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Irresponsible (Yumi;Roe)

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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There is only one word to describe the people who have raised Yumi. That word has already been said, somewhere else. Parents who vanished, and a mentor who allowed her to vanish with them. Despite the only assumption being that whoever goes to that island dies, Yumi was allowed to go there, to face whatever would come for her. Most likely death. However, it wasn't to be. Or at least, it wasn't going to be the case 'yet' as it wasn't death that awaited those who arrived at the island of no return. It was a close second, however. As Yumi would be on her ship, sailing forth without a crew on her tiny boat due to no sailor wishing to go to that infamous island any longer, and coming across the most horrific storm of her entire life. Gigantic black tornados swirled, lightning crashed down and thunder deafened her. It was as if the gods themselves were out to punish Yumi for her irresponsible behavior to follow that of her parents. And punish they did. The mast of the ship cracked, she lost control over the steering, and two waves slamming together shattered the boat into splinters, sending Yumi into the dark depths below.

Naturally, she should have been afraid. Anyone would be afraid to drown, or get lost at sea to slowly die. Neither was a pretty fate. For Yumi though... Air filled her lungs. It was impossible to see in the black abyss of the stormy ocean. The source of the air was incomprehensible. However, the pressure was still very real. Sinking into the depths, the shock and stress made Yumi pass out as the pressure rendered her unable to think. The uncertainty of darkness surrounded her. Her entire time unconscious would be spent in a state that was unaware if she was even alive or just a soul waiting to be collected by the gods of the afterlife. Only after a time, would she awaken.

Lying in a bed, Yumi still felt the pressure from before, though at a lesser extent. She was inside of a dark room only barely lit by strange white crystals that gave a faint white glow. To her left was what seemed to be a black coral reef. Underwater plant life was abundant, and those white crystals were everywhere, casting weak light here and there to give the world outside a very ominous and somber appeal. She was not out there in the ocean, and instead in a room with actual oxygen. The world she was seeing was behind what seemed to be a very glossy membrane. It looked as if it was actively resisting the intense pressure of the ocean outside.

Inside the room, Yumi saw a simple setup. She was laying in a seashell shaped bed. It was curled in such a way that had her sinking into a velvet texture red in color, unlike any fabric she had ever seen and almost alien in design. The shell itself was pure white, as were the two women standing over her. Both wearing religious garbs of white with gold trim. One was wearing a white mesh mask of sturdy material over her face, while the other's appearance . The only thing Yumi could smell was that of the salty sea. Especially from the two women before her, who each looked drenched as if they had just gotten done swimming in their gowns, which weren't as pathetic looking as one might expect a religious garb to be from getting wet. Oddly enough, it looked to be made of a silky material that had water just run right off of it.

Seeing her wake was something they apparently wanted. The one with her face visible spoke immediately while Yumi's body felt in pain from the pressure of the ocean, unused to being in such territory. "Speak your faith, now. Do not lie about whom you worship." she declared with a very serious and no-nonsense inquisition.
Re: Irresponsible (Yumi;Roe)

Groaning as she wakes up, before remembering what the hell happened she looks around in shock and surprise especially at the two forms that are standing above her. Hearing the request she looks a little confused and a little unsure but found herself answering. "I-I worship God..." Yumi looks a little confused at the question not exactly devoting any time to learning any other religions as she wasn't quite a devout follower of the one she was somewhat forced to follow as it was.

"Where the hell am I?" She asks trying to work out how the hell she is still breathing underwater and this deep and exactly who she is talking to, looking at them a little curious as they appear human but are at the bottom of the ocean which is the surprising thing. 'This is weird I should be dead but instead I am here with these two.' She thinks to herself, her body not exactly wanting to move after what happened either.
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Re: Irresponsible (Yumi;Roe)

Both of the women frowned at her answer, before the one with the staff pointed her material at her, as Yumi felt the room seem to become even more intense with pressure. "We are mamono who worship Poseideon in her new female form. As you worship God, you are dangerous to us. Do you renounce your faith, or must we take extreme action against you?"
Re: Irresponsible (Yumi;Roe)

Yumi winces when the room's pressure becomes more intense. "W-what more extreme action could you take?" She asks her voice sounding very strained under the pressure and the beating her body took from the crash of her boat. 'Still it is not good to renounce ones god under duress I might have to though' she thought to herself her options fairly limited as it is being fairly disadvantaged against the creatures before her.
Re: Irresponsible (Yumi;Roe)

"Killing you is the first thing that comes to mind. Your god would wish us dead, so it's all the same if you just disappear." the woman declared. Then, before Yumi could speak, the other woman put her hand on the other's shoulder. "All the same, we should consider just delivering her to them. All the better in case someone tries to come looking for her and somehow finds our kingdom." her associate argued.

The one with the staff grit her oddly shaped teeth. "Fine... Human!" she directed her staff at the girl again. "Decide your fate. If I don't like your decision, I'll decide for you." she declared, giving Yumi a choice, but not much of one.
Re: Irresponsible (Yumi;Roe)

"Yeah lets go with the 'delivering' one, sounds like a good option to me." I say a little too eager to go that route for obvious reasons. "Can I atleast ask who they are?" I probe for information in a curious tone not wanting to offend them anymore then I may of. 'Atleast they don't know that noone will probably come in search' I think to myself a little relieved that another option was there.
Re: Irresponsible (Yumi;Roe)

"Humans like you." she responds flatly while holding her staff. Though with her decision, they wasted little more time than just to nod at each other and seemingly cast a spell over her that promptly knocked her out into a deep sleep.

She felt like she could feel the waves of the ocean against her face, before she'd wake up to find that was exactly the case. Her clothes were soaked, and she was laying on her side on the beach as if she simply washed up there. She wasn't alone either. A man wearing a straw hat, a red untied vest, and short blue cargo pants. "Yo." he greeted Yumi once she awoke. "Are you a mermaid?" he inquired.