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Jacque (Occam's Razor)


RP Moderator
Mar 7, 2010
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The front lines of the war between Valance and Tervinan were in constant flux, with each side gaining or loosing ground as they applied new strategies and weapons to the field. Many of the boarder towns had been outright demolished over the course of the months the war had raged on, with neither side claiming any amount of ground for long. During this time, Jacque found himself on the field more often than at rest. Given his tenacity and the constant threat to the more powerful mages in Valance's ranks, there was always an opportunity for him to do his part for the war effort. He had been key in helping several groups complete their missions and had earned a good deal of respect from those overseeing his progress. He more he accomplished the more missions he found waiting for him, the more time he would spend protecting others. His needs were provided for, as simple as they were in his current state. It seemed the war would continue and he'd continue to serve as he had it was all he wanted and all he needed out of his existence.

It was perhaps inevitable that the stories of the great sword wielding demon of Valance would eventually spark the interest of the Tervinan commanders. A super soldier infused with the very essence of magic, mass produced could turn the tide of the war in their favour. A move was made, a mission led to an ambush, the fight was valiant but in the end futile. Jacque carried out his mission up until his senses finally dimmed, wondering briefly what would become of those he had sworn to protect.

It was a testament to his will and the power coursing through his body that Jacque have the chance to continue his duty.

* * *

Light filtered in from the window, the soft melody of birdsong drifting on the gentle breeze. Jacque came to on a bed in a fairly nice room, probably the closest thing to a traditional bedroom he'd seen in a long time. His armour and other belongings piled in a corner, out of place among the simple wooden dressers and desks. The view out the window from the bed wasn't enough to give him an idea of where he was, but it was clear he was a ways off the the scorched lands he'd been fighting in. Someone had taken the time to dress his wounds, though they had all healed by this time. His body seemed to be in order and he was free to move around. Wherever he was it seemed safe, though he had no recollection of how he came to be here, or more importantly what had happened to those he was seeking to protect on his last mission.
Re: Jacque (Occam's Razor)

Jacque sat up from the bed and looked about, taking in his surroundings and then standing from his bed, feeling the bandages rub against his skin. He began to tear them off, walking towards his gear and dressing slowly, making sure his sword and shield were set aside in case he was ambushed while dressing. Once finished, if he wasn't interrupted, he would place the longsword sheath on his left hip and his kite shield on his back, before approaching the window and looking out to get the lay of the land. His thoughts were muddled, as they had been since the Infusion, but he knew he had to get back to the front lines.
Re: Jacque (Occam's Razor)

Jacque wasn't disturbed as he redressed, all of his important possessions still in the pile. It was hard for him to recall the exact moments that led up to his loss of conciseness or how long he may have been out for. He needed to find those he had been protecting, of that he was sure. The view out of the window wasn't much help in determining his location, it appeared that he was in a bustling town, the streets lined with merchants selling their wares and kids playing in the morning sun. Strangest of all was perhaps the colours he saw on the militia patrolling the streets, were not any he recognised from Valance, or indeed from their rival nation of Tervinan. A knock at the door drew his attention, and a moment later a voice spoke up.

"Excuse me, are you awake now? Could I come in?" It was a soft voice, female he would guess. and not one which seemed immediately threatening.
Re: Jacque (Occam's Razor)

Jacque turned to face the door, his blue veins beginning to glow faintly as his magical abilities began to charge up inside his body. He didn't want to draw his sword, for fear of startling whoever the voice belonged to, but he prepared for a fight anyhow. "Enter." he says in a flat tone of voice, his eyes beginning to glow along with the veins on his head and his face.
Re: Jacque (Occam's Razor)

The door is opened slowly, a brown haired young woman poking her head around the frame with a slightly surprised look.

"I didn't think you'd be able to move around so soon after those injuries you suffered. You really are as tough as she's been telling us you are." She smiles warmly, opening the door a little further and stepping out, her simple green dress indicating that she was probably a simple civilian "I'm Erica, we found you and your friend outside of town and brought you here to get better. Seems like it did the trick."

