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Iselgard, Imperial Palace and City


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
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Nov 10, 2008
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Four people had received summons to the capital city of the Iselgarn Empire. The summons said to show it to the city guards on arrival to the city. To the surprise of those so summoned, the guards immediately escorted them directly to the Imperial Palace, where they were then escorted by the palace guards into the Throne Room. They now stand as a small group near the room's entrance, facing Emperor Muristan himself. Every now and then, the emperor's hand reaches up to his chest, as if in some slight pain. Codex and Scauld, the emperor's two mystical servitors, stand at either side of him, and human masters of the healing arts stand to either side, and just behind the throne. The Imperial Royal Guard flank the approach to the throne itself, standing like statues. It's well known, however, that they'll kill without hesitation, especially since it being only days since the end of the uprising lead by a man named Elric Kaliverus.

Emperor Muristan looked across the room, and spoke to his visitors. "You may approach, and name yourselves."
Re: Iselgard, Imperial Palace and City

Lydia stares around the room, her mouth in an forming an O as she looked at all around the throne room. Her eye's counted the number of gaurds and some hidden shadows around the room. Lydia also took note of how the emperors servitudes look.

"Well, Why am I here, your majesty?" Lydia asks, before remembering something. "Oh sorry, your highness, but my name is Lydia, I don't remember my last name." Lydia says embarresly as she looks at the marble floor covered in rich carpets.

Lydia feels out of place with her garments on.

(Carpets or is it marble?)
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Re: Iselgard, Imperial Palace and City

Zagan hesitates for a moment, unsure of how to go about the request before watching the women give her introduction. He then moves forward a bit to draw the attention to him. As with Lydia, he looks out of place in the palace. Instead of normal clothes made of cloth his clothes are made from tanned leather and animal pelts. Most noticeably his vest was made out of the pelts of wolves, their gray-white fur contrasting with the darkened brown of the rest of his clothing.

Name's Zagan. He states simply before tacking on as a nearly forgotten afterthought, Uh, your Majesty. His lack of etiquette training is both quite apparent and surprising for one with elven blood.
Re: Iselgard, Imperial Palace and City

Em stays near the entrance of the room. Too many armed guards further in for her to feel comfortable approaching them, what with her previous encounters with the Iselgarn military. She looks over at the old man next to the emperor, eyes narrowing in annoyance as she notices him watching her. "Em," is all she says, not bothering to add pleasantries.
Re: Iselgard, Imperial Palace and City

Valhendil looks around curiously before bowing courtiously in response to the emperor. "I am Valhendil." he states clearly before reverting to semi-casual behaviour and continuing to roam the palace with his eyes. He seemed to have lost all interest after responding.
Re: Iselgard, Imperial Palace and City

"Very well. You are the one that were summoned." Emperor Muristan nods before continuing. "As you may be aware, Imperial rule was recently threatened by a group of wild magic-using freaks. While our men stopped this uprising, an artifact of interest mysteriously vanished. Our usual trackers failed to find it, but it has been suggested that a small group of people not directly connected to the Throne might have better luck. That is the reason for your summons."
Re: Iselgard, Imperial Palace and City

What did I do to gain notice? Zagan states, bringing up his main question about this whole process. He was sure there were better warriors out there with little connection to the throne. He was just a simple ranger from a backwater town.
Re: Iselgard, Imperial Palace and City

Em took a few steps forward once the job was mentioned, glad the emperor had gotten right down to business. She looked at him closer, and stood so he could get a look at her. "Tracking people is easy. Things are a little harder. It'll cost extra," she said with a smirk, ignoring the elf. "How much extra depends on what it is and who had it last."
Re: Iselgard, Imperial Palace and City

Lydia feels the stares of the guards and hopes her robe is hiding her figure.

"What?" Lydia asked as she stared incredulously at the emperor. "How could I help you find something in which your royal trackers couldn't find, majestic lord?" asks Lydia in disbelief.

Lydia doubts how she could even help in tracking or hunting that matter, since she wasn't much of a hunter. But she stares at Zagan, thinking of how odd he looks, but Lydia assumes Zagan as a hunter, due to the furs covering his shoulder.
Re: Iselgard, Imperial Palace and City

Oddly enough, it was Codex that responded to Zagan. "You, Zagan Mandragora, were chosen as have the best wilderness skills of all possible choices. Emilia Morgan was chosen for her skills with the arts of stealth. Lydia was chosen for her knowledge of hand-to-hand combat. Valhendil Tinbedel was chosen for his skill with words."

