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Jean (Zilrax)

Re: Jean (Zilrax)

GM: Her words cause an inmediate joy on her mother yet she feels sorry for her daughter to hurt herself when there was not need for that "You has said genes, im so proud of you, dear" After hug softly her daughter, she tried her best to not only get the sample but also help her daughter to stop the bleeding "I have many doubts about this, many things could get wrong... but just for this time i will expect than all would be right." Her mother said trying to have some blind faith in her kind and mostly in who she expect get this message, she enter into the web and then protecting the adress of who would receive it, she send all her instructions... of course the image of her niece was in the link, so the young alien was who more hope have her mother to continue her research. Then she placed all in order so when the requeriments get placed all the girls trapped in the metal would change as the process of get free of their prision changes their genes.

Zilrax: Sunflower nods, chuckling. "Don;t worry, I heal fast. We set to get going, mom?"

GM: "Yes i will be ready to find that door soon" Her mother said glad to heard than Jean would be fine and typing some more at high speed with her hair before she get her big backpack than she had forgot on the floor the last time.

The three nude women then tried to seal the place, breaking the control panel from the outside after leave so the demons couldnt get inside easily. Her mother wanted to say something but then they noticed some movement close them, it looks like some creatures were close yet they could leave them alone and escape any fight or kill them if they get to be demons. Her mother and Sola would maybe wish to dont fight if they could skip it, but Jean know than these things were like cockroaches, leaving one alive would be houndred in teh future

Zilrax: "Sorry girls. If we leave them alone, they'll multiply. Any we eliminate or convince to escape the better. Though who knows, maybe we'll find reasonable ones. I know this is hard on you girls, and I wish there was better ways, but without a demonologist we can't do much to banish or bind them."

GM: Jean could see some worries in theirs faces, yet they nod. "Im not sure how much we can do, but i will try my best , Sun. Sola answer still trying to get fully recovered from the last fight. "I had that in mind, is that why i inform my kind of them, maybe they will secure the place until these demons get defeated" their mother add and then continue, it was clear than they would need to talk more about what is a demonologist or how to know how was a sentient demon.

As they walk to follow the noises they spot three demons having their time with an uncouncious fruit girl, the thing must had been taken out of their tank and had not the time yet to recover her counciest to even moan

Zilrax: "A demonologist is an expert on demon summoning and banishment. They're grey morals personified, their magics super dangerous but powerful, but it's the best counter to itself. Some demonologists focus on banishing. Some become servents of demon lords. Some bind demons and use them to fight other demons and monsters. As for intelligent demons, demons run the whole gamut of intelligences and sins. But generally if they start talking in some manner they're intelligent. Demons love to seduce and torment so ones who can talk often like to taunt you, or try to convince you to do things." Upon encountering the demons, Sunflower launched a heat ray at the closest one, going to free her fellow fruit.

GM: "Ah... so they are like mages than focus on demons". Her mother answer trying to understand. "They sound really helpful... we should look for a good kind of them when we get to your world, my love" Sola add before they soon went to find the evil creatures.

As soon as they meet them, Sunflower dont doubt an instant before shoot at them, the creatures were out of guard as the one damaged get partially in flames. The two remain wanted to escape, but One fall by a sudden small root on the floor. Jean could let them escape or take them down

Zilrax: "IF we go back there, we will.," says Sunflower, moving up to stop their retrat, throwing a wall of ice to block them in. "If you've got brains in your heads, surrender. Otherwise I'll treat you as hostile beasts and eliminate you."

GM: Sunflower throw her spell, trying to form a ice wall to block their path, yet the one not stoped or burned yet press the speed of his rush and dont stop still looking the wall form in front of him and break pass brute force before the wall get fully formed. " A shame for him than that passage guide him to a dead end" Her mother said as they get closer to the others two demons, yet these two looks to be just scared not so sntient beasts, the other mostly their leader smart enough to dont want anything with a warmage

Zilrax: "Well take out these two then we'll go catch up with the last one.," grunts Sunflower, launching flame at the closest one again

GM: "Uhm, fine" Sola nods still not sure how to be directly agresive against them, their mother opened her backpack and with something in hand went toward the demons. The one more close to them was the one in flames, Jean shoot and easily hit him, but he wanted to live, moving closr toward the fruit girl in the floor who knows what he have in his mind, but another root make this other fall too and tie him at the floor. Her mother meanwhile shoot some kind of power from that device, invisible waves than went irect to the other demon and make him be unable to get up from teh floor

Zilrax: "Sola, please pull the girl away from them.," says Sunflower as she fires spells at the one not bound to the floor with a smirk, "Tempting as it may be to rape them so they know how it feels, I'll pass..." Sheesh, her libido was definetly out of whack to be considering that...

GM: Her mother turn amused "please no baby, who knows what sickness they could have..." Of course heard than Sunflower would pass was good to heard. However as the fire spell hit the demon, this seen himself trapped as a rat jump toward Jean making the mage get pinned at the wall, for what it looks her mother forgot to continue using her device to stop the thing and Sola was busy taking the other fruit girl away

Zilrax: Sunflower yelped as some sort of giant rat pounced her up against the wall, cursing, before trying to freeze the beast with a touch, snarling. "Away with you!"

GM: With the thing pretty much unable to expect this kind of close attack, Jean have the free path to forze fully the thing. Meanwhile the one trapped in the root got free after a long struggle just to be stoped by the red alien and then be beated by her solid as hammer fists. The fight already ended to them to just make a few touches to them to be killed and so ready the three to see where the the other has escaped

Zilrax: "Let's get moving after em.," says Sunflower, moving over to pick up the other fruit girl from Sola, recalling them being unusually light. "Thanks, love.," she smiles

GM: Sola get softly pink in her face as her lover thanks and smile to her, giving a happy chuckle as she rise at her toes to kiss her lover cheek. "Im glad than nobody of us got hurt" Said this, Sola wanted to help her other half to carry the uncouncious fruit girl, this was not so light as Sola, but was not so hard to lift her anyway, not being so hard of what a small girl was to carry. The girls continue their walk for the passage getting inside the ice hole on the wall and then continue for a while until they notice some noises of hits ahead. As they get there they find out the demon close to open an hole in the wall to escape if nobody stop him before

Zilrax: Sunflower growls and tries to reinforce the wall with ice again. "No escape! You surrender or you go the way of your mindless minions, demon."

GM: The humanoid strange demon hit in rage the now fortified wall before turn to see the trio, raising up his hands as he look around, his gaze directly to them affect with fear the poor Sola, but Sunflower and her mother were mostly resistant to be affected by it to give the demon time to find a way to escape

Zilrax: "Eyes shut, don't think I didn't catch that.," hisses Sunflower, hand raised, "One more move like that and I'll turn you into ashes. HAnds behind your head, eyes shut and on your knees."

GM: He was at least smart enough to be surprised of find someone than knos sme of them, he certainly have many questions but the strange futa human looks to be already close to try to kill him. After a soft growl he follow the instructions given waiting for what they have in mind for him

Zilrax: Sunflower grunts and takes some rope out of her pack and moves over to tie his hands behind his head. "What are you doing here, demon? Are you lot trying to conquer this world too?"

GM: The dark creature let the woman tie him, yet soon Sunflower's words made him almost turn to her to see her closer, yet stop to open his eyes. "So you had come from another world... then i dont need to asnwer why im here" The demon said, mostly sure than this will not end well in any way for him

Zilrax: "I'll take that as a yes then. And I'm here to cut your connection in and to rally each world against your assaults. You have your world, keep to it when you're not invited. In the meantime you're coming with us back through then and we'll send you back home since I can't banish you myself.," grunts Sunflower.

GM: "How do you had planned to take me back there?" The demon ask, very sure than Sunflower would be unable to do that. "Uhm, it will be a long walk with that named demon close us" Her mother said not sure how she could act fast if the thing try something against them with just ropes stoping him. Their walk out the dead end and looking for the exit of the labs would be long, Jean could be sure than more demons would find them soon

Zilrax: "I've my ways.," says Sunflower simply, "Turn on me and I'll make you regret it. Least my way you get to live. I'm not out to destroy all demons ever, but you guys don't give me another option until I can send you away and lock you back into your own world instead of ruining everyone elses."

GM: "Why should i risk my life? I was taken to this paradise and made my will until meet you... i dont have in mind ruin this world just make it better for us and them... it will be hard to follow you with my eyes closed" The demon told to Jean with a small tone to show than he was sure than she has been having the same fun as him here. However, there was not much time to focus on him, mostly as after some passages they notice a huge quantity of possible foes outside the laboratory and few more finding a way to get inside. They could still get a way to escape or they could try to stop them all.

Zilrax: "You making it better is you taking them against their will an forcing it. I've done nothing they've never agreed to, that I never asked first about. And when I did, I apologised and was forgiven. We may have both worked to change this world, but I'm doing it to help people. You all are simply grabbing and ravaging anything you can find. So don't lump me in with you lot, we may share a bloodline, but I'm nothing like you! If you lot were as benign as you claim to be, I wouldn't be here in the first place.," snaps Sunflower angrily. Upon seeing all the enemies outside and a few trickling in, she cursed. "Damn, we need another way out, but first we need a way to keep them from breaking through."

GM: "Oh please, we arent so bad... not most of us at least. There are worse kinds than could had invaded this peaceful place" The demon said interested in Jean even more now than he know than she have demon blood. "Im more interested in know why these little humanoids are trapped against their will by the bigger ones, some of us think than we are doing good in take this place down" The group soon noticed what was happening around them, her mother ponder for instants before take the word. " There could be a way, if i get to the main controls of the building and seal every entrance then they will be unable to get out or inside the laboratories... but it could be hard to do it before they notice us" Said this her mother point to a passage at the other side of the building, there was not way than they could use it without be surrounded.

Zilrax: "We'll need a distraction..." She looks to the demon with a grimace, "Really? Not so bad? My friends soul was trapped in a doll, you;ve violated everyone I've come across. Yes they are misguided, but then the fruit girls there aren't like people. They're more akin to animals, food. It's basically farming. I can't look down on them for it. But I can fix it by making them people and giving them freedom. Which I have been. They'll get change regardless. But attacking them out of nowhere is proving nothing except you're dangerous threats! Which you all do Every blasted time with a few exceptions! So please, tell me more about how you're misunderstood. If you really want to live in coexistance, then start acting like it, and make the rest lsiten too!"

GM: "So this is a farm... i dont know about your friend or how many demons had been in your life, but there are many good kinds of us and as you we had meet some called good races than only cause death to innocents, but let me choice you with acts and not words," The demon said before continue "There could be a way to give all of you some time, but is just matter of time for them to fully get inside, even if i stop some and for that i may require that what you has called an animal"

Zilrax: "I can only try to protect things.,"grunts Sunflower, "to protect what I care for. But obviously you're the exception not the norm. Look, if you're being honest I'll let you go fair and square. All we need is a distraction long enough for mom to activate the lockdown. I'm not looking to hurt every demon I meet but msot want to rape and hurt me first. How many of them out there are actually like you and would like to coexist?"

GM: "most of the ones outside and here are soldiers, but my control over them will fade if someone sentient enough get inside too, with that being in your sholders under my care i can offer you at least ten minutes, it must be enough for what the three have in mind" He said still with closed eyes yet looking to the girl at Jean shoulder"

Zilrax: "I think so. And well if there's other sentients who don't want to xoexist like you, point em out to me and they'll be dust.," sighs Sunflower, "I'm a warmage, most of my answers involve explosions. I won't tolerate threats to my new homeplane, but I'm willing to work towards coexistance if you are."

GM: "I could point to them, but lets do that as the last resource warmage, a explosion would cause just hostility among my race as any other living being. Now, lets better act now and when the path is free all should run and let me behind, if i can i will make the rest stay in this area. " The demon told to Jean moving his hand to borrow the plant uncouncious woman from Jean

Zilrax: Sunflower grimaces but hands her over. "Well I don't have to do an explosion, I CAN be surgical. And we'll have to fight them anyways if they're intending to conquer and corrupt rather than coexist. But for now let's focus on containment til we can sort things out."

GM: "They are like dogs and kids, its not needed to kill any of my kind if we can control them" He told to the mage as kindly hold the fruit girl which uncouncious hold of him as she mumble and moan weakly. The demon walks them toward the horde trying to pass inside and the few lucky ones waiting for something to rape. As he said the demons stop and heard his orders in his natal idiom, pointing to another side to where he offer them some more free girls to enjoy to some, as others just follow him as mindless beasts than they are. It was easy to notice some setient around them as these were getting hard with the needs of corrupt the poor ones of this land.

Zilrax: Sunflower grimaces, but nods to her mom. "Cmon, let's hurry while they're distracted. We'll deal with the problem after."

GM: Her mother nods and follow, yet hold in place both fruit girls until the demons werent there to notice them. As he has said nothing get in the middle of their path but who knows how much time they really have. The paths ahead were empty and they needed security codes to continue, fortunately her mother know them all. They would be after some minutes in an interestin room with machines and windows, to look at it show to be the mere core of the building, a place of high tech beyong Sunflower understanding, her mother was ready to connect at it yet some noises were starting to sound corridors not so far of them. Her mother needs to fully focused so it was to Jean protect the place as she best think could work

Zilrax: Sunflower grimaces, hearing the noise and hurried to cut off the source of the sounds, ready for yet another fight. She hoped it was just alien girls hiding out. Or at worst, more demons of the reasonable quality like the one she just met or the dopplegangers from the tower.

