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Iron City Multiplayer (SilentSilth, Maikochan)


Mystic Girl
Jul 16, 2010
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Imagine a world, where woman were histories notable leaders and thinkers; where men were the minority. These “Alpha females” are stronger and smarter than any man. In ancient times they were queens and chieftains, they hunted and provided for their tribes and waged wars for their people. In modern times they have been every president of the United States, with the historic election of JFK, the first man in the oval office.

There are females, who would seem familiar in our world, but a significant minority of woman can only be described as driven, powerful, perfectly formed, strong and fit, they are a paragon of females. They are referred to as Alpha Females, and in some way control almost every major corporation and government.

This is also a world of evil; many men have degenerated, lusting after and performing depraved acts, committing crimes and violence. While there are noble and just men, there are also many evil and corrupt men. They seek to usurp these Alpha Females, for hundreds of years they have fought to seize ground from them, but every time they flare up they are crushed back down by the superior Alpha Females. Now with the advent of the internet and secret ways of communicating they have returned and are harder than ever to eliminate. They do everything they can to enslave, dominate and humiliate the women of power.

But even amongst the Alpha Females there are those who are a cut above, they exhibit superhuman abilities, they can fly, lift cars, cannot be harmed by bullets. They may have gathered ancient artifacts or been trained in secret masteries. They have come together to put an end to this new male threat.

Word is trickling outwards that these woman have a weakness: sex, their bodies are perfect for warriors, but also as mothers. They can lose their mind and be broken by the brutal application of sex. Some blow this off as lies and madness, how could it have been unknown for so long?

But it is true, every time a man finds this out they are crushed and the knowledge contained, throughout history the Alpha Females have done everything to stop it from being known about their great lust and desires.


Our story is set in Iron City, a massive urban area that once knew great prosperity but now has degraded, in many areas to disrepair. Here crime is rampant and it is easy for evil to take hold in men’s hearts, where Alpha Females have seen the start of a new resistance and have dispatched many of their best there to combat it.

I figure there could be arch villians, who when defeated would cause a drying up of their brand of evil, so if The order of the red staff is scattered, no more mages helping other groups.

Major threats include:

The order of the Red Staff, ancient order of male sorcerers, they have been crushed a doze times since the Roman Empire, but always survive to rebuild. They are ruled by the immortal wizard Narzarx. Who loans out his apprentices like mercenaries to give magical power to the other struggling groups of the city.

Red Viper Gang: a newer but ascendant gang of toughes, who deal primarily in drugs and slave trade, capturing and selling women off the street, they have great numbers and are well trained in the abduction of females. They have been know to provide muscle for othe3r groups in the form of squads of thugs.

Xz’Sstr’Ka, An alien trapped on earth he seeks to breed with Alpha Females who can birth him hybrids, and is know for his fickleness and raw power.

Dr. Pump: a degenerate scientist who seeks to sexually experiment of Alpha Females, many of his experiments involve the milk provided by unwilling subjects. He provides the male resistance with accurate information of Alpha Females Capabilities and weaknesses.

Lord Mind-master: a psion of massive power, he claims to be an “Alpha Male” something the Alpha Females scoff at. He seems to be able to unlock psionic abilities in anyone, though he does so only to his most loyal allies.

Black Mask Gang: Much smaller than the Red Vipers, this seems to be 2-4 men, some of which have minor super powers, they perform high profile burglaries and are renowned for their abilities with chloroform and knock-out gas.

MING: his simple name belies his scientific power, he breeds horrible tentacled and beastly monsters, breeding them to create greater and greater threats to womankind as a whole. His labs are hidden all over, and he has a small order of deadly warriors at his command in addition to his monsters

((Describe what brought you too the city and where you are now, even your first actions))
Re: Iron City Multiplayer (SilentSilth, Maikochan)

Sasha hadn't really ever planned on being a Heroine... but after finding Gwen alone and on the streets, she'd been tagging along with the odd woman who seemed to leak milk. She helped with Gwen's every day needs, while Gwen would usually help Sasha study for college - after all, she just wanted a job so she could get out of Iron City. Gwen would, however, constantly remind the young girl that she had powers which could not be hidden for long - or ignored, either.

And that's exactly what brought them to the streets of Iron City today. Looking rather dejected, Sasha stuck her hands in her pockets, grumbling as she followed Gwen to a seedy establishment.

"Why are we even looking for this... Xz...Xz'ss... That alien guy, anyways? Did he hurt some puppies or something?" She muttered, hopefully enough so Gwen couldn't hear her.
Re: Iron City Multiplayer (SilentSilth, Maikochan)

((Sorry for the late start. Had some real world problems.))