Erica nods to herself, before moving in to pick up the discarded bandages. "Your friend is downstairs, eating, you're welcome to some food as well if you'd like. She said not to make any extra in case you woke up today but I went ahead and did it anyway. i guess you can eat all dressed up but I don't know if the chairs are going to take the weight..."

She catches herself and chuckles softly, shaking her head. "Sorry, I'm rambling, would you like me to show you to your friend, I'm sure you have a lot of questions."
Re: Jacque (Occam's Razor)

Jacque listens to the girl, noting her attire and body language, judging her to be a miniml threat, and walking towards the door, his head barely moving. "I would very much like to know what happened. Where am I? Where are my compatriots?" he asks, his tone staying the same throughout the entire sentence. As he speaks, his veins and eyes begin to dim, the veins returning to looking like regular tattoos.
Re: Jacque (Occam's Razor)

"You're in Rista, it's a safe little town away from all the war, your friend is downstairs, I'll let her explain the rest. She was getting a little impatient anyways." Erica sighs, turning and waving for Jacque to follow. "Come on, she'll be able to tell you more than I can."

Erica is quick to move out of the room and down the flight of stairs from the landing. The house seems to be fairly large, a good three more rooms upstairs and enough room on the stairs that Jacque doesn't have much trouble navigating them in his armour. The stairs lead to a large room at the front of the house, a combined kitchen and living room of sorts. Erica was hurriedly serving up a plate of food to the empty space set on the table. Their was another figure at the table, a familiar one. A black haired girl that most would consider a little young to be wearing the standard grey and red uniform of a Valance soldier. She was important, that much Jacque could remember, and the power that surrounded her was certainly strong for any caster.

The girl was idly picking at the prepared eggs and meat on her plate, casting her eyes up to Jacque as he descended the stairs. Her eyes gleaming with a multitude of colours which slowly swirled around before settling to a pale grey. "So you're not broken then? I guess it wasn't a waste of time to bring you with me after all Tell this woman she doesn't need to fret over you so much, she's been getting on my nerves." She takes another bite of her food, casting Erica a sharp glare as the woman motioned for Jacque to sit.

"Now, now, I don't know how you Valancians treat your guests but I am not going to be an ungracious host. i think you'd learn to be more polite after being cared for." Erica sighed, though she sat herself down to finish her own food without any further complaint about the girl's rudeness.
Re: Jacque (Occam's Razor)

Jacque took in the surroundings, noting the extra rooms and the large size of the house. When the mage addressed him, he stood at rigid attention, listening to her and noting Erica fussing with the empty spot set at the table. "I don't require food. Nor do I require aid." he says in his usual monotone voice, then listens to the black-haired woman speak. "What happened? Why are we here, and not back in Valence or at the front lines?" he asks, cutting straight to the point, not bothering with trivial details. "Who are you, even? I can't seem to recall what happened before waking up here. I feel like you're important to me, but I can't remember how." he says, placing his right hand on top of his shaved head and rubbing it, trying to remember
Re: Jacque (Occam's Razor)

"Only half broken then," the dark haired girl huffs, standing up from the table and flicking her hair back over her shoulder. "I'm Reimi Ceelis, class five chromatic sorceress, lieutenant second grade of the Valancian caster corps. We're here because we were overrun, you fell flat on your face and I had to not get killed. I expanded a considerable amount of power to shift us from the battlefield, luckily we didn't end up anywhere worse or dead. So while you've been fixing yourself I've had to put up with this woman treating me like a child since I'm too valuable to go walking back to Tervinian territory by myself to finish my mission." During her little rant, the girl's eyes flare up with their multicoloured hue briefly, her magical presence flooding the room for a moment.

"Sorceress or not, if you don't eat a healthy breakfast you won't be going anywhere." Erica cut in, drawing another glare from Reimi, though the younger girl did sit down and start picking at her food again after a muttered curse.