GM: Worried for her mate, Sola follow her lover until after a passage they notice five demons trying to open two doors as some females whimpers come of them. The things would be very focused on the doors as they werent informed than some females were close them and not secured behind walls and doors

Zilrax: Sunflower grimaces a bit. Well... She had demon blood. So maybe she could...? Well she'd have to fight otherwise so it didn't hurt to try. "Stop. Sit on your hands and wait.," she said firmly to them, trying to force her will out using her demonic blood, figuring it was worth a try

GM: As soon she get out and said some owrds to them, the demons turn and see her. She could bet than they were cnfused, not any of them following her order, mostly confused and unable to get what to do or if they should fuck her. Sola was also pondering if she should follow her mate or remain hidden for her lan to work

Zilrax: "Think you can.. empower my words, love?" asks Sunflower through their link, as she decides to try again, trying the demonic tongue. "I said sit! Or I'll tan your butts so hard that you'll have no choice but to stand!"

GM: "As you wish, my love" Sola said between their personal link. The elf was mostly successful thanks to the knowledge shared by Sunflower and her willpower. The creatures in confusion were still frozen until her powerful words come out. Making them obey in shared fear and loyalty for a sentient demon for them to follow. The creatures sit, still aroused but for the moment in control

Zilrax: Sunflower nods and waits, glancing to her mother, hopefully this will work. "Go outside and meet up with the others. They have some girls there you can work with. Be nice.," she says firmly, wanting them out with the others where they cna be contained.

GM: The creatures needed a second attempt from Jean, mostly her words wouldnt be enough without Sola's powers making her demon side control the beasts. They slowly leave almost as if they were mind controlled as others run in wild need to use a girl with the others. In any way soon the doors were no more damaged and the path was free of them for the moment

Zilrax Sunflower sighs in relief and moves to the doors and knocked. "They're gone, for now. you don't wanna stay near here though, we're locking everything down."

GM: "Who are you?" One of the girls behind the doors ask. "Where should we go? its not the exits filled with them?" the other at the next door ask.

Zilrax: "I'm Sunflower, I'm a friend. And I'm not sure, stick with us for now and we'll figure something out. Just, don't freak out okay? I'm trying to help everyone."

GM: "...fine if all the creatures are gone... but why we could freak out?" The woman from a door ask as the damaged door force to automaticaly get opened. It was a pink alien girl, already naked and with traces of be half raped, behind her was two demons and a maybe broken alien on the floor. The other door opened to reveal a blue alien girl, her strong shape bath in cum and having time to remain focused after the three demons defeated in the room where she was. Sunflower could sense the danger in the air, the pink one caressing er odd tentacle hair as the two alien girls were looking for that Sunflower already close to feed from both fruit girls.

Zilrax: "Hey, easy. We're not food. Right now anyways.," frowns Sunflower as she looks at them, "If you get handsy my moms gonna spank you both. Now come on if you wanna be protected, and bring your sleeping friend. I'll get you guys cleaned up in a second."
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

GM: The two alien girls were rubbing and touching theirs own breasts and round back cheeks with theirs hands and tendrils, theirs tongues licking theirs lips as one giggle and moanly softly answer" Oh good, i need a good spank~" The blue one said, as she caress Sunflower back and shoulders. "Mommy talking fruit can spank and feed us if we follow you?" The pink one said pinking softly sunflower cheek before walk to get the other alien with them. "Oww... wild beasts are fun to feed of them, but they hurt us so baddly... instead feed us they were making things to us and now we are so hungry" The pink girl said as she was the most on her senses of the three... for what it looks the demons tried all to take them down in theirs fights inside the rooms. Her mother meanwhile was busy still working yet she said than she was close to end half of the work

Zilrax: "Alright, we'll keep guarding. Ah, careful. And nah she's one of your species as you can see.," grumbles Sunflower, "Look much as I'd enjoy that, we don't have time. you need me to protect you, so you two tend with each other til then okay?"

GM: "giggle" "Fine tasty one" The blue said as she move to rub att he pink alien "aw nooo~ is against the law..." She then whimper moanly before let the uncouncious Alien on the floor and mate with the other as if nothing was happening around them. "I was dreaming for this... we will hare our seed and fuck like beasts all the day and night...i will make you mine~" The blue one mutter as she was using her tongues and many limbs to fuck each other, theirs mouths getting ready to impregnate each other as theirs ancestors had used to do. Meanwhile some red alarms started to appear but her mother silence them with some commands "upps... is close to be ready, girls... please dont do that now" The many gates started to get sealed and son all would be ready for them to leave

Zilrax: "Ah geez.," says Sunflower, blushing in deep embaressment as the two begin mating, her getting very hard as she stared at the two suddenly working to impregnate each other, it being so hot as the domiannt one takes the other and plants her seed in her. She tears her eyes aside with a bite of her lip, trying to calm down as her mother speaks up. "ah damn... We'll uh... Figure something out... Maybe can make a big sled out of ice they can rut on and bring them with..."

GM: "Oh that would be nice, im not crazy to lift the three of them out... not when they could mate in my shoulders... my back will not endure it" Her mother answer looking to agree with the idea, meanwhile Sola was spellbound in happiness and joy by looking all the love around them, her eyes shinning and her body squirming in own pleasure shared by Jean. The time come and her mother said than she has made a secret passage cose there to escape from a passage than would leave them afar of the laboratory and far inside the mountain woods

Zilrax: Sunflower made the big ice sled and helped her mom get them on board before helping her pull it along, chuckling a bit, even as the lovemaking sounds and dirty talk kept her hard and excited. "Unf, pity we have too much to do right now...," Sunflower said ruefully.

GM: Easily her mother could push the big ice sled, but the alien woman was not interested in going so fast, the ice was not affecting so much both fruit girls, yet they could still cold at theirs nude bodies after a while tounching it with a part of their body. Mostly tha was why Sola remain close Jean and not over the ice object where the naughty Aliens were in a long coitus, the other uncouncious moaning softly as these continue filling each others mouths with cream seed. Then they noticed some noises coming close them, the beasts in wild rage as they were trapped there, the strong new gates were strong enugh to match their power and some lasers stun some of them as they get close the area, this increase the speed of the vehicle as her mother fear for her babies safety. "Girls get over the sled, i will push it really hard from now on for both to follow."

Zilrax: Sunflower nods, climbing on. "Mmm. Hopefully the ones who want coexistance will defeat the others and they can start getting along..."

GM: "I hope it too, my girl" Her mother answer as she helps Sola get placed on the sled quickly hugging her mate to stay warm as theirs buts press on the vehicle.. The speed increased and her mother tried to endure it and then make a great effort to change the vehicle direction three times at least. She was not sure if the demons were close or they were alone in that endless roar everywhere, then she placed her feet on the land and brake slowly reducing the speed to dont damage the ones over the sled. She placed the code and move outside at a dark tunnel, looking in front of them before seal the door. Her feet were in warm softly pain and the sled was close to break, but she continue as her body try to recover. "ahh... i want my bed now..." her mother sob

Zilrax: Sunflower sighs sadly. "Stop, we'll be okay now... I'm sorry mom... I didn't think how hard this would be for you..." she gets up and moves over and hugs her mom. "...If you want to go home, we can manage ourselves ahead you know. It's up to you. I have to do this but you can always go back. But we're not too far off now and we can take a short break..."

GM: "Aw... thanks dear. But i cant leave you do this alone" Her mother said as one of her hands clean her wet eyes and then hugs Jean with the other. I would love a small time to rest... im still young but im not used for this yet. Said this her mother wanted to sit to rest, the tunnel was long and some vines and roots of the fruit tress show how close they are from the woods and fortunately not a single effect was on both fruit girls. Jean could rest or do what she wish. Sola was close her but her eyes were placed on the pair mating

Zilrax: Sunflower sighed and cuddled her mother while she rested, her mother's upsetedness having somewhat ruined her mood, caring more about her feelings than sexual desirs right now. "Well... Once we get to my friend, maybe she can remake you stronger and stuff...?"
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

GM: Deep far at the tunnel, Jean could heard some distant sounds from what lives in the wild, of course most of it muffed by the pleasure sounds of the alien lovers. The few vines at the walls were certainly from fruit trees over them and this could make her remember than out of the laboratory was a whole world where she was the main dish.

Still, she was for the moment safe enough to enjoy some peaceful moments with her mother, cuddling at her pleasant body than for a first time in a long time she dont have a main focus based on pleasure each other in theirs cuddles. "Im not against adapt myself if that would improve ours chances to survive in the future, talk me about this friend, do you share with her any reproductive need?" Her mother ask as her tails wrap at Sola's foot to call her attention, what the elf soon notice and the gesture to come from the alien make both fruit girls rest in her arms and four breast chest.

Zilrax: "Huh? Well she's the first thing I ever had sex with... She made me immortal, sort of. If I lose my life, she'll remake me. She's the closest thing to a goddess I've ever met. As an entity from between reality, she may well be superior to them. But, yeah she is pretty arousing.. I think you'll like her. I was always told creatures from between spaces were entities of insanity and uncaring destruction, but she seems just... Really lonely. I'm looking forward to see her again and letting you both meet her. I think she'll be excited to have even more company, and I won't need to worry about losing Sola then too."
P: Sunflower could see the interest of her mother increase in her many eyes before nod and answer. "I see, certainly she is beyond our science and understanding, it will be imperative analyze her and ask her how could be possible to us travel beyond spaces." Her mother and them rest for just some moments before she slowly get up, mostly by the excitement of meet her. Hmm, it will be a problem take these three with us, if only there could be a way to cure them or maybe they will be fine if we let them here" Her mother said as she talk about the three almost broken aliens under their care.
Zilrax: "Well, they're not broken. Well... she is, but those two jsut seem to be lust crazy. Though maybe there's a corruption quality I've yet to understand? We really need to find an expert on demons... In any case, it might be an idea. They'll calm down eventually and move on from there... I hope. But I dunno what's going on to cure it. I'm sure the interdimensional god goo could do it but it'd mean bringing them there with us..."

P: "Yes, most likely take them with us will be better for them, as knock them down and leave them alone will turn them without doubt into easy targets for these demons... and i dont want to interrupt them..." Said this her mother check her big backpack on the ice vehicle before try to move it without break it more. "Please girls, i need than both stay close me, the forest is not a safe place for both of you" She said to Sola and Sunflower. The mage could stay at her side or take a back or front position, for Sola she mostly will follow her close as the elf feels safer at the side of her lover

Zilrax: Sunflower nods and stays close to her mom, but keeps an eye on her back too. "Don't worry mom, I can handle myself but I will. I'm more than critters round here expect to handle too though."

P: "Im sure of it, but there are many nasty things than would try to hurt you, i would be more calm with that heavy protecting device than i forget in my work area" Her mother said as she push the very damaged sled. As they were moving she often used her tentacle hair and tails to pull both girls close her and away of many unknown yet strange dangers, like moss, mud, small insects, bit ones bugs, roots, stones and of course strange bizzarre creatures than dont jump at Jean because there was four alien girls close her and Sola. Outside was a clear light and sounds filled with nature life, a terrible shiver come to her mother as she ponders if they should go back, some long grass was at a side of the exit and some huge bizzarre creatures between a mix of giant ducks with shrimps were eating these long plants leaves

Zilrax: "...Should we go around?," whispers Jean curiously, "We're almost there right?"

P: "Im sure than we will be a little lost if we look for another exit, also we will soon or later face wild beasts, these arent so bad" Her mother said, sure than the things will be a problem not so huge as others creatures

Zilrax: "Oh. So they're dangerous? Should I start causing explosions on these... shrimp ducks?," asks Sunflower curiously, "Also, how much farther til we reach that spot the gate is at?"

