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It Began with a Letter (Nanami;Tyragor)

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Chapter 0: It Began with a Letter

(Inspirational Music - )

Many adventures begin in amazing and often tragic ways. It is human nature to find stability and somewhere safe to call ones home, their own sanctuary. Those that are typically on their adventure have departed the place they call sanctuary for a very unfortunate reason. However, for one girl, the reason was a very good one. It's not a tale that would enamor bored children before bedtime with stories of battle, honor, and the spoils of victory. It's instead a rather soothing tale of one girl with a certain desire to 'know'. To learn, and to chart the legends, the races, the goods, and the evils of the world and everything in between. Her worship was towards a being known as Fate, and it truly was a neutral god in all respects, taking her soul and splitting fragments of it to both good and evil to give them the supernatural power to change the world. She worshiped this god and trusted that her judgement was correct, as all she desired was to learn.

Her name was Cynthia, the Crow Tengu. And this story began with a letter, written to a girl of kindred spirit known as Nanami. She knew, the girl had one. One of the pieces of the grand puzzle. She likely didn't even know it was there. Idle, waiting for its moment. Or maybe its moment would never come. Maybe her destiny, her Fate, was to live peacefully? Who knew. Cynthia intended to learn, however. And to this girl, she wrote her letter, to a girl who also wanted to learn.

Nanami. My name is Cynthia Fyre. I know this name will not be familiar to you, but I have learned much about you. I know what you seek, and it is also what I seek. I have already been given the aid of countless generations before me, while you are starting fresh in this brave new world. I want to help you, and teach you so that I may entrust you with my own pen and parchment to record your own eternal documents for generations after you to read for the eternity in which I will preserve them. I offer you the chance to peacefully create a grand ripple that will transcend your very own existence, and mine as well. Such that even in the afterlife, we will both watch as your written word impacts the lives of new and old. If you wish to accept my offer, hold this paper in your hands and simply walk forward. You will feel yourself overcome with a desire to proceed in a certain direction, and you will follow the direction this paper takes you. It will lead you to the library of a close friend of mine, who I hope shall become a friend of yours too. She is like us, thirsty for knowledge. But you must not be afraid. For both she and I are one of those whom humans fear. We are mamono, but we will not hurt you. In time, you will find that the world painted before your eyes was just a shade, and when you part that shade, there is a beautiful world for you to explore.

I look forward to meeting you one day.

~Cynthia Fyre,
May Fate guide us.

When Nanami held the paper in her hands, she had already found that the paper had been carrying her feet. She was walking while the words read themselves to her in her mind in a composed and quiet female voice. Before she knew it, she'd look up and see herself standing before a giant five story tall library built with red bricks. Clear windows that looked completely polished lined the library. Nanami could see inside that there were endless shelves with books inside, just from what she could see, she'd be able to count over a thousand titles standing together, with many odd pieces of furniture, spirals of silver wrapping around itself to reach up to five holders each with a crystal inserted, giving off a faint glow in the daylight, no doubt painting the library in a white glow during the night. The inside was lined with marble, something that most of the Library seemed made of, including the pillar foundations. The marble was of olive color, giving it a very earthly appearance. In addition, it was quite easy to focus on the marble and building especially, as the world around Nanami seemed coated in a thick fog. Twas as if there was some kind of barrier of nature that protected this place from all those except one who had the letter. It almost felt like she was isolated from the rest of the world, in this sanctuary.

Then, Nanami heard a voice. A mature woman's call coming to her from a location she had difficulty pin-pointing for a reason unknown to her. "A visitor? How unusual. I'd ask how you found this place, but... Let me guess, it 'began with a letter', right?" she giggled, before Nanami would just then notice that the doors to the library had opened, and on the three steps leading up to the doors that lead inside stood a She was dressed in an elegant green gown and wore a hat with a cylindrical base and square top, not unlike the hat of a human university graduate. Just beneath the hat were a pair of thick horns going out from the sides of her head that curled upwards at the ends. And it wasn't on feet she stood, but hooves. "Do not be afraid of me, little one. I devour knowledge, not people. Being that you smell faintly of angels, I also assume you have no knowledge for me to eat. I'd turn away such a person if they weren't standing in front of my home holding such a curious little piece of parchment." she chuckled. "So, I assume that some meddlesome crow has sent you to me. I will mentor you, if you so desire, just to find out what your hidden purpose is. If you are not interested, then I'm afraid your journey ends here. You will appear back at your home, and if you are wise, you will not leave your home again."
Re: It Began with a Letter (Nanami;Tyragor)

The moment that she had received the letter she found herself moving. She wasn't sure if it was by enchantment or her own natural curiosity but given her nature even if not for the former it would have absolutely been the latter. Nanami was being given a clear and open invitation into the world that she had dreamed of and nothing would have deterred her.

