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It Belongs to God (Stephanie)

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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"Praise the lord!"

Church bells rang, and happy people sang the words of praise, their hands raised to the sky in worship to the almighty god above. The citizens who praised their god of worship all formed a line down the street for a single woman, while soldiers behind them gave their salutes in honor for the girl walking down that line, which led straight to the church itself. "Bless you!" a woman shouted to the woman of honor, who's armor rattled and clanked with each step she took. "I envy you!" a cheerful male soldier laughed as he too saluted her.

Praised by all, this girl of honor came up to the church steps, a grand structure, and the largest in the city, so great that angels felt it as comfortable as their grand holy kingdom. And it was one of those great angels who stood, waiting for the girl who approached. She had descended from above, her glory leaving all in awe. "Stephanie Walds, loyal servant of God, kneel upon these steps before me." the angel requested of her. "I am Doriel of the Second Sphere, holy governor of this city. I understand that you have proven yourself worthy of being called a Hero. I am told that you are strong, skilled, and loyal to our lord. It is humanity's hope that you have trained to take responsibility for, and with the power of God, you will march with the faith and prayers of your people, to eliminate all threats to humanity, and keep our people safe. Swear to me know, under the light of your lord, that you will accept the lord as your only savior from these times of darkness, and will know that your soul..."

Chapter 1: It Belongs to God
Re: It Belongs to God (Stephanie)

Stephanie held her head high as she tromped up the walkway, the ponytail behind her head swaying slightly in the gentle breeze that ran through the square in front of the church. Bright sunlight reflected off of her breastplate and pauldrons, and glinted as her gauntlets and greaves moved with her march, the armour having been polished to perfection in preparation of today's events. The breeze too, lifted the violet cloth that streamed from her waist, fluttering about the backs of her legs with the heavy leather fauld. The gold-coloured handle of her shortsword glittered at her waist too, though the heavy halberd had been forsaken, it was rather awkward to march with after all, and today would not be a good day to be tripping over herself.

The blonde kept her gaze forwards though, striding resolutely towards the church and the angel waiting at the end. She stopped at the bottom of the steps, and stood to attention, gazing levelly up at the radiant creature above her, and as commanded, she sank down onto one knee, and bowed her head to gaze at the steps instead, armour clanking as she did so. Her brow furrowed as the angel spoke, and her ears cocked to listen intently to the benevolent speech. She remained silent though, until Doriel had finished speaking, and then she looked up from her knees, hands folded over the risen knee. Her expression was stony, and her voice clear and cold as steel as she spoke, loud enough to be heard among the crowd without actually shouting. "I, Stephanie Walds, do swear to you, to God, and to our people, that I accept the Lord as my only savior in these dark times, I swear that my soul belongs to the Lord, and my sword to our people. This I swear, under the light of the Lord, to you, Doriel of the Second Sphere, holy governor of our city." she said aloud, holding her gaze steadily upon the angel's face, though when she had finished, the blonde lowered her head again respectfully, remaining upon one knee, very much stock still as she awaited Doriel's words, though there was a hint of colour rising in her cheeks, and her breathing was somewhat heavy from the natural nerves and pressure of the ceremony.
Re: It Belongs to God (Stephanie)

Stephanie would feel the angel respond when the holy woman's hand touched her head, and from her palm, Stephanie felt a most soothing warmth flow into her. The angel's gift made all of her nervousness and weakness disappear, and replaced those sensations with vigor and composure. The very magic that filled her seemed to make herself feel as light as a feather, while her presence became almost as powerful as an angel. She felt as if she could jump a dozen feet into the air while in full armor as if she were nearly weightless, and come crashing down with fury. "Then by your oath, I grant you the blessing of a Hero," the angel announced, before removing her hand from Stephanie's head. "Stand now, Stephanie. Stand before human kind and announce yourself as yet another beacon of light to shine the way to humanity's prosperity."

