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Jamie (thetwo)


Nov 12, 2008
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"Let me out of here dammit!" Jamie screams, beating on the door. She knew she wasn't insane, that she was in the Pit and that They were keeping her here. The doctors didn't help, and the technicians and pharmacists only pushed the drugs in her. But it did not make sense! "Let me out!" she screams again, hitting the door with a loud thud. This time, to her surprise, the door actually opens. Afraid that a dosage of heavy sedative was coming, she retreats away from the southern door, covering her naked body from any peering eyes. She is surprised when the door reveals that no one is behind it.

VIR: 1.75
HP: 1

Suggested Actions:
Travel S
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

When the door opens, Jamie freezes for a moment, cringing. Despite her fervent desire to escape this place, she knew that the door opening was a bad thing... but no Orderly shoved their way in, with big hands and bigger needles. Not even a nurse with a little paper cup full of pills.

For a moment her doubts surfaced again. What if she was wrong? What if the doctors were just trying to help her, if she really was crazy, what if she just dreamed that she was abducted and put in the Pit? No. I have to believe I'm sane, which means I have to believe that really happened, and that the Doctors are at best deliberately misunderstanding me. If I believed I were insane I'd be unable to make any decision confident that it wasn't based on fantasy I can't tell apart from reality. And that door is still open, and still nobody has come through it. For a moment she imagined what they would do to her if she were caught trying to escape... but somehow it didn't seem worse then staying here for the rest of her life knowing she could have had a chance to get out.

Jamie slipped out of her room, closing the door firmly behind her and taking a quick look around outside.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie takes in her surroundings. the bright light is very disorienting, but she can make out that she is in a hallway that travels from east to west. She also sees a door to her south that simply reads "Iso." "Hey you!" Jamie spins around quickly and sees a guard standing in front of her. "Get back in there!"

VIR: 1.75
HP: 1

Guard LVL: 2
VIR: 2.75
HP: 3.00

Suggested Actions:
Persuade him to let you go
Attack (Physically/Sexually)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

"Why are you just standing there! She's got my uniform and she ran towards Isolation! Get after her before she starts letting them out!"
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

(9.5 vs 5, persuasion successful)

"Oh... uuuhh, I'm sorry ma'am!" He says as he runs into Isolation.

XP Gain: 32
Next Level: 50
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Well, that went better then I might have thought, but I really need to find something to wear, quick.

Jamie moves west at a brisk walk.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie runs into a dead end. There is a door to her south that reads "ISO" and a door to her north that looks like a heavy cell door. She looks over her shoulder and does not see the guard behind her. With a sigh of relief, she ponders her next move.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Well this is starting to look like the most brief escape in history...

Jamie starts back in the opposite direction, intending to continue past her cell if that guard doesn't get back before she passes.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie heads back to the east, noting the cell to her north and the "ISO" door to her south. The hallway continues to the east. To her horror, she runs into a guard. Fear grips her knowing that the guard figured out her ruse. But then she notices that this guard looks younger. Hopefully he is less experienced than the last one.

VIR: 1.75
HP: 1

Guard LVL: 1
VIR: 2.75
HP: 3.00

Suggested Actions:
Persuade him to let you go
Attack (Physically/Sexually)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

When the guard notices her, Jamie feigns modesty and tries to hide her nakedness while addressing him.

"Excuse me, officer? A screaming, naked woman just assaulted me at knifepoint and stole all my clothes. I think she ran through that door..." She indicates the door marked ISO back down the hallway to the west. "I'd really appreciate it if you could get my clothes back before she bleeds all over them."
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

(6.50 v 6.00; persuasion worked)

"That's terrible ma'am. I'll call it in." He runs down the hallway while saying something into his radio. Sighing with relief, Jamie trys to plan her next move.

VIR: 1.75
HP: 1

Guard LVL: 1
VIR: 2.75
HP: 3.00
XP Gain: 16
Tot XP: 48
Next LVL: 50
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Rather surprised that this tactic already convinced two guards that she wasn't the escaped prisoner, Jamie hurries on eastward.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie heads east and runs into a turn in the hallway. The hallway turns south with a cell to the north and a cell to the east. Lying in the middle of the hallway is a small white baby-t.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie freezes when she notices the shirt lying on the floor.

Jamie climbs the stairs, still aching from being raped into unconsciousness by a pair of spider-like robots. She opens the door at the top and takes a quick, scared look out, only going through when she's sure there are no more of the sick robots about. She's only taken a few steps through the darkened hall when she steps on a lacy, black pair of panties...

Struggling out of the flashback, she tries to contain her rising panic at the thought that this might be like that place. Nevertheless, she picks up and hastily dons the shirt. Failing to put it on wouldn't help either way.

With at least some of her assets covered, Jamie continues along the hallway.

(Put on shirt, move south.)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie dons the baby-t, feeling a little bit of comfort in the cotton. Jamie tires to push the memory of "That place" out of her mind as she heads southward through the hallway. There is a cell-like door to her east and the hallway continues to the south.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Got to find the way out. Or the stairs. Or a women's locker room.

Jamie continues south.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie continues south, with a sense of urgency in her step. She comes to a turn in the hallway. The hallway continues to the west with another cell-looking door on the east.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie pauses for a moment.

Um... well this is bad. It seems like "ISO" isn't very large. Those guards will be coming out knowing there's no escaped prisoner dressed as a guard in there. I need to hurry.

She continues down the hallway at a walk, though, figuring a woman with no pants sprinting for the exit would be even more suspicious then a pants-less woman walking towards the exit.

(Continue west)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

The Hallway twists to the south. When she turns southward, there is a male doctor in a lab coat and scrubs standing there, waiting for her. "I hear that there is a test subject that has escaped up that hallway, that wouldn't be you wouldn't it?" he asked. Jamie figured he already knew the response.

VIR: 1.75
HP: 1

Doctor LVL: 2
VIR: 4.50
HP: 2.50
XP Gain: 24

Attacks Possible:
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

(Arh, two EXP from leveling up...)

"If you've heard that one of the test subjects has escaped, then you've also heard that several guards have already gone missing, and that all the rest are on high alert now. You'd know that you ought to be in your office, doing your important work, while the armed guards subdue her."

(Subtly convince him that while I am the escape patient, it's in his best interests to pretend I'm not.)