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Jacque (Occam's Razor)

Re: Jacque (Occam's Razor)

The lead man grins at the reply, giving a motion with his head as he keeps the weapon trained on Jacque. The other man at his side enters the door, soon followed by a third that hadn't been visible at the doorway. They were all dressed the same, though the other two men pulled out blades from the inside of their robes. They flanked Jacque, keeping half an eye on him as they glanced over the rest of the large room.

The first man stepped in after his companions, shutting the door behind him and leaning back on it with a hearty grin. "That would rightfully make my time easier if I believed it for a moment. i don't supposed you'd feel the same way handing the girl over too huh. See, they want her in one piece, casters aren't so useful when they can't cast, so we'd treat her right. You on the other hand, well, your state of living was up for debate. Why don't you show that you want to comply and call your girl out from wherever she is. Any funny business and I won't guarantee how gentle we are with her while she's in our care."
Re: Jacque (Occam's Razor)

Jacque closes his eyes and begins to breath deeply, his arms slowly coming up to cross each other over his chest as he thinks. "How can I trust your word? How do I know you will not simply kill her when I call her down here?" he asks, opening his eyes slowly as he stares at the man with the gun. He may have been a human golem, but he wasn't stupid.
Re: Jacque (Occam's Razor)

"A corpse is a corpse, doesn't matter what they were in life. Your companion is valuable because she's not a corpse, but a powerful caster. I don't know about you but I like to actually get paid for doing a job." The man replies, stating it simply. "Now are you going to play nice or do I have to go find her myself? I need her alive, but I don't necessarily need to have her happy about that."
Re: Jacque (Occam's Razor)

Jacque closes his eyes once more and thinks, inhaling deeply and then sighing. "Very well. But if I call up to her, she will most likely sense something wrong." he states, pointing out the facts as well. "Do you want her to come down throwing spells, or do you want her to come down quietly?" he asks calmly, his muscles now tense as his veins began to pulse with magic, just as his heart was racing.
Re: Jacque (Occam's Razor)

"Then what would you suggest? I let you go and get here while expecting you to not escape in the mean time?" The leader chuckles, shaking his head. "I've got a better idea," he starts before he raises his voice.

"We know you're in here, if you want to keep your friend in one piece you'll come out quietly and quickly. I don't intend to hurt you, but if you make our lives a pain we'll be happy enough to reciprocate."

There were a few sounds from the door that Reimi and Erin were behind, though it was impossible to make out just what was going on. One of the sword wielding men turned to face the door while the other continued to watch Jacque for any sign of resistance. It didn't take too long before the door opened and someone walked out.

"I don't think it'll come to that, Jacque will behave if I tell him to, so, what exactly is it you want?" The voice was quite clearly not Reimi's, but instead Erica's.

"Then tell your friend to relax and lets get you both restrained. I'll stop waving this gun around when I know I'm not going to have to use it." The leader orders, giving a flick of his gun to which the other two produce a pair of collars before slowly approaching Jacque and Erica.

Erica frowns a little but slides close to Jacque, placing a hand in his as she sighs. "Let's just get his over with."

Even as Erica seemed to be happy to let them both be captured, Jacque could feel the familiar tingling of magic building up around him.
Re: Jacque (Occam's Razor)

Jacque stood perfectly still as the collar approached his neck. He could see Erica happily donning the collar, though he was perplexed internally as to why. He thought about drawing his longsword and cutting them all to ribbons right then and there, but the thought quickly vanished as his mission filled the front of his mind once more. His duty came first, then his rage.
Re: Jacque (Occam's Razor)

Erica moves closer to Jacque as the men move in to snap the collars around their necks, one of her hands moving to his as she presses against him. The magical energy Jacque could sense was continuing to build, seemingly coming from the room he assumed Reimi was still in. The other men didn't seem to be magically inclined else they would have likely have noticed the power of the chromatic caster compared to Erica's lack of power.

It might have crossed Jacques mind to try to figure out what the two were up to but he didn't get much of a chance before the door was splintered by a blast of magical energy, incinerating half of the room and the man closest to Erica. With the other's caught off guard, Jacque would have a moment to act before the other two in the room.
Re: Jacque (Occam's Razor)

Jacque took the moment to act, reaching his right hand up to his collar and ripping his cloak off, then drawing his longsword to jab at the man closest to him, intending to impale him through the sternum with the blade, as his left hand reached for his shield.
Re: Jacque (Occam's Razor)

Melee Skill 13 - Passed Hit check by 42
Thug takes 4 points of damage.

Jacque manages to aim the blow perfectly, running the man through with his sword leading to both an unpleasant crack as the man's spine broke with the force of the blow and a fairly healthy spray of blood. All in a days work.

The leader took the time to back up to the door in the confusion, and decided that his odds were better served by leaving the building with his body intact. Darting out into the street with no further words.

Erica, slowly let herself relax as it seemed the commotion had settled for the meantime. She looked around her rather charred front room, having to sigh at the sight. "I think it'd be best if we made a move, someone is clearly tailing you, the caravan will be safer but lets leave out the back. I doubt the local guard are going to ignore all that magic being released and we've got a body now."
Re: Jacque (Occam's Razor)

Jacque removes his blade from the now-dead thug, wiping it off on the body's cloak. "If need be I can dispose of the body." he says, sheathing his longsword and grabbing the cloak he had taken off of his body beforehand, donning it and pulling the hood over his head. "Or we can leave him here to rot. It makes no difference to me." he speaks, before he turns and looks Erica in the eyes. "It is your home. What shall we do?"
Re: Jacque (Occam's Razor)

Reimi decided to take charge of the situation as she strolled out of the remains of the back room, still visibly trailing a strong aura of magic from the burst she had fired. She was clothed in a more standard dress, looking the part of a merchant's daughter. The dress was simple enough but her general attitude helped to carry the impression that she was self important and spoiled.

"We're leaving now, Jacque." She states bluntly, her eyes shining as she drops a pack at her feet, glancing down at it before looking back to Jacque. "Make yourself useful and carry that, the sooner we're out of this stupid town the better."

"I guess you can come along too." She turns to Erica with a frown.

"So kind of you, but should a mother have to ask for permission?" The older woman smiled, collecting up the last of her stuff and moving to the door, giving a quick glance out.

"Shut up, It's not like I want to deal with you." Reimi huffed, crossing her arms. "Should I torch that?" She asks, turning back to Jacque and motioning to the bloody mess he'd left on the ground.
Re: Jacque (Occam's Razor)

Jacque takes the pack without hesitation and slings it over his back, before turning to face Reimi and shaking his head. "No. I have no qualms with leaving a corpse." he says, before turning for the door and pointing one hand towards it. "We should leave immediately. There are bound to be more on their way."