"Announce yourself... As a hero."
Re: It Belongs to God (Stephanie)

Stephanie closed her eyes as the angel's palm touched her head, and her fingers clenched into fists against her leg as the warmth suffused her body. She paused for a few moments, after Doriel removed her hands, taking a deep breath as she enjoyed the sensation of freedom and strength. Elated, the feelings of anxiety and fear washed away in the burning heat of righteousness. She nodded then, and the blonde rose to her feet, gleaming armour clanking, sunbeams glancing off of the polished steel as she took her feet, taking a brief moment to stare into the Angel's eyes, and nod, saying lowly "My thanks, Holy Governor."

Then the blonde turned, the light about her seeming to refract into rainbows of coloured light, and she looked over the gathered masses. For the briefest of moments, her mind went blank, and then she raised her arms above her head, before speaking again. "Hail! Hail the Lord, hail humanity! Here I stand, a Hero of the people! A sword of Her holy light in this dark world. To prosperity, brothers and sisters! For the glory of God! For the glory of humanity!" she cried out, reaching down for the handle of her sword, and with the resounding sound of steel escaping toughened leather, the blonde pulled the shortsword free, and held it aloft, adding another point of polished steel for the daylight to bounce and gleam off of.
Re: It Belongs to God (Stephanie)

The crowd cried in joyous recognition of Stephanie's declaration of heroism. Together they began to chant, "He-ro! He-ro! He-ro!" over and over again. The crowd was gathered and so clumped together that Stephanie was forced to stand as an idol of worship. Many swung their arms in the air, others held their hands to the heavens in worship of God. Their wild praise was endless, and it wasn't long before a figure rose to rescue Stephanie from being forced to remain on the steps forever. However, whether the figure that rose was a good sign or not was entirely for her to decide.

Jason, A veteran hero was allowed through the crowd as they parted for him. A man with hair as black as his reputation among women, short and slicked back along his skull, approached Stephanie. Using his status as a hero, he'd often seduce women who envy such people who get the honor of being regarded by angels as holy warriors. But this man, he only sees the women who envy him as rewards for his service.

"Ah, Stephanie. It is wonderful to hear that you will be serving the Lord with me." he said with a kind smile that masked his true, perverse self. "Ah, but this crowd is noisy." he announced, before turning, and with a commanding tone, he said, "Our new hero shall meet with her comrades in the castle! Clear a path! Do not obstruct a hero from their holy path!"

Upon his command, the people graciously did just as he asked, forming an open line for Stephanie to walk towards the castle, while Jason offered his hand to Stephanie to help her down the stairs, taking on the air of a gentleman escorting a lady.
Re: It Belongs to God (Stephanie)

Stephanie stood there, her short ponytail bobbing slightly in the wind as the sunlight beamed from her armour and sword. Her eyes wandered around the gathered crowd, the heady rush of pride from the moment starting to get to her as she raised and lowered her sword in time with the chanting, going along with it. "He-ro!" she called out joyously, a slightly pink tone rising to her cheeks as she turned left and right to survey the masses.

Such was her elation, that it took the blonde a few moments to actually realise just whom it was that had parted the crowd to whisk her away. Her shoulders sagged briefly, but she quickly brought them up again, and blinked. "Jason. Yes, I... I assure you that I do believe you when you say that you were pleased with the news." she said in a neutral tone, her voice was raised but still barely audible above the crowd. She smirked slightly though, and shook her head. "At least we agree with one thing. They are noisy." she added, as she lowered her sword-arm, and returned the gleaming shortsword to it's scabbard at her side.

Stephanie paused a moment though, looking down distrustfully at the offered hand, her eyes narrowing. She nodded though, and placed her armoured hand into his own, using the other to wave at the crowd, plastering the smile back upon her features as she was led away by the slimy individual.
Re: It Belongs to God (Stephanie)

Even if it was Jason, the crowd knew nothing of the man's darker side. So, all they saw was two heroes, a man and a woman, getting along for the sake of their people. Taking her hand gracefully, he led Stephanie down the stairs, before releasing her hand and casually walking beside her as they progressed down the street. "The duties of a hero in service to God are rough indeed, especially for a woman." Jason began speaking while walking alongside her. Since the ceremony was over, the crowd began to disperse and go back to managing their lives, but still many cleared the way and cheered for the latest addition to humanity's heroes. "They say most girls find someone during their training, but it seems you have not." Jason said with intent. "It's no wonder that the many heroic men who've become gifted themselves see you as an ideal wife. But such is the harsh life women live during these times..." He chuckled, before they reached the castle, and walked past the guards and into the magnificent halls inside.