Cynthia Fyre, a name unknown to her, much that the letter had said, but they had known much about her? That was a curiosity, and one that brought little trepidation to her. She did not fear the unknown, she craved it. This was undoubtedly a rich and fascinating riddle and one that she couldn't wait to work at, to get to the bottom of.

A kindred spirit, the letter promised, offers of tutelage and companionship both. Offer of a the job that she dreamed of, even greater the offer of transcendence, of existing beyond her physical form in the future knowledge of. All very poetic, she thought with a coy smile. She didn't believe in the letter at face value, but she had a quiet sense to hope that it would be all that was promised and more.

There it was, the promise that commanded her, that drove her onward. She had no sign of hesitation, ignoring the call to adventure was the furthest thing from her mind.

Fear was for the ignorant. Nanami did not dread the encounters with Mamaono, they excited her. They were an area of the unknown, so full of misinformation and superstition that they idea of learning fact from fiction was easily the most alluring part of them, no matter the cost she sought to learn all things from them. She'd known there was a greater truth about these 'monsters' but just the same she was convinced of their danger and risk as well.

In the end, that risk was just a lesser concern.

She cast her gaze up and true to form she had appeared inside an incredible library. She gasped silently, folding the letter up and setting it inside her back, slung over her shoulder. She proceed slowly, with a quiet reverence for what was surely more books than she had imagined existed in the entirety of the world. She caught herself nearly drooling at the prospect. Food. Water. Shelter. If she could find those and stay in this place she could live content for the rest of her life.

No, that wasn't true. She could only be satisfied by learning the knowledge of others for so long. She wanted to win knowledge for herself, add to the 'known'.

A sanctuary mystical and strange, she pieced at once that it was the letter alone that had granted her entry. Was her strange benefactor going to show herself...?

She turned her gaze swiftly to the voice, silent and still as if testing that if she did not know than whomever might consider her an intruder might pass without noticing her. Only for a moment of course, her eyes beheld the strange monstrous women before her with equal curiosity and awe widening as if to take her in entirely. She wanted to move, to touch to poke to prod. Her hand unconsciously trended towards her bag to fetch her notebook and begin scribbling furiously but she resisted.

Instead she simply nodded to the question she had asked.

Nanami found herself smiling in spite of herself, at the what she hoped was a coy joke. She resented the second remark, but feared deep down that it was almost certainly true! She said nothing however, that caution from years of knowledge drilled into her that told her to be on her utmost guard around a...a...-monster-.

Ignorant hatefulness, she hated that side of her, but it existed and it kept her silent for a long moment while the woman spoke. A crow? Tengu? Was that the mischievous one who had sent her? The additional knowledge brought into question the truth of the note, perhaps it was meant to be a silly game, to taunt her and bring her into danger, but so what! She was here now and there was so much that could be learned.

She dropped to her knees, prostrating herself before the large horned women, forehead bowed to the ground. "I-I would happily accept your knowledge. Please, whatever knowledge you can offer I am all too happy to learn. W-whatever it takes!" she declared boldly.

This offer represented everything she had ever wanted. Risks or no risks, danger or otherwise, even if it was possibly a trick it didn't matter.

She wasn't going to let this chance slip away. She wouldn't return home empty handed.
Re: It Began with a Letter (Nanami;Tyragor)

The horned mamono lifted her hand to Nanami. "That's enough. You do not need to present yourself in such a humble manner. I do not believe in human customs of class so this is not something I want from you." she declared. "I'm happy that you are a kindred spirit. But be aware that you can no longer return to human society once you open these books and read, and embark upon your quest to learn more. This knowledge is considered to be lies and heresy by the Church, and you will not be treated kindly. So, consider this your new home." she stated, before stepping aside to open the door for Nanami, to the palace-like splendor that was the Mist Library.
Re: It Began with a Letter (Nanami;Tyragor)

"Oh, of course. I apologize." She slid her head from the floor, kneeling before her for a moment as she listened carefully to the words. New home, forever abandoning her own? Surely she would be free to return some day right? Surely this knowledge would not leave her ostracized for life?

It didn't matter, in the end, that belief that it was not final was simply the justification for her own human sense that there was something wrong in accepting. If she had perfect clear cut evidence that told her she could never return she would have made the same decision, it just helped to pretend.

She climbed to her feet, stepping past the horned mamono to stare in wonder at the beauty of the library. She forgot to breathe for a long moment, simply shaking her head in disbelief. She exhaled after a long moment and moved swiftly to rub her eyes catching the few tears of delight that had formed.

