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Introduce yourself

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El Presidente
Staff member
Nov 9, 2008
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Old and new members may introduce themselves here.

If you want, you can use this template ShadowWolfSBI has donated:

[U]The Basics[/U]

Name: (Real or Forum Nick, we don't care.)
Age: (If you're underage, it's the hammer for you.)
Birth Place:
Current Country of Residence:


Hair Color:
Eye Color:
(Unless you post pictures, we don't care if you decide to bullshit.)


Zodiac: (Western. If you know others, and feel like listing them, go ahead.)
My Fears:
Common Utterances:
Is the glass half full, or half empty:
Bad Habits:

3 Things You Dislike:


TV Show:
Music Genre:
Internet Meme:

[U]Do I...[/U]

Flip out and kill people:
Play Guitar/Air Guitar:
Knit scarves for orphans:


Can you see into it?
Should Marty have gone back to it?
Where you'll be in 5 years?

[U]Other Stuff[/U]

Reason for joining:
Other random trivia:
You should include at least one BS answer for humour ;)

I'll start:

I'm aika, the owner of this forum. I'm LineMarvel's #1 fan. I can prove it, I own a forum dedicated to him.

I'm a 19 year old male student studying Computer Science at Cambridge University. I'm also a /b/tard and really quite lazy, but don't tell anyone.

The Basics

Name: aika
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Birth Place: United Kingdom
Current Country of Residence: England
Occupation: Student


Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown


Zodiac: I always forget. That one that's got a cool name.
My Fears: Not getting married / having children. My family finding out about this site.
Common Utterances: "LOL". yes, out loud. "Not really." (taking the mick out of my girlfriend, it's her comeback to everything.)
Is the glass half full, or half empty: Half full
Bad Habits: Scratching my crotch, turning my head to check out girls walking past. Biting my nails.

3 Things You Dislike:
1) People who are serious business on the internet
2) Not having signal on my mobile phone
3) When my internet is going slow


TV Show: Heroes
Drink: Double vodka and coke
Shoe: Normal black trainers
Hat: Black woollen "burglar's hat"
Color: Fuschia
Music Genre: Techno
Internet Meme: I accidentally a 93MB rar file

Do I...

Smoke: No, mostly because I find it repulsive but also I'm athsmatic.
Swear: Not around my family.
Flip out and kill people: Not yet.
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: I air guitar a lot to Dragonforce and Daft Punk on my own.
Knit scarves for orphans: If by "knit" you mean "nick" and by "for" you mean "from".


Can you see into it? I am very good at predicting what will happen with relationships.
Should Marty have gone back to it? I honeslty couldn't care less.
Where you'll be in 5 years? Google maybe. Or the head of the Church of Scientology. All hail Tom Cruise!

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: i want to meet people who can use the program that linemarvin uses to make his games
Other random trivia: A ninja is standing behind you right now. No, seriously
Re: Introduce yourself

I'm Momiji. Uh..I was the 2nd person (1st?) to register to this forum who wasn't an admin. I rule. Just thought I'd let you know.
Re: Introduce yourself

I'm a 19 year old male student studying Computer Science at Cambridge University. I'm also a /b/tard and really quite lazy, but don't tell anyone.

Change 19 year old to 18, and Cambridge to PPCC, and you've got me!

I'm one of the first 5 people to have registered in the Very first LM forums, ha ha! /dance
Re: Introduce yourself

The Basics

Name: Wolf
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Birth Place: I was too young at the time to remember it.
Current Country of Residence: States
Occupation: Lazy Bastard


Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown


Zodiac: Like I've got time to keep track of that?
My Fears: Never bothered to check.
Common Utterances: Whiskey-Tango-Foxtrot; Oh, shit. How many this time? ; If you have to ask, you don't want to know. ; And what the smoke were you cracking?
Is the glass half full, or half empty: Empty, if it's anywhere near me.
Bad Habits: ...I'm going to keep that particular list to myself.

3 Things You Dislike:
1) Anyone deliberately acting stupid.
2) Political campaigners.
3) Gang Wannabes.


TV Show: Mythbusters, Ghost Hunters, GHI.
Drink: Yes.
Shoe: Unless I'm actually out in public, none.
Hat: ...Really need to get one.
Color: Darker shades.
Music Genre: Depends on mood.
Internet Meme: I deny your corporate Internet! ¡Viva la revolución!

Do I...

Smoke: No.
Swear: The fuck you think?
Flip out and kill people: I am currently not at liberty to disclose that information at this time as it may compromise our agents in the field.
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: No.
Knit scarves for orphans: No.