"What will you do, when god requires you to marry and bear children?" Jason asked of Stephanie, though his intentions were even more clear now than they were before, if it were possible. As heroes, any children they have would have saintly powers as well, so while women are still expected to marry, women who happen to be heroes are required as part of their duties to bear heroic children in their wombs. And here he was, the proud and perverse Jason, clearly suggesting that Stephanie choose him to lay his seed inside her. And from all the men Stephanie would recall from training, they were no different, often boasting together about all the women who'd fawn over them, and often courting Stephanie as well, though with considerably less elegance than Jason was right now.

"Most men would have you become a simple wife," he continued as they went through the halls and into a courtyard of trees and flowers where a few painters were present. "Away from battle, and away from glory... You know, I would not deprive you of your honor, Stephanie." he swore, looking over to her with a gentle smile. "And I urge you, Stephanie, to make the right choice before some foolish man lays claim to you."
Re: It Belongs to God (Stephanie)

Stephanie remained quiet for a while, she simply kept her gaze wandering over the crowd, smiling pleasantly as she returned the waves she received from the dispersing crowd. The surge of warmth and elation from the angel's touch had faded slightly, but it still kept her straight and content, vaguely registering Jason's remarks. They were not surprising, except in the way that she had expected her potential suitors to at least wait until -after- the ceremony to start trying to court her. Ah well... she thought to herself, rolling her eyes slightly as she turned her gaze back in the way they were going, flexing her fingers and then loosening her gauntlets slightly for comfort. "Perhaps I should consider myself pleasantly unique in that regard." she said blandly, raising an eyebrow inquisitively. "I am well aware of the views men have of me, and I am well aware of the expectations, I do not need you to recite them to me, Jason." she added, rolling her eyes in disapproval as they strode into the courtyard.

"When the Lord requires me to marry and bear children, Jason, then I shall. She does not require it of me -now- though, and I assure you, my duty will be fulfilled. In time. Take your place in line if you wish me so bad, but I will not accept any husband whom would keep me from my honour and -other- duties. I am a Hero like you, and I will not be put down for lacking your endowments." the blonde continued, her sabatons clanking as she strode onwards, starting to quicken the pace slightly to see if the black-haired male would try and keep up.
Re: It Belongs to God (Stephanie)

Jason fell behind when Stephanie quickened her step, humming as she went ahead. "When the Lord demands it, Stephanie, your choice to refuse your suiters will be revoked. At least be grateful that a man of my station is willing to wed you, rather than let the more savage of men have you." he announced to her, before his words became echoes as Stephanie traveled through the castle, and to the very center of the castle, where a large structure was built in the shape of a cross, the symbol of god, and the structure that housed some of the greatest Heroes of the Order.

A large doorway at it's base, Stephanie stepped inside to behold a common room where a bunch of royally dressed individuals sat. They each wore weapons, and their powerful presence made Stephanie feel like an equal once again. She was among heroes. One of which waved at her, Stephanie's elder and friend who became a hero one year before her time. Her face was toned and strong, and a single, long braid of hair went down her back. She wore a corset and leather pants that clung to her form and displayed her assets, which many men in the room seemed to enjoy gazing upon. As well, she stood out as the only woman not sitting next to a man as if they were intimate partners. All but one of those heroic women did not seem pleased with the man next to them, tolerance on their expressions while naive young heroes treated them innapropriately even among their fellows. The one woman who didn't look to be suffering unwanted perversions was with a man who looked just as indifferent as she. He was leaving her be, and she seemed very much pleased with that.

