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Jen's Adventure


Dec 6, 2009
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Jen had traveled for several hours after leaving Isfrallas and had finally managed to arrive at the outskirts of a massive complex that she assumed had to be the place where the mayor told her the mosters had taken the city's women. She could see several monsters outside of the gates even as she heard the cpatives' pleas to be released and screams. On the outside there appeared to be a few women that were made out of slime, two bee like women and and two warrior women with large swords. The first building was of moderate size and seemed to be made of mostly earth, rocks, vines, and moss. The Bees and the warriors left to other buisness leaving only the three slime women left at the gate.
Re: Jen's Adventure

Alright... I can do this... it's just some slimes... I only have to get in, find the girls and get out. That's all I need to do. Why did I have to need the reward money anyway. Jen starts mentally pepping herself before finishing her mental monologue with a whining question. Shaking herself a bit. She fires off a lightning bolt at the closest slime girl before Jen can lose what little courage she has drummed up.
Re: Jen's Adventure

Shaking a little bit the timid sorcerer girl lets out a lightning bolt at the middle slime.
SlimeGirl 1
8 damage
As the sizzling bolt of electricity is unleashed and anils the Slime woman in the middle in her chest she bursts into several thousand pieces before regaining into a puddle and fleeing.
Jen's Magic goes up to 1/30
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Re: Jen's Adventure

Okay... there's only two left and they haven't started charging yet. I can do this... Jen thinks before letting lose another bolt of lightning at the at a slime.
Re: Jen's Adventure

Jen lets loose a lightning bolt at another one of the slimes; even as one of them heads in her direction seeing that their comrade has been destroyed; and that they have a visitor.
Slime 2
8 damage
The second slime is hit with the lightning bolt also falling to several pieces. And like the last one it too reforms in a puddle before fleeing the battle, even as the last slime approaches Jen and attacks; slinging its sticky slime whip towards Jen's belly.
Slime 3
1 damage
Jen isn't quite fast enough as the whip connects, fourtanetly she is wearing armor so the impact is absorbed without causing her much harm.
Jen's Magic goes up to 2/30
Jen's Dodge goes up to 1/10
Jen's armor takes a hit going down to 9hp
Re: Jen's Adventure

Yeeeep! Jen squeals out in fear while stumbling back. Whimpering she brings up her hands to shield herself as she tries firing another lightning bolt at the last slime.
Re: Jen's Adventure

Jen fires a lightning bolt at the slime that just attacked her.
Slime 3
CRITICAL HIT! Double damage! 16 damage
This time the lightning bolt not only hit the slime woman but enveloped her in electricity running all through out her jelly like body and disintegrated her all together leaving only a handful of gold and a key to the door behind.
Jen's Magic goes up to 4/30
Jen finds 20 gold where the slimes used to be
Jen finds a Gate Key where the last slime used to be standing
Jen gains 1.5 XP from the battle
Re: Jen's Adventure

It's over? Yea- There's going to be more later... And I doubt those slimes will be the worst. Jen thinks as she gathers the coins and then moves to use the key on the door.
Re: Jen's Adventure

Jen walks into the dark building, it is void of a single window and only lit by the interval of torches hanging on the walls. The floor are made of hard and cold sandstone and has a pungent musky odor to it. To her right is a door, though she does not know if it is locked or not. To her left is a long hallway with what might be a door hidden by the poor light at the end. On the opposite side of the hallway, down the hall to her left, the wall opens into a chamber. Unfortunately, the poor lighting and the angle keep Jen from being able to see much of the inside area from here.
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Re: Jen's Adventure

Deciding to stick to following one side of the corridor so that she doesn't get lest, Jen makes a right turn and starts heading down the hallway to the door at the far end. She already was scared enough without risking getting lost in this complex.
Re: Jen's Adventure

As Jen walks down the corridor she looks over at the chamber on the right to make sure she doesn't alert any guards or anything. She spots two sleeping male orcs, and decides to proceed to the door at the end to avoid waking them up and having an unwanted fight. As Jen gets to the iron door at the end of the hallway she:

Puts her ear to the door to listen for enemies?
Tries to open the door as slightly and quietly as possible and peeks inside?
Heads back in the other direction?
Re: Jen's Adventure

Yeep! How many monsters are there in here? Jen thinks as she spots the orcs. Still, they were sleeping so she didn't have to deal with them. Moving over to the door, she tries to listen to what's on the other side. Hopefully it wouldn't be much, as