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Iron City (TentanariX)


Mystic Girl
Jul 16, 2010
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Imagine a world, where woman were histories notable leaders and thinkers; where men were the minority. These “Alpha females” are stronger and smarter than any man. In ancient times they were queens and chieftains, they hunted and provided for their tribes and waged wars for their people. In modern times they have been every president of the United States, with the historic election of JFK, the first man in the oval office.

There are females, who would seem familiar in our world, but a significant minority of woman can only be described as driven, powerful, perfectly formed, strong and fit, they are a paragon of females. They are referred to as Alpha Females, and in some way control almost every major corporation and government.

This is also a world of evil; many men have degenerated, lusting after and performing depraved acts, committing crimes and violence. While there are noble and just men, there are also many evil and corrupt men. They seek to usurp these Alpha Females, for hundreds of years they have fought to seize ground from them, but every time they flare up they are crushed back down by the superior Alpha Females. Now with the advent of the internet and secret ways of communicating they have returned and are harder than ever to eliminate. They do everything they can to enslave, dominate and humiliate the women of power.

But even amongst the Alpha Females there are those who are a cut above, they exhibit superhuman abilities, they can fly, lift cars, cannot be harmed by bullets. They may have gathered ancient artifacts or been trained in secret masteries. They have come together to put an end to this new male threat.

Word is trickling outwards that these woman have a weakness: sex, their bodies are perfect for warriors, but also as mothers. They can lose their mind and be broken by the brutal application of sex. Some blow this off as lies and madness, how could it have been unknown for so long?

But it is true, every time a man finds this out they are crushed and the knowledge contained, throughout history the Alpha Females have done everything to stop it from being known about their great lust and desires.


Our story is set in Iron City, a massive urban area that once knew great prosperity but now has degraded, in many areas to disrepair. Here crime is rampant and it is easy for evil to take hold in men’s hearts, where Alpha Females have seen the start of a new resistance and have dispatched many of their best there to combat it.

I figure there could be arch villians, who when defeated would cause a drying up of their brand of evil, so if The order of the red staff is scattered, no more mages helping other groups.

Major threats include:

The order of the Red Staff, ancient order of male sorcerers, they have been crushed a doze times since the Roman Empire, but always survive to rebuild. They are ruled by the immortal wizard Narzarx. Who loans out his apprentices like mercenaries to give magical power to the other struggling groups of the city.

Red Viper Gang: a newer but ascendant gang of toughes, who deal primarily in drugs and slave trade, capturing and selling women off the street, they have great numbers and are well trained in the abduction of females. They have been know to provide muscle for othe3r groups in the form of squads of thugs.

Xz’Sstr’Ka, An alien trapped on earth he seeks to breed with Alpha Females who can birth him hybrids, and is know for his fickleness and raw power.

Dr. Pump: a degenerate scientist who seeks to sexually experiment of Alpha Females, many of his experiments involve the milk provided by unwilling subjects. He provides the male resistance with accurate information of Alpha Females Capabilities and weaknesses.

Lord Mind-master: a psion of massive power, he claims to be an “Alpha Male” something the Alpha Females scoff at. He seems to be able to unlock psionic abilities in anyone, though he does so only to his most loyal allies.

Black Mask Gang: Much smaller than the Red Vipers, this seems to be 2-4 men, some of which have minor super powers, they perform high profile burglaries and are renowned for their abilities with chloroform and knock-out gas.

MING: his simple name belies his scientific power, he breeds horrible tentacled and beastly monsters, breeding them to create greater and greater threats to womankind as a whole. His labs are hidden all over, and he has a small order of deadly warriors at his command in addition to his monsters

((Describe what brought you too the city and where you are now, even your first actions))
Re: Iron City (TentanariX)

Maximum Woman flew down gently into the street in downtown Iron City, she had not too long ago received a lead about a group of mages and thugs hired to Dr.Pump. She had decided to follow the reprobates to ambush them and hopefully get some information on the nefarious scientist's whereabouts. She was hellbent on defeating on capturing the mad man who sold her fellow Alpha Females' weakness to other evil organizations for exploitation.
Re: Iron City (TentanariX)

Maximum woman immediately looks around the garbage covered street, noted that her directions were right, this was one of the seedier parts of town, at this hour the streets were mostly dead except a few street toughs who sat or stood around smoking.