Can you see into it? No.
Should Marty have gone back to it? Depends.
Where you'll be in 5 years? Refer to the first question in this section.

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: Randomness.
Other random trivia: None.
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Re: Introduce yourself

I'm male, over the age of majority, college student, and vague as fuck. I'm currently majoring in psych, and considering a minor in education. I was the first registered lurker (prove me wrong!), though more vocal some of the 'active' members.
Re: Introduce yourself

my name is Nunu and I'm an alcoholic, also I'm the one you get to thank for the humor on this board.

I will be your most active administrator for the foreseeable future, I accept bribes in most forms although preferred ones are candy.
Re: Introduce yourself

Well, my name is obviously not Singingemogirl, you can call me Jessica if you want, (or Jessie or Yes, but i would prefer if you didn't..) i'm a 19 years old swedish girl studying to be a teacher for unkown reasons.
I like singing, drinking, smoking and playing videogames. The whole hentai thing is pretty new to me.
And i'm not an emo, it's just a joke that got too far and caught on.

Kramar till alla!
Re: Introduce yourself

Hello I'm Avatar99 also known as Thoma. I live in Staten Island and am going to college for computer science.
Re: Introduce yourself

Well, my name is obviously not Singingemogirl, you can call me Jessica if you want, (or Jessie or Yes, but i would prefer if you didn't..) i'm a 19 years old swedish girl studying to be a teacher for unkown reasons.
I like singing, drinking, smoking and playing videogames. The whole hentai thing is pretty new to me.
And i'm not an emo, it's just a joke that got too far and caught on.

Kramar till alla!

Hi Yes!

good to hear your not a real Emo
Re: Introduce yourself

Haha, yeah i'm not, i just pretended to be one at a festival once and earned a nickname that just won't go away. Maybe because i use it myself..

Edit: Yes? Why do i keep giving out my bad nicknames? I'm Stoopid
Re: Introduce yourself

where did the name Yes come from?
Re: Introduce yourself

To those who may concern, I am Lurker. I may be the only realy active lurker you may ever meet. My first posts graced Linemarvel's board, and I've been on all member-created boards since then (aka Message Board, Furrest of Pleasure, and Tentacle Haven) I will be creating a new round of Path of Ashes here as well. Enjoy your stay, and if you are a lurker... POST!
Re: Introduce yourself

Eh.. long story really, but to sum it up i said "yes" (or "ja" in swedish) a few times to many
Re: Introduce yourself

we've got lots of time, whats the long story. the one thats forming in my mind isn't particularly flattering to you.
Re: Introduce yourself

"What you think of others you find in yourself" :p

Don't jump to conclusions here Nunu, it's just that i used to have a tendancy to say yes to most things a while back, but not just what i think you are thinking of, even though i don't see sex without emotional attatchment as a problem. But it was mostly doing people favours like covering at work, helping out with schoolwork and stuff.
Re: Introduce yourself

also now that we've got a format:

The Basics

Name: Nunu
Age: 22
Gender: TBA
Birth Place: Melbourne
Current Country of Residence: Australia
Occupation: Hired Goon


Hair Color: TBA
Eye Color: Segmented Hetrochromia


Zodiac: Aquarius: there's trouble in your future when your tongue freezes to the back of a speeding bus, fill that void in your pathetic life by playing whack-a-mole seventeen hours a day.
My Fears: Sharp things
Common Utterances: Heya, Heyo, Kinky
Is the glass half full, or half empty: The glass is twice as large as it needs to be
Bad Habits: Making insensitive jokes at others expences

3 Things You Dislike:
1)bad grammar


TV Show: House, Drawn Together, Dr Who
Drink: Cookies and cream Thick shake with malt
Shoe: yeap, two of them
Hat: Soviet officer's
Color: Green
Music Genre: Soundtrack
Internet Meme: changes constantly

Do I...

Smoke: No
Swear: Only when appropriate
Flip out and kill people: Rarely
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: Alone or while riding my bike
Knit scarves for orphans: rarely


Can you see into it? yeap
Should Marty have gone back to it? No
Where you'll be in 5 years? Same place i am now

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: Bored
Other random trivia: Potatoes are good for everything
Re: Introduce yourself

Guess I'll do mine..

