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Ironstrom's Occasional Hobby Art


Demon Girl Master
Jun 21, 2015
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Well I guess when I threw my intro post in the intro section a while ago I said I hobby some art in my spare time. I have no real routine but do things whimsically or when I'm in the mood. Though I do spend a fair bit of time looking at guides or video's.

Most of the characters I draw are either female or androgynous traps. I also draw backgrounds a fair bit and have been trying to so Sci-Fi space ships & mechs.(future goals)

I mainly draw with the intention of one day being able to produce all my own game art content instead of relying on others.(already level design & do 2d Art environments) Whilst I love working with others sometimes the interests just don't meet up very well.

I don't colour very often so a lot can happen inbetween colour sessions. My main focus for improvement atm is just getting more familiar with anatomy. I'l worry about colour consistancy/style in the future.

I've got potential reasons to do more art for game projects coming up so we'l see how many more pieces I have before the end of the year.

{Edit Febuary 2016} I'm doing 3D Modeling of Anime characters again.


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Re: Ironstrom's Occasional Hobby Art

I've scrolled through your development thread. It's amazing how many things you can do, consistently too. I might have very little to comment on anatomy, but I'd love to see more artworks to see your style.
Re: Ironstrom's Occasional Hobby Art

I really like your space ship. Well done!

As for anatomy... It's always a bit hard to comment on when I notice that people follow a manga-esque style, since that style distorts realistic anatomical proportions anyway (much like other comic/cartoony artstyles), such as deemphasizing the nose, using very clear lines along the jawline, exaggerating the eyes, exaggerating the head versus the rest of the body (typically, unless the character is a giant, burly man, and sometimes even then), etc.

That's not to say that it's in any way wrong, but it requires a kind of critical eye that are more accustomed to the artstyle than I can properly provide, I'm afraid. But if you have more pics in the future, I'll certainly try to comment where I can.
Re: Ironstrom's Occasional Hobby Art

Well whilst I might fall into a somewhat more manga style. I would like to be able to understand how the body should look in realism terms at any given position so I can at least adapt. Like this muscle stands out when you take this pose and its shaped like so. I find it helps when I'm trying to colour to a much greater depth then you see in anime. Whilst they de emphasis the nose normally I like to try to bring it back in when I colour things in.

Lustfire: The art on Lewd Warfare is done by 2 different artist's and is not my own I just founded the team/run communications/plan things. Whilst I've done Studies to a high degree for BG's I don't actively do them in the current projects.

Though you can expect awesome painted rpgmaker environments from me soon ^_^ removing that strong squareness feeling. (though this is the project that would need a lewd character artist/cg artist for the content planned I'm not able to do that) Working with a great scripter and have pixel artist working alongside in player/monster department.

If either of you do any art hangout type things I'd be glad to join in learn the ropes a bit ^-^ I thrive from art interaction with others, been rather isolated in terms of communicating with other people that draw for a while now.

*edit* I actually started drawing a bunch of new Lewd Sketch's but got a lot to practise especially in drawing hips/groin.
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Re: Ironstrom's Occasional Hobby Art

I need work on my anatomy for more dynamic poses, and to work on doing hands, feet and tits. I also need to work with perspective more. This is very good though.
Re: Ironstrom's Occasional Hobby Art

I do recall struggling with hands a lot at some stage but after thinking about wrist shape it became a bit easier. I also seem to be able to do rather nice things with fingers now. I can recall 2-3 years ago having to spend like 20 minutes redrawing a hand until I gave up. With shameless video proof left over of such and occurrence. But now it gives me no problems at all or I don't feel bad about it ^-^
Moving forward from that point got to solve the arms now especially the elbows or bending of the arm and realistic actual length along with size differences based on perspective.

I've been challenging myself with varied poses for a long time but I guess that's whole learning to run before walking going on. I just drew what I pictured wanting to draw even if I didn't really know how. Whilst sometimes I could get a finished sketch out of it the pose might of changed a little bit from what I actually wanted.

I hadn't done any humanoid studies before but someone kindly gave me access to some great stuff last night so I'm taking a little online course and rolling with it.
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Re: Ironstrom's Occasional Hobby Art

Anything recently?
Re: Ironstrom's Occasional Hobby Art

I'm still doing some anatomy/figure studies with some video tutorials atm I've got some featureless drawings around. Was a little busy with the Launch of The Menagerie. I'l be back to doing pieces soon. Also still pretty busy drawing game environment stuff.