Emperor Muristan nods to indicate that Codex's explanation was correct, then turned to answer Lydia. "It is believed that the artifact may be hidden by the freaks' powers. If that's the case, then anyone directly connected to the Imperial Throne will be unable to find it. Also, since this artifact may well determine the continuance of the Empire itself, you may expect to be well paid for this assistance."
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Re: Iselgard, Imperial Palace and City

What exactly do we search for? Zagan contemplates what information he might need to find the artifact after mentally acknowledging why he was chose. He decides he will probably need to ask who is thought to currently have it and where they might be. So far the task was to unspecific to actually work with.
Re: Iselgard, Imperial Palace and City

Mood: Surprised facial movement.
(Can I add this part in, so I can keep track of my characters moods and personality changes?)

Lydia's mouth forms an O.

Lydia stammers "S-so I am the guard?"
Re: Iselgard, Imperial Palace and City

"You flatter me your majesty. Ah yes but of course, I shall try and use my linguistic skills in attempt to accomplish your task.", states Valhendil simply before adding in naturally "I am most honoured."
Re: Iselgard, Imperial Palace and City

The continuance of the Empire depended on them? This was big. Em might even be able to make enough money to retire, if she played her cards right. Nice cozy cabin in the forest, fine foods, servants, all the ale she could drink. Well paid was an understatement, Muristain, she thought, another smirk lighting up her face.

"So let's get down to business then," Em said, "What are we going to be looking for, and what do you have on where it might be?"
Re: Iselgard, Imperial Palace and City

The emperor gestured to Codex, who began speaking. "What we know for certain about the artifact is...Limited. We believe that it is located in some ruins far to the northwest. However, we do know that it will require three items to access the room with the artifact, believed to be in the form of a small orb, perhaps the length of a human hand from wrist to fingertips. As of right now, one of the three items location is know. There is a shrine in the area of Fort Shard, near the Teladran Forest. You will be given notes, should there be any activity in the area beyond your ability to handle."

The burning, armored figure standing on the emperor's other side, Scauld, spoke next. "Should you find others that have skills that might be of use, and who's allegiances can be determined, then you may also acquire their aid."

Emperor Muristan, after his servitors spoke, looked over the four. "Find this artifact, and retrieve it if at all possible. Otherwise, try to prevent it from falling into the hands of the renegades. We will have more about the locations of the artifact and the other two items by the time you reach Fort Shard."
Re: Iselgard, Imperial Palace and City

Valhendil understands that the king probably will not send any escorts with them other than perhaps lowly guards. Even those just might be obtained only through asking. He decides however to ask for aid of some sort as it was most logical. "Are we perhaps to be provided with an alternate means of transportation? I can see that time is also an important factor in this lest the renegades obtain the artifact before us.", he says slightly pompously in hopes of trying to make his job a little easier through making use of his being most likely indispensible. "I would not find it pleasant to walk on foot all the way there as well."
Re: Iselgard, Imperial Palace and City

"I think we'll also need some money, up front" Em said quickly. "It's got all kinds of uses, you know." She turns and walks a few steps back, before turning back to the emperor. "This is in addition to our fee, of course."
Re: Iselgard, Imperial Palace and City

Personality:Lydia is willful enough to be considered reckless. Not many people know Lydia since they are usually after her body. Lydia is even considered by the few people that know her, to be semi-selfish when she wants luxury, but in the end she usually gives it to the greater need of people. Due to Lydia having few friends, she is very protective of them. (This is meant to help me stay in character. Also helps me to change my character's personality as the story progresses.)

Mood: Surprise again and a bit of fear.
Stares in surprise at the taller female human, who's accent has a western tang.

"Um" Lydia says as she looks around, thinking something bad is going to happen. When nothing did she turned a questioning look towards the emperor and echo's Valhendril question, albeit more bluntly. "Will we have horses and supplies ready for us as soon as we exit your presence, majesty?" Lydia asks.

Lydia has a feeling a grand adventure is about to begin.
Re: Iselgard, Imperial Palace and City

With his question's answered in as much that they will get the information they need from the notes, Zagan simply stands back and lets the others speak.
Re: Iselgard, Imperial Palace and City

"There is a small room, just inside from the stables. You will find supplies there. If you feel the need, you may ask the palace guards, and they will escort you there."