P: "Shrimp ducks?... i dont have anythings against them, but yes, they are dangerous for both of you... they eat plants and fruits" Her mother said trying to hide the sled as they decide their plan. "Once we get out, we will be close the camera, but then we will need to find a way to look for that gate " Her mother told to Jean

Zilrax: "I think me and Sola can find it if we pool our abilities. But for now... shame I'm a warmage, not an illusionist or maybe I could scare em off. But since I am not..." She begins casting a spell before trying to drop a big blast of flame on them, hoping to make them get scared and run away from the strange danger.
P: The peaceful shruks were grazing the living tentacle plants when suddenly from nowhere a powerful blast of fire come out of nowhere and almost toast them, but before they turn into a delicious roast land and sea dish, they extended theirs wings and produced a strange terrible yet funny sound as they fly away for theirs lives. "Poor things." Sola whimpers feeling bad to bother two strange huge creatures from their daily life. "I guess than that works... lets just move before that sound bring something really scary to us" Her mother said as she guide the girls to the exit, pretty sure than the tentacle vines dont get a chance to capture any of them. Minutes later they were finnaly outside and Jean could see an in some way similar view of what she saw when she come to this world, Sola was in jy tears of happiness as she could see the vast wood of fruit trees all around them, their mother needed to wrap the poor to dont give her chance to get to the trees. "Its so beautiful, all of them are lovers and are bringing theirs babies here, im so jealous but i will have ours childrens soon" The elf said to her and Jean, as they stay in the opening looking for a new dirrection to take

Zilrax: Sunflower nods with a smile, hugging Sola, "This is how it looked when I first arrived to this world to me. Of course, I wasn't part plant then like I am now. Alright, come on Sola, concentrate with me, let's feel for the door." She closed her eyes, trying to feel the direction of the pulling with her love.
P: Sola was released and soon run to hug her loved one, her body pink in tone and her eyes with some teardrops as she feels the warm of the mage. Jean meanwhile could notice small drops of milk leaking from the lower breasts of her lover and herself could feel her hair with more energy now. "Its my first time than im a place like this... or that i suppose as mostly i dont remember too much before meet you, my love" Said this the elven nod and both tried to focus, there was soon a strange feeling in the air, pointing to a direction when suddenly the cold come from a close place and was moving each second more close to the girls, Sola was scared and the number was unknown, maybe at least four of them... mysterious creatures than werent as the others in the woods
Zilrax: "I think there's demons or other planar travellers coming... Strange, I feel more... Energetic out here. Come on... If they're coming from that way, it must be the right direction, and we can see if these ones are demons, or maybe we can get lucky and they'll be one of the celestial races. Or just one of the... stranger ones...," muses Sunflower, pointing the way.
P: "At least there is a path, but around... maybe both would be safer over the ice sled" Her mothers said to both naked small girls, Jean could feel her hair being able to move more easily and she could bet than Sola was more hot and bright than always. "Im not sure than we should hope the best, they are maybe coming for us" Sola mutters as she shivers some for the fear and a little for the cold ice. "Ah, about feel strange girls, the changes made some moments ago for both could be the reason. I suppose than both will have small changes as yours bodies digest or release the spores on the enviroment" Her mother said as they move trhough the path, they soon or later would find what is not so far of them, so they only have some minutes before face the unknown.
Zilrax: "Well if it;s a danger, we blast it.," nods Sunflower as she get's ready, "And spores? Am I gonna get all the trees pregnant with those or something now? Well if happens it happens... Let's check this out..."
P: "In order for two fruits to turn into a tree they must collect spores as they mate, spores also create a increasing need in fruits to find a lover and impregnate it. Of course, i modify some genes and now the spores and others substances just are excreted or used in others functions" her mother inform to both as they walk across the path, not before lift up Jean to get her in the safe sled so the flora and fauna dont touch her.

They were in the opening when some grass move away many feets from them. At least four dark shadows between the woods move and tried to surround them
Zilrax: "There they are...," grunts Sunflower, spotting the shadows. She stands up again, before calling out in the demonic tongue. "State your intentions. If you want a fight, I'll send you packing, but if you mean no harm, step out and speak."
P: The "unknown creatures" stop suddenly as the little woman talked to them, yet not one get out their hideout, it was a quiet time, the ones than fortunately Jean has passed and know than comes before a fight, it was just who made the first move.
Zilrax: "No? If you don't want to talk, I'll take you for my enemy. Last chance.," she says warningly, before repeating in her language. If nothing, she nodded. "Fine then." Then lashed out with a lash of electricity, not wanting to risk lighting any of the fruit trees on fire by accident.
P: The lash of energy luckily hit one of them, there were armored inferior demons, for what Sunflower could notice as this one stay stunned in the floor. Sola and her mother werent ready for what would come, as a net fly toward them, the red alien of course shield the two fruit girls and receive it, as darts hit Sola and the blue alien than was very focused to care as she continue in her lovely moment with the pink alien.

From where the net and darts come they should had show their hideout to Jean who has fighted early in others chances in her world
Zilrax: "Ah, this kind of demon. fine then.," she growls, before lashing with her shock lash at where the net and trap demons are, trying to protect her family and new friends.
P: Used to their tactic to capture targets, she shoot and hits down other, of course the first stunned by her magic start to recover, still a little affected to get in combat now. "What... kind of object or creature is this?" Sola ponders as she squeak by another dark hitting her butt, making her fall on her knee almost close to fall sleep.

Jean know than they should be at least four of them as the darts continue falling even when two were wounded and in the floor
Zilrax: Sunflower curses angrily, "Sola, sola don't pass out! Ask the trees to grab them with their vines!" She made a second lash, trying to strike the other two swiftly before all her family are down.
P: The dart rain continue, luckily at least some hit at the strong body of her mother than still fight to get free. Jean said soon some words to her lover as she also cast a second whip to then try to take down two more foes. "Yes... i must ask for..." Meanwhile, a drowzy Sola tried to focus as she moan by a thrid one hitting one of her breasts, making her shiver as she almost fall fully over the ice vehicle. Before Jean could do something her whips hit someone yet suddenly a charge of power from the same place come to hit her as dark electricity used some of her own power as a direct path toward her poor body than fly some feets after the hit
Zilrax: Sunflower cries out as she's backlashed, cursing in pain as she hits the ground, but she scrambles up, smoking a bit, and eyes blaring angrily, before channeling her fury into her whips, retalliating again as her demonic rage started to take forefront again
P: With her fury growing, Sunflower tried her best channeling her powers once again as she try to hit the coward target shielding in the trees, her whip hit something as a demon roll almost dead close them yet in the same instant from that same place a dark whip rush toward her, pretty much taking Jean of guard, she could sense the strong energy flowing and certainly having in it a dark trick for her, there was not time to dodge it when suddenly her mother used the attack to free herself from the net as she defend her daughter in the process. The event make her lost her gaze at her lover and when she turn to Sola a fourth dart on her body has made the poor elf fall in heat uncouncious.

One of the demon soldiers aimed to Jean and her mother when suddenly a vine make him fall and miss. Sunflower was not sure exactly why they got some support in Sola state, but the whole forest was in danger if this fight take them more time
Zilrax: Sunflower yelped at the attack, but gasped in relief as her mom saved her. the forest was reacting to the invaders now though. She swiftly lashed at the dangerous attacker, cursing. "Gotta hurry. Blasted beasts!"
P: Her whip hit again, she was sure than at least the one still hidding got damaged as soon the demons get more wild by the sudden groan from the maybe leader of the group. Her mother worked again as a shield as darts and the dark lash aimed for Jean again, the only reaction from her mother was a small groan as the whip get closer but she looks to be completely fine as nothing really come to her hard enough to feel it, the darts were same story as they get useless as they hit her skin and fall to the floor. One of the demons aimed for Jean's back, exposed and without anything tocover her, yet again the roots take care of this demon too.
Zilrax: Sunflower sighs in relief as Sola's magic kept working while passed out. She concentrated on assaulting the remaining enemies, trusting in her mothers incredible durability. "Heh, as impressive as always, mom... No wonder you didn't flinch when I tried to scare you away when we first met."
P: "Hmhm, i can place even more blindage in my whole self, but with it i cant see" Her mother said with her tendrils as more attacks come to them, Sunflower however as her mother wasted a pair of seconds than the demons used to analyze the battlefield. Just from nowhere the broken alien get up and bodyslam herself over Jean's mother. Her damaged mind should had been easily taken by the demon facing them, but at least Jean know than this act made him unable to cast another magic if she was lucky. Meanwhile, to make all worse she was unable to stop a dart hitting her between her dicks.
P: (-1 to rolls and some added AP to Jean)
Zilrax: Sunflower yelps, flicking the dart off, wincing at the location of the strike. Damn, this was bad. She growled, she wouldn;t lose to them here! she concentrated, trying to throw up a bunker of ice around herself to make it harder for them to shoot her, going to lash out with her lashes again afterwards at the mage.
P: Jean decide to find a new barrier against her foes or at least build one, the demons of course were taken by sorprise with this as they tried to shoot her in vain when the ice form faster to block tehirs hits, another rush to use some nets on the red alien but then a long root get him and lift him up before hit him hard in some rocks, the rocks of course feel the pain and started to run away and leave the fruit girl than they were using as food. The poor very used to even notice it. Jean mother meanwhile was having some hard moments as the broken alien tried to rape her mouth in vain, but her tentacles get at her lower holes, if this continued for so long a moan from her mother will put her in danger.


Jean wanted to hit the hidden demon, but the soldiers were aiming for her waiting a chance to capture her, this made her miss her first chance as she could heard the gasps and struggles from her mother
Zilrax: Damn. The aliens were really durable, she doubted she was strong enough to save her mother from being impregnated by the mind controlled woman. Her only chance was to eliminate the mage to break the control and hope she recovered. She swung out at the leader again. If he went down, maybe she could ursurp control of the soldiers again.
P: Jean tried to solve the issue in her hands and find a good moment to use her whip and certainly hit the demon, there then her mother push the broken alien, making them believe tham all was fine, yet in no time the broken jump over Jean's mother again, restarting their struggle. Then a web fall over Jean and notice the strange substance on it as her body shiver in growing weakness and arousal, maybe all the nets were the same but her mother was inmune to inform them when she got caugh moments later.

Jean was sure than she was surrounded and the demons were looking for safer areas to shoot at her and trying to be away the roots, still out of these bad news, Jean know than the leader was bladdy wounded as she was starting to smell his tainted blood
Zilrax: Sunflower snarls and channels as much electricity at the leader as she could, running out of time as she tries to prove her dominance and free her family.
P: Jean fight against the effect of the net where she was trapped, she wouldnt allow than a tricky device to trap slaves would work on her and lost her family, as she channels her powers the fight around her continue. The trees tried to help them, to save the poor cute little fruits from that unknown danger invading them, in her ice barrier around her Jean heard some groans and hits until finally her power focus the enough to be unleashed. The conmotion was huge in the few demons alive, they were amazed... and then the vines lift them and make them pass out. The broken alien was free of the control on her, but Jean know than the demon should be still alive. She get out and notice the fight already over yet certainly one of her foes remain with some energy to run away, very slowly and bleeding
Zilrax: Sunflower hisses and tries to freeze the escaping leader solid to ensure he would flee nowhere, thankful for the trees saving them. "Thank you trees..."
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

P: Sunflower casted her spell, hitting the leader as this was moving away, but before she could move to him as not all of him was trapped, her mother stop her. " Dont get deep inside the woods , honey." She said as they notice than the others three demons were really injured but still alive, the fruit girl released from the tree creatures as they escape was maybe completely broken as the alien used against them, now both uncouncious to act.

"If you want, i can end his life before he try anything more" Her mother said, Jean was sure than no one out of her mother and her would think in take away a life with their hands, even if these were demons. Not even the mindless souls in the trees were aiming for that sin.
Zilrax: "No. I'll do it.," says Sunflower, "I know it hurts you all to do this sort of thing, so leave it to me. My hands can't get much more bloodstained." She uses her spell to electrify the ice to finish him off. "He hurt my family and if left alone he'll hurt and control many others. I gave him the chance to be peaceful and talk but he denied it. Let's let everyone recover then move on. you're okay right? He was controlling her mind..."
P: Her mother nods yet Jean could feel the pain to see her daughter take a life again. At least the red alien managed to stop the mage to risk her life getting out the road. It was not so easy as others times, but Jean needs to kill it was for defend her loved ones and this land, the demon pretty much died faster as planed and her mother stay close hugging her softly before move carring the uncouncious alien to their vehicle. There Sola was uncouncious and so aroused than some of the ice was already melting or maybe was for the Sun. "What we should do with the others demons and that girl on the road, should we take her too, she has been already taken and really broken by the creatures of this planet. Sunflower could see a blonde human fruit of her same size but blonde, it was her choice take her or let anything else do it as has been happening from the start of this planet
Zilrax: "Bring her along. As for the demons... I'm sure the trees can keep them dealt with.," nods Sunflower, "I wish I could thank them better but... Still, they helped save us. Best I can do is thank them by saving this world." She helps the woman on the sled, fixing it up with added ice with her magic before getting ready to keep going. "Can't be too much further right?"
P: The mother alien blink as she giggle by the idea of how all has changed and they were now trusting the trees to help them "I guess than you could ask Sola to thanks them later when she awake. " Her mother then leaving the uncouncious woman, used her others limbs to softly remove the darts on the poor elf who remain aroused sleeping, then as the vehicle was ready they placed there the new fruit there too and then they continued toward where the path take them yet then this soon was moving toward other direction, making them have the need to decide if they trust in the path or just follow the direction where the gate should be yet this would make them get across the forest
Zilrax: Sunflower nods, moving with their ever increasing band of refugees. She looked over, grimacing. "The gates through the woods. Will this path loop around to there? If not we need to go through the trees after all to get there..."
P: "Hmm... im not sure, its the first time for me to be here" Her mother said as she opened her backpack to get some kind of bracelet and from it after turn on show a small window. "The map show, if im right than this path circle for a while the forest and then circle it before get our desired direction again... it could take us an hour walking but would be safer" Said this her mother store her device in her backpack again and let Jean decide, yet Jean could be sure than her mother dont care the time if this bring safety to her daughters
Zilrax: "Mmm... I guess we can take the extra time. It'll let Sola wake up again."
P: "Good, lets move and stay alert" Her mother said very glad for the choice and as said, it was a long path around the forest, Sunflower could count the number of moaning tress as they walk slowly or rest in her vehicle, she could be amazed time ago of her cold resistence and than she could walk easily over stones with her nude feet, but she was so different to be amused of these small things.

