhere, everyone treated everyone else like the bloody Imperial Guard, just so much meat to use. Either way, she'd need to clearly stay extra wary from now on since it was clear she wouldn't be given the information needed to protect everyone's lives unless the Captain deigned it relevant. Joy.

At least Sigmund wasn't being obstinate about this, and she made her way for where the Tau were being kept. She coached herself on the way and had to calm down her nerves. The Tau would pick up on nervousness and it may make them worry it was a trap or something. While she knew a fair bit about the Xenos, she never really had sat down with one face to face and talked. Usually it was a whole kill or be killed thing.

Either way she stared at the door for a minute or so before sighing and knocked.
Re: Into the Maw (Game Thread)

When either of the two Psykers touch the mnemolith, a vision floods their mind. A flickering star hangs within a thick nebula, circled by a dust world and a frozen halo. Floating within the nebula, a massive, ancient derelict ship looms, the Righteous Path. The vision imprints itself upon the psykers mind as they hold it, becoming a memory not soon forgotten. Anya, however, experiences an additional feeling during the vision. She can feel the pull of the Astronomicon as if she were really there, pulling her faintly towards Holy Terra.

The vision quickly fades, and both are left with the memory of the vision.

Anya, please make an Ordinary (+10) Awareness test to gauge the location of the area, as per the normal rules of locating the Astronomicon.
Re: Into the Maw (Game Thread)

After a few moments of watching nothing happen to Ishta, she reached out a hand. Her hand touching the mnemolith and letting the vision enter her mind. Giving a small smile as she recognized the pull of the Astronomicon.

2 out of 50. 4 degrees of success?
Re: Into the Maw (Game Thread)

After speaking with Ishta, Shao're returned to the room she shared with Len and told him about her and the psyker had talked about.

<So if the others are at all as accepting as she was, I don't think we need to worry too much about our safety at their hands.> She said, sitting down on one of the beds again. <At least, as far as the officers go. I don't know about the...> She stopped when the knock came from the door.

Still with her helmet on, she looked to Len and, if he didn't call for the person to enter, she would.
Re: Into the Maw (Game Thread)

Ishta's eyelids flicker momentarily as she first makes contact, taking in the vista of space the vision shows her with a smile creeping onto her face. The view was magnificent.

Putting the beauty aside for the moment, she focused on the details, making note of the size and colour of the nebula, the flickering star's position within it, and everything else in relation to the ship, their prize. Breaking contact with the Mnemolith shortly after, she waited for Anya to do so as well before speaking. "Did you find what we need? I got a good look, but I'd have to do some research for it to point us anywhere."
Re: Into the Maw (Game Thread)

Though she felt the pull of the Emperor's guidance, she had no clue wheere the place might be. After a moment she let go of the object, and set it on the table. Looking to the psyker and giving a small nod. "I have what I need. Though I will require a star chart to truly find where it is and plot a course."
Re: Into the Maw (Game Thread)

"You both will have access to all the charts in our possession, and if we need more information to plot a course, then we will find what we need on the other side of the Maw."

Faydra stood up.

"Ishta, I will leave it to you to transcribe what you have gleaned into a physical copy that I can read. Anya, it would be best that we got underway as soon as possible. I shall inform the crew to make preparations for entry into the Warp. Let us pray for good fortune."

Nodding to the two officers, the rogue trader took up the mnemolith and brought it back to her private quarters. Once there, she changed from her bright half dress into a more military styled uniform, although naturally still one that had a certain flare and appeal to her figure. Within a half hour she would make her way towards the bridge and make the announcement on the ship wide vox caster that the Beneficent was going to enter the Maw.
Re: Into the Maw (Game Thread)

Anya nodded at Faydra's words. "Alright. I will be on bridge looking over our star maps." Heading to the bridge and letting Faydra get dress in her gear.

Once on the bridge she gave the helmswoman a nod and sat down at a console. "I should have a course for you shortly." Beginning to pour through the ship's star maps and charts, looking for features she had seen from the vision and the path of the Emperors guiding light. Her mind already drifting towards thoughts of their impending jump.
Re: Into the Maw (Game Thread)

Hearing the call to enter, Noemi opened the door, peering in. Well. There they were. A less observant individual might think them human while in their suits. The builds were close enough, if a bit willowy, though these ones were much bigger than what she had been told. She had heard there was some sort of dimorphism in the species though.

Nevertheless, they weren't human and their thoughts different. But for the time she had to put down years of dogma and instinct and treat them as she would anyone else. Hopefully this would work out.

