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Iselgard, Imperial Palace and City

Re: Iselgard, Imperial Palace and City

Personality:Lydia is willful enough to be considered reckless. Not many people know Lydia since they are usually after her body. Lydia is even considered by the few people that know her, to be semi-selfish when she wants luxury, but in the end she usually gives it to the greater need of people. Due to Lydia having few friends, she is very protective of them.

Mood: Excited.
Lydia is in agreement.

"So which of your palace men will take us to the stables?" Lydia asks
Re: Iselgard, Imperial Palace and City

Valhendil states to the emperor, " Consider it done." He then proceeds to step back and lets the others finish. He makes his steps audible and his motion large as he wishes to urge the others to make haste. "It doesn't matter which of them takes us so long as we find the stables.", he mutters to himself.
Re: Iselgard, Imperial Palace and City

...Or we can just walk to the stables ourselves, I know that I at least passed the place on the way in. Zagan thinks before turning and heading for the door.
Re: Iselgard, Imperial Palace and City

Personality:Lydia is willful enough to be considered reckless. Not many people know Lydia since they are usually after her body. Lydia is even considered by the few people that know her, to be semi-selfish when she wants luxury, but in the end she usually gives it to the greater need of people. Due to Lydia having few friends, she is very protective of them.

Mood: Awww.

Lydia sighs and then follows Zagan.
Re: Iselgard, Imperial Palace and City

"Before I get to finding your precious artifact, I think there's still the matter of my finder's fee," Em said, crossing her arms and planting her feet on the carpet in front of the emperor. She cocks her head to the side and smiles slightly and says, "Let's see. Priceless artifact that decides whether you get to keep sitting in that nice chair or not. Three other items needed to get it. Possibly guarded by Kaliverans. Lots of travel, into unknown dangers. And I have to babysit a trio of pointy ears? I think ten thousand would be a start." She stood stock still, wondering if perhaps she was asking too much and risking losing the job...
Re: Iselgard, Imperial Palace and City

Judging the reactions, that probably was a mistake. Even if it was just the Royal Guards that tensed up.

Scauld flared up suddenly, and the room got significantly hotter. Enough to cause visible heat waves in the room. The emperor merely looked at her. "You will find your supplies in the room near the stable, including money necessary for the trip. Any other 'fees' with be dealt with upon results."

The tone of that statement strongly advises that she back down and leave the room.
Re: Iselgard, Imperial Palace and City

Lydia turns around in surprise, and looks at the westerner.

"That's alot of money. Why would you ask for that much?" Lydia questions the westerner, beginning to harbor a dislike towards her.
Re: Iselgard, Imperial Palace and City

Em lost her smirk and cocky attitude at the sudden change in the room, but it was replaced by anger, not fear. Employers not agreeing on a price up front usually meant they were planning on not paying anywhere near what the job was worth. Or that they weren't planning on paying at all. But the last thing Em was, after all her years working with criminals, was stupid. "Fine," she said angrily, "When I get back." She turned and stalked out of the room, her fists balled in rage, ignoring the elven woman's question.
Re: Iselgard, Imperial Palace and City

Personality: Lydia is willful enough to be considered reckless. Not many people know Lydia since they are usually after her body. Lydia is even considered by the few people that know her, to be semi-selfish when she wants luxury, but in the end she usually gives it to the greater need of people. Due to Lydia having few friends, she is very protective of them.

Not wanting to get in *trouble Lydia walks fast towards the disappearing back of Zagan. Lydia also glares from beneath her cowl at the westerner.
Re: Iselgard, Imperial Palace and City

"I do expect to recieve compensation of some sort whether it be fame or money however.", Valhendil adds in. He then attempts to catch up with the infuriated woman in an attempt to console her. He walks swiftly and places a hand upon her shoulder. "Listen Ms, Em was it? I expect a reward as well and when the time comes I will help you to negotiate the matter to recieve a heftier sum of money.", he half-smiles at her.
Re: Iselgard, Imperial Palace and City