Any monster would think twice and she could see terrible beasts from many sizes getting away of the red alien and the whole group of girls, but... then the many moans than alert the beasts stoped as both the blue and pink alien were exausted and in bliss to fuck even more, resting at the side of the other without anything in mind about the danger around them. The gate should be close and Sola slowly awake too, really aroused for Jean to see and feel.
Zilrax: "Almost there, Sola.," sighs Sunflower, "Once we're through, we can relax and help each other and play with my friend..." She watches about warily though. Still had to get through first. Least her pile of alien friends was finally finished growing, though one had likely planted many offspring in the other. She got harder at recalling the wanton display. shame it happened then and not up ahead, it might have been fun to join in or act the same with Sola and her mom...
P: " I hope to meet your friend soon, Sun. I cant wait to see and talk with your great friend, as i can understand it was thanks to her than we are now together" Sola told to Jean, as she rubs her small wounds caused by the darts.

Fortunately for them the gate was not deep inside the forest, but the place was guarded by some creatures altered by some demons mostly. Jean could see five circling and guarding the area as a mantled figured try to read it.
Zilrax: "Hm, there they are. Demon guard beasts and... Not sure about that one, a demon of sorts. Be ready for a big fight but hopefully we can talk past...," grimaces Sunflower, before stepping up. "Hey! You friendly, or do I need to start fighting? I'd rather talk, but we'll defend ourselves if needed."
P: The many beasts were soon in guard with roars and ready to jump at Jean yet the one mantled calm them for now on. Sola in her still recovery state also prepare for the battle, as she could see the danger on these not so sentient beasts. Her mother certainly was ready to get at the front and so they were just three agains all of them.

"Im not interested in lost my time fighting or get some extra slaves to carry on as death weight... but we could have some problems if you are aiming for this door. As i want to study it" A female voice come out, really sure of the number of beasts at her side and she maybe could had been waiting for them all this time.
Zilrax: "Is that so? Well we do have an issue. But there's other doors too. But I think you've been waiting for me, whomever you are. But if you really just want to study, then I know someone who can probably tell you all about them.," says sunflower, eying her warily, "I can't leave this unlocked and disengorging those who would ruin this world. If more wanted to just live in peace, this wouldn;t be an issue. But so many assault and enslave... I can't allow it."
P: "I see, if there is someone with all that knowledge and you can take me with that person without a fight, then i can just dont use my plan to force you." The woman made a move with her hand than any around could see easily before continue. "Its not my wish destroy a place like this without first learn all what i can, we could make a deal between demons, let me just get inside to meet that person without fights and betrays... if you accept you can easily pass" The woman said, clearly still with her guard up
Zilrax: "I'll agree... On the condition you don't go destroying this place and help keep it safe too. If your compatriots ruin it you'll never see it all in time. Nor will you see how things change in time.," says Sunflower firmly, "I don't like demons but I'm not a butcher. If I can resolve this peacefully I will." She sighs a bit, "I have a job to do to save people, but I'll settle happily with you not hurting anyone who doesn't try and hurt you first."
P: "Of course, you have my word than not a single of my servants will cause any harm if this is not for their defense, we could also help in protect it, but our number is small at the side of the whole invasion" The woman said sure than the idea of increase her own number to fight the others demons would be seen as damage the whole place.

"If we had ended to make our deal, then please get closer, they will not bite you or any of the others girls with you" The woman add as she wait for them close the gate
Zilrax: "There's a few demons in the invasion here who agre. They're contained for the time being.," Nods Sunflower, moving forward, "I just have to... Go through it I think. so everyone hold onto me, and me going through should seal it... So uh... Everyone on the sled!" Sunflower climbs on the back, ready to launch them all through.
P: The mantled woman was really intersted in what the gate have to offer as also how much Jean know about them, but before all were ready to leave her mother stop them "Wait, i need to do some things before leave." She said before check at her back pack, using her magic window as her tentacle hair write things before send it, then running around the door, point her deviced arm to the sky, then kneel close and take pictures. "I was not expecting going to that place so soon, im worried to had forgot something important to analyze" She said as she collect samples of the eart and grass around the gate and then use some more devices until she get ready to leave. The new woman also take this time to give her orders to the possesed creatures mentaly, before get inside the vehicle. Sola get sure to be holding her lover with all her strengh cuddling. They all were now hanging from the mage, but it was not able to open it at the first time or second, Sunflower was not able to open the door until suddenly Sola help her to push the door and this finally start to move, opening slowly before the potent magic between planes take them all inside abruptly.

From there it was hard to explain what happened, the group fight hard to remain together and all know than if they fail in that many would get eternaly lost between the planes, her mother was the one who needed to use all her streght, as she needed to hold the three aliens and fruit girl than were mostly extra weight. Sunflower lost her counciest and then all fall at her destination.

Jean awake with Sola still huging her, her mother was feets away, her harms having some fissures and she was just unable to get up. The others were pretty well and the place was filled of a large quantity of water drops everywhere than were floating and merging slowly
Zilrax: Sunflower groans, glad she had everyone still there and with her. She guessed since Sola was part of her now she had half what she needed to work the doors. And now they were in a... wetplace? "Ziru? Are you there?," asks Sunflower a little worriely. Ziru said she;d meet her next time she went through a gate, so she had to be here... right?
P: "The place was completely in silence, this just slighty broken by the liquid sound everywhere. Worried Sunflower asked for her old friend and suddenly from every piece of liquid a floating huge quantity of faces form. "Yes? Im here Jean. And all these beautiful girls are your mates? Im so proud of you, please say me every event of your journey" Ziru said happy for Jean as she slowly regroup her many parts everywhere
Zilrax: "Oh, ah, not all of them. I had to leave one behind, hopefully she'll be okay. My mates are Sola here, and my ah, new mom...," smiles Sunflower, gesturing, before telling her story to Ziru as she awaited the others to make up, walking up and hugging the massive ooze woman happily, "I ah, I changed some more again so uh... you'll need to copy me again right...?"
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

GM: "Im really proud and happy for you Jean, you opened your heart to these cute ladies and grow up, your shine in yours eyes is shinier than the last time" Ziru told the mage as her jello finger press softly at Sola's cheek who mumble still uncouncious by the hardcore travel between planes.

The huge slime woman heard with attention every word from her friend, loving every word as she heard about this new world and the beauty in it. Soon of course after almost end her story, Sunflower notice than Sola was starting to awake the enough to notice the strange gel woman close them and the odd place where they are. Sunflower meanwhile move to hug the body like jello of her gel friend who rub Jean's hair friendly. "Yes, i must make the same process with both of you, as i get from your story both are the two parts of the same being... but before that i must remove her ofpring from her, they will be safe inside me and i will place them on her again... the truth is than this boring place is not so good for a children. Ziru said still trying to decide what to do with Sola and her pregnancy.

The red alien start to groan a little now as her arms hurt by the huge damage on them and the mantled woman looks to be also awakening. "Hmm, i can sense than that woman is a demon, is she your friend?" Ziru ask before Sola get closer and poke her softly. "Excuse me, please dont take ours babies from me, its my wish give them birth and rise them. Sola said but Ziru just giggle and rub her head. "Her voice and sounds are very cute, but i cant understand her until i engulf her"

The gel girl let both mates decide the fate of the childrens, Jean could be sure than the not still ready beings on Sola would be protected by Ziru, even when she havent said how, yet the problem was when they will place them on Sola again.
Zilrax: Sunflower looks over to the demon and her mother awakening. "The demon was guardian the door to study it. to avoid fighting I told her about you. She'll want to ask you some questions. If she's helpful and jsut inquisitive I've no trouble with her." She looks to Sola, smiling gently, "Ziru says this lands not safe for her babies. She'll keep them safe then put them back in you, since she has to take us apart briefly and rebuild us. And my mom too after, Ziru? If she likes. There's the other alien girls too but we'll see what they want, ifwe can help them be okay." She snuggles against Ziru with a smile, "I um, I am looking forward to this though. I missed you a lot too Ziru."
GM: "Ahm...fine. I will suppose than it was her fate meet you Jean, so i will try to be friendly and of course with my guard up". Ziru said about the new demoness in her realm. Sola of course whimper a little sad but trusting fully on her lover. "So, it will be just for some minutes and then she will place them on me again?" Sola ask, of course Ziru dont understand her, but Jean words make her get what Sola was maybe thinking.

"I miss you a lot too Jean, it was like an eternity and of course, after get some food for each of you i will be able to do the same to your mother. And let me show her how this works." Said this she stretched her hand where she build a small glob and then she let it drop, the jellow move away and reveal Jeans dancer clothes with even her sandals. "See, is not a copy, you could say than is the original... the only problem is than i doubt than it fit you as before." The clothes of course would be skimpy than before and her dicks would be easy to be exposed with some moves.

Zilrax: "Heh, not exactly my robes, but it'll do.," says Sunflower wryly, taking the clothes and putting them on with a shrug, "but it's better than nothing. Mmm, and she will, Sola, don't worry. Our children will be safe." She smiles, "Whenever you're ready Ziru. I know how much you enjoy yourself heh..."

GM: "Yes, if she deserve your trust then she have mine too" Sola told to Jean yet see her dressed was just taking most of her attention, speechless by how weird Jean looks dressed in front of her for first time. "Hmhm inded... then i will start first with this little cutei" Ziru said licking her jello lips before rush to stole a deep kiss from Sola, the elf muffed gasp as some bubbles from her mouth get inside Ziru who should deep moving beyond the pink haired elf, the slime cause a soon arousal on Sola than soon stop her from strugglling. Anolther face gets created and move to lick both lower holes from Sola, copies of Ziru start to form and rub at her mate and then the whole jello body started to fully engulf the elf. Jean soon could see her lover with all her holes streched and fully exposing some of her holes in front of the mage, invisible tendrils thrust for minutes at Sola and Sunflower cant stop to arouse herself by heard the muffed sound than escape the gel. Sola feed the dimension being for minutes without reach an orgasm until after a long while Ziru strech her breasts and holes more just as Sola was allowed to cum aloud. Jean could see shinning orbs getting taken from Sola's cunt, upper breasts and even her rear hole, to then half free Sola by only her upper body, giving her time to recover her breath.

"I cant lie, i was waiting for so long to have you again Jean and im sure it will be beyond what i imagined, as now i will process both of you at the same time" Ziru said as soome of her copies get out the main body to pamper the mage, all not interested in remove Jean's clothes

Zilrax: Sunflower moans in pleasure as she's rubbed by Ziru, very roused by the show, grinning a bit. "Mmm, sorry to keep you waiting Ziru... Maybe I can put a few kids in you to keep you company? And once we're done, maybe we can find away to bring you home with us to their world. I'm going to lvie there and I'm sure everyone will be happy to have you there too. It's so diffrent than my world, so much more peaceful... And waaaaay more sexual. You'll probably like it."

GM: "The many Ziru girls focus completely in every erogenous place of the mage, already was in their mind from the first time how to pleasure the human yet see an extra dick make al better for them. "I can create an almost endless number with the enough nutrients, but i love the idea to find a way to create some individual babies from your seed, Jean" The many Ziru clones said a part in a softly different female voice, some more young others more mature and sexy.

"I like the idea to be in that precious world with you when your mission end.." Said this Ziru was unable to resist more, and softly the sperm from Jean was milked away a pair of time by the expert mouts of the human size Zirus, the many hands and then some cocks were created from them, Sola gasped and squeak as her body was starting to be pleasured again, this time out of babies the gel could go deep inside the elf, as slowly Ziru move to make Sola see closer ow the many slime girls make her lover purr in ecstasys, on propose the slime woman placed Sola's face close Jean's mouth, of course not enough for them to kiss each other. This tease lasted for a time as they see the other being fucked hard by the jello beings... still, the bond between the two fruit girls let them enjoy what the other could feel until Ziru make them cum aloud together in such deep peak than they were out of breath.

The Ooze then reagroup and put Jean inside the huge mass where both girls were used by shared members in theirs holes, giving the feeling than each load from Jean was getting placed in each of theirs six holes, yet this was just Ziru's fluids getting all inside theirs systems, each orgasm shared and multiplied, the echoe of theirs moans in dintense lust, Jean and Sola finally feel as just a single being teased by countless time in the blob than ended to do their work.

Jean opened her eyes, dressed with the clothes given moments later by Ziru, Sola was there at her arms theirs hearts moving at the same time, as the strange feeling of be just a single unit return to the usual at both of them in a separated body.

Zilrax: Sunflower moaned, delighting in all the strange bodies of herlover, so lost in pleasure to care about their seeming ages, letting them worship her body, until her and Sola are pulled into the mix, fucked into oblivion and back, broken down and copied and reformed, before they're toghether again, Sunflower gasping eagerly with a groan, pressing up against Sola. "Mmm... Feel better, love?," she asks with a giggle, looking over to see how all her other companions were faring here.

GM: Sola was of better mood certainly her light body free of pregnancy was still in the bliss than come after such intense pleasure, she moved her hand than rubs from Sunflower belly until hang at her shoulder and then the elf said a cute yes as she placed her ear between Jean's beasts to heard her breat and heart. "We should try it again, soon" As she was loving the moment Jean turn to see the others and noticed than they were almost in the same place, the mantled demoness getting just now up and her mother's eyes were bright in amusement for what has happened just moments ago.