"Stephanie! I heard about your ceremony!" Yvon, the girl who waved at her, announced. Standing up from the couch she sat on next to another couple, she approached Stephanie with a proud nod of her head. "I would have attended, but..." she glanced at the many men in the room who didn't have a woman next to them, before leaning in to whisper to Stephanie. "The bloody bastards won't let me leave anymore unless we're called to duty, or if I marry one of them. I've been putting it off for months through the grace of some miracle, but I'm running out of tricks." she complained, before leaning back and giving Stephanie a gesture to follow her. "Come, I'll show you to your room, which is convieniently located right next to Jason's room." She laughed slightly, heading through the cozy looking living room, quite possibly the fanciest room Stephanie ever had the honor of stepping into before she'd traverse up a staircase made of fancy wood, with shining metal railing and painted glass to the side, looking outwards to the back of the castle, and upon reaching the fifth floor, a magnificent view of the land began to come into view. "Thankfully he has never tried to marry me. His influence is a lot stronger than the naive fools in this holy sanctuary, and this is why I worry for you. He has likely come to you, seeking marriage, I know it must be true. He is the one who very likely arranged for your rooms to be so close together." Yvon looked back at Stephanie. "It makes me feel truly sad to say truthfully that he is the best choice among other men here, as he loves to boast. But don't lose heart, my dear. Jason's influence may be great, but he is just as foolish as the other men. Together, we can obtain our honor without being underneath a man."
Re: It Belongs to God (Stephanie)

Stephanie paused in her step but briefly, and smirked slightly as Jason called out. She turned her head, and raised her eyebrows up. "Worry not, I am duly grateful, Jason. Your most kind and generous offer will be taken into all due consideration." she said cooly, offering a slight smile towards the unpleasant male.

Having left him behind for now though, the blonde tilted her head back, and took a brief moment to inhale the heady scent of flora from the courtyard, even as she entered the castle proper. She had rarely been here before, let alone in the Hero's quarters, and the splendour of the place gave her pause. Such elaborate wood and stonework, the way the light played across the gilding, the scent of flowers and small trees was all very pleasant, very relaxing, and it helped bring her down from the adrenaline rush of the ceremony. A smile creased across her features though, and she let out a low chuckle as Yvon waved and approached her. Stephanie reached up, and clapped an armoured hand onto her shoulder, taking care to avoid buffeting her with the metal fingers as she did so. "Good to see you, Yvon." she said, before smiling a little wider, and she inclined her head respectfully, before casting a glance around the room at the men and their women. It was hardly a sight to instil confidence, she did not find the thought of ending up as decoration an appealing one.

The blonde nodded though as Yvon led her away, shaking her head again as she looked back at the gathered Heroes. "I'm rather surprised you've managed to escape this long. As for my room being so close to his... Hmm, what a magnificent, not to mention convenient coincidence, don't you think?" she mused, smirking and shaking her head, armour clanking slightly as she stretched her shoulders. Stephanie was quiet for a few moments then, and had it not been for Yvon leading her on, she quite likely would have gotten lost, becoming quite entranced by the splendid grandeur of the Heroes residence.

Finally though, Yvon's speech managed to stir her from her reverie, and the blonde blinked inquisitively."Hmm? Oh yes, I'm quite sure he's one of the better potential matches, if the promises he made hold even a grain of truth. But I would be a filthy liar to say I desired such a man. You know as well as I the stories that flit about him, though I use the term 'stories' loosely." she said, chuckling a little at her own joke before continuing. "Still, I am not sure what the two of us can do, Yvon. These traditions date back further than I care to recall my history to, and the men are as much slaves to it as we are. It is the Lord's will, and whom are we to go against it? That said, I must say that -they- seem to get considerably more benefit from the arrangement..." she trailed off, sighing and reaching up to run her lobstered hand through her hair by habit, even though a few strands got caught in the steel.
Re: It Belongs to God (Stephanie)

"I'm just looking for a man I actually want to marry, you know?" Yvon asked Stephanie. "The one good man was down there, with Helga. He may not be attractive, but he at least treats her well and doesn't force himself on her when she clearly doesn't want him. Even such a man like that would be fine, but all of these men, so called heroes, they just want to claim power over a woman to stroke their pathetic male egos." she spat. "If I see such a man I want, I will marry him without hesitation. If men are allowed to abuse this system, I will as well." Yvon said firmly.

