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Jamie (thetwo)

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Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Will he play fair? Well, if he won't then my answer doesn't really matter. He'd have been watching me the whole time and he'd know what beat me most thoroughly... but if I really had to choose one thing I've fought what would it be? I'm assuming humans don't count...

Floor one - small fury thing. Vines. More Vines.
Floor two - Medium fury thing. Big robot. Two little robots.
Floor three - Big plant, sand worm, pit, big plant.
Floor four - Unknown tentacled beast. Eels.

Well, the robots are right out. The vines and big plants... well except the last plant they didn't do anything to me, but I can imagine... and the sand worm and tentacle things are just as bad. I have no idea how I'd fight the pit thingy, and don't relish the thought of going swimming with the eels again, they almost... but the furry things? Do they even count? Well, he did say...

"There was a little fury thing in the cell I woke up in the first time. I want that."
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

After telling the disembodied voice her wish, she stands in the blacked out room, wishing her eyes would adjust. "Ha ha ha ha ha, ahh yes, the furry fiends, that was my choice as well, I am glad we see eye to eye. Now, Come!"

With that a door opens to her south with a blinding light. Jamie tries to take in the suddenly brightly lit room before moving on.

Jamie DEF: 3
Jamie CONST: 4

Travel S
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

What? I think I killed both of the furry things I ran into in one hit... he's being factitious, or at least dishonest.

Jamie decides, at this juncture, to not play the game just yet. A little departure from the rules might prove all the difference.

She takes a minute to look around the room, planning to move on to the next room quickly if she doesn't see anything interesting - maybe quick enough not to raise the doctor's ire, but if there *is* something interesting... well...
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie searches for a moment before realizing she is not in the room alone. There is a large guard who grabs her by the arm, twists it behind her, and shoves her into the next room.

(Search produced an enemy encounter)

The door closes quickly behind her and she looks around to find herself in a large, completely white room. On the far end of the room she sees a small, black haired woman about 30 in a lab coat and a black business suit. Her hair is in a ponytail and she is wearing thin glasses and is holding a clipboard. "Welcome, I am Dr. D. Thank you for participating in my experiment. Before we can conclude, we must observe your final test."

With that, a door opens to her right and 10 of the small furry creatures exit, making their way to Jamie. "Have fun," Dr. D says with a smirk.

Jamie DEF: 3
Jamie CONST: 4 + 1
Fiend Pack HP: 10

Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Wait, Doctor D is a woman!? I don't understand...

Jamie tries unsuccessfully to keep the confusion off her face as she's told that the doctor who's been doing this to her is a woman. Knowing she failed, she tries a different tactic: pretending she was confused about something else.

"What...? What are you trying to test?"

In the mean time, there are still the things to deal with... Jamie scrambles towards the wall to the doctor's left, hoping this placement will allow her to kick the first creatures to reach her onto the doctor, even if none of them decide to attack the doctor on their own. Somehow Jamie doubted that would happen, but maybe if they found themselves on her...
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

The Doc giggles, "Why, your resistance silly." Dr D steps a few steps backward to allow the creatures to move at Jamie. "And so far you have passed with flying colors." The first creature makes its way closer to the confused Jamie. It lunges at her and bites at her forearm. It's dull teeth fail to break the skin, but it is painful nonetheless.


Jamie DEF: 2
Jamie CONST: 4 + 1
Fiend Pack HP: 10

Re: Jamie (thetwo)

"Resistance to what? By what measure?"

Jamie desperately tries to kick one of the little beasts onto the doctor.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

"Your resistance to my experiments. Most subjects would have succumbed long before. You've made it here, and you are the first." With that, she raises her hand and a platform raises upward, lifting her a few feet above the rest of the floor. "Those critters might not seem like much by themselves, but I want to be up here in case they get a bit too... excited."

Jamie, visibly distraught, tries to kick one of the critters upward at the Doctor. she manages to contact one, sending it flying upward. She fails to hit the doctor, but when the critter falls to the ground, it appears to be killed.


Jamie DEF: 2
Jamie CONST: 4 + 1
Fiend Pack HP: 9
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

"Ugh, what do you hope to learn? Surely you can't just being do this to do it!?"

Jamie decides that maybe the doctor is too far away to involve in the fight and besides would easily beat any single thing she could throw at her, while the throwing itself would take more effort then just killing the thing she had in hand. So she tries to stamp on the little beasts.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

"See, now you don't get to ask me that until you win. First you need to break free from this final test." The doctor jots down something on her clipboard as Jamie attempts to fight off the small critters. She stomps down on one, but misses, and one manages to headbutt her on her thigh. The impact is strangely forceful, and causes her to recoil backward.


Jamie DEF: 1
Jamie CONST: 4 + 1
Fiend Pack HP: 9
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Ugh, there's so freaking many of them...

As the little creep hits her, she stops talking for the moment and concentrates on hitting more of the little buggers, lashing out as quickly as she can with both feet.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie, ignoring the Doctor for the moment, focus all her energy on the pack of creatures around her. She stops down hard on the group. Her bare foot lands squarely on two fo the creatures. A squeal fills the room and shen whe looks again, two of the fiends are motionless. "Hahahaha, nice, very nice." She hears the Doctor speak.

(Crit Hit)

Jamie DEF: 1
Jamie CONST: 4 + 1
Fiend Pack HP: 7
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie continues her furious stamping, more then a little put off by the recent impact of one of the little beasts into her thigh.

(... and still more HP left then anything else I've faced. >.>)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie continues her assault on the pack of furry creatures assaulting her legs. She decides this time to strike down with her fist. She punches downward and connects with another critter, and it too doesn't move after being hit.


Jamie DEF: 1
Jamie CONST: 4 + 1
Fiend Pack HP: 6
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Still... lots of them. Can't really get a good count moving about the way they are. Just keep going...

Jamie tries to get a few more good kicks in.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie struggles against the seemingly endless mass of fury creatures. "At least they haven't gotten a hit in lately, isn't that right Jamie?" Dr. D says. This breaks Jamie's concentration, if for just a split second, but that is all it takes for one of the "Fiends" to leap up and connect with her midsection. The blow forces Jamie down onto one knee.


Jamie DEF: 0
Jamie CONST: 4 + 1
Fiend Pack HP: 6
Re: Jamie (thetwo)


Jamie goes at the nearest things with both hands, more then a little desperate.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie half lunges and half falls forward at the nearest creature, intent of throwing it clear across the room. She grabs one, but is happy when she finds that she has actually grabbed two and hurls them across the room. She briefly looks up at the Doctor and notices a slight looks of concern on her face.

(Crit Hit)

Jamie DEF: 0
Jamie CONST: 4 + 1
Fiend Pack HP: 4
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

"What's... what's the matter?"

Jamie gets to her feet and returns to trying to kick the little beasts.

"Are you really trying to study something, or do you just want to watch me lose?"
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

"I am trying to test your ability to fight. If you lose, that is just more data. Keep it up!"

Jamie attacks the nearest critter. She locks onto one and again kicks outward, toward Dr D's platform. Again, she manages to kcik two of the critters.

(Crit Hit)

Jamie DEF: 0
Jamie CONST: 4 + 1
Fiend Pack HP: 2
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