"Yes, we should try it again and dont stop until sattled." Ziru sudenly said after Sola's words and then continue moving toward her next target "I will protect your seed and use it to bring some life soon Jean, but now... im avid to enjoy your mother for a long long "time" the accentuation on that word show the joke for normal rules on this place, Jean was sure to had been taken for more than hours and that mantled demoness was starting to get up yet only until now she has ended to recover. "Hi Jean's mom, what should we do with you, first? oh i know, lets heal these terrible wounds." Said this Some slime started to get placed on the red alien to maybe heal her, if Jean dont say anything Ziru would just do the same threadment to the alien mom

Zilrax: "Mmm, have fun mom. You can enjoy Ziru's attentions and talk while being part of her.," smiles Sunflower happily, before heading over to see the demoness. "Well, as promised, this is Ziru, an entity from between dimensions. So, do you have a name?"
(10:40:12 PM) plmnko: (Karagdnel)

GM: "Heh, of course, im always open for new experiences... is a shame than in my state i can analize each instance" Said this her mother was taken by Ziru, her moans soon come in great intense arousal as Sunflower move to know more about the damoness " My servants and minions call me Karadgnel, your part of the deal will be fulfilled once Ziru, as you call her, bring me some of her knowledge. "

As they were talking a second long orgasm was exclaimed by the red alien what call theirs attention "Uhm, that creature must be really good in what she does, you were unable to stop of scream like that for a minute" the demones told to Jean

Zilrax: "She is.," shivers sunflower with a blush, "you can call me Jean. And maybe if you ask nice and prove you don't mean any harm she'll share it with you too. Can you tell me how I can help all those others who were raped silly by the demons? They don't seem to have control of themselves. And my friend who's trapped like this..." She brings out the doll of her friend.

GM: "As long i get what i want, there is not interest on my to cause any hostility. The demoness said as she crossed her arms and see frowning to the creatures than Jean tried to recover of their state, but she smirk as she noticed the doll and Jean could feel some constant wetness between the doll's legs. "I cant do anything for your friend, this doll is linked to her soul... some strong beings of our kind loves to see them taint in sin slowly, for free her you need to free her soul close her body and this will be a difficult task."

"About the others, i could control them and heal them slowly, it would be more easy make them mine... as broken as they could be you can find traces of theirs souls and start from there" The demoness said, giving to Jean some choices than bring to her memory now, but before they could end the red alien get out the great Ooze, as if a very long frenzy orgy has fallen over her... yet for Jean only passed no more of a minute

Zilrax: "I think I'll try to fix them myself. I've demon blood myself, though I'm only... Well was only a half breed...," grimaces Sunflower, "Could you teach me how? They didn't deserve that. Those two are... Mostly okay but to be little more than puppets is awful. They never hurt anyone and don't deserve that done to them. Their world is a peaceful non violent one. I'm glad to have locked it away so that it won't be hurt any further..."

GM: "Yes, i could... it should be easy for you, if you had experienced channeling yourself with another soul, from there you could try to feed or eat from the soul target, is the basics enough for you or we could try it together if you wish..." The demoness answer to Jean, in part interested to meet the slllime creature soon, now than she has ended with the red alien. "In exchange, why dont you talk me more about the creatures of that plane where we meet and about this Ziru"

Zilrax: "I don't know much about Ziru herself. I know she's incredibly powerful and ancient. She can clone and copy herself and is very smart and lives between dimensions, which is where we are now.," says Sunflower, "Mother would know more about her world than me, but it's populated by plant girls that look like me and I'm part now too. My mates one. They mate and turn into trees with a bonded mate. We're... One person with two souls in a sense. We can't be too far from each other, or we couldn't. Now, well... In any case, it's main species is like mother there, a strange species who can change each other and breed with their mouths and feed sexually." She looks over at Kara curiously, "So you just want to learn things then?"

GM: Karagdnel heard with thoroughly what Jean had to say about the others strange beings, giving soft nods until she got questioned by the half plant. "Some said than the basic pleasures of the life are earned by food, sex and knowledge, im more interested in the last one, but my target is hidden knowledge as that gate, travel between worlds, the truth of all and a long list more"

And as they continued, her mother was taken again, this time Ziru should just want to have some fun

Zilrax: Sunflower grins as she looks over, letting her mother and her first mate have fun and get to know each other, before turning her attention back to Kara. "Well, hedonism is one thing but looking for knowledge cna be respectable. My concern is more this letting more evil demons use your knowledge to find new worlds to ruin... Sex is nice, but it shouldn't be used to ruin..."

GM: "The knowledge to travel to others worlds has been already learned by few ones of our kind, for my part i would never share something so important, in the wrong hands it could erase clues to others mysteries" The demones then turn too to see the act between the slime and the alien, the mating slowler than the last time, Sola was better now and was looking the state of the broken fruit girl, maybe pondering what she could do for that fallen one.

"Can i ask your plan? Im not against stay here for days, but looking around is hard to tell how much time has passed from our arrive" Said this the demoness get to check more of the place, but she was sure than they should remain close in this unknown land

Zilrax: "I want to spend a bit of time trying to figure them out. After that I'm following the planar tunnel the demons have made between the the worlds backwards. Once I reach the demon world, I'm planar locking it from that side, ending the constant hurting of other worlds. Hopefully I can get a chance to allow all demons who aren't horrible to come with me when I leave there.," says Sunflower firmly, "I don't want to lock people away but they are doing this to people... Until they stop they can't be let out..." She looks to the two broken women and the two slightly demon crazed ladies.

GM: "So, both are talking about your plan now" Ziru or at least one of her copies said as she slide until be at a side of them. The plan for the moment is very risky, once the fluctuation giving access to the demons to your world and others end then it would be really hard get out there" The slime girl add as Kara nods "And that event will make you popular in the wrong way with my kind" The demoness told to Jean yet it was for both obvious.

"Still maybe all of us can find a way working together or in one of the others worlds you can find anoter way to solve this and so we all can go to that happy peaceful world" The Ooze girl said as Kara get close the four affected by the demon's powers, Sola getting between the uncouncious fruit girl and the demoness.

"I need a time to talk with this spacial slime being, then i may try to hel the most broken, but you can see how it works so you can try it in the others" Kara said as she waits for Ziru to decide. "I sont trust her yet, my love. Why we dont try it together? We can bring them back and make them smarter like the others" Said this Sola let her lover decide

Zilrax: "Hm... Well both are valid to learn.," nods Sunflower to Sola, "We can all try. And she's been honest so far. Besides, I'm sure if she tried anything here, Ziru would know." She looks ovr, "We'll find a path so we can all stay toghether, I'm sure. Maybe these four will want to stay with you when we got to the next world, Ziru. We can see, if so they might be nice company while we're away."
GM: " Im not against she learn about the gate and anything else, is just than this fruit girl was not broken by demons, they were normal creatures of our planet" Sola said as she caress softly the poor blonde fruit. "Such interesting lenguage than sound as needed moans, for a moment i was thinking than she was begging me to take her if her eyes werent pointing to something clearly different" Kara said as she for sure dont understand the fruit idiom. "Hmm, that is strange, she and Jean should be now more similar, maybe Sola dont wanted than you understand her, right my cute aple pie?" Ziru said before ask to the red alien who nods as she looks to had finnally get what Sola said.
Zilrax: "It's possible.," she muses, "Well, I'll try to help this one with Sola then first, you talk with Ziru hm?" She moves over beside Sola, and looks over the other fruit. "So, what do we do, Sola?"
GM: "All right, lets have a little talk, mantled girl" Ziru said as one of her clones move toward the waiting demoness. Jean for her side move to where was Sola and the broken fruit girl. "Uhm, maybe we could give her inteligence as the others and go more deep and try to make her change for good if her body is damaged. I feel a little strange here, is a little more cold yet feels odd... i cant find out what is missing or different" Sola said as she start to clean the blonde fruit girl and then prepare her for Jean to take the blonde one
Zilrax: "It's probably that we're not on the same planet.," says Sunflower, blushing a bit as Sola presents her latest partner to her. "Um... Wanna get me ready, Sola?"
GM: "Yes, it must be that the reason, my body after get inside the door was completely in need to hug you, my love. Hold with all my strengh, i even fall uncouncious as only think in be at your side." Sola said trying to remember that strange event, but then she noticed the feelings of her other side as the blush on Sunflower spread toward Sola who take the mage's hands and with a chuckle nods slighty red without think it twice. First she get softly up to kiss her lover cheek and wait for Jean for turn so they could share an inicial deep long kiss, slowly Sola started to pleasure her lover as she moves down until she get to the dual dicks, moving the thong dance lower piece of clothes than half fail to cover the manly members. Sola was focused in her task, caressing her loved babymakers, cleaning one with her mouth as her hands pleasure the next one and Jean's pussy lips.

As this continue, the elf soon get some of the pleasure given to Jean, giving then the use of her breasts to rub in her help to make Jean hard. Sunflower of course dont needed too much work from her fruit lover to make her hard and ready, but she could always use her firsts loads on Sola

Zilrax: Sunflower kisses deeply, before moaning loudly as she get's some attention from her other half, getting nice and hard, before grinning, "Mmm, guide me in, love... Actually, climb on her too, I'll fuck you both at once while you work your magic."

GM: The quiet and strange place between dimensions have their silence altered by soft lewdly sounds from Jean and the wet rubs give by Sola at the double's cocks. The elf was using her two upper breasts when Sunflower said how she have in mind heal their comrade. Sola softly have her mouth open as her eyes are turned to the uncouncious girl, her smile was softly playful like yet she was also blushing showing easily her emotion and inocent grace as all of her believes as that was the best idea ever made for this moment. "Get it, like when you were taking two at the same time, yesterday... i will do my best to stay focused" Sola then with care get over the blonde gir not before make the legs of this get spread, giving then a cute kiss at the broken girl "Lets make her smart, my love" Said this she dont needed to prepare her beautiful tight pussy for Jean to prenetrate as this was wet and sharing small drops to the cunt below it. The only doubt of the elf was if she must be facing down or up at the sky, but she suppose than being able to rub each herself with each thrust and kiss the other was the right one.

Zilrax: Sunflower slides between their legs and slides herself into both the lovely girls under her and began thrusting eagerly, pressing into Sola's back her own breasts, her tentacle hair of smoke windinging around them to grope and tease their nipples as she moans happily, using her sexuality to bless her new partner with greater and hopefully restored intellect

GM: With both girls presented cunts for Jean to take, the mage move, maybe undressing herself before taking them on pulling her clothes to a side as this was an easy task. In any way her front could enjoy the sweet back of her lover as her cocks go deep inside, pounding deep inside what made Sola moan in bliss, the pounding never stop and only get wild as the time will go on, of course Sola gasp but calm soon when the tentacle hair started to wrap and gropple her four breasts as also the two of the other fruit girl. The endless pleasure grow as Jean enjoy her two lovers, the flesh of theirs holes reacting as Sola's magic start to work already with the soft precum of her lover. Between her moans Sola whimper and kiss the uncouncious one, trying to make her react, holding her hands as Jean goes faster, certainly Sola was wishing with all her heart than this could work as she fight to dont focus only in the pleasure and certainly chance to get impregnated by her lover again.

For Jean, she just was unable to stop herself, her mind getting attacked by the pleasure than bounce between theirs two souls and as this happen the pounds get bigger in intensity, making Sola moan in ecstasys as both get close to their peak. Just few minutes later they cum as beasts in heat, her double dicks thrusting deep and some more as her load go on, of course tey never stop and their mating continue, Sola's breasts wet with milk her lover many long hair. It was unsure yet if this was working and Sola was giving a very long kiss on the blonde girl, maybe if this continued like this Jean would not stop until all fall uncouncious, she could heard the needs of Sola of be early pounded more and more as salso her wish to give intelligence to the fruit girl below them. Jean of course could be sure than she was placing her magic... yet she was not sure if it was in only one of her dicks.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Zilrax: Sunflower moaned as she hammered away at her lover and new partner, spending herself in them, before a thought occured. Maybe a diffrent cock would do it? Well, no matter. She rolled the girls over so the unconcious fruit was on top, before plunging back in them, working to breed them pleasedly, though she gently broke the kiss between those two so she could kiss Sola instead for the moment.

GM: Maybe it was still early to see improvements, yet Jean dont wanted to let all to the luck and soon get with an idea as they recover from the last orgasm shared with Sola and that mindless fruit girl. Sola of course gasp as her light body was placed to rest her back at the floor and then the other fruit girl was now resting at her front with her four breasts pressed and rubbed again when Sunflower restart her thrusts.

To make it all better Ziru used some of her body to turn into a gel like water bed for both pussies be high enough for Jean beetter enjoyment and of course rub at Sola and her uncouncious friend. Meanwhile Jean got the gelly attention of a clon french kissing her and teasing the mage's breasts as also wet cunt "Do it feels good? I was unable to stop myself to join you girls, as all are so hot and yours moans are as music for me" Ziru said as the orgy between her many "hers" and the fruit girls continued for a long time, Jean could feel her own belly bloated as the gel girl cum at the same time as them as many times than they lost count.

