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RPG [Isotonix] [ アイソトニクス] Alchemy of Monster Gem / ALCHEMY OF MONSTER GEM -ファリアスの弟子と黄泉の使者 RE138792 RJ138792

Re: [Isotonix]ALCHEMY OF MONSTER GEM -ファリアスの弟子と黄泉の使者[RJ138792]

You saw the version where, after you beat the Kraken, you actually see that first girl thank you and then roll credits right? That is some kind of 'secret' ending that I have no idea how to trigger, but if you already are in it you can't get rid of that flag I think. Just win, choose to start over from the beginning, and maybe you might avoid whatever flag you triggered.

Really? I haven't unlocked that at all yet, maybe you have to defeat or capture all the girls... Well, time to play through again then. Though, not being able to understand anything at all...........

Can't wait until you can fight the blonde classmate, that'll be fun ;)
Re: [Isotonix]ALCHEMY OF MONSTER GEM -ファリアスの弟子と黄泉の使者[RJ138792]

Really? I haven't unlocked that at all yet, maybe you have to defeat or capture all the girls... Well, time to play through again then. Though, not being able to understand anything at all...........

Can't wait until you can fight the blonde classmate, that'll be fun ;)

Maybe the word 'secret' was too appealing. I honestly can't tell the difference between the boss fights other than a bit of different dialogue before and after, and ofc how the credits roll so that you can't progress further.

I mean, I guess she does show up on the image training thing later, like in the picture, but other than that there's not much point to replaying JUST to get stuck in that thing.


  • No idea how to trigger it.jpg
    No idea how to trigger it.jpg
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Re: [Isotonix]ALCHEMY OF MONSTER GEM -ファリアスの弟子と黄泉の使者[RJ138792]

i have a question, is posible found the monsters in LV 2 ? y only can see the bee and the bear, and how i can enter in challenge mode? the third button is empty
I clear the game once and unlock the helper girl battle
i'm playing in 1.04 version
thanks for your help, i already have see the text guide you upload

(sorry for my engrish :) hablo español)
Re: [Isotonix]ALCHEMY OF MONSTER GEM -ファリアスの弟子と黄泉の使者[RJ138792]

Man, the updates sure do come out slow o_O
Re: [Isotonix]ALCHEMY OF MONSTER GEM -ファリアスの弟子と黄泉の使者[RJ138792]

Man, the updates sure do come out slow o_O

Seems like everything I'm following hasn't been updated in a while... :(

Oh well, maybe during the wait someone might start translating this.
Re: [Isotonix]ALCHEMY OF MONSTER GEM -ファリアスの弟子と黄泉の使者[RJ138792]

3 months and no update, guess GG this game?
Re: [Isotonix]ALCHEMY OF MONSTER GEM -ファリアスの弟子と黄泉の使者[RJ138792]

There's been no notice of abandonment, he's just taking his time and absolutely sucks at updating his twitter. The game itself keeps selling, so he has the incentive to keep releasing updates. He replies to questions in japanese, so if any one of you is up for the task then go ahead.
Re: [Isotonix]ALCHEMY OF MONSTER GEM -ファリアスの弟子と黄泉の使者[RJ138792]

3 months and no update, guess GG this game?

Just checked his page, that little block of text below the first game post has a little post from the middle of this month:

Something about a "still Kana" status update next time. Odd the last Twitter was March 6, usually people make inane & mundane posts about food...
Re: [Isotonix]ALCHEMY OF MONSTER GEM -ファリアスの弟子と黄泉の使者[RJ138792]

The author posted an update on his twitter. He apologizes for his long delay, says he had some health complications and claims that the next update is almost finished.

Also new monster girl~

Re: [Isotonix]ALCHEMY OF MONSTER GEM -ファリアスの弟子と黄泉の使者[RJ138792]

The author posted an update on his twitter. He apologizes for his long delay, says he had some health complications and claims that the next update is almost finished.

Also new monster girl~


Huh, I hadn't checked this week, thanks for the hope! I wonder how big the update will be... Hopefully the blonde classmate will be an opponent now. :D

Also, according to the chronote page, he's looking into having bukakke/pulling out as well as "Pies". It'll be interesting if there's some sort of accumulation, and more benefits to finishing while still battling.
Re: [Isotonix]ALCHEMY OF MONSTER GEM -ファリアスの弟子と黄泉の使者[RJ138792]

Well, I guess more updates, so noice. Although, every time I stop for such a long period of time, I forget everything I knew about the cards lol.
Re: [Isotonix]ALCHEMY OF MONSTER GEM -ファリアスの弟子と黄泉の使者[RJ138792]

Long time since the last update.

I hopefully they won't leave the updating project.
Re: [Isotonix]ALCHEMY OF MONSTER GEM -ファリアスの弟子と黄泉の使者[RJ138792]

I just hope theres a way to translate it, its to hard tryin to figure stuff out when its entirely moonrunes lol
Re: [Isotonix]ALCHEMY OF MONSTER GEM -ファリアスの弟子と黄泉の使者[RJ138792]

It appears... the dev did not jump into obscurity. Apparently suffered the loss of a program (errors with Flash?) and has been repairing it while all the files were safely backed up. Also said something about updates, may or may not do so...? :confused:

Re: [Isotonix]ALCHEMY OF MONSTER GEM -ファリアスの弟子と黄泉の使者[RJ138792]

It appears... the dev did not jump into obscurity. Apparently suffered the loss of a program (errors with Flash?) and has been repairing it while all the files were safely backed up. Also said something about updates, may or may not do so...? :confused:

Only sad part is that it's been so long that I have forgotten everything about the game... Again... Man, if only I knew how to crack this game, I would "translate" the shit out of it >.>
Re: [Isotonix]ALCHEMY OF MONSTER GEM -ファリアスの弟子と黄泉の使者[RJ138792]

Same here, this needs a translation even if only partial.
Otherwise you cant really enjoy it....
Re: [Isotonix]ALCHEMY OF MONSTER GEM -ファリアスの弟子と黄泉の使者[RJ138792]

Id say the toughest part of it, is the skill tree, the items and things u can bungle around with and figure out, but that skill tree made it so i couldnt make any progress lol
Re: [Isotonix]ALCHEMY OF MONSTER GEM -ファリアスの弟子と黄泉の使者[RJ138792]

I think I give up on this game, updates are too few and far inbetween. Oh well.
Re: [Isotonix]ALCHEMY OF MONSTER GEM -ファリアスの弟子と黄泉の使者[RJ138792]

I think I give up on this game, updates are too few and far inbetween. Oh well.

Mmm, well it is one of the better hentai games other than the difficulty of understanding anything, so I won't give up on it for a while. Besides, still want to fight that blonde classmate :D
Re: [Isotonix]ALCHEMY OF MONSTER GEM -ファリアスの弟子と黄泉の使者[RJ138792]

sorry to ask like this, anyone willing to share their saves for 1.04?
i lost my progress there