"S-.so where do I...begin?" she asked distantly.
Re: It Began with a Letter (Nanami;Tyragor)

The woman chuckled. "We may begin with introductions. We've not yet referred to each other by name." she declared, putting her hand to the center of her chest, just above her full breasts. "My name is Talibah, the seeker of knowledge. And yours is...?" she waited for Nanami to answer while directing her hand to the girl. Once Nanami gave her answer, Talibah would nod her head slowly. "It is nice to meet you. As a kindred spirit, you have much to learn, starting out on your quest for knowledge. But you must also know that there is a great many dangers for acquiring knowledge. Every mind comes with its own predisposition for learning. There may be things that you will personally never wish to learn. Facts of this world, both good and bad, will come to you on their own. They may provoke a wide array of emotions, turning your inner world, the machinations of your mind, into chaos. You may find out facts of your true self that you refuse to believe to be true, or simply don't want them to be. Knowledge is something that is controlled by your world, who worships angels, not without very good reason, and not entirely because of selfish intentions. For there is no force that is truly evil, or truly good. To that end, knowledge is pure, uncontrollable chaos that will drive almost everyone mad." she concluded with a calm, serene tone, yet speaking of such grim subjects.

She stepped aside, welcoming Nanami into her fold. The library was vast, and beautiful. Her boots made an oddly satisfying clack against the marble floor. A strange noise that put her mind at ease while entertaining the ears. The white marble was without a single mark, not from age, use, or even dirt. As if it was perfectly clean. Everything seemed to be organized on rectangular grids, as from the doorway, it was a clear rectangular path to a set of stairs that spiraled upwards, allowing access to all five floors. Though if one could fly, there was no ceiling overhead on this main rectangular path between all the bookshelves. Useful if you wished to speak to someone on floor one when you're at the top floor, to be sure. All of the ends of the bookshelves were facing her, with those crystal holders of spiraling metal that ended in a circular shape to slot the stone in. To complete the look, there was a long table in the center along the path, with many, many chairs. No doubt there'd always be a seat so that one may sit down and read. There was also a set of double doors behind the staircase, but it wasn't clear where they went.
Re: It Began with a Letter (Nanami;Tyragor)

"W-wah! You're right, I am sorry." Nanami said with a polite bow of her head. "I am pleased to meet you Talibah. I am Nanami, I too believe that I am a seeker of knowledge. I apologize for my earlier rudeness.|" A smile passed across her face as Talibah praised her as a kindred spirit. In truth, among her people she had never felt like she belonged. She had a curiosity, not just about monsters but about all things that led her to seek answers where others simply had accepted what had been told to them. While Nanami was never directly opposed to beliefs she had been taught, her caution around Talibah was proof enough of that, she always wanted to believe in more.

"I understand," she replied politely, what she said was true. Knowledge was a terrifying prospect, in its true form, to most people. She wanted to be more, to accept that all she really wanted was the truth, regardless. She couldn't promise that she'd be perfect, but she wanted so badly to be.

"I understand," she said, as hopeful as she could manage.

As she stepped aside Nanami entered, letting out an audible cheerful gasp as she overlooked the library. It was everything she wanted an more. She let out a breathy sigh. "Thank you," she whispered, almost inaudibly. Her most secret wish had been granted, and only the smallest wisp of fear held that she might be misled. "I-is it alright if I begin to read or..." she paused, uncertain for a moment as to what purpose the woman might have for her. "Sorry, that was...impudent of me, what is the first task you wish of me...?"

Knowledge always had a price, right?
Re: It Began with a Letter (Nanami;Tyragor)

Talibah gave a deep nod. "You may read as much or as little as you wish, but for your first lesson in knowledge, I'd suggest you learn the difference between reading a book and witnessing something first hand. You'll find the perceptions of others to differ far from your own, or you might even learn something completely overlooked." she advised Nanami. "Seekers of knowledge do not simply just idle with parchment and rest all day. We must boldly go where we might even find our lives endangered, with only our wit to guide us. All for the sake of collecting whatever knowledge we can. For your first task... Why not start reading? Find something that interests you, perhaps a race of mamono that catches your eye? Then, I want you to go and find that species, and write your own parchment detailing your observations of the creature. I want to read them. You might think it redundant, but I am fascinated with perspective. Even about the same subject, people find millions of different ways to look at things, and many witness features others overlook. I want your perspective." she instructed her.
Re: It Began with a Letter (Nanami;Tyragor)

Nanami blushed brightly as her love of reading was rebuked. Talibah was right of course, and Nanami knew it, but she'd never been given the opportunity to do more than simply learn. The limitations were clear and Nanami was forced to wonder how many of her rigidly accepted facts were merely the biases of others? Such as it were for monsters, a fact she'd already internally challenged long ago.