Until Jean got to manage see the mindbloken girl already returning the kisses to Sola at her uncouncious state showing than she was better now yet Jean could continue her move

Zilrax: Sunflower moans in delight as Ziru joins in, giggling and making out right back with ehr first lover, thrusting away even as she moaned, being floodedwith Ziru's jelly. Not like she would get pregnant from such. But the feeling was jsut so good! She smiled in delight at seeing the fruit girl active again, but kept thrusting, leaning in to nibble her ear and whisper, "Glad to see you're okay... Mmm... Hope you don't mind me impregnating you..."

GM: The still not fully awake fruit girl whimpered and produce muffed sounds by her ear nibbled, as Sola dont stop to do her work on kissing that poor fruit girl. "Hmhm, so does she is better now?" Zieu ask as her gel tentacles were ready to pound deep inside Sola and this new fruit girls back doors, teasing them for the moment rubbing the point of her members at them.

If Jean allow, the gel tendrils will thrust as best as they could to increase the pleasure than Jean could give with her dicks at the two girls in front of her, Jean would have all the access to the fertile wombs of them to fill as her heart content.

Zilrax: "Getting there.," smiles sunflower, moaning as they're filled with Ziru's jelly, her thrusting eagerly, happily spending her seed as she grins at Ziru, "Mmm, I missed you... Ooof, having fun talking and sleeping with my family...?"

GM: "I love our time together, Jean and that red hot girl is really great. we could be having fun for weeks as i fill her with my delicious slime" Ziru told to Jean as the three fruit girls are drowned in pleasure, the girls cum aloud again and again until Ziru move them so Sunflower could be able to see her Mom being pounded and loved by many slime girls, some of them futas thrusting at her three holes and breasts, loads of slime being visibles as they move at the translucid bodies before fill the red woman "Ahh, she may have a hard skin, but your family member is so fun in her insides, every inch of her is made for fuck for what i notice" Ziru add as the orgy was close to end

Zilrax: Sunflower moans happily, watching her mom enjoy herself. "Ah yesss.... She is. I've erm, fucked her several times myself, and on her world, sex is food so..."

GM: Sunflower start then to feel her insides of both holes being teased and pleasured by the living slime as this moves deep inside the mage, the strange power of this fluid making her insides slowly as easy to pleasure as her own clitoris "Oh yes, she is good on feed of fluids, i had learned from the little work on the three of you, as also than she loves to use her mouth and tongues" Ziru said as Jean can be sure than once this end the slime girl would learn all what is possible from the aliens.

Jean and the others fruit girls will cum aloud as the tentacles go deep until Jean could feel the tentacle slime starting to fuck her throat, yet with the care of not cause any unconfortable feeling on the three mortals. Then in a last orgasm Jean opened her moan as she scream in lust and the tentacle get out to split her juices at her face and breasts, pounding all the way for minutes in the three girls to finally slowly leave from her rear in form of orbs gels chained

Zilrax: Sunflower yelped in shock as she was fucked all the way through her body, her shocked by it, but it seemed to not hinder her breathing. OR maybe she now breathed through other parts of her instead? Meantime she climaxed over and over at the bizzare pleasure, before the final ended with Ziru cumming all over her too, her crying out in pleasure as she emptied her virlity into her partners, before slumping atop thme, holding the clones close happily.

GM: Jean last climax take most of her, what made Jean need for a rest as her cocks let just small drops of her seed get out the others two fruit girls. "Hmhm, Not only your Mom's body is now mostly made for your pleasure, this hole is now very similar to your pussy, Jean" One of the slime clones said as she placed her fingers at Jean's rear hole what made the mage gasp softly by that familiar pleasure in her front door. "Your whole family have in mind stay here for a long time or will you leave me again to test another door? However, i can only accept than three or four of you leave at the same time, as more could cause the door to be not so kind to the users of the portal and i cant allow than this effect harm yu, dear Jean" Ziru told to the human as her clones pamper the tired double dick futa

Zilrax: "We can spend a little bit, Ziru, but then we need to continue.," smiles Sunflower, groaning and nussling against Ziru, "I want to learn a few things and we still need to help the other three and made sure this helped this one out. I'm sure you'll get lot's of loving, and the demoness probably has tons of questions."

GM: "Im glad to heard than your stay here will last for a while more," Ziru said as she continued her lovely pampers yet she sigh as the demoness was mentioned. "Yes, she cant stop of talk and asking things about this place, im thinking to dont answer them all until learn more of her"

Zilrax: "Well, say as much. I'm sure she'd understand.," smiles Sunflower, "She likes knowledge, so a fair exchange perhaps?"

GM: "I was thinking on help us to healt the poor little ones marked with demon corruption, if she does it right, then maybe i will talk with her as friends" Zuri ans wer as she let Jean rest with soft pampers. "Can i ask what you need to knwo? It will be a pleasure to help you Jean" She add

Zilrax: "Mostly how to fix this issue in the future.It seems to happen a lot.," says Sunflower with a smile, "And, I dunno. Maybe more about you. After all, you were my first and... I want you to be one of my mates, like Sola."

GM: "So you are aiming to learn to use your demon side, it could be a little risky still when is part of yourself. There is also a little point of our deal to solve, Jean." The slime woman told as her clones loved the human without arouse her too much. "I asked for some monster remains of the planes than you ventured beyond the gate... this time i take them for you and these beautiful ladies, without them the gate will could try to send you there even when the gate there could be closed"

Zilrax: "Oh right... Shit, I got so distracted...," says Sunflower worriedly, "I'll remember next time. And well... It is part of me. I can't deny that. And if I can use it to protect people, it'd be selfish of me not to."

GM: "Hmhm, i already take an inch from the three of you" Ziru said with a small chuckle touching the tentacle smoke hair of the mage. "I sugest than all train ... a little in not so long sessions... and then most of the remain time we could use it to improve our charming bonds" Said this Ziru let them rest and of course focus on the demoness and fuck the red alien. Jean could be sure than soon the demoness wil try to cure the three of the afflicted girls and Sola was starting to get in her senses again yet she was the one below the rest of them.

Zilrax: Sunflower smiled and snuggled against Sunflower, watching for when the demoness ws ready, cuddling the fruit girl and watching Ziru and her mom make love and get close, happy they were getting along so well

GM: Ziru talks mostly more than the demoness far away, the slime girl was clean and easy to read in her need to be sure than Jean dont face an unneded danger, but after a little more the demoness looks to accept and move toward the sluty aliens, sitting close the uncouncious one as she wait for Jean to join. "Please take care, my love" Sola manage to said still weak below the horny girls. Ziru or at least some of her clones remain close as the demoness take the word finally "Let's start with this one, can i ask your experience trying to reach a soul?" She ask to Jean.

Zilrax: "I've a little. I've a connection to Sola, our souls are merged as best I can tell. And touching emotions and magic, but soul to soul? No, I'm a warmage not that kind of mage..."

GM: "Hmm, i see. It could take us a long time to teach you or i could just do it on you to save time" The demoness sugest as the slime girl get closer ready to act if this get worse as she expected

Zilrax: "Calm down, Ziru. I know you want to protect me, but I need to know.," says Sunflower gently, "Besides if it goes wrong you can just revive me right?" She looks over, "Well, let's try and teach me anyways."

GM: "Even then is painful for me place you in danger Jean, but if is your choice then i will give her this chance, im pretty sure what would happen to her if she betray us" Ziru answer as her face show some worries and some clues of how long her punishment to the demoness would be if Jean result damaged. "Lets just start before we waste more time, this is just some basic lessons, so a mage of your level should get it at the first time" The demoness said and then hold Jean's hands to make her sit and get in a meditation stance in the dimensional floor.

Just then they closed theirs eyes and so the invasion to Jean's body and soul start, slowly so she could get it in her memory and whole self.l It was a cold fire than went direct to her core, her new mentor was not aiming to make her enjoy the jorney as this went direct to her core and then in an instant retreat fully away. " I will repeat this as many times as needed, if you have something to say or regret it, do it now"

Zilrax: Sunflower nodded and sat down, it being similar to how she had awoken the magic in her mate. However unlike her way it was cold and invasive, yet burning. Still. She was no stranger to pain and discomfort. She grunts and keeps her eyes closed. "I'm not so easily scared off. Let's do this. Show me the way, and I'll keep up."

GM: "Good, it would be a shame stop now" The demoness said as she start to focus again. From then Jean sense her whole self invaded as many times as needed, she could feel how the demoness show her with Jean own self how to invade someone else, her mind get the cold flames to let free every time more of herself out as a buffet for her guest, the most painfu events on her life as also the most meaningful, it was a fortune than Kara was not interested in bring pain or break souls with any sin or taint in hand or Jean would had lost herself from the first times.

The demoness of course only invade her each time not more than a pair of minutes, the enough for Jean groan or express her inner pain in many ways, so Sora awake of any pleasure. Sunflower could see why, theirs souls were far away of be connected, the plant girl was from their union something more than a reflection, it was half of her own soul, as a river sharing intense feelings between each other.

After hours or days Jean was exhausted, Kara raise up and poke with her boot softly at Jean's neithers. "Its enough, im already bored and you should have now some clues to save them, someone had already gifted to help them in a safer way than a demon can do it" Kara's words could be out of sense yet her foot pke the dual dicks some times more. Just as Jean, Sola was in a pool of her own sweat, still trying to confort with her warm the otehr plant girl.

Zilrax: Sunflower stuck on, grunting and learning as she bore with it and studied. Once the demon grew bored though she started playing footsy with her cock, Sunflower blushing. "ah, hey, watch it... So what, I can fix them with sex? Uh... Fair enough..." She wondered if she could combine the two here to help them, use what she was gifted and what she had learned to help the girls. Well, time to find out. "Thanks for teaching me though. Good to know how this works. Can't defend against something I don't understand after all."
GM: (to make it official: Jean learned " Peeking inside others 101" and "poking souls for kids")
(6:47:26 PM) plmnko: (just random words to show than she have the basic yet can improve them with some training and practice)

Zilrax: Sunflower hummed and decided to poke around in herself... To see if there was anything in there she wasn't conciously aware of. She doubted Sola had the capacity or will to hide anything from her mate after all.

GM: "After study you, mating is the most safe way for you and what you try to heal, if we try something else could lead to lethal results" Kara answer as she prepare to do anything else than she suppose is more productive for her.

With Ziru close trying to check any harm than she could havent detected yet, Jean decide to check her new lessons on herself. As expected with her focus on just this task and as it was her own self, she dont have too much troubles to see inside her own insides. It was not an easy task without the help of the demness, she could check a sweet are connected with Sola, other dark one, other with fire and just a road

Zilrax: Sunflower muses and decides to look at the darkness inside herself. If there was anything hidden it was there. And she couldn't keep running from her demonic blood. It was a part of her, jsut like her angelic part and her alien plant part and her alien in general part now. She was all these things, the sum of them and herself. She couldn't just reject one part and come out of this intact.

GM: With her choice done she went for that deep dark path, it was far of be a pleasant place, it soon bring back her fun and entertaining training just ended moments ago, after not so much time driving between endless darkness she notice some fire as torches, red eyes of the creatures holding them and roaring her mortal name.

Zilrax: Sunflower glares, seeing the demons in her own soul, holding torches. She steps forward. "You rang? Here I am, what do you gotta say?"

GM: MURDER!!! DONT LET ESCAPE THAT BEAST!!! Jean manage to heard between others familiar shouts, as they get closer she could start to remember some familiar faces of her past.

Still she could try anything against what it looks as the people where she learned to use her magic

Zilrax: Sunflower shudders. Memories. Bad memories. She looked at them, her demons indeed, before holding a hand up. Last time she had lashed out, fled, ran, became a destroyer. Maybe this time she could do it diffrently. She tried to instead reach out and use what the demoness taught her and instead tried to calm them instead. "Please, we don't have to do this."

GM: The people dont stop with her words and continued running toward her, she could reach to feel the sharp things and torches getting pretty closer until these as the rest of the figures pass through her, just shooting direct at her the images of her sin and how she ran, she could feell the blood of her teacher on her hands as the phantom like beings banish somehow in part thanks to her lessons. She could still decide to continue or retreat

Zilrax: Ghosts. Just phantoms of the past. She looks down at her hands, grimacing, before moving forwards to continue. Still, there had to be more here...

GM: Jean went more deep inside until she notice the fire all over a house, the place around the house was filled with books, some with blood on them, a vast graveyard ahead with many tombstones on it than Jean could see far away in the distance.

Zilrax: Sunflower frowns. a burning house? She went that way, raising a hand to draw all the heat away from the fire to try and stop it.

GM: Jean pass without harm through the flames and in a blink she was now inside a full library with mess of books everywhere, some without titles others with names, there was not trace of someone living there in a long time

Zilrax: Sunflower frowns and flips through the books. Who would set fire to such a place...?

GM: As Jean take the first book, her mind got some images of a woman selling her some food, mostly a stranger in her path, this person dont have anything against Jean and as the young mage tried to continue her escape of another town, she could see how the woman placed an extra in her bag what the mage dont noticed until now.

The whole place could be on fire outside but in the inner rooms there was not any damage or even smoke. As Jean stop looking at the book randomly taken and than dont have a book, she could see others in the safe room slighty burned or with bllood going out theirs pages

Zilrax: Was these... Her memories, where they were stored? Oh... She hoped that woman was okay. She had never expected such kindness, and... She went to go see the more damaged ones though, the bloody and burnt ones. What... Were these...?