The Basics

Name: Momiji
Age: I lost count
Gender: Male
Birth Place: Don't remember
Current Country of Residence: U.S.A, home of BARACK OBAMA!!!
Occupation: Wizard


Hair Color:Blonde
Eye Color:Red


Zodiac: Virgo
My Fears: Scary Movies (I hate watching them)
Common Utterances: Yo, tho (shortening of though)
Is the glass half full, or half empty: Depends, what's in the glass?
Bad Habits: Not giving half a motherfucking shit

3 Things You Dislike:
2)Bad grammar
3)No capitals anywhere


TV Show: Scrubs, The Dresden Files, Drawn Together
Drink: Beer
Shoe: Sneakers
Hat: Baseball Cap
Color: Orange
Music Genre: Rock/Metal
Internet Meme: OVER 9000!!!

Do I...

Smoke: No
Flip out and kill people: Occasionally
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: Fuck yes.
Knit scarves for orphans: I do, but then I burn them in front of the orphanage


Can you see into it? I wish.
Should Marty have gone back to it? Never watched Back to the Future, so I dunno
Where you'll be in 5 years? Hopefully dead as shit.

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: I dunno.
Other random trivia: Fuck you.
Re: Introduce yourself

The Basics

Name: I'm Toxic (with a dropkick) I'm loud and obnoxious.
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Birth Place: The authorities are still looking into that.
Current Country of Residence: The US
Occupation: I'm a student, but I've been like a counselor/moral compass/all around life coach to anyone who asks.


Hair Color: Haha, whatever I decide I want it to be that week
Eye Color: Grey


Zodiac: Aquarius, supposedly it actually fits, despite me being a skeptic of zodiac signs
My Fears: Physical fears? Being submerged in water. And I really don't like bees
Common Utterances: "What's the worst she can do, NOT fuck me?"
Is the glass half full, or half empty: Who drinks out of a glass, how kitschy
Bad Habits: I spit a lot, I bite my nails.

3 Things You Dislike:
1) Everyone's ignorant of something so don't try to deny your own ignorance on something.
2) Bees
3) It's not ok to be full of yourself. (You need to save room for me to fit)


TV Show: I don't really watch tv, but i stay on top of MMA and by association "ultimate fighter" even if it has become crap
Drink: Ovaltine (with a bit of cola in it)
Shoe: wtf? it's just a shoe
Hat: Ones that block out sun
Color: Green/black/red
Music Genre: I listen to anything, my "favorite" changes periodically and I've been into a lot of math rock lately.
Internet Meme: I got balls of steel!

Do I...

Smoke: Just once
Swear: lots, it's ingrained in my language
Flip out and kill people: ..no
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: Guitar hero?
Knit scarves for orphans: Yeah, out of orphans.


Can you see into it? Actually yes. I'm good at prediction and can usually tell small events like phones, alarms, and IM's.
Should Marty have gone back to it? 1.21 GIGAWATTS!?!
Where you'll be in 5 years? In school for my masters.

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: Looking for relationships
Other random trivia: I only have seven toes.
I'm also practically invulnerable to harm. I mean, I can probably die, I just wouldn't feel it.
Re: Introduce yourself

The Basics

Name: Xivvix :p
Age: *pulls out a stack of ID's* just use the one that looks the most legitimate
Gender: give you two guesses
Birth Place: my mother's womb
Current Country of Residence: i seceded from my old country and established my own. ALL HAIL BRITTANNIA
Occupation: nonja


Hair Color: black
Eye Color: green
(Unless you post pictures, we don't care if you decide to bullshit.)


Zodiac: Western: Virgo. Eastern: Negative Metal Rooster (look it up :p )
My Fears: pauly shore
Common Utterances:
Is the glass half full, or half empty: *drinks whatever is in there* empty now.
Bad Habits: drinking out of glasses without checking whats in it

3 Things You Dislike:
1) Puppies
2) Flowers
3) Lists of things I dislike


TV Show: lost
Drink: rum
Shoe: chucks
Hat: ive got a baseball cap somewhere
Color: green
Music Genre: whatever happens to catch my fancy
Internet Meme: benny lava!

Do I...

Smoke: *cough* what?
Swear: fuck no, i fucking hate people who fucking swear, fucking assholes
Flip out and kill people: as a nonja, it is my responsibility to flip out and kill anyone that a real ninja misses
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: i prefer air xylophone
Knit scarves for orphans: knit for? no. steal from? yes.


Can you see into it? only when im drunk
Should Marty have gone back to it? and lose the chance to smex his own mother when she was young? what do you think?
Where you'll be in 5 years? hopefully not jail

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: to have some fun
Other random trivia: The cake is a lie.
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