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Jamie (thetwo)

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Nov 12, 2008
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Shaking the haze from her eyes and brain, she tried to take in the events of last night. She can't remember much other than going to a job interview for a pharmaceutical company. The next thing she realized she was here, in a dark lab in a pair of cotton shorts and a sports bra. Reading the note tied to her wrist, she nervously looks around. The lab seems to extend to the east, though she cannot see for how long.

Search the Area
Travel East.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Ugh... how the hell did I get here?

Jamie took her time standing up, doing her best to clear her head of the obviously unnatural sleep. I can't remember anything after that interview... A quick self-inspection revealed the very limited clothing and more importantly the note, which quickly gave a workable theory for her current situation. The interviewer last night... Jamie couldn't quite remember her name, but she'd certainly been a research scientist with a PhD. Could have been a "D". This must be an experiment, that she'd signed up for and forgotten under the influence of some sleeping drug...

Jamie takes a good look around the area, hoping to find her clothing, so that she can see if she can find a researcher. If the experiment is even over? Well, even if it wasn't over, Jamie had no idea what she was supposed to be doing, so she would assume that the first step was getting dressed and trying to make her presence known.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie decides that the logical place to look for some clothing is a small closet near one of the lab tables. When she opens the door, instead of finding clothing, a small furry creature leaps out at her. Jamie quickly moves out of the way as the creature snaps at Jamie's arm. Missing, the creature lands on the table behind her. She looks at it with confusion as it snarls it's suprisingly large teeth at her.

Creature's HP: 1

Flee East
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

That's... what the hell is that? Jamie didn't wait until she could come up with an answer. She grabs the nearest thing to hand and hurls it at the creature. In the mean time, she takes further positive action, screaming for help.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Not finding anything within reach she opts to just smash the creature with her fist. Swiftly coming down on the furry creature quickly incapacitates it. No one comes to her aid. With her screams not seeming to be effective, she wonders what her next move should be.

Creature's HP: -1 (nice)

Search again
Travel East
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

That was... freaky. I wonder what I just killed? Jamie takes a quick look at the thing, and turns away. That's biology, not chemistry, and a little too bloody... Now she really ought to find a researcher, but again she's confounded by her lack of clothing.

They can't have left me with nothing but underwear, can they? I don't know what the hell that thing was doing in here with me, but it's unlikely there's another, right?

Jenn searches again, hoping to find at least a lab coat or something...
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie decides to check the other closets for some sort of clothing. About 3 closets down, she discovers a white lab coat. She is surprised at its pristine condition considering her dingy, dark surroundings. She buttons the front up and is comforted that the coat reaches down to her knees.

Search Again
Travel East
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

There, that's better. Still a little concerned that there weren't any proper clothes laid out for her - and a little freaked out over whatever that thing she killed was - Jamie opens the only door out of the room and walks through it, expecting a corridor or hallway of some kind and in the back of her mind wondering why nobody responded to her scream.

(Also, curses at pheonix for stealing the name I used for AWMBI and egg. -_-)
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Re: Jamie (thetwo)

She opens the door to the next room and sees what appears to be another large laboratory of some sorts. The lab extends into the darkness to the east. Stepping into the room she comes to the realization why no one came to her screams. Immediately after stepping into the lab, she is hit in the back of the head by a scrawny looking man.

Jamie Def: 2 + 1(clothing)
Man HP: 1

Flee East
Flee West
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

"Hey, what the hell do you think you're doing!?"

Jamie backs away from him, rubbing her head. As she backs up, she fumbles around for something heavy to throw at him if he comes at her again.

If he comes at me again, I'm going to turn and run... maybe someone who will help me is further out in this buildings. Where the hell am I?