GM: As Jean take these damaged ones not only images but also a terrible sorrow invade her, a woman in her past, armed than trust on her the enough to get damaged, Sunflower never have the name to ask her name, she was helping her to reach a next town to get there they needed to pass through a terrible wood, their need to survive was high to focus on another thing and when they were close to get out Jean noticed a wanted paper with her image and name, she remve it and escape, she never get to heard about this woman than was her guide yet she heard than many women dissapear in the forest and no one when she pass again heard about a guide with the description than Jean provide.

A random blood one was mostly of a kid than was walking when the mage was in serious danger as the people was hunting her, she casted a spell and she noticed some screams and cries of a kid as she dont worried to turn back even when she was distant of the ones than hunt her

Zilrax: Oh gods... Had she really been that selfish...? That destructive... She had never stopped to consider, to think about... She went through the others, crying a bit in shame at her actions. She could never undo the harm she had done. But she could try and do better. She would do better... But she had to see them all.

GM: It take her time, but Jean manage to read most of all the books there, it was in most part a self placed torture to herself, she could see her victims for colateral or direct damage, kids, women, males even beasts and kind spirits than were just passing and she suppose were dangerous without her formal now experience.

Focused on her own safety and needs, she made a blood road as where she move, some partners and even persons than were just there to take her as the laws dictate to answer for her crime, kids without theirs parents thanks to her or just wounded as they wanted to get close her hair in a bad moment.

Jean has matured and she have more control of her agressive side, but all her attempts wouldnt do anything to most of the people on these books.

Zilrax: Sunflower nodded with a sigh, closing them. She'd jsut try to do better. It's all she could do. It hurt. It hurt seeing her crimes on display. She stepped out, making her way for the graveyard next. She had to master herself if she was to protect anyone else. She couldn't bare to add more to this list...
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

GM: As she get out, she could see some of the books out the house already in ashes, she move toward the graveyard, her whole self could fee a ghostly cold and each step was heavier than the last one, with difficulty she was reaching what should be the middle of it and she could read many names, most unknown to her, others were just silluetes until she get to a tombstne haf opened with a name than untill the moment has been deep impressed in her memory, the name of that mage than she stab until kill him.

Zilrax: Sunflower grimaces, looking through. If those were her memories... She wasn't sure what this was. Another facet of it? It made no diffrence. He had been abusive and hateful to her but he didn't deserve to die... She'd never really felt that before but now... She went over to the tomb and peered inside...

GM: Jean decide to check inside the tomb, her breath visible by the cold, moving softly some remains she could pass at a side of the square stone brokened in half in the floor, leading to a hole than looks as some mud stairs in that deep darkness. She give a step and suddenly she notice some cold passing through her body between her chest, there was then in the darkness some eyes filled with anger as the small fire from the distance in the house iluminate it as the person push deep inside the sharp object, there was not pain yet Jean could feel some warm fluid going down her body until her twin dicks and then hit the floor leaving some red spots close her legs, the hands made a twist in the object and before something more could happen she awake as Sola move her as strogh as possible to awake her what result right and in time.

Jean was in the dimensional huge room with all the others doing theirs things, just Sola being worried for her enough to have some teardrops.

Zilrax: Sunflower gasps, clutching where she was stabbed, waking up to Sola, her pulling Sola close and simply hugging her. "I'm... I'm alright love... Just... A brush with my bad side...," she murmurs.

GM: The elven hug her with deep compassion and love, pressing hard softly as one of her hands clean her face. "But you dont have a bad side at all, my love." Sola wishper as she tried to calm the mage, Jean could fee the sharp pain yet there was not a wound or mark in her, at least not at her body.

"Im starting to feel a little sleepy and my bely has been making strange noises for a while, it must be something speciel between us because you have them too" Sola said a little cheerfully, Jean could feel her body really hungry, maybe more than Sola, the others were fine and her mother was finally able to study some as the slime deity was more calmed.

Zilrax: "Ah... Ziru, we're kinda hungry, do you have anything...," asks Sunflower questioningly as she looks to Ziru, still holding a hand over where she got stabbed. She'd best not let her mate worry about it... She wasn't sure Sola could do much against that...

GM: The slime woman and her many copies were just resting as they see what each of them were doing, but soon mostly all turn to Celine until some join to the possible main body. "Heh... i was not expecting than it were so soon. here drink as much as you need, i will do my best to feed all as much as possible" Ziru said as some of her slimy tentacles get close Jean and Sola. For what it looks Ziru was the main thing than could be used as food yet said than she will try to feed them l as long as possible could be worrisome
Zilrax: "Well, don't over do it? I mean I'm used to having you inside me, but I don't wanna explode, ehe.," blushes Sunflower, before taking her into her mouth, "Given how often you;ve broken me down and remade me, I have to wonder how much of you is already in me."

GM: "Heh, that never. Im just amazed for your need, after fill a human they should endure at least ten times more" Said this she let both suck f her tendrils, pistoning softly to make the two have some arousing from theirs sluty sides. "Oh... i must suppose than not more of 10 or 20%... the quantity could increase with the time, but nothing to worry now" Ziru said, maybe hidding some things but certainly all would be fine at the end for all the people in her dimension after al she has been so lonely for a long time to harm them.

Zilrax: Sunflower smiles, feeding as she shivers as she get's aroused, trusting Ziru. She had tons of ways to betray them all, and she hadn't. Sunflower trusted her completly, her first partner. She already considered Ziru one of her mates.

GM: "nice, i can get used to this~" Ziru said as she sit on the floor leaving both girls choice if they want to sit over her gel body. Te mage would enjoy every second as she gulp the nutritivee and addictive slime until all her needs were calmed out of the great arousal inside her of course. Sola was with a softly pink tone was she blush in some need too. Of course than there was all the many candidates than Jean could take. "Its maybe a boring place, but i would enjoy if all decide to stay for a long time" the slime girl said to both fruit girlsas she wait their next move.

6:28:40 PM) [email protected]: Sunflower swallowed her mates offering, getting deeply aroused and loving the taste of her, before pulling off, groaning. Mmm, so many potential mates... "Mmm, it's been a bit since it was you and me Sola... Come here.," she growls lustily, wanting to comfort her better half.
(6:45:30 PM) plmnko: The young elf was trying her best to control her arousal when the great sorprise of heard what her lover demand bring joy to her heart. "Just us~, i will do my best " Sola answer smiling certainly she started to remember how her lover and her shared great moments in her world and now they will do the same in this strange new place. They look for a safe place where both could focus on only them, but of course the whole plane would make tehm unable to be alone, Ziru will certainly enjoy to see them as she does with the rest of them.

Sola started to give a soft tocuh at Jean's neck, her sweet breat warming the human ear as she move slowly down, kissing her neck and her handsoftly touching Jean's back and rear. Meanwhile Jean's dicks were already hard and pressing against Sola's body who insit her to take her now or do it kind, in any way Jean was sure than both would enjoy it.

Zilrax: Sunflower doesn't mind the show, her pressing against Sola as she kisses down her body, her smiling at her as she carresses Sola's breasts with her hair. "Mmm... I've not given you the attention you need enough lately. So why don't you take the lead this time, love. I'm all yours, and I'm sure you'd love to play with my body physically, and maybe magically."

GM: The mage's hair had a full opening to enjoy the two Sola's breast sets, the touch easily causing some squirm and whimpery moans from the paink haired elf. "It has been for try to save ours new friends... im sure than you will cure them soon and then we can feed them" Sola said between her kind treatment, her hand correctly moving across the human lower lips, meanwhile she used her mouth to pleasure some erogenous zones of her lover, no doubt Sola could detect them easily as the lust given to Jean was shared with her.

"Good, it would be fun, but im worried to use my magic in this place, it was hard to heal that girl of our kind" Sola said talking about the possibility of use her magc with Jean, she help her lover to get a seat and then when this was confortable she continue trying to pleasure the mage without focus too much in her twon cocks. They passed some minutes in that relaxing sexual pampering, as Jean could feel some worries from her lover as one of her fingers started to poke at Jean's cocks... almost as if she was starting to decide herself to try something at the mage's rods.

Zilrax: Sunflower moans and squirms happily as Sola plays with her body before she carresses the fruit druids cheek with a smile. "Go ahead. You'd let me do it to you without hesitation. So feel free to use me as your canvas, love..."

GM: Sola softly chuckle before saying than if she hope to do it half as good Jean made her always feel. Her kind touch improve into a more direct, causing her firsts tests with her magic be small spells to increase the pleasure of her lover, Jean could bet than Sola could make her cum easily just stroking her member or playing with her breasts, if this get improved maybe Sola could try many things of a great advanced level. "Look, i still wear yours precious gifts... but our mother asked me to remove them for moments when we were reaching the gate." Sola said as she show her hand where Jean presents rest. "Should i wear them again or wait until i had sattled your needs, my love." Sola add, sure than Jean would love to have control of her and make her cum as much as she want it.

Hungry of the pleasure given by the sacret twin rods of her lover, the elf started to lick and prepare both of them as the arousal increase many times of what it should, both girls feeling it and then it come the moment waited for the duo, Sola slowly impaled herself in both members as she cast her powers, Jean could feel her dicks feel as roots yet this was just the power of sensibity earned for this moment. The elf moan in happiness as Jean feels her body react for itself, making a rough sex to her lover. "Good... i love it... lets not stop my Sun" Sola begs as she start to lost herself in her lust, losing herself as she get close Jean's breasts and focus her power on them changing them so she could enjoy a second pair of things similars as cocks, sucking and making her lover feels how her now four cocks wanted to cum and pain the pink haired elf of white hot cream. (Jean got temporal nipple dicks)

Zilrax: Sunflower gasps as her cocks are made even more sensitive, moaning. "Mmm next time, love. I'll make good use of em but right now I want you to have your turn on top." She shudders as Sola works at her, before sinking herself into sola, gasping as she's rode. she moans in pleasure, before yelping a bit as she's given nipple cocks, staring in surprise, before flushing, her gasping, "Oh I'm so close already! Ah, I'm going to cot you! Ah.. Then maybe I'll fuck your breasts with mine... Oh geez, how depraved ehehe..." She was adapting to the sheer ludicrous and debased sexuality everyone around her seemed to love and encourage of her. She pressed in and made out lustily with her partner, eager to give her all the pleasure and love she wanted, and all the cum she could produce for Sola.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

GM: "That and more is what i wish for you to do to me... that is your way to show how much we love each other" Sola answer as the mage start to get ready to hold the elven closer, the pink haired one in her words show than the words depraved is not her goal or the one of her mate, for her bring thae cahnges of her lover and what the human have in their mind have only two goals, reproduction and share theirs affection feelings at each other. In any way her face show her arousal and lust growing as her peak get close too thanks to get a share of what her mate's cocks get of arousal.

The young elf couldnt endure it more than Jean could as they never had experimented something as four eyaculations at the same time, theirs bodies press as these try to endure what this shoking pleasure could cause and as this happen Sola's holes and hands increase beyond the point at Jean's members, the mage unable to hold more bring the ecstasy and her seed get out toward Sola in any way than the dual futa have in mind. With Sola recovering it was turn of Jean take the lead or give it to the elf again

Zilrax: Sunflower Moans as she get's so close, unable to handle the quadruple threat, before gasping and hugging Sola against her and sinking her nipples inside Sola's own while thrusting eagerly with her whole body. She pants, before trembling and crying out as she climaxes all over, pumping all that thick otherworldly seed into her breeder love. Pulling out as she recovers a moment, she smirks a bit at her lover as she hefts her up a bit and pushes her niopples inside Sola;s second set of breasts, moaning as shelets her tail plunge inside Sola;s needy slit, thrusting like that.

GM: Easily taking her lover closer, the human climax deep inside Sola who happily cant stop her moan by the great experience of her lower holes and breasts being pounded deep inside and soaked inside by the fertile cock cream.

Jean meanwhile, couldnt do more than cum as she feels the narrow meat walls, feeling the warm milk and nectar at the same time than she get at her peak, it was different in some ways from Sola's pussy yet she love it too, every inch grow theirs arousals to high levels and once done Jean couldnt stop herself and take the elven up and closer, taking the virginity of her second pair of breasts, maybe wishing than these get expanded once she get them filled with her jizz. Sola enjoy the idea and hold herlsef with her arms around Sunflower, trying to enjoy her sweat skin as the passion gets on them a small shine by the small sweatdrops, the thrusts started again, as Sola said how much she love the human and begs for her to continue making them both feels connected as it should be, wishing to be used until Jean could had reached some sattle of her high libido.

It was mather just time for Jean to cum aloud, to feel her lover swell to hold as much of her seed inside her, if Jean wanted to fill her more of a tenth load then some would start to escape from the elven yet this would still have a hold on her, maybe wishing more until suddenly a red kind hand touch at Jean's shoulder "Sorry to interrupt, both are so cute... but we must prepare all to find out how to save ours worlds" Her mother said looking to be slighty worried, maybe Jean could have some time to do some things, but for the human there was not need to rush.

zilrax: Sunflower groans, happily mating her lover silly, pumping more young into her breasts before gasping. She contemplated having a go at the third set when her mother interrupted. "Mmmf. We need to go through the next gate on the next world. I'm... Going to try cleansing those three by mating them, it's worked before. After that I guess we can be ready. You out of questions and cuddles for Ziru, mom?"

