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Iselgard, Imperial Palace and City

Re: Iselgard, Imperial Palace and City

(The name was Walte but whatever)
Re: Iselgard, Imperial Palace and City

After struggling with the other three purses, Em finally put them down and cursed, then half turned to Zagan and said roughly, "One of these is yours." She picked through the purse that opened, counting out the coins. "Better than nothing," she said under her breath as she clamped the purse onto her belt. She then grabbed a map and looked over it, for anything of interest.
Re: Iselgard, Imperial Palace and City

Zagan turns when he hears Em before walking over to her and checking the purses to see which was his. What's with the maps?
Re: Iselgard, Imperial Palace and City

Valhendil overhears as well as sees Zagan speaking with Em and wanders closer to see what it was Em had had in her hands.
Re: Iselgard, Imperial Palace and City

Lydia hums to herself as she strokes Siva and feeds her apples.

*I wonder when my companions are going to be here?* Lydia mused to herself.

[Waiting at Stables.]
Re: Iselgard, Imperial Palace and City

"Just regular maps with Fort Shard marked off," Em replied. She tossed a map and purse to Valhendil, then grabbed the two for Lydia and walked out of the room and into the hall. "Grab whatever you think we need. I want to get moving before nightfall." Without looking back she headed for the stables.
Re: Iselgard, Imperial Palace and City

Zagan pockets the purse and map before going back for a second to pick up a small supply of trail rations. Not that he would need them normally, but somehow he knew that the others would probably be loud enough to scare all the game away. With that he then heads towards the stables.
Re: Iselgard, Imperial Palace and City

Valhendil somewhat clumsily catches the bag before walking off with the group.
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Re: Iselgard, Imperial Palace and City

Lydia sees her companions approach.

"Over here guys!" says Lydia to the group as she walks over to them.
Re: Iselgard, Imperial Palace and City

Horses? Zagan says as he spots the beasts beside Lydia.
Re: Iselgard, Imperial Palace and City

Em walks over to the smaller girl and shoves the bag of coins and the map towards her, pushing her back a little. "Try not to get lost while opening the bag," she says with a smirk. "These ours?" she asks, waving to the horses.
Re: Iselgard, Imperial Palace and City

Lydia takes the stuff and says "Yes these are out horses, their names are Siva, Gardont, Cloud, and Walte. I am using Siva as my mount."

Walks over to Siva, the gray and brown mare and puts the bag and coins inside the saddle bags.
Re: Iselgard, Imperial Palace and City

Valhendil begins to swiftly attach his bags to his saddle and mounts his horse. He was clearly not waiting for any assistance and doesn't intend on standing around much longer. "By all means, take your time.", he says while rolling some of the words off of his tongue without a hint of sarcasm.
Re: Iselgard, Imperial Palace and City

Em swiftly jumps up into the saddle on her horse, patting it's neck when it snorts in surprise.
Re: Iselgard, Imperial Palace and City

Zagan moves over to Gardon before securing his few items in the saddlebags. Then, taking the reins, he leads the horse towards the exit. The horses will probably fair better if we don't ride them the whole time, but walk while leading them every so often. He says in explanation, at the same time he looked eager to leave the city for the countryside and the wilds.
Re: Iselgard, Imperial Palace and City

"Lets GO!" yelled Lydia as she prodded her horse. Siva trots out of the stables and heads to the eastern farmlands. Lydia stops and turns around "Which way are we going?"