Reaching Stephanie's room, Yvon let out a sigh. "Here is your room... It is next to his, and the rooms are connected by the bath, so... He will have free leisure to invade on your privacy, just like the boy next to my room. The men will make themselves stink if it means they must wait before they can bathe with women like us. All you can do is try to catch him while he sleeps, and bathe quickly." Yvon advised her.
Re: It Belongs to God (Stephanie)

Stephanie chuckled slightly, she looked down at her hand though, flexing her armoured fingers before she reached down to start fiddling with the straps to undo it. It was awkward with the gauntlet on though. "Now that -does- sound like the way to pursue a happy ending, doesn't it?" she mused, smiling at Yvon. "I certainly wouldn't hold it against you for tackling any man you like the look of, mhm? If he's going to treat you well, then it sounds like a winning deal to me. Lord help me, I would not wish to end up as disappointed with my husband as most of the Heroine's down there looked." she added, frowning slightly at the prospect, before she let out an exasperated sigh, and thrust her armoured hand out. "Can you undo the buckle for me? It's a pain with both gauntlets on, I can take care of the second." she asked, raising her off-blonde eyebrows as she held out her arm towards Yvon.

The description of how her room was linked to Jason's though, was not a prospect she relished, and the blonde Hero sighed when her friend had finished. "Sound advice, as always. It's pitiful really, don't you think? So desperate to get a glimpse of what they want as to disregard their own hygeine? Bah, and cutting into sleeping time just to try and avoid him isn't that great an idea either... Maybe when he's out fawning over someone else, or, Lord forbid, actually doing something useful for once." she jested, letting out a little giggle in amusement from her own joke.
Re: It Belongs to God (Stephanie)

Yvon nodded, and stepped forth to help Stephanie with her gauntlet to get it off. "As I understand it, he is the most honored hero among us. He has even been given military power, and been given honors for slaying many mamono. Of course he'd let the power go to his head, however. So any woman that wants to be with such a prestigious man will likely find her way to his bed eventually, and hope that they get pregnant with his child so that they can claim the benefits from carrying such a hero's child." Yvon told Stephanie. And the benefits were clearly evident. If a poor woman has the child of a hero, she will live comfortably with all the support the government will provide her. Jason has been publicly honored for 'spreading his seed' among the women in the community. Many poor women who were without money and lived miserably praise him in high honor for 'granting his blessing' upon them. All the while, he gladly accepts the title of a saint.

"There," Yvon nodded as Stephanie's gauntlets came off. "You should relax for a while, and let the energy the angel bestowed upon you settle in. After Jason comes back from drilling his soldiers, he is 'obligated' to assist you while you adjust to your new powers, so go ahead and run him ragged~" Yvon winked.
Re: It Belongs to God (Stephanie)

"Of course, of course, I know well enough how it goes, Yvon. Thank you." Stephanie began, shaking her head still as she pulled her hand free from the gauntlet, and then tucked the armoured hand underneath her arm so that she could remove the other, allowing her fingers to breathe freely again, they felt rather clammy from being stuck inside the padded metal on such a warm day. "He's hardly the first to abuse his title now, is he? At least in the end, the Lord will judge him accordingly to his sins." she said piously, nodding firmly as if it would help enforce her point, even as the blonde tied the wrists of her gauntlets to her belt, letting them hang against her hip and leaving her hands free.