She wondered if Tau particularly cared about dress codes she wondered wryly, her far from a uniformed officer, wearing ragged clothes and cloaks more suited for a beggar. Often she had been one. It wasn't like she had money really. Either way.

"I'm Noemi, the Voidmaster. Or pilot if you're unfamiliar with the imperial terminology. I apologise for the awkwardness, I don't usually socialize so this is a bit difficult for me.," she said, before taking a deep breath. She wasn't usually this awkward. some of it was, but a little bit of it might help put them at ease as well.

She stepped in and nodded to the two. "I'm here to tell you we're about to head off for the Maw now, so we'll be heading into the Warp soon. We need to find out where any Tau outposts are on the way to our destination though, since you guys probably want to see home, and we're hoping to do some trading with them. So if you know any coordinates or something, we'll head for the closest one on the way. Probably shoulda sent the Navigator for this but here we are."
Re: Into the Maw (Game Thread)

If Shao're was bothered by Noemi's attire, she didn't give any indication of it. Of course, being a xeno and wearing a full-face helmet didn't make it any easier to tell. She simply stood, seemingly at attention, as she listened to the Voidmaster.

Once Noemi had finished speaking, Shao're waited for her fellow Tau to speak up, but after an awkward second, spoke up.

"It is an honour to meet you, Voidmaster Noemi." Her helmet's translator unit was providing the, well, translation from Tau. "I am Tash'var Shas'la Shao're. Shao're is acceptable though." She paused after giving her introduction, as if considering something, but continued.

"To the best of my knowledge, the Tau have yet to explore this... Maw. It's possible there may be outposts on our path, but I do not know of any myself."

She waited for Len to speak if he was going to, before speaking again. "It is likely not your place to make such a judgement, but I would like to express my interest in aiding the crew and mission of this vessel." Despite the alien mannerisms, some nervousness, or perhaps anticipation, could be heard in Shao're's translated voice.
Re: Into the Maw (Game Thread)

Siggy, having finally finished doing all he could to prepare the ship for the coming transit into warpspace, turned and walked down the halls towards where the Tau were kept. Xenos, a worrying prospect, and something that would cause nightmares amidst the crew members that had no doubt heard of them. These weren't the worst kind, certainly, there were far worse filth spawned in the darker corners of the galaxy...like those blasted greenskin...but they used false machinery, they insulted the Omnissiah by their denial of its' holy writ. That was all he needed to know to know that any conversations would be...a foolish effort. At least they weren't savage enough to board though, at least they understood that if you should kill a man aboard a ship, you should take out the whole bloody thing and save him the trouble of losing what few friends and people who owed him money you could.

Seething slightly, the man walked towards the cabin.
Re: Into the Maw (Game Thread)

While it was entirely possible the Tau were lying, perhaps out of fear of treachery on the ships part, it wouldn't make sense for them to join them on board in such a case. So most likely, they really had no idea. Noemi gave them fifty fifty odds of surviving the captain finding out that the Tau wouldn't be any good for finding anything to trade.

The next part didn't surprise Noemi too much though it was a bit dreaded. Tau were the type who liked to help each other. Their culture was a bit like a machine, each portion worked towards the overall function of it because it was what it had to do to make everything work. She could respect it, even if she wasn't so certain it was as clear cut as they made it seem.

"You're right, it's not my call. I only pilot the ship, the Captain has absolute authority on all matters that the Emperor has not decreed upon. You'll need to speak to her. I will inform her of your interest however. I suggest however you think carefully on it."

Assuming the captain didn't decide to space them rather than waiting and seeing if maybe there was a Tau outpost in uncharted space, Noemi suspected it could go one way or the other for them. Tau worked together well, but they also could trust each other and their leadership not to have ulterior motives and to do what they felt was best for them all. If there was a repeat of the space station incident, there might be issues.
Re: Into the Maw (Game Thread)

((Sorry for the week, been busy as all hell.))

"Ishta, I will leave it to you to transcribe what you have gleaned into a physical copy that I can read.

"Aye, captain." Ishta answered simply, giving a nod. Making her way back to her own chambers, she got started on the report. While the image was burned into her mind quite thoroughly, she still wanted to write the report while it was fresh.

The report itself was rather simple, a quick explanation of the concept of what she saw and how she saw it, followed by a listing of every detail she could think of from it, colours, peculiar shapes in the nebulae around, the comparative sizes of the star and planet to judge distances with, and so on and so forth.

