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Into the Maw OOC Thread

Re: Into the Maw OOC Thread

I'm sure there are many nobles who wouldn't raise a fuss over being called ma'am, but I think Faydra would come from a background that did take a certain pride in being referred to through proper titles.

At the very least, as a matter of personal identity, Faydra doesn't like being called it. She's used to even those of peer rank referring to her as Lady Faydra.
Re: Into the Maw OOC Thread

Well feel free to have Faydra bring it up with Anya. Though preferably after her nap. XD
Re: Into the Maw OOC Thread

*knock knock knock* Anya.

*knock knock knock* Anya.

*knock knock knock* Anya.


Don't call me ma'am.
Re: Into the Maw OOC Thread

So just what would the Tau 'contraband' know about any fleets or outposts in the Expanse? I mean, I'm fine with them not knowing themselves, that's certainly a possibility. Would just like to know what my character knows or doesn't know, ya know?
Re: Into the Maw OOC Thread

Welp, I imagine it depends on how high up on the chain of command your character is, but given that our current purpose is to reunite you with your people in exchange for some good possibility of cold trade in alien tech, it would make sense for a story perspective for one or both of you to know where to find other Tau outposts - even if they aren't military bastions.
Re: Into the Maw OOC Thread

Guess everybody's kinda busy. Just saying that I'm still here, even if I'm mute in character. Want to give the Void Master the time it asked for in character, primarily because my dude finds the T'au creepy as fuck, and would look for reasons to stall.
Re: Into the Maw OOC Thread

I'm still here as well, also waiting for the Void Master...
Re: Into the Maw OOC Thread

I wanted to wait and see if TentanariX would get the door or not, said he would but ehhh, that was a few days ago. Guess I'll just go ahead.
Re: Into the Maw OOC Thread

Common Lore (Tau) Roll for Shao're to know about any Tau outposts or the like as per Noemi's question. Rolled a 26 for 2 degrees of success, if it matters.

Re: Into the Maw OOC Thread

Im sorry i havent been attentive to things for a while. I intended to be reliable(?) but I have horribad focus. Ill try to get a post out in a few days or so.
Re: Into the Maw OOC Thread

Well, was giving Tenta time to post something and certainly not ignoring the writer's block I had by playing Minecraft. Anyway, figured out how to say what I wanted to.
Re: Into the Maw OOC Thread

I've been waiting for a GM post in the thread. I think entering the warp should be fine. We can still continue to have character interactions during the trip.