Where did it leave her then? Curious of course, thirsty for the knowledge that hung outside the mind of others, tantalizingly forbidden and just out of reach. She was more than happy to be given a chance to pursue.

And that chance she was given, her teacher instructed that the challenge might seem redundant but to Nanami it was perfect. A chance to explore within the confines of the known and try to discover the unknown! This was the basic tenant of knowledge, to challenge the things she knew. "H-happily. I promise I won't let you down," she said with a polite and subservient bow of her head. When dismissed she began to make her way through the mass of tomes.

Minutes passed as she looked at the titles. The problem wasn't that none of them stood out to her, but that too many did. She wanted to study each and every one of them, but to pick just one to begin, was difficult. Maddening almost! Each title sparked a renewed interest, a new fleeting fascination that ultimately she decided to close her eyes, and stumbling, bumping briefly into the shelves, she grabbed at a book and pulled it free.

Leather bound, vaguely ominous, a book of demons. She flipped it open and looked it over briefly before turning to find her teacher, Talibah. Unsure of how to proceed she would ask for a place to begin her search.

Monsters! The most reviled by her people were the demons! But, then, if they were wrong about those like Talibah, why not the demons themselves? Who knew what an open mind could discover.

"I have found the place I wish to begin, M-mistress Talibah. But I'm not sure what my first step should be."
Re: It Began with a Letter (Nanami;Tyragor)

Examining her book of choice, Talibah gave a sigh as she folded her arms under her bosom and showed a worried expression. "Oh, youth, is it a quick demise you seek, or eternal enslavement? Or do you simply not understand the weight of your choices?" she inquired, before gently reaching and taking the book from her hands. "Demons are a terrible place to start. They will surely show someone like you absolutely no mercy if one caught you. Pray do tell, did you have a race of demon in mind? Because the specifics matter my dear, they certainly do." she gave a single, slow sage nod. "In their youth, nobody picks something simple, like a kappa. At least you aren't the boy who wished to study a dragon and is now slave to it. Though I think that was his desire all along..." She put one hand to her cheek. "Oh dear, humans are so troublesome."
Re: It Began with a Letter (Nanami;Tyragor)

"W-was it that brash of me to suggest? Forgive me, teacher. I didn't mean to be impertinent, I was just...fascinated. All my life, of those I was taught most dangerous it was demons. I guess I wanted to...see the truth of the world? B-but, I trust your wisdom, if you think I should wait I will." She blushed bright at the story of the man who became slave to a dragon, was it really so dangerous.

She tapped a finger to her chin. "Something specific? Oh, um, I suppose something lesser like an Imp? Althought if not a demon, maybe...a Harpy or some variant of the Slime, I heard they're rather docile."

She looked down, her first decision and already she'd displeased her teacher! Ah, she was so troublesome, she frowned.
Re: It Began with a Letter (Nanami;Tyragor)

Talibah rose her left hand, and put her index and middle finger to her chin in thought. "Even an imp would be dangerous to a girl like you... But, in the end the choice is yours. Knowledge isn't gained without risk, and if you are so ready to rush into danger, maybe you won't meet a horrible fate with that determination. Or perhaps, you might after all." she spoke rather clearly and with worry that she didn't know what would become of her new student. Though, after a moment she returned to look at her poor student. "If it's a demon you want... It's probably ironic to say that the safest way to meet one is to summon one. Then, she will at least be brought into conditions that are somewhat on your terms. Usually, demons understand the act of summoning and will try to uphold a sense of honor when it comes to contracts, but there is nothing stopping a demon from breaking a contract. A common misconception is that creatures summoned like that are honor bound, never going back on their word. That is a fabrication based on misconceptions. Demons are no more bound to their word than human beings are. So, be careful." she noted.

"Oh, as well... Summoning takes a considerable amount of spiritual energy. I will need a donation... Normally a human sacrifice, consuming their entire soul, is good enough provided they have a healthy soul. Multiple humans otherwise; however, we can get away with putting you into a coma for a while as I sap your energy." she calmly declared turning Nanami into a vegetable while sucking out her life force. "Don't worry, it'll be like taking a week long nap, if you humans ever have one of those. I don't recall your kind sleeping for terribly long."
Re: It Began with a Letter (Nanami;Tyragor)

Nanami watched her teacher closely as she gave a look of great consideration. In truth it made Nanami nervous but she held fast, and waited. "A-ah, would it?" She frowned, tapping her chin. Perhaps she should have just taken the hint, a simple kappa! At least then her teacher might have been proud of her! But her curiosity was absolute, and nothing drew her more than the taboo of her culture, it was like unleashing shackles to her very brain. The more she exposed the more clear her thoughts would become, the more pure her knowledge would be!