This would be a mans ideal world.

to her left a group of men, gang colors clearly displayed on them, saw her pointing they began to warily and slowly move towards her. She counted 6 of them, but the others around the street got up and began to close in at the sign of the group. another 4 coming in at different angles.

Perhaps she could "Gently" ask these men some questions.

Strength 4
Skill 2
Intelligence 2
Wisdom 2
Body: 10/10
Mind: 10/10
Mental Fortitude:100/100

Str boost: +4 to STR for 10 points
Toughness: -3 from body damage, 12
Bullet proof: -4 from Projectile Body damage = 6
(10)Natural Ranged Attack (NRA): Can choose element; force
(10)Melee Training (MT): Can trade to hit bonus with damage bonus
(5)MT boost: does extra damage on single target
(10) Flight: Ditto
(0) Beautiful: creature wish to have sex with you more
(2) Extra Milk: can be milked more but are more attractive to others
(10)MT knockback: throw enemy away

(+5)Fetish (/nipple play): When encounters X has a 75% chance of gaining arousal
(+3)Fetish (Giving oral): When encounters X has a 75% chance of gaining arousal
(+1)Fetish (creampies/bukake): When encounters X has a 75% chance of gaining arousal
(+10) Extra Sensitive, Each time you receive an arousal point, you have a 50% chance of receiving an additional one
(+2) Easy to spot: -2 to stealth
(+5) Constantly aroused: -3 to resist being sexually assaulted
(+8) Nympho: -5 to resist being sexual assaulted, requires and stacks with above
(+8) Fertile +9 to getting pregnant, can be taken 6 times
(+8) Increased offspring +4 to maximum off spring
(+4) Honorable: Cannot attack someone who has surrendered or cant fight back
Re: Iron City (TentanariX)

Maximum Woman wasted no time, she flew towards the closet group of men, picked up the front most thug and punched him hard in the gut, intending to send him flying into his cohorts. She would then turn to the other four coming her way before sending a force blast towards them, hoping to knock one into the others or at least take out one. After she was finished she would fly back into the air and stand defiantly before speaking, "Alright, boys. This doesn't have to get any worse for you. Just tell me where I can find the good doctor, and I'll let you all run away to live another day." She warns them confidently.
Re: Iron City (TentanariX)

Her first blow sends the man flying hard, crashing into one of his friends knocking both immediately out. The rest of the group are frazzled, giving her enough time to send off a spray of shots, gazing and just missing the four other men, who are sent ducking by the display.

Now the men are closer she notices that their colors are of a subsect of the red viper gang, one known to have connections with the good doctor, today was going well indeed.

One of the toughs fire a pistol at her as she was turned around, the bullet bouncing harmlessly off her back, she turned back to see the man who fired it throwing the useless gun away.

"We ain't afraid of you, you bitches arent so tough when a man gets a handle on you!" he yells while the men chuckle.

"Doc saws you all got weaknesses, we just gotta find it! Get her!"

the men rush you, but unfortunately can only get 3 to attack you at once.

They swing wildly but she expertly dodges their blows, redirecting them away. making them look as harmless as kittens

((Good roll with the punch, terrible rolls with the shots, you missed by one point 3 times! luckily that luck came back and noone can hit you it seems...))
Re: Iron City (TentanariX)

Maximum Woman laughs confidently as the hopeless thugs swing wildly and blindly at her, their punches missing their marks badly, until she gies to grab two of the thugs up by their shirt collars and attempts to fling them several feet away from her into the closest wall, before turning to the other one and unleashing a blast of force at him. She then turns and flies towards the one who tried to shoot her before stopping just in front of him and sending him a devastating kick right up the center alley. "Do you boys still want to rough house? Or are you ready to start cooperating?" she asks coldly with a frightening grin on her face.
Re: Iron City (TentanariX)

As the two thugs fly over their comrades heads another one charges you with a crowbar held up as you blast towards him, unfortunately your shot is rushed and goes wide, He swings but misses you. you side step and move towards the last man sending him flying. he picks himself up to one knee, unclear weather he could even stand anymore. the remaining five men stand hesitantly behind you. Looking to each other, not nearly as sure as they were a moment ago.