The story seemed to fit with what Jacque could remember, the name was familiar too. The attitude not so much but it was likely he'd have other things to worry about. If her words were the truth, she was one of the most powerful casters in Valance. It wasn't uncommon for casters with immense power to be drafted under the usual accepted age, though it was rare for one to be sent in what seemed to have been a dangerous mission behind enemy lines.
Re: Jacque (Occam's Razor)

Jacque listens to the explanation, his memories matching most of what she was saying, and his desire to protect her kicking in when he found out how powerful she was. He had long since stopped caring if that desire was programming from the High Mages or his own desire, it helped him carry out his mission, and that was all that mattered. He nods as she talks, his mouth barely smirking when she shoots a glare at Erica. "The woman is correct, Reimi. Whilst I can survive on water and berries for several weeks, most mages cannot sustain their magical powers without proper nutrition." he says, still monotone as he tries to remember what the mission was. "I would not like to be rude, but we should be going. We must finish our mission." he states, turning slightly and holding his left arm out, turning his head to the right to look at Reimi with his blank blue spherical eyes.
Re: Jacque (Occam's Razor)

"About time," Reimi mutters, quickly taking the excuse to leave the table. She doesn't get as far as straightening her uniform before Erica speaks up though.

"That's fine then, just let me get my things," Erica stated as she moved off quickly into one of the back rooms.

"You can't be serious, why would you even want to come with us. Your country isn't involved in any of this." Reimi shouted, clearly not enjoying the idea of spending another second with the woman.

"How are you intending to make your way back into hostile territory without my help? You both stick out like a sore thumb at the moment and as powerful as you might be it's clear you don't know how to take care of yourself. Do you really want to just end up getting into trouble again, I doubt you'll be as lucky twice in a row." Reimi didn't have much to say about that, lowering her head and grumbling some insults to herself.

"Besides your friend has a seal of Valance on his chest and you're still wearing your uniform. You'd be lucky if you make it out of our country let alone getting near the Tervinan boarder. I think i know a way to make things much easier on the both of you but I'd need to come along. I can't force you though obviously, but succeeding is important isn't it?" Erica continues, before she appears again wearing a suit of leather armour with a rifle strapped to her back, a grin on her face.

"If you let me tag along, I'll help you get where you need to go. What do you say?"
Re: Jacque (Occam's Razor)

Jacque listens to the conversation, his smirk growing slightly more prevalent as Reimi is put in her place, but turning to a frown when she points out his crest of Valence on his breastplate, looking down. "It would be logical to bring Miss Erica along. So long as she can handle herself in combat, we would not need to worry much about her, and our combat effectiveness would increase, along with gaining the knowledge she possesses of this country's terrain." he states, his arms now folding over his chest. "And, she does have a point. We do not blend in very well in this country. Most of the residents would think we were scouting for invasion routes if we traveled alone."
Re: Jacque (Occam's Razor)

"Oh you don't have to worry about me, I don't just have this for show." Erica smiles, patting the rifle slung on her back. "Though we are going to have to get you two something else to wear, or at least some cloaks to cover what you are wearing. I think that'd be the best way to deal with you, but maybe Reimi could find something less... obvious to wear?"

"I'm not wearing anything else and I'm still not wanting to bring this woman along Jacque. For all we know she just wants to hand us over to Tervinan for a reward. Besides she we ca- H-hey!"

While Reimi was busy ranting Erica took the time to move in close and grab her, running her hands down the girl's sides and lightly tugging at her uniform, much to the black haired girl's disdain.

"Hmm, I'd say I probably have some things that would fit you. You're so cute acting so tough, I think some of my old dresses will fit you, how old are you?"

"Th-that's none of your business. Get your hands off me now!" Reimi complains, a blush rising to her cheeks as she squirms in Erica's grip.

"Fine, fine, be awkward. I'll just have to guess. Jacque was it? Could you bring your charge to the back room, I'll find you something to cover up with as well and we can work on moving. There is a caravan that leaves the town to the boarder with Tervinan. If we get on that there will be fewer questions asked. I'll pay the way, don't worry. We'll need a cover though."