"Thank you, I...I appreciate your words, I promise I won't disappoint you!" And She believed it, truly. There was no way that everything she'd done up to this point in her life was building to some kind of failure, not on her first measure of investigation. "I understand that there are risks in the pursuit of true knowledge, but...that doesn't mean that I will shy away from that danger." She nodded firmly.

Still, such a sad look in her teacher's eyes gave her a moment of hesitation. What was she asking for!? She didn't have long to dwell, the specifics of this meeting were more than enough to engage her. "Summoning?" Was she truly going to summon an actual demon? This was by far enough to forever ostracize her from her people. What would her parents think? Her friends? Those who knew her?

She found she couldn't care. She'd suffered enough, bound like she was by her frail body.

"Hopefully we'll draw upon one who is cooperative, but then we can always preform some manner of banishment...right?" She frowned, perhaps she should have been more thorough in her reading. The words weren't lost on here, she'd have to be very careful of the demon. "I understand," she said finally. A demon was...then reasonable? Completely understandable, a being like any other.

She smiled and nodded.

That is, until she heard the requirements. A human sacrifice! Their entire soul!

She blanched. "A-are you...j-joking?" A coma for a week...? That was enough?

"H-huhn? Didn't you said it'd take their..." she let out a yawn as a sudden an complete drowsiness took over her. "Entire life...?"

"Why does mine..."

She struggled to keep her eyes open as she began to fall to the floor, laying down, eyes closed.


She was out.
Re: It Began with a Letter (Nanami;Tyragor)

As Nanami started to pass out, Talibah gave a start, before her soon unconscious body felt like it was caught in a strong upwind that allowed her to rest easy on the floor. "... Did she just cause self-induced sleep?" Talibah pondered. "I wonder if this girl has nothing but useless skills. I hope that is not the case, otherwise this could be Cynthia's first blunder." she said, before Nanami's consciousness faded entirely.

When she awoke, it was to the sensation of being in a very soft bed, unlike any she'd ever slept in before. Plush, and it felt expensive, like it was made out of a dream itself. The bed sank from any weight she put on it, and no matter how she tossed or turned, it felt like a comfortable position. Though, there was an added complication in the form of some kind of heavy weight on top of her. "Have you finally awoken?" inquired a sultry tone. The presence lifted itself from Nanami's bed, and stood at the edge of where she slept, . "How shameful for someone I'm supposed to serve to be strictly unconscious. I was also told you were a complete novice who couldn't even do the summoning themselves. Well, I'm here to educate you, so if that's all, then I will gladly take such an easy job in exchange for you soul~" she chuckled.
Re: It Began with a Letter (Nanami;Tyragor)

(Sorry! I think I misread your post, haha, we can just assume that she has an unusual power!)

Nanami let out a soft quiet sound, content and pleasurable such that she actually wanted to resist waking. This was ended by the feeling of heavy weight atop her. Her eyes slid open lazily blinking once as she heard the voice speak.

She sat up with a start, letting out a quiet sound of surprise as she immediately reached for pen...paper! Something for her to record her notes and thoughts. "W-well, I'm not entirely sure that's a fair deal. My soul is a precious commodity to be sure. But we'll start simple as far as exchanges go maybe. A name for a name?"

Her heart was racing, pounding rapidly as excitement coursed through her veins and dissolved the last bit of sleepiness in her.

"I am Nanami, it's nice to meet you I apologize greatly for keeping you waiting." She, as best she could, preformed a bow from her seated position. "And as a bonus I fear you are quite correct that I am a novice." She tapped her lip for a moment before nodding. "I will happily accept anything you wish to teach me." She began to look the girl over, making mental notes of measurements and appearance for later recording.
Re: It Began with a Letter (Nanami;Tyragor)

The demon giggled. "A name? Furuna. And, well, I'm afraid that just that won't do. You happen to both be the one who is contracted to me, and my food source. Taking your energy is not only an obligation, but a requirement. Now, I'm reasonable." she nodded. "I'll allow you to choose the method of my... Withdrawal. What shall it be? I can do it with a futanari cock, I can do it by licking you, kissing you... Even a massage, but that's time consuming. No matter what, we must have lewd contact to ensure speedy acquisition of your energy before we return to your studies. What shall it be? The cock may also be whatever size you want, I'm not picky." She told Nanami in a very business-like tone, but Nanami also got the feeling from this demon that she'd not be leaving until the demon was paid.