"I aint telling no bitch nothing." he manages still clutching his stomach

((You cant seem to be touched by them))
Re: Iron City (TentanariX)

Maximum Woman merely frowned and sighed at the thugs defiance, before huffing, "Have it your own way, then." She then picked the thug up by his feet and began giving him a mighty spin, spinning around in a circle so strongly she could almost cause a vortex, the centrifugal force already punishing the man, before finally releasing him sending him flying and crashing at sickening speed and force against the nearest wall, breaking most of the bones in his body. She then turned around to look at the other thugs, hoping that she had frightened them enough into talking, "So..... anybody else want to do this the hard way, or are you ready to talk now?"
Re: Iron City (TentanariX)

the men begin to flee, one man tumbling over and turning putting his hands up in surrender

"Please, We dont know where he is, he just calls us up to do stuff."

He is frightened of you but is too scared to move.
Re: Iron City (TentanariX)

MAximum Woman sighed before letting her arms fall limp for a bit before bending over and standing the cowering thug back up, she was frustrated but her honor wouldn't allow her to vent it out on the defeated foe who ad clearly surrendered, "Alright. Get out of here. Before I change my mind and go against my principals." She said irritated, She was now right back to where she started with no clue as how to find the mad doctor's location or hideout. As the thug ran off, she flew up into the air before complaining to herself, "Well, shit. What the fuck am I supposed to do now? I don't have any leads......"
Re: Iron City (TentanariX)

As you drift upwards, you notice the man you questioned immediately take out his cell phone glance at you talk for a minute then take off running. He makes a beeline down some alleys, heading to some of the nicer parts of town.

That seems unusual.
Re: Iron City (TentanariX)

Where's he going? Unless he intends to sololy hold up a bank or something, a single thug doesn't have much business in the nicer parts of town. Unless he intends to kidnap another victim for the doctor, in which he would know where to find him. Damned liar! Maximum Woman thinks to herself as she slowly flies to the top of the closet building, slowly flying from skyscraper to skyscraper, trying to avoid being spotted by the thug or anyone else.
Re: Iron City (TentanariX)

He makes his way slowly, and after an hour he approaches the back side of a modest three story research complex. behind the building he talks to two other men, both out of place for this part of town. He then heads inside while the two men follow after him.

((I'm gonna start posting my rolls here too))

((Notice vs your hide 5 vs 12 (12+2-2) your skill with your trait))

Strength 4
Skill 2
Intelligence 2
Wisdom 2
Body: 10/10
Mind: 10/10
Mental Fortitude:100/100

Str boost: +4 to STR for 10 points
Toughness: -3 from body damage, 12
Bullet proof: -4 from Projectile Body damage = 6
(10)Natural Ranged Attack (NRA): Can choose element; force
(10)Melee Training (MT): Can trade to hit bonus with damage bonus
(5)MT boost: does extra damage on single target
(10) Flight: Ditto
(0) Beautiful: creature wish to have sex with you more
(2) Extra Milk: can be milked more but are more attractive to others
(10)MT knockback: throw enemy away

(+5)Fetish (/nipple play): When encounters X has a 75% chance of gaining arousal
(+3)Fetish (Giving oral): When encounters X has a 75% chance of gaining arousal
(+1)Fetish (creampies/bukake): When encounters X has a 75% chance of gaining arousal
(+10) Extra Sensitive, Each time you receive an arousal point, you have a 50% chance of receiving an additional one
(+2) Easy to spot: -2 to stealth
(+5) Constantly aroused: -3 to resist being sexually assaulted
(+8) Nympho: -5 to resist being sexual assaulted, requires and stacks with above
(+8) Fertile +9 to getting pregnant, can be taken 6 times
(+8) Increased offspring +4 to maximum off spring
(+4) Honorable: Cannot attack someone who has surrendered or cant fight back
Re: Iron City (TentanariX)

As the three men enter the building, Maximum quickly swoops down to the door an tries to catch it with one hand before it closes, then as quickly and quietly as possible, she begins to infiltrate the building, hoping it will bring her closer to her goal of locating the evil doctors whereabouts and finally bringing him to justice.
Re: Iron City (TentanariX)

Desk throw vs Skill 10 vs 14 miss
Thug Punch vs Skill 22(wow!) vs 11 good hit 4 damage after toughness
Notice roll 14 vs 15 nothing

You stop the door silently then slowly draw it open, the room before you is pitch dark, so you creep in as quietly as possible. The air is, cold, the room looks undisturbed, what they came for must be deeper in the complex. you get another three steps into the room and stop at the sound of movement.

You step backwards quickly as an entire desk crashes where you were standing splintering into the ground. A man steps forward from where it came, rippling with muscle he is an imposing sight.

"Just like the doctor said you would. He knows you girls better than you know yourself!" He rushes forward laying out a skilled punch battering you backwards with a stumble and sending stars to flash before your eyes (-4 to actions for one turn).