Like Sasha, Gwen had never planned on being a heroine, and even after discovering her powers after being taken in by the smaller girl, but she felt she should do something with both her and her friend's powers. She felt like the girl was squandering her abilities, both natural and superpowered and would constantly ask Sasha what she wanted to do in five years, always recieving the same "Out of Iron City and somewhere I don't have to worry about having powers." response. So with some carrot-and-stick convincing, she got Sasha to leave their apartment to try to do some good, but not without some griping on Sasha's part.

"Because he's a danger to the whole city, even the country." Gwen explained, the third time that day. "And together, we should be able to at least hinder his plans, or even stop them altogether." Glancing up at the illegible sign of the building, she couldn't suppress a shudder though, she'd been the target of rapes almost monthly before finally being abducted and experimented on. A consequence of a pretty girl living alone in Iron City. At least now she could defend herself, if only just, thanks to some advice from Sasha.
Re: Iron City Multiplayer (SilentSilth, Maikochan)

You stand in the street looking around, you had an idea of where to start, the newspaper talked about it weekly or more, Horrible monsters from the sewers, creatures that attacked and slunk back to their homes beneath the ground. The police and mayor claimed they were unrelated to the Alien warlord, but the press made its own conclusions, naming them his servants and creations.

The major claimed he couldn't as his ship was hidden in orbit, hiding and launching its raids from them. Still it seemed like a good place to start, there was the subway and any manhole, alternatively you could start somewhere else.
Re: Iron City Multiplayer (SilentSilth, Maikochan)

"Gwen, this sucks. A lot," Sasha said with a long, drawn-out sigh, "I'm going home," The woman murmured, heading towards the subway, her hands in her pockets as she did. She really had no idea the subway was one of the 'danger zones' for these monsters, but that didn't quite matter at the moment. Either Gwen's plan had worked perfectly, or Sasha was really just unlucky.
Re: Iron City Multiplayer (SilentSilth, Maikochan)

"Ah! Wait!" Gwen cried, turning to chase after Sasha. She really didn't want to be left alone in this area. She also didn't know about the danger in the subway; she had been hoping to get some information from the people in the bar, but Sahsa quickly forced her to abandon that idea and chase after her partner.
Re: Iron City Multiplayer (SilentSilth, Maikochan)

The subway is empty, its the evening and few people are on their way around, especially after the monster attacks in the subway (Not reading the newspaper has its downsides! :D ). The station is mostly deserted, only a few others scattered around the platform waiting for the next train.

The air is crisp and cool underground, but there is a strange scent wafting lightly around, like dead vegetation or swamp like water.
Re: Iron City Multiplayer (SilentSilth, Maikochan)

Gwen shuddered as she stood on the subway platform. It always seemed creepy down her and she always prefered taking overland transit, even if it ment getting felt up on the busses from time to time. Still, she'd never had any problems the few times she did take the subway, so she wasn't sure why she was so adverse to using it. Maybe it was that smell that she suddenly noticed?

Coughing and covering her nose, she looked over at Sasha. "Do you smell that? Did a sewer pipe break or something?"
Re: Iron City Multiplayer (SilentSilth, Maikochan)

Sasha made a face as Gwen mentioned the smell, looking back at the woman.

"It does smell nasty. Maybe it won't on the train," She said, shrugging it off as a coincidence, "I mean, it could be you, too."
Re: Iron City Multiplayer (SilentSilth, Maikochan)

"Sasha!" Gwen objected indignatly. "You know better than anyone I don't smell like that!" Turning away from her 'friend', she crossed her arms and waited for the train to arrive.
Re: Iron City Multiplayer (SilentSilth, Maikochan)

The train rumbles in bringing in a rush of fresh air, the creaking cars of the train shuddered to a stop. The doors hiss open reveal the train to be almost empty, with a few passengers getting off.

Then doors remain open as a voice over the intercom announces the station and final destination of the train across town.

The train awaits...
Re: Iron City Multiplayer (SilentSilth, Maikochan)

Sasha went to get on the train, then remembered something very important. She jumped back, grabbing onto Gwen and pulling her towards the train.

"C'mon," She grumbled. When they were both on the train and the doors closed, Sasha only crossed her arms and looked up at the advertisements lining the wall.

"You know I was kidding about the smell thing, right?" The woman asked after a few moments.
Re: Iron City Multiplayer (SilentSilth, Maikochan)

Gwen sighed after being pulled into the train, though she was glad Sasha did because she might have missed it. Uncrossing her arms she looked over at her friend. "Yeah, I know. It still wasn't a nice thing to say." She walked over to Sasha from behind and put her hands on the girl's shoulders. "I just want to see you doing something with your gifts. I know I can be annoying at times, but I don't want to see you end up in some job you're going to hate. I think you really have the attitude to be a heroine." She said, finishing by giving the girl a friendly hug from behind.
Re: Iron City Multiplayer (SilentSilth, Maikochan)

The train hisses and rumbles forward gaining speed, on your car you only see a few other people, a couple holding hands on a bench, a 30 something year old woman reading a book, a pair of girls heading downtown to party.