As Yvon continued explaining though, she chuckled to herself, running her fingers through her hair and taking a deep breath, chest pushing against her breastplate. "Oh I'm sure this is one 'duty' that he will not at all mind enforcing, Yvon, though I'm sure I don't know what you mean by running him ragged, mhm? Besides, I feel wonderful right now... The light of the Lord inside me. Did it feel like this to you as well? When governor Doriel touched me, I felt like I could vault over the chapel easily, and even now I feel like I could sprint a mile." she mused, partly to herself as she looked down at her hands. They looked perfectly normal, but she could still feel the warmth and light of the Lord empowering her. After a few moments though, the blonde blinked, and looked up to Yvon, quirking an eyebrow and smiling pleasantly.
Re: It Belongs to God (Stephanie)

"That feeling is the energy running wild in your body. It's best that you rest so that the angel's energies bind with your soul. It wouldn't be wise to let all that power slip away." Yvon instructed Stephanie, before pushing Stephanie into her room playfully. "Go on! Shoo! Off to bed now!"
Re: It Belongs to God (Stephanie)

Stephanie giggled slightly, now that she was away from the stifling presence of Jason, the lusty gazes of the Hero's and other men below, and the bored, sullen eyes of the Heroine's, she felt much more alive, much more in touch with the warm, light power that suffused her muscles. "Aww... And here you're being no fun, Yvon~" she countered, her armour clanking as she bobbed onto her toes, twirling about athletically before she relaxed back down, and leant against the door. "But fine, I'll see you for dinner, Yvon." she added in a slightly, albeit not by much, more serious tone, as she turned away, the half-cape streaming from her waist fluttering as she pushed the door open, to step inside, and leave Yvon to the most certainly rapturously interesting conversations taking place downstairs.
Re: It Belongs to God (Stephanie)

Inside her room, Stephanie stood within one of the most high class bedrooms she would likely see in her entire life. Sheets of the highest silk on her bed and window, as well as curtains over the bed itself to provide privacy even within the room itself, the bed looked worthy enough for a Queen to sleep in. The room was covered fully in royal red carpet, and there was a chair made of the finest leather. A vanity sat up against the wall, clearly a room designed for a woman, that had everything Stephanie might need to make herself beautiful. A closet was full of royal gowns, and overall, the whole room belonged only to her.

Despite all the energies running wild through her, the bed remained a beckoning sight. With a hanger for her armor next to it, it's like it was waiting for her to remove her armor, and climb in. No doubt it would be very, very comfortable, the most pleasing bed she would ever have the chance to lay upon.
Re: It Belongs to God (Stephanie)

Stephanie paused for a few moments as she stepped inside the room, her hand still upon the door, holding it half-open as her violet eyes wandered over the sumptuous surroundings she found herself in. It was wondrous, and that was without even being flattering. After half a minute or so, the blonde realised her jaw had been hanging open, and she swiftly shut it, licking her lips briefly as they had started to dry.

The Heroine closed the door at last, the thud and click as it sealed her privacy for now was very satisfying. She strode forwards, still casting her gaze across every inch of the sumptuous bedroom, a grin on her face broader even perhaps, than the one she had when Doriel had anointed her. She quickly scolded herself for revelling too much in the materialistic desires that surged up at the realisation that this was all hers, and clenched her fists. The blonde closed her eyes briefly, and took a deep breath, before she let her chin droop down against her chest, and she knelt down stiffly upon the beautiful carpet, offering a quick prayer of thanks to the Lord.

Done with her piety, Stephanie stood up again, and grinned once more, as she unclipped her sword from her belt, and placed that upon the bedside cabinet, before she went over to the armour stand, beginning the long process of stripping off her armour. First the pauldrons, which she set upon the bed in the meantime while she unbuckled her breastplate, sighing in relief as the gleaming steel came free, making her feel even lighter than the angelic energy already did. She slipped that onto the armour stand, before she drew her pauldrons over it, clipping them securely into place before she sat down on the bed, unbuckling the many laces that secured her lobstered sabatons in place, merely setting them next to the stand as she removed her greaves and leggings, revealing her much paler skin as she stripped down to her panties, a relatively simple linen affair. Finally, her mail hauberk came off, and was laid out neatly next to the armour stand, she did not want the links locking together after all. By now, the athletic blonde wore little more than underwear and a loose, but fairly thick shirt which protected her pale skin from the cold steel of her armour.