"Feel that did you? The doc found a way to make us just as strong as you, I hear it something he makes with your milk." He looms over you, settling into a stance of no amateur.

Strength 4
Skill 2
Intelligence 2
Wisdom 2
Body: 6/10
Mind: 10/10
Mental Fortitude:100/100
Arousal 0/10

Str boost: +4 to STR for 10 points
Toughness: -3 from body damage, 12
Bullet proof: -4 from Projectile Body damage = 6
(10)Natural Ranged Attack (NRA): Can choose element; force
(10)Melee Training (MT): Can trade to hit bonus with damage bonus
(5)MT boost: does extra damage on single target
(10) Flight: Ditto
(0) Beautiful: creature wish to have sex with you more
(2) Extra Milk: can be milked more but are more attractive to others
(10)MT knockback: throw enemy away

(+5)Fetish (/nipple play): When encounters X has a 75% chance of gaining arousal
(+3)Fetish (Giving oral): When encounters X has a 75% chance of gaining arousal
(+1)Fetish (creampies/bukake): When encounters X has a 75% chance of gaining arousal
(+10) Extra Sensitive, Each time you receive an arousal point, you have a 50% chance of receiving an additional one
(+2) Easy to spot: -2 to stealth
(+5) Constantly aroused: -3 to resist being sexually assaulted
(+8) Nympho: -5 to resist being sexual assaulted, requires and stacks with above
(+8) Fertile +9 to getting pregnant, can be taken 6 times
(+8) Increased offspring +4 to maximum off spring
(+4) Honorable: Cannot attack someone who has surrendered or cant fight back
Re: Iron City (TentanariX)

"AH!" Maximum Woman cried out as she feels her knocked back hard by the thugs punch. She sits daze for a moment before regaining her composure as the thug stands over her, "Too bad he couldn't find a cure impotency or erectile dysfunction, because you limp dicked bastards all need it!" She cries out as let's out a force blast towards the thug hoping tosend him flying back, before flying after him, picking him up and then punching him int he fit hard before tossing aside into a wall like a ragdoll.
Re: Iron City (TentanariX)

Force blast vs Thug Skill 10 vs 17 miss
Punch across the room vs Thug Skill 5 vs 21 (Critical roll for the dodge!)
Thug Chloroform attack vs your grappled skill roll 16 vs 12 = 3 mind damage
Second thug grapple vs your grapple skill roll 9 vs 12 He also grapples
(You are now being sexually assaulted resulting in a total -8 to rolls from the traits constantly aroused and nympho, harsh!)

your still are jangled as you shot cleanly misses his sidestep and as you lunge towards him you can see its already too late, he wraps his arm around yours, grappling with you immediately.

"Still got spunk in you, I like that, soon you gonna have my spunk all over you! haha!" he brays as you sense another man dash up behind you.

"Nice you meet you." his partner speaks as he both clamps a cloth over your mouth, the sticky fumes of chloroform immediately making you feel groggy (-3 on all rolls for next round). His over hand wraps around you to hold you in place and waist no time in fondling your breast, squeezing and pinching the nipple. (+2 arousal; -1 to rolls)

"You like that do you? I heard you all were a bunch of silly sluts! Doctor is gonna have real fun with you, well once we finish with you." You can tell this man is also incredibly strong, not likely to be strong than you, but beyond human.

Strength 4
Skill 2
Intelligence 2
Wisdom 2
Body: 6/10
Mind: 7/10
Arousal 2/10
Mental Fortitude:100/100

Str boost: +4 to STR for 10 points
Toughness: -3 from body damage, 12
Bullet proof: -4 from Projectile Body damage = 6
(10)Natural Ranged Attack (NRA): Can choose element; force
(10)Melee Training (MT): Can trade to hit bonus with damage bonus
(5)MT boost: does extra damage on single target
(10) Flight: Ditto
(0) Beautiful: creature wish to have sex with you more
(2) Extra Milk: can be milked more but are more attractive to others
(10)MT knockback: throw enemy away