Then the lights flicker, nothing to worry about, then go dead.

You catch yourselves from falling as the train\s brake apply, hard. It screeches and screams to a stop, you seem to be in just a tunnel, who knows how far from the station, the doors hiss open, reveal a brick wall a yard from the door, then in the shadows you see something move, or a lot of things, like massive snakes they leap and squirm flushing through the door.

The woman scream and drops her book as one coils around her, the girls join the chorus, the man shrieks and gurgles, a wet messy sound.

lashing the tendrils come closer, their source cresting over the edge and pulling itself on board, a sphere in the center of thrashing plant like mass of vines, many reach and grasping towards you.
Re: Iron City Multiplayer (SilentSilth, Maikochan)

"I'm not a super hero," Sasha said grumpily, crossing her arms and glaring out the dark subway window, even as Gwen hugged her. When the ex-nurse finally pulled away, Sasha turned and glared at her.

"I'm a college student. That's all. I'm not a hero, and I never will be, so please, stop trying to make me do this stuff. It's getting to the point where I can't even pretend to play along anymore, Gwen." Feeling that she had been too blunt, however, Sasha turned around to the woman in pink, letting out a little sigh.

"Sor-" The train came to a screeching halt, sparks flying up along the windows. Sasha was only cut off as she began to speak, standing perfectly straight - even as she caught onto Gwen who tumbled into her arms, helping the woman stand up right.

As the doors were smashed wide open, Sasha only glared at the tentacles slithering in, even as they grabbed onto the young woman. She snapped her bracelets against her wrists, growling lowly as he eyes flashed.

"No fucking way. NO. I'm tired of this stupid shit happening when I'm around!" Sasha suddenly threw herself at the creature, grabbing onto the tentacles around the woman as she attempted to rip the appendage in half.

"I will fucking DESTROY you!" She shouted!

((Attack the tentacle specifically holding the girl.

Sorry about how long it took to post.>.> Think Maiko and I were waiting on the other to post first.))
Re: Iron City Multiplayer (SilentSilth, Maikochan)

"Ah!" Gwen was about to shake her head to apologize in return when she found herself in Sasha's arms. Although she had Sasha give her some training for self-defense, Gwen was no fighter. Still, she couldn't allow herself to stand by as an innocent woman was being attacked by... something.

After getting her feet back underneith her, Gwen ran for the same tentacle as Sasha, trying to help her partner, all the while her heart racing.

((Attack same tentacle. Also, sorry for me as well, I ment to post, then got distracted and that just spiraled around for a while.))
Re: Iron City Multiplayer (SilentSilth, Maikochan)

Sashas blow glances off the beast, hurting it but not by much, the tendril recoil from the blow while Gwen lashes out with her fist, striking it right where the tentacles meet the girl forcing it back and off her, The girl falls to the ground confused and frightened. Sasha moves in again striking the beast, fighting a way forcing it back.

Not expecting such resistance the bests tendrils trash and flail in confusion, its blows not making any dent of either off the two girls. It begins to retreat and out of the corner of your eye you see the other woman being dragged from the cab, passed out from shock.

((Sorry I thought I posted but apparently I did not. Blah, I feel stupid))
Re: Iron City Multiplayer (SilentSilth, Maikochan)

Gwen put her hands on the girl'S shoulders to reassure her before noticing the other woman being dragged out. "No!" Not really thinking, she ran for the tentacle holding her, trying to get her free as well, or at least, not let her out of her sight.

((Smashy go!))
Re: Iron City Multiplayer (SilentSilth, Maikochan)

Sasha's eyes come to life with a hidden, fiery rage as she launches herself at the tentacle holding onto the unconscious woman, roaring in anger as she grabs onto the tendril and begins to tear at it.

"You are NOT leaving with her!" She shouts, digging her nails into the thing's flesh!

((Attack and hopefully do damage!>.> ))
Re: Iron City Multiplayer (SilentSilth, Maikochan)

The tendrils ripe and tear apart, leaving a strange think green liquid, a high pitched scream erupts from the beast, obviously not used to its victim fighting back like that the remaining ones immediately recoil leaving the woman behind and fleeing down the tunnel. I a moment its silent, like nothing had happened, only the distance squishing sound of movement audible over your breathing and heartbeat.

The train is dark and the woman has passed out, but is otherwise fine.