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Is your waifu SHIT?

Is your waifu SHIT?

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Re: Is your waifu SHIT?

Enjoy this instead:


Doesn't look like fecal matter at all ...

mmmm...doesn't look like fecal matter indeed...
how about this then?

Re: Is your waifu SHIT?

Kinda looks like someone tried to swallow without chewing first, then puked.

@Yoshiiki, what if I have more than one waifu?

Lol you deleted your account to make a new one? Wtf.....

And yes you can...
Well, as someone dared me, I shall finally reveal MY waifu:
It's Floral Spuzzem.
Well, as someone dared me, I shall finally reveal MY waifu:
It's Floral Spuzzem.

nasty card... couple that with something that can give it flying or any mechanic that bypasses blocking and protect it with shroud or any blue counterspells and you can kiss your artifact beatdown deck goodbye...that card looks really good in Commander format...although a tad bit a magnet for spot removal spells ^^...

If you can encourage it to take out the artifacts that worry you that is, yes. Sometimes my Spuzzem just doesn't feel like it. But I still use it in a Sigarda HoH enchantment deck with a slice of 'screw you artifacts'.