(+5)Fetish (/nipple play): When encounters X has a 75% chance of gaining arousal
(+3)Fetish (Giving oral): When encounters X has a 75% chance of gaining arousal
(+1)Fetish (creampies/bukake): When encounters X has a 75% chance of gaining arousal
(+10) Extra Sensitive, Each time you receive an arousal point, you have a 50% chance of receiving an additional one
(+2) Easy to spot: -2 to stealth
(+5) Constantly aroused: -3 to resist being sexually assaulted
(+8) Nympho: -5 to resist being sexual assaulted, requires and stacks with above
(+8) Fertile +9 to getting pregnant, can be taken 6 times
(+8) Increased offspring +4 to maximum off spring
(+4) Honorable: Cannot attack someone who has surrendered or cant fight back
Re: Iron City (TentanariX)

"Hah! Noooo.... Oooh.... Hah... D-don't touch me... there... like that~" Maximum woman moans and cries out as she feels the intense stimulation to her erogenous area. Her nipples had always been a weak spot for her. Nooo.... I... I have... have to fi-ooooh.... Ah... I have to fight this... But it feels good... she thought to herself trying to fight out of the haze she had put in from the groping and chloroform. Trying to fight off her arousal and queaziness, she quickly tried bring her leg ip behind in a kick to rear thugs groin, before next trying to head utter the other one to give her an opening. If she could manage to break free she would promptly fly back out the door and up onto the roof to get some fresh air abs recover from the chloroform.
Re: Iron City (TentanariX)

(I like your plan so I'm gonna give you a +4 circumstance bonus, changing your overall modifiers to -5, ouch)
kick to groin vs thug skill 2 vs 16 (Sorry the dice were against you ;D)
Chloroform attack vs your skill 8 vs -1 (Negatives are alot) 6 mind damage

You thrash about but you kick backwards fails as your heel bounces off his shin, the man behind holds the pad in close muffling anything you may say you unintentionally take in a massive breath of it, drowning you in the fumes, making you little more than putty in their arms, the man shifts his grip, moving both your wrists into one of his hands, while his other now finds its way down to your pussy, rubbing it and stroking it with expert skill, The other man behind pulls aside one part of your costume letting the breast bounce free, squeezing and pinching it with vigor, feeling you slacken in his arms. Arousal begins to flood you body and you are reminded of the weakness that almost all Alpha Woman share.

From behind you feel the mans member ride against you and grow hard and you imagine the others is doing the same.

((this round you took 6 mental damage, gained 2 arousal and next round you will have a -16 to rolls (-8 from traits, -6 due to mental damage for one turn -2 due to arousal))

Strength 4
Skill 2
Intelligence 2
Wisdom 2
Body: 6/10
Mind: 1/10
Arousal 4/10
Mental Fortitude:100/100

Str boost: +4 to STR for 10 points
Toughness: -3 from body damage, 12
Bullet proof: -4 from Projectile Body damage = 6
(10)Natural Ranged Attack (NRA): Can choose element; force
(10)Melee Training (MT): Can trade to hit bonus with damage bonus
(5)MT boost: does extra damage on single target
(10) Flight: Ditto
(0) Beautiful: creature wish to have sex with you more
(2) Extra Milk: can be milked more but are more attractive to others
(10)MT knockback: throw enemy away

(+5)Fetish (nipple play): When encounters X has a 75% chance of gaining arousal
(+3)Fetish (Giving oral): When encounters X has a 75% chance of gaining arousal
(+1)Fetish (creampies/bukake): When encounters X has a 75% chance of gaining arousal
(+10) Extra Sensitive, Each time you receive an arousal point, you have a 50% chance of receiving an additional one
(+2) Easy to spot: -2 to stealth
(+5) Constantly aroused: -3 to resist being sexually assaulted
(+8) Nympho: -5 to resist being sexual assaulted, requires and stacks with above
(+8) Fertile +9 to getting pregnant, can be taken 6 times
(+8) Increased offspring +4 to maximum off spring
(+4) Honorable: Cannot attack someone who has surrendered or cant fight back
Re: Iron City (TentanariX)

"Aaaahhh...." Maximum Woman moans out as she inadvertently takes in a deep breath of the chloroform, her will now almost completely gone. As the man in front of her begins to trail his hand down and toy with her pussy, she can't bring herself to fight back. Her senses ribbed from the chloroform, and the arousal building in her mothers mouth from the mans ministrations. She gasps as she feels the man behind her remove part of her costume, her genrous titty bouncing gloriously, joyfully and lewdly free if it's confine, her nipple rock hard. As the man vigorlously squeezed and pinched her tit and nipple she moaned out loudly and lewdly, "Mmm, ooh, yess, please, more......" as she began moving her hips the beat she could to assist in the mans teasing of her now leaking pussy.