(Action: move slowly toward the Eastern door and try to pick up something to use as a weapon. If he comes at me after I find something, throw it at him. If he comes at me before I find something, run toward the door I didn't come through)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

"You don't know? You are one of Dr D's playthings, but I won't let you get out of the first floor!" With that the man lunges at Jamie. Luckily for Jamie, she finds a large paperweight on a table and hurls it at the man. The weight hits him square in the forehead and he goes down. So far, Jamie's short stay in The Pit has been an eventful one.

Search the area
Search the body
Travel East
Travel West (Backward)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

"Hello? Are you... are you okay?"

Hearing no response, Jamie carefully approaches the man, and reaches up to get a pulse... Wait, what if there's no pulse? What do I do? The most I know of CPR is that you shouldn't try it if you don't know the right way. If he's got no pulse... then there's nothing I can do, and I'll know I killed someone. if he's got a pulse... well then I still get the hell out of here and find someone in charge. Better not to know, then...

Jamie carefully avoids trying to figure out if the man's dead while she does a quick search of his pockets for an ID or something.

Plaything... I don't like the sound of that. That doesn't sound like something I'd agree to, and I can't for the life of me remember agreeing to anything . First floor, he said... if he wanted me to stay here I probably want to find some stairs.

After a quick search of the man's pockets, Jamie leaves the room going East. (assuming nothing else happens)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

After a quick search, Jamie finds a heavy flashlight. Trying it out, she quickly realizes that the batteries are dead. She takes it anyway, hoping that she can find some use for it. She then moves through the door and into yet another lab. She sees a door to the North.

Travel North
Travel West(Backward)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

What is this? Have these people never heard of hallways? If it keeps going like this I'm likely to get lost, I better take a moment to see if there's any way to fix that...

Jamie closes the door firmly behind her, and looks around the room for a moment for anything worthwhile.

A pen and paper would be ideal, or even just a marker and whiteboard to leave myself signposts. And while I'm here, some batteries for this flashlight would be nice.

Taking a step into the lab, Jamie is reminded of her clothing situation. A labcoat is fine, she supposes, if that's all you've got. But while she was looking anyway, some kind of pants and shirt would *not* be amiss.

This whole thing's looking fishier by the minute - I mean, that guy in the previous room hit me out of nowhere! What kind of experiment is that? You'd think an ethics committee would have something to say... the guy deserves his lump. No way that killed him. No way! I wonder if there's a map in here....

Jamie briefly searches the lab for anything useful. But most of all, clothing, batteries, and either a marker for whiteboards or paper and pen/pencil. Or a map, of course.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

After a brief search, Jamie finds a pair of batteries for her flashlight. Testing it out, she notices that it the beam is very weak, but she is able to see through the door to the north that there is a hallway that doubles back to the west out there and a door on the north side of the hallway opposite of her position.

(Note that the flashlight will show you the next "square" in a direction that you point it. For example, shining it to the north reveals a hallway that opens to the West and has a door to the north)

Search again
Shine the light North/West
Travel North
Travel West (Back)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Well, that's better then nothing...

Jamie steps out the north door and takes a good look around. By now she's realized that there's likely nobody in hearing range who's willing to help her - that man was just outside the room and didn't respond to her scream, and even attacked her!

Still, she does hope to find a way out on her own.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

She moves into the hallway and looks around. She sees the door to her north and looks down the hallway to the West. she notices a few bags of what appear to be old bank notes and other paper trash in one corner. Frustrated and confused, she is at least happy that she was not assaulted by another hidden person.

Shine the light N/W/S
Travel North
Travel West
Travel South (Back)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie shines the light west, down the hallway, hoping to see an "exit" sign or a stairwell or something...
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

She shines the light West and notices that in the middle of the hallway there is what appears to be a single piece of paper with a note on it. She also notes that the hallway splits, one traveling to the north and one continuing to the west.

Shine the light N/W/S
Travel North
Travel West
Travel South (Back)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie notices the lone piece of paper and - thinking it looks out of place - picks it up and examines it.

After she's read the whole thing, she moves west along the hallway until it splits, trying to judge how far west she's gone in terms of number of rooms.
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