"You can't tell him what to do he's my-"

"Oh I know." Erica claps her hands together as she interrupts Reimi's complaints again. "We can be a family traveling to the boarder looking for some work. With the war going on they've been hiring all sorts on both sides. You do look like the strong warrior type after all."
Re: Jacque (Occam's Razor)

Jacque smiles at the fuss Reimi makes about the change of clothes, but frowns when Erica wants him to change his own clothes. "She has a sound plan, Miss Reimi, but I would prefer to keep as much of my armor on as possible. Blending in is not my forte, but you two would easily accomplish this goal." he states, his eyebrows furling slightly as he looks over at Reimi with a pleading look.
Re: Jacque (Occam's Razor)

"You should be able to keep it on," Erica assures Jacque when he raises his concern. " I just thing throwing a cloak over the top to hide the crest and maybe that unique complexion of yours would help with the blending in."

"And you're sure we can get to the boarder with this caravan?" Reimi asks, still clearly in a huff but at least seeming to accept that it might be their best option for the time being.

"I'm sure of it. So long as we don't draw too much attention to ourselves. I can't guarantee getting across the boarder will be as easy though. I mean if they are looking for you two then we might have to come up with something more of a plan." Erica shrugged a little as she moved to the back room again to pull out a few few things, throwing a pair of hooded cloaks to Jacque.

"Okay, now Reimi, if you would be so kind, to try these on." Erica produces a pair of dresses, both very modest but with a slight flair to them. While not overly fancy they both looked like they belonged to someone who had a good amount of money to their name.

"Fine. If it means we'll get moving sooner." The younger girl agrees with obvious disdain, moving into the back room.

Erica smiles when Reimi snatches the dresses from her and closes the door. She sighs a little and smiles over to Jacque. "I wonder how you ever got stuck looking after her."
Re: Jacque (Occam's Razor)

Jacque catches both of the cloaks, looking between them and choosing whichever one matches his current outift best, then putting it on and pulling the head up, ensuring his features were hidden, as well as his armor. "Orders are orders. I must keep her safe, be it at the expensive of my life or the expense of others." he says, his eyes staring directly at Erica from within his hood, almost glowing enough to be seen inside the darkness. "Though I would not care for the latter, I will protect her at all costs."
Re: Jacque (Occam's Razor)

Erica nods at the reply, leaning against a wall as she waits for Reimi to be done. "I don't really know what sort of an answer I was expecting, but I guess that'll do. The caravan leaves a little later in the evening, assuming there isn't any trouble we'll be at the boarder in a few days. If Reimi really did bring you both here she's a powerful all right. That might not work to your advantage though, even out here there have been rumours of casters disappearing. I think you'll be able to keep an eye on her though. I'll do what I can too."

"How do these even work?" Reimi called from the room, seemingly getting frustrated with the dresses.

"You really are a kid huh? Erica sighs, giving Jacque a wave as she moves to see if she can help Reimi out, leaving Jacque on his own for the time being. There was a bit of commotion in the room, Reimi apparently not liking Erica being so helpful but nothing that sounded like Jacque would need to intervene.

While the girls where working, there was a sharp, insistent knock at the door.
Re: Jacque (Occam's Razor)

Jacque crosses his arms and leans to one side, tilting his head as well when the knock begins at the door. "One moment." he says, then walks to the door, and opens it slowly, looking out at whoever was knocking, only one side of his body revealed to the person knocking. "May I help you?"
Re: Jacque (Occam's Razor)

On the other side of the door a pair of men smile to Jacque, both clothed in dark robes most likely identifying them as monks, though the impression doesn't last long. It wouldn't e clear to anyone on the street but once Jacque had opened the door the man pulled back the sleeve of his robe enough that the warrior could see he had a firearm pointed at him.

"I think you can friend, though I wouldn't try anything funny. This will mince even the demon of Valance at this range, and they didn't ask for you in one piece. Lets step back from that door real slow like, huh chum?" A grin splits the man's scarred chin as he waits for Jacque to comply, or not.
Re: Jacque (Occam's Razor)

Jacque closes his eyes and calculates his odds, then slowly opens the door. "It appears that even in a humble town such as this I can find no solitude." he says, stepping back from the door as it swings open fully."If you have orders to bring me in, then I shall comply." he says, he arms hanging stiffly at his side as his eyes narrow, the first sign of emotion he's shown in quite some time.