Content now, Stephanie tilted her head back, smiling, taking a long, deep breath, before she turned around to the sumptuous bed. She closed her eyes again, and murmured "Thank you Lord, I shall not disappoint." before she clambered up onto the sheets, letting out a long, pleased sigh as she felt how soft the blankets were, and the blonde Heroine crawled under them, laying her head back onto the pillow, idly working the band in her hair free to let the dirty-blonde locks wash lazily over the pillows. The light was warm and comfortable, the bed was even more so, and it was not at all very long before Stephanie was drifting off to sleep, despite what she would have thought mere minutes ago, bursting with Holy energy as she was.
Re: It Belongs to God (Stephanie)

As Stephanie's consciousness drifted away, she slipped into the land of her dreams. Rather than a dark void, an oblivion that would be occupied with vivid dreams, Stephanie suddenly saw a bright, beautiful blue sky. She felt herself weightless, floating among clouds while the warmth from the sun did not burn her, but soothed her. In this unnatural land of sky and cloud, Stephanie floated, drifting with the clouds, as bare as the day she was born. So carefree was this experience, but she would soon find that she was not floating with the clouds, but being brought with a purpose with the clouds. Forward, she floated, as over the clouds she could see the tip of a mountain come into view. On it's tip it was hollow like a volcano, but rather than molten fire, it was filled with water so pure and clear that it could only be defined as truly holy.

She floated towards this mountain, before the clouds she drifted over came to a halt, and the winds slowly bringing her to a halt. The water that filled the mountain top suddenly began to ripple slightly, as if disturbed by something small, before the ripples grew in intensity. Water splashed from the edges of the perfectly round cup of the brown mountain as the ripples became more vibrant. Suddenly, the water would birth a most glorious figure. With white wings more pure than any angel Stephanie had laid eyes on, and holding a sword that shined beautifully against the sun, a female angel rose, her sapphire blue eyes staring into Stephanie with a gaze more powerful than any holy judge.

"Stephanie... I have heard your prayers to me. And I have come, your Lord in Heaven, to test your loyalty to me..." she announced herself to Stephanie, the voice claiming itself to be god, and holding a presence that more than proved her godly existence. Even as powerful as Stephanie felt before, her existence felt like a pebble facing a magnificent existence the size of the planet. "Dark times face humanity. Temptation leads your people astray. You, Stephanie, have been gifted by fate with the power to decide the future. You are alone in your charge, you alone can bring prosperity or ruin to the human race..."

Picking up her sword, God directed it to the nude Stephanie, who found herself paralyzed and unable to even speak while so close to the almighty lord herself. "I charge you with the responsibility to lead the human race to salvation!" she announced with a booming voice that echoed through Stephanie's ears. "You are an example to all! You will drive back the monsters and demons that threaten to overtake the Earth! And once your charge is done, and your duty finished, you alone, Stephanie, will stand in God's court. Your afterlife will be eternal, and of boundless glory!"

"I will always be watching you, Stephanie. Do not waver in your service to me, or it will be Hell that awaits you. Kill my enemies, defend your people, and marry with a strong hero so that you may bring more heroes into this world."

The figure of God stood straight, and held her sword pointed down at the hilt with both hands, before she slowly sank back into the waters below her, her bright blue eyes closing slowly as she drifted below the rippling water. "My will be done..." she announced, before she vanished into the water, and Stephanie felt herself slowly drifting away...


Stephanie would suddenly awake in her bed to find that the light of day had faded away. Her room was dark save for a candle lit next to her bed on a nightstand. The light illuminated the one responsible for lighting the candle to begin with, as Jason sat in a chair he had drawn up to overlook Stephanie in her bed. Smiling at her, he nodded when she awoke and turned to him. "Tis a shame, the sleeping Stephanie was a sight so beautiful, I dared not disturb you even though the urge to kiss the sleeping beauty was so great." he announced with a quiet, calm voice. "Please don't think ill of me for being in your room uninvited. I am merely here to tend to your needs while the magic settles into your body. And I will remain to ensure you remain cozy in your bed until morning. After that, I will leave you be..." he chuckled.
Re: It Belongs to God (Stephanie)

