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Jen (Phoenix)

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Nov 12, 2008
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Waking up Jen is immediately shocked by her situation. Not remembering what happened before she blacked out, she is more concerned with the letter she finds tied to her wrist and that she has no idea how she'd been changed into a sports bra and cotton shorts. After reading the note she looks around and notices she has been dropped in what appears to be two hallways running in all four directions.

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Re: Jen (Phoenix)

Frightened by the turn of events, Jen's first reaction is to look through the area for anything that might help, especially for her clothes. Her eyes continue to dart about nervously while she does this.
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

Searching around a pile of rubbish near her, she finds her black skirt. It appears to have been torn a bit, but she manages to put it on without much of a fuss. Still very uncomfortable about the turn of events, she however begins to feel her pulse rate slow just a tiny bit.

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Re: Jen (Phoenix)

Maybe there's still a little more in there. Jen thinks hopefully as she tries to investigate the rubble. Her skirt was near the pile so maybe her shirt would be in their, too.
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

Continuing to rummage through the pile, she is started by what appears to be a large pile of silly putty. Jen's curiosity overcomes her and she nervously pokes it with her finger. When she does so, the glob jumps into the air. Startled, Jen leaps backward as the goo pile lunges toward her.

Flee (50% chance)
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

Panicking, Jen does the first thing that comes to her mind: she hastily tries to slap the thing away from her. During this, she starts backing away.
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

Jen swings at the glob but hits nothing but the air. Fortunately for her, as she backed away, she trips on the carpet. As she falls the glob flies harmlessly over her. As she gets on her hands and knees, she notices that the glob is moving quickly toward her. Not being on her feet, she knows she doesn't have the speed to run.

Re: Jen (Phoenix)

Struggling to get up quickly, Jen lashes out with one hand to try and bat away the thing whenever it comes close. She doesn't have much combat experience, but it doesn't take much to know how to slap something.
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

This time Jen connects with the glob, sending it rolling along the floor. Knocking it across the wall, she buys her some time to ponder her next move.

Glob's HP: 2

Flee North
Flee South
Flee East
Flee West

(Note that if you flee, the glob has a chance of following you)
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

Looking about the room making panicked noises, Jen realizes there is nothing on the doors she can use to stop the blob from chasing her. Unhappily, she merely starts backing away from the thing and preparing to try and bat it away if it comes close.
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

(I assume you are waiting?)

The glob again lunges at Jen. However, globs do not have the best intelligence in the world and misses Jen completely, slamming itself into the wall.

(You rolled a counter to its attack)

Glob's HP: 1

Flee North
Flee South
Flee East
Flee West
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

Jen shakily backs away from the creature. Still afraid to turn her back to it, and not knowing how she could stop it from following her. As a result she mostly ends up backing away and waiting until the creature comes at her again at which point she would try to bat it away.

(Often times, I'll have characters who aren't courageous enough to charge in and attack unless it looks like it might be safe to do that. Instead, they'll mostly try to counter attack instead)
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

(fine by me ^_^)

The glob slithers quickly toward Jen charging her legs. The glob impacts Jen's legs with surprising force, knocking her back into the wall. The glob seems to mold around both her legs, immobilizing her. Jan begins to panic, not knowing what will happen next.

Jen's Def: 2
Glob's HP: 1

Re: Jen (Phoenix)

Jen starts squeeling in fear, bringing her hands down against the creature to try and knock it off. Let go, let go, letgo, letgo, leggo, leggo, leggoleggoleggoleggoLEGGO!
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

In her panic, Jen flails wildly at the goo on her legs. Her uncoordinated, ungainly attack lands a couple soft blows, but nothing that seems to shake the grip of the glob on her legs.

(Block roll)

Jen's Def: 2
Glob's HP: 1

Re: Jen (Phoenix)

LEGGOLEGGOLEGGOMYEGGOLEGGOLEGGOLEGGOLEGGO! Jen creis out as once again she tries to beat the creature off of her body.
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

Jen focuses her energy and manages to land a square hit on the globs main "body." Shuddering under this massive blow, the glob slowly seeps off of her bare legs and into a puddle onto the floor. Taking a minute to recollect her thoughts, she calms down. She now must decied how to continue.

Jen's Def: 2
Glob's HP: -1

Search again
Travel N/S/E/W
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

Eh, eh, ehhh! Jen moans in panic before darting from the room through the closest door

Re: Jen (Phoenix)

Jen Finds herself in what appears to be a small cell. There is a simple desk and bed, along with a dresser and a sink. There is also an average looking man in a straitjacket sitting on the bed, facing the wall. He appears to not have heard Jan enter the cell.

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Re: Jen (Phoenix)

Wha...why is he...? Jen thinks before carefully avoiding him as she checks the desk and then dresser for anything of use.
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