Em shrugs her shoulder to get the elf's hand off as she grunts at his attempt to make small talk. Her hand had involuntarily moved to the handle of her knife when the elf touched her, but she quickly put it back down. "Let's just get this over with," she said as she kept walking.
Re: Iselgard, Imperial Palace and City

Well, the Emperor did want people unaffiliated with the throne, he probably should have expected that from one of us. Zagan thinks, finding the situation both amusing and annoying: they would probably need to leave town much more quickly now and probably forget things here. Then again, he was more comfortable in the wild, so rushing wasn't so bad. To that end, he moves his gait into a ground eating lope as he heads out into the hallways and towards the stables.
Re: Iselgard, Imperial Palace and City

Personality: Lydia is willful enough to be considered reckless. Not many people know Lydia since they are usually after her body. Lydia is even considered by the few people that know her, to be semi-selfish when she wants luxury, but in the end she usually gives it to the greater need of people. Due to Lydia having few friends, she is very protective of them.

Matches strides with Zagan, and leaves the throne room.
Re: Iselgard, Imperial Palace and City

Valhendil recognizes the motion in which she distances herself from him and decides to stop himself from continuing lest he push her to the edge. "Yes...Lets.", is all he manages to say before trying to match the pace of the others so he doesn't get left behind.
Re: Iselgard, Imperial Palace and City

Having lost sight of Zagan and the others, Lydia wanders around.

"Crap, where are the stables in this blasted palace?" Lydia questions aloud, mostly talking to herself.

Lydia tries to retrace the path she took from the entrance to the throne room.

"Found them!" said Lydia. She smiles in joy.

She looks around, seeing none of her companions she waits by one of the prepared horses.

(I talk to myself in real life when no one's around. It's called saying your thoughts aloud -.-)
Re: Iselgard, Imperial Palace and City

Zagan hears Lydia shouting to herself. Odd girl, but then she's a full blood by the look of her. You never know what goes on in the minds of elves. Figures though that she would completely forget that the supplies aren't in the stables themselves, just the horses we are getting. Meanwhile he opens the door that the emporer had mentioned and took a look at the supplies.
Re: Iselgard, Imperial Palace and City

Em follows the animal-skin wearing man without talking until they come to the supply room. Having calmed down a bit, she stands at the door, one hand on the frame, and asks, "See anything, wild man?" She looks over the supplies, skipping over anything that didn't look like a bag of coins.
Re: Iselgard, Imperial Palace and City

Zagan rummages through some of the boxes. The rations will be nice for when we can't catch anything, and there is some camping gear which I bet that Vlanendal or whatever his name is will probably need. I bet if we had to rough it, we would never hear the end of it from him. I'm kind of worried about that actually: he looks like he's never been far from civilization before even though he's a pure blood.
Re: Iselgard, Imperial Palace and City

Lydia says "Okay, stable boy what's your name?"

Stable boy " Um Peter." Wonders what this person looks like underneath the cowl and robe.

Lydia "Okay Peter, could you please tell me, which horses we are using?"

Peter "Uh sir, your going to have to ask one of the grooms."
Lydia giggles at being called sir.
Lydia "I am not a man Peter, but a woman. I best be off to see one of those grooms."

Peter thought to himself *Could've fooled me with that robe on.*

Lydia looks around and finally spots a groom.

Lydia asks "Are you a groom? Could you please tell me which four horses will me and my companions will be using?"

Generic Groom "Ah, you will be riding two mares and two stallions. Their names are Siva, thats the gray and brown mare [Lydia's horse.], a stallion called Gardont and coloring of Roan [Zagan's Horse.], we have another mare that's the coloring white of a cloud on a sunny day, her names Cloud[Em or Emilia's horse.], finally the last stallion of the four has the coloring of chestnut and the name is Walte. [Valhendril.]

"Thank you." Lydia replies as she runs her hands over the horse Siva.
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Re: Iselgard, Imperial Palace and City

Em would find four nearly identical coin purses...Each with a marked clasp, the designs of them being the only difference. Should she try, only one of them would open for her. Inside was a fair amount of coin. Immediately next to them were four identically marked maps.