Blearily did Stephanie slip from the mortal plane to that of dreams and prophecy. She thought little at first, her dream-self taking it's bearings as she turned, loose hair flowing out almost eerily behind her as she tilted, her hand passing mere inches from the fluffy-looking clouds, and the coldness of them could not deter her, this light and warmth was so wonderful. A smile spread across her lips, in her dream, it did not feel so wrong that she was nude, the tan lines at her elbows, knees and neck separating sun-tanned skin from her natural, pale whiteness. Onwards she drifted, the deliberate direction that she was being taken in barely registering until she saw the towering mountain approaching. It was surprising, but only in an eyebrow-raising sort of way. It felt like it was supposed to be like this, and onwards she drifted, occasional droplets of water beading on her skin. She felt smooth, smoother than she would in the mortal plane, though that thought of course did not register properly in her dream-self.

Her violet eyes though, were drawn to the crystal water in the volcano. She felt the instinct to touch it, drink it, but it was a passing fancy. She would go where she needed to go. Closer she drifted, until the ripple caught her lazy attention, and the blonde slowly twisted in the warm air to face the ripples as God rose up. Stephanie blinked. Then she blinked again, and her jaw dropped open slightly. It took her a few moments before she twisted again, getting herself upright in the air before she took a kneeling position, a symbol of servitude as the Lord introduced herself, as it were. Words stuck in her throat, but not from nervousness or fear. Those emotions did not exist in the dreamworld. Awe, raw pleasure from the closeness to the deity. Small and insignificant she felt, yes, but that was how it should be. The Lord spoke, and she listened, a drop in the ocean before the overwhelming Light.

The blonde remained kneeling there, occasionally righting herself as she tilted in the air, until God had finished her speech, and as the angelic deity made to return to her waters, Stephanie finally managed to gain the ability to speak again. "Yes, Lord! Your will be done, o' Lord. I will do my utmost, o' Lord to fulfill your will, to do my part in bringing humanity to greatness. All for the glory of the Heavens, for you, o' Lord. Thank you!" she finished, but by then God had disappeared into the water once more, leaving only a ripple.

Stephanie blinked, and licked her lips. Her entire body was shivering in ecstatic joy, the cool, pure air, the warmth of the sun filling her up, until she felt she could scream, and descend from the Heavens with the wrath of God at her fingertips. That thought passed though, and she nodded, even as she drifted further and further away from the mountaintop, passing through a thin layer of cloud and coming out shivering, covered in water. It evaporated though, and the sun brought her warmth back. She closed her eyes, smiling as she faded away...


... And then her eyes opened suddenly, violet iris' flicking about. Her breathing was heavy, and she could feel her shirt sticking to her skin with sweat. Her lips parted, air escaping her in quick little pants as the Heroine cast her gaze back and forth around the dark room. She had overslept, but then... She could remember in such vivid detail her time with God. Nothing else was important! She had to get ready, ready to lead the charge, to cleanse the land of corruption and evil, to...

She paused, and a frown crossed her face as Jason spoke to her. God had said she had to find a husband too, and bear him children. Surely that could wait? After all, pregnancy was not ideal for combat. Yes, that could wait, she mused silently to herself, even as her violet eyes fixed upon the greasy-haired man sitting next to her. She let out another shivering gasp of breath, before slowly, the blonde began to push herself up in her bed, letting the blanket fall away from her sweat-stained shirt. "Jason?" she began, frowning deeply. Surely the Lord did not intend him for her? It was madness. No, of course it was not him.

"I... I am fine, Jason, but... I... I suppose I should be appreciative that you indeed resisted the urge to clamber into bed with me. When... How long have you been here? How long was I asleep?" she asked, reaching up to massage her throat briefly, and then clear it. She was not sure what needs she was supposed to be feeling right now. The Lord's instructions made her think that she was supposed to marry another strong Hero, and as Yvon had said, Jason was unfortunately one of the better choices there. But she had never tried to like him, and what was said about him made the blonde distrustful.

One need, however, was very clear. "I need to wash and change... And I need a drink, is there... Is there water?" she asked, running a hand through her shoulderlength hair before clearing her throat again.