GM: "These are great news, im sure than you will find a cure for these three girls" Her mother answer trying to be happy yet what continue was important stuff. "Your friend Ziru certainly if filled with knowledge and endless needs for cuddles, its for some preliminars research than i get to the conclusion than the concept of time cant be measured, im sure than she shared with me a long time, maybe weeks or more yet in some of my devices it show years or just seconds"

Zilrax: "Yeah we're between time and space here, mom. There's no time at all here really. It's complicated to imagine but it's the space between spaces. Rules don't apply here so much. It's why Ziru can do things beyond mortal comprehension. And yeah gonna try. Between my abilities, the demon tricks I was taught and such and Sola I'm hoping that mating them will help them. Though it seems like they already bred each other quite silly."

GM: "Of course, i can understand than what is happening here would be a mystery even if we stay here for years... what shouldnt be a problem, but we arent Ziru and this place could affect us. At least my needs for intercouses not aiming for feeding has increased in these maybe weeks of feed from her fluids." The red alien said before raise up.

"Maybe im just worried for my world and im trying to find a reason than not exist to leave, once again im sorry for interrupt. If i had some of ours machines i could find a way to cure them, still im sure than you can do a better job" Said this she rubs and caress Jean head before let her continue

Zilrax: Sunflower smiles, kissing Sola. "Mmm, how about you go make love to Mom and comfort her while I go help them. She's anxious and we should get going soon too."

GM: " She must miss a lot the warm light all over us in our home, dont worry my love i will make her feel loved" Sola answer after their charming kiss and enjoy the press of her swollen body over her lover when their mom talked with them, giving some last kind touch at her lover before happily get up and follow the alien to mate.

Sola wouls run and hug her from behind as fast as she could, giggling as she talk with their mother, it was unknown if the red alien could understand her, yet Sola intentions for get lifted or her rubs at the alien tail were some easily clues of what she wanted. It was only matter of time before their needed mother feed of her a nutritive and safe source for her race.

For the three others aliens, the corruption on the in love pair has made them only have eyes for themselves, wishpering and cuddling between matings, the completely broke was od course wit her eyes blank and lost looking the infinite of the space

Zilrax: Sunflower decided to start with the hard one, leaning down and kissing the poor broken one as she got hard, gently running her cock up near her mouth. "Poor dear... Let me in to help you, and free your mind and soul...," she says gently, before sliding herself in, trying to cleanse her with her love, sex, and by venturing in gently to try and wake her up, combinging all she is and all she knows to help her.

GM: The fruit girl could feel the breath and live still on the broken alien, yet her words dont get an answer as also her cock when this get close and then get insde the alein mouth. The normal intercourse was unable to work as the alien looks to be so gone to enjoy of feel anything. Of course all this changed when she focused in her magic and demon side, she noticed than she could make react the empty vassel, order this to do as she please as part of her, it was easy as there was nothing stoping her inside. She could make her beg, moan beyong any slut or meat slave could for her cock and jizz, make her body react and cum aloud with some more focus, but all thsi will not bring her back.

Jean dont stop or desist, she focus all of herself, every attempt more than the other until her glove shine and her seed looks to cause some moans comming out the alien without Jean order her to do it. "Mom looks to be better, is she fine now, my love?" Sola said as she was behind Jean trying than the appendages of the alien pound faster inside her so the elf could feed the poor alien.

Zilrax: Sunflower gasps as her glove makes a reaction, her blinking. "Some. My glove... My other mom's glove. Seems to concentrate or cleanse something? I don't know... Ask Ziru after, ah...," she moans as she thrusts faster and more eagerly, happy she's starting to react on ehr own

(8:59:50 PM) plmnko: "yum, i would love to know more of your other mom" Sola answer as she also continue to do whatever she was doing. With most of Jean focused on her task, the mage continue her eagerly pounding at the slighty better alien girl, this continue for a while until Jean couldnt hold herself any longer getting a climax as her seed fill the poor alien girl cheeks.

Unfortunately this time there was not a reaction yet before she could stop herself to ponder, Sola get behind Jean and started to rhytmicaly push her back deep inside the alien's mouth. "Its all fine, im sure than you are close to do it, Sun" Said this Sola beg for Jean to focus as her breasts were pressed against Jean's back, the elf should from the start reaching to get some of the passion from the mage, yet it was not important now as Jean needed to focus all of her even her more dark lust to do her task, Sola move then her arm and caress the hand covered by the glove rub at it softly to make some of Jean focus aim to it, Jean then could notice the beg and feelings from Sola as both tried to make the alein answer even more to theors acts and then for a sudden second her dick get taken deep inside the alien throat as her mouth work to suck the member and invite it to cum.

Jean was not sure of the rest of what happened, maybe her glove react again or her magic does the job, what she know is than she has placed her seed inside that woman and her answer was great for be broken just some minutes ago.

Zilrax: Sunflower gasps as she works the alien, pouting a bit at the no answer. "Not much to know, I never met her... I know she;s a demon though." She squeaks as her love presses against her back, encouraging her to rut faster. She gasps and shivers, letting her love help her focus, to focus the rest of her as she thrusts faster, gasping as the alien suddenly drains her seed into her oral womb. She moans loud then blinks. "Ah.. well progress? Keep doing what you;re doing love, it seems to only work with both of us here now..."

GM: "Im sure than she is much like you... kind and good between many others things than i love" Sola said as they focus to get the alien to drink the seed of the fruit girl.

The great answer made them stop and admire how good the girl looks now. "Yes, lets do it as much as needed" Sola said before try to repeat what she was trying, yet they were stoped by the friendly mantled demon woman. "That is enough, healing a so weak soul must take some time between sessions, nothing good will come from urry the healing" Kara said as she pull the two fruit girls with some of her magic.

Zilrax: "Oh. Uh. Thanks Kara.," says Sunflower, blushing a bit as she;s plucked up magically, looking a little embaressed at Kara pulling her nude, sex soaked body free. "And I have no idea Sola. She was a demon but guess they aren;t all bad..."

GM: "My research show than humans are more easily to guide to the wrong path and corrupt than demons" Kara said as she looks to dont care too much how exposed both fruit sweaty girls are now. "And your mother is in your world or in the one than you looks to close that door?" Sola ask as she give some soft clean at her lover body with her feminine hands.

Zilrax: "Oh. Uh. Thanks Kara.," says Sunflower, blushing a bit as she;s plucked up magically, looking a little embaressed at Kara pulling her nude, sex soaked body free. "And I have no idea Sola. She was a demon but guess they aren;t all bad..."

GM: "My research show than humans are more easily to guide to the wrong path and corrupt than demons" Kara said as she looks to dont care too much how exposed both fruit sweaty girls are now. "And your mother is in your world or in the one than you looks to close that door?" Sola ask as she give some soft clean at her lover body with her feminine hands.

Zilrax: "Maybe... But then, we also choose the right path easier too.," huffs Sunflower a bit. She looks to Sola and shakes her head. "I don't know. She could be in either or neither for all I know. I never saw her or met her. I only know she's a demon because of what I am."

GM: Sola nods close to feel a little bad about Jean and what could be an imposible task to find the human mother when Kara add. "There should be some ways to find her, but for now there is not need to find her and her search could turn into just a distraction for our goals. " Of course she decide to stop their little talk about who is more evil between human and demons, as this could end into an unneeded discussion easily.

"Then, we could look for her in the demon world and if she is not there then we could just close the door and then focus on any method to find her" Sola add happily as she hold Jean's hand "If im not busy with something more when that get solved, yes. Now why not both continue to heal that creature? There is a lot to see here, so i let both alone for now" With this said Kara leave them to talk with Ziru some more and check the only door at the place.

Zilrax: "Agreed. My mothers location isn't important... Though it is thanks to her glove this is working.," nods Sunflower, before returning to her work, smiling at Sola, "Heh... So you feel what I feel right? So in a way you're breeding them too since you were mixed with me... Doesn't that make you excited?"

GM: Sola chuckle as she move to hug her lover. "Ours feelings are connected and breeding with them brings me joy, i know than we are doing good and i feel good when you mate with them. Please continue and let me help you" Sola was aroused indeed and she should be as Jean waiting to continue healing and mating with these alien girls, it may be possible to heal all what they could this broken one in their next season and if all goes right, the alien duo waiting for them would feel even better.

Zilrax: Sunflower nods and slides back into the aliens maw with a moan, thrusting eagerly as she let Sola help her, letting her share in the pleasure and enjoying her encouragement, shivering in delight at sliding her cocks in their maws naughtily, even though she couldn't impregnate them, or at least far as she was aware.

GM: The dual futa was already pretty hard with just thinking in fuck the alien once again, mostly this heat builds for the idea to learn more about her and heal someone with their magic what is completely different of her usual old behavior of explode things.

Sola join too, softly caressing the weak alien and warming the tentacles, placing them close her breasts and lower holes to let their need for food start their lustful act. They start to move in weak reactions, poking softly as a weak wounded beast would do in this kind of events, the Alien mouth meanwhile fight to hold both cocks inside, the tongues inside lick at them almost as if they were thinking for themselves and suppose than these were long huge tentacles.

The small soul inside was in need to be saved and hold itself on the cause, making what it could to react and take hold on both fruit girls with theirs limbs and tentacles. Dry and in need she dont let them escape as Jean was also taken by the remain tendrils than strech her insides as these get deep inside, getting one close her mouth as this poke at her in need, the human could feel the arousal than Sola was earning as her small body was taken as the elf wanted, bouncing with each thrust as she try to lick and pleasure the lower half body of the alien.

Still with some control Jean could get some dominance over the tendrils or let them fuck her hard until this girl in need get sattled enough to let them leave.

Zilrax: Sunflower smiles and works and grasps the tentacles with her mouth and her muscles, pounding and working them, being alpha to the alien, her loving caring alpha seeking to shoot nice fertile cream to strengthen her soul and show and protect her, guide her to safety as she works eagerly. She thrusts eagerly, happily letting sola be dominated as she enjoys her partners body

GM: The tendrils take the chance and soon go all deep inside Jean, what soon was amazed to her ability to dont feel any problem as these pass deep inside her throat maybe looking the oral reproductor organs than any alien girl have, thinking than the mage was one of them, the apendages were kind with her, giving her a different threatment than the one Sola have now, yet both of them bring just a huge amount of pleasure to both fruit girls, both in a passionate and hungry way as they share the pleasure earned by the other.

Jean get absorbed in the touch given to her dual dicks as they get deep inside and pressed between the lips of her lover, soon her seed was milked out and placed inside the alien throat where her seed could get impregnated if a miracle happen. Yet this will not be the end, soon the tongues would start to move her cocks out her throat and then start to lick at the point of them, trying to get inside them to maybe pleasure them all the way to their roots.

The elf moaned in bliss only to have her mouth muffed by a tentacle, her small body was taken hard as she let some tears of joy by the way than she was getting used, her back arching when the male organs of her other side let out their seed inside the alien, it was amazing how much Sola could endure without pass out, Jean could feel how the elf insides were pleasured and used slighty roughty, her breasts milked as her nectar does, but out to wish to stop this, Sola tried to use her hands at the lower alien holes to incite the alien to fuck her more and feed of her until finally the tendrils release some of their juice to feed the pink haired girl, her body get overfully with more energy and lust, giving them to both the chance to continue this for a long time.

With this shared energy was not hard for Jean to pound for hours and fill the alien needs until this get her insides slighty round with the jizz given by the twin cocks, Sola also was sattled and very rounded

Zilrax: Sunflower moans loudly, pounding eagerly as they are filled and fill in turn, letting the alien enjoy her even as she worked to please the alien silly, before they were finally exhausted, her sliding loose from the alien with a pleased sigh. "Ooof... Damn... Here's hoping that helped her a lot hm, love?"

GM: With the alien releasing them from their hold, Sola softly whimper in delight before recover her breath the enough to answer. "Ouh, she looks to be very lively now, maybe she will be able to talk with us soon" Said this, the young elf fight for some moments to rise up and sit, Jean was fine yet if the others two aliens needed such attention she could maybe faint between their healing.

Zilrax: Sunflower nods, shivering, "Ooof, I need a few moments... I might faint if I gotta get to those two immediatly oof..."

GM: Needing some time to recover ehrself, Jean rest close the alien as Sola get close to cuddle together, the time needed was unknown yet when the time pass Jean would feel her body recover the enough to try continue her personal mission. "Are you better now, my love? Dunno how they will react, but if you have some way to do it i will follow you" Sola said as she helps the human to get up, thankfully her new changes on the elf body made her able to move more free after all the alein nectar placed on her.

Jean could see both lovers resting between theirs continuous mate sessions, whispering and softly touching overs tehirs bellies where their seed should had been given roots to create new life. They certainly will notice both fruit girls when they get close enough and they could easily use tehm to recover nutrients what would cause problems if they dont allow Jean to use tehirs mouths.

Zilrax: Sunflower moves over to the two lovers, smiling. "I'm glad to see you're both enjoying making lover. But now it's my turn. It'll help you and your children if you let me use your mouths. You can feed from my slit and breasts and my mates while I do so."