Once she was finished, she took the dataslate with her report and delivered it to the Captain's chambers, staying a moment as Faydra read it, in case she had any questions. Once she was dismissed, she made her way to the bridge. There was little for her to do there, but the bustle of the command crew was somewhat soothing to her mind. Taking her usual seat without comment, she leaned back and closed her eyes, examining the moments as they passed. It was going to be a fairly long trip, as most of them were in this lifestyle.
Re: Into the Maw (Game Thread)

Faydra accepted the psyker's report with eagerness, immediately scanning the data slate and reading through the various star formations and details of note.

"Good work," she said, sliding the slate into her top desk drawer and gene-locking it. "It will be some time before we can put it to use, but we can compare what you've seen to more detailed star maps on the frontier worlds, once we get into the Expanse proper. For now, we simply concern ourselves with the voyage through the warp, and pray that our luck holds and that our would-be assassins feel the touch of the Ruinous Powers."


If a request arrived from an officer that the Tau passengers wished an audience with the Rogue Trader, Faydra would grant one, provided there were several trusted armsmen with her at the time. There were many Undynne life-sworn aboard this vessel who had proven themselves loyal during the first mutiny, and the captain would have little difficulty surrounding herself with such soldiers, as they were the ones allowed to patrol the officers' deck.

Concerning the matter of the Tau wishing to offer their services, Faydra would of course accept a pledge, but on the understanding that her orders were to be followed. Faydra had never held out high hopes that either of these passengers were of great importance to their people, nor did she think that they were particularly knowledgeable about the outposts of their Empire. What she primarily wanted them around for was the credibility they would award her should she ever encounter other Tau, not to mention the use they could be simply by speaking the xeno language and being able to teach her crew how Tau weaponry worked.

Yes of course, this was tantamount to tech and xenos heresy within the bounds of the Emperor's space, but in the Expanse, her Warrant of Trade made such use of xenos fair game to all but the ardent members of the Ordos Xenos, with whom she did not intend to make much of an acquaintance.

So naturally, she had no intention of squandering a potential resource. Had she thought the Tau were not of intrinsic value, she would not have allowed them on her ship in the first place.


When all preparations for warp had been made, Faydra would make a final announcement to the ship's personnel, and then give the order for the Navigator to open the gate into the warp.
Re: Into the Maw (Game Thread)

At the command of the captain, the ship begins to spring to life, the lower decks bursting into a flurry of activity, and the warp drive itself almost anticipating the jump, and, with the Navigator in place and prepared, a hole tears itself in space and the Beneficent Murder sinks out of reality and into the Immaterium.

Rathuris, please give me the usual checks to navigate the Warp with the +15 bonus from your ship's Machine Spirit.
Re: Into the Maw (Game Thread)

Anya gave a nod as the captian returned to the bridge. Hearing her command the crew to prepare for Warp, she laid done a course in the computers. Moving over to take the helm as piloted a course to thier destination. She gave a small nod as she prepared to open the gate, double checking to make sure the Geller Field was activate. With a slight smirk, she let the vessel cruise into the Warp.

Anya couldn't help but feel at ease as the ship slipped into the Warp. Doing the job she had been painstakingly bred to do. "We are under way, Captian." Her third eye springing to life to scan the swirling maelstorm before them.

Navigation heck to determine passage time
Rolled 53 of 44

Astronomican Check
Rolled 2 of 55 For 5 degrees of success. Giving +10 per degree for piloting navigation tests

Warp Danger Check
Rolled 37 of 70

Warp Navigation Check
Rolled 39 of 120

I think I did this right. Should I do the last roll for exiting the Warp now, or wait?
Re: Into the Maw (Game Thread)

As the ship slides through the Immaterium, the tech-priests aboard seem to make prayers to the Machine-God, and if anyone pays close attention, they will notice the Gellar Field fluctuating beyond the norm, though it remains stable. The crew remain on edge for most of the travel, before eventually the ship slips out of The Warp into The Battleground, a halfway-point on the journey through The Maw. A vast stretch of void, named for the sea of gutted space hulks, twisted wrecks, and ancient debris it contains. Remnants of a war long forgotten, and often used as a rest stop for ships travelling to The Expanse.

As the ship's engines return to normal functioning, a weak Salvation-Beacon is detected, coming from a nearby debris field. From the signature, it identifies itself as the Penitent Traveller, a pilgrim ship of the Imperium.

OOC: Sorry that took so long, got a little wrapped up in other things.