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ACT [ISAmu] 釈我-SYAKUGA- (RJ110684)


Tentacle God
Jan 2, 2010
Reputation score
[Link Removed Due To Shota.]

This game just came out today. I don't have the game yet myself but from the demo it's a side scrolling beat em up with in-game rape animations. Basically you play as some Jason-looking guy, killing all these other horror movie-looking monsters and raping any girl you see as you make your way through the stage, occasionally jumping over spikes.

WARNING: Gore, Violence, Death
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Re: 釈我-SYAKUGA- (ISAmu)

Sounds very interesting...
Re: 釈我-SYAKUGA- (ISAmu)

wow, the sample pics look very dark! I hope the game can hold to those images
Re: 釈我-SYAKUGA- (ISAmu)

lol what is this? an Ecchi Splatter House?:eek:
Re: 釈我-SYAKUGA- (ISAmu)

That fat lady with saggy boobs is already giving me nightmares...
Re: 釈我-SYAKUGA- (ISAmu)

i just have certain feeling that this wont be posted here haha
Re: 釈我-SYAKUGA- (ISAmu)

can someone upload it to MFffffffffffffffffffffffffffff :D

what ? isamu is a company that made Hancock boA right ?
Re: 釈我-SYAKUGA- (ISAmu)

Daaaaammmmmmnnnnnnnnn, Hope this doesn't give me nightmares
Re: 釈我-SYAKUGA- (ISAmu)

Daaaaammmmmmnnnnnnnnn, Hope this doesn't give me nightmares

It has Gore in it @.@ and you play as the dude! :eek: and there's a death word in your penis meter @.@ that kill's them through fucking them... i think it is [why place a death word there when it doesn't kill em!]
Re: 釈我-SYAKUGA- (ISAmu)

It really is Guro
Feel sory for those girl...
But I think I'm interested to play these when these game is release
Re: 釈我-SYAKUGA- (ISAmu)

Well splatter school only had it oriented on one girl(few scattered but not really noticeable. Though this gives the old school feel and at least someone is creative. Not many gore games coming out and many have downright gave up.
Re: 釈我-SYAKUGA- (ISAmu)

Normally, male protag and guro is the perfect combination to keep me away from something but...

Damned if I don't love me some Splatterhouse. I want to play it more for the Splatterhouse homage than I do any potential hentai.
Re: 釈我-SYAKUGA- (ISAmu)

Looks like guro and loli from the previews...
Re: 釈我-SYAKUGA- (ISAmu)

Took a look at the resources and there were frames of a girl's head flying off her body.
Re: 釈我-SYAKUGA- (ISAmu)

IMO whole game is wasted because of one thing - no playable female character in brawer :/
Re: 釈我-SYAKUGA- (ISAmu)

Downloaded the demo.

The homage to SplatterHouse is clear except for the difficulty that is 1/10 of the original.

I did not understand the use of the raping since it increases a "death" meter but the victim does not die until, well, you kill her...

All in all a pretty ferocious H+gore game.
Re: 釈我-SYAKUGA- (ISAmu)

This is from the same guy that did "Taboo," so expect to be disturbed.
Re: 釈我-SYAKUGA- (ISAmu)

If someone gets it pm me a link plz? You will get reward too ^_^
Re: 釈我-SYAKUGA- (ISAmu)

I'm not one for gore but it still looks interesting. If possible, I would like a link as well please.:D