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Jamie (thetwo)

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Re: Jamie (thetwo)

The doctor again blocks Jamie's elbow, much in the same way she previously did. "Aww and why's that? Only men are manipulative?"


Jamie DEF: 0
Jamie CONST: 4 + 1
Dr D HP: 3

Re: Jamie (thetwo)

"Manipulative? No, I was going for 'getting off on watching young women get raped'".

Jamie keeps going, hoping that staying on the offensive would at least stop the woman from making a counterattack.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

"That's just a plus for my work!" The Doctor says, this time grabbing the punch that Jamie sends her way. She pulls her close to her, and gives Jamie a quick peck on the lips before trowing her backward.


Jamie DEF: 0
Jamie CONST: 3 + 1
Dr D HP: 3

Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie backs off a little bit and tries to kick the woman in the midriff.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie swings her kick outward, hoping that a change of stratigy will catch the Doctor unaware. The Doctor is one step ahead of her again, this time grabbing her leg. She manages to grab a large swath of Jamie's hospital robe, and pulls, causing the flimsy tie string to snap, and the robe falls to the floor.


Jamie DEF: 0
Jamie CONST: 3
Dr D HP: 3

Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Seeing the flaw in this strategy, Jamie goes back in for close combat, trying to get a fist or elbow into the woman's stomach again.

(What, Jamie is going to get stuck in a cell with the doctor? :p)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

(That would be kind of funny ^_^)

Jamie lunges forward, hoping to get between the Doctor and her defense. She is successful, landing a nice punch in the doctor's midsection again. The doctor doesn't miss a beat, however, and quickly retreats a few steps.


Jamie DEF: 0
Jamie CONST: 3
Dr D HP: 2

Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie presses her attack, but switches strategies at the last second and tries to push the doctor to the ground instead of hitting her again.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie reaches out with both arms, hoping to tackle the doctor. She is happy that she is able to connect, but her happiness quickly turns to frustration when Dr D rolls her head over heels and lands on top of her. Jamie, pinned to the floor by the doctor, is fully exposed to the doctor.



Jamie DEF: 0
Jamie CONST: 2
Dr D HP: 2

Re: Jamie (thetwo)


Jamie tries to get an arm free to hit the doctor with, suddenly suspecting that her earlier thoughts regarding the doctor watching her were correct, despite her gender.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie wiggles under the Doc, and Dr D tries to stifle a giggle. Despite Jamie's best efforts, she is unable to free her arms from the Dr's grip. Dr D very carefully and deliberately pulls at Jamie's bikini top's strings, causing them to undo, exposing her breasts to the cold air.


Jamie DEF: 0
Jamie CONST: 1
Dr D HP: 2

Re: Jamie (thetwo)

"You're... you're really going to try to rape me?"

Jamie doesn't wait for an answer but tries to spit in the doctor's face - a tricky maneuver when one is lying on one's back.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

(Playing that as a "Wait" since it is not a physical attack)

Jamie spits in the Doc's face. She manages to do so at the right moment, causing the Doctor to recoil backward from what surly would be the "killing blow." Jamie can feel her strength fading. With all her energy, she pushes Dr D off of her and quickly stands up. Dr D wipes the spit from her face and just stairs at the woman in front of her with an anger in her eyes Jamie has not seen in this place.


Jamie DEF: 0
Jamie CONST: 1
Dr D HP: 1

Re: Jamie (thetwo)

"You're angry? Angry that I didn't sit by and let you do what you wanted with my body"

Pure indignation at the woman drives Jamie into one last furious attack, completely ignoring her own exposed breasts as all her remaining strength goes into the assault.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie launches one final fury at the Doctor, cold-cocking her in her jaw. She falls to the ground, stunned. The girl then proceeds to kick the crap out of the doctor until her strength is all but gone. She looks at the body, not sure if she is incapacitated, or dead. Jamie puts her bikini top back on and heads for the door at the end of the room. It opens out into a city street.

Wandering around for a free moments, she quickly finds a payphone and calls the police. The police arrive and offer her a coat. She describes the assault in great detail to the officers, but they don't seem to believe her. Jamie gets frustrated when the Police tell her they "Will look into it," seeming to dismiss her. And ambulance arrives shortly thereafter to take Jamie away.

She rides in the back, gazing blankly out of the rear, when something catches her eye. To her confusion and horror, she sees an iron gate close behind the ambulance. The reversed signage above the gate reads "Orange Country Asylum and Research Institute."

-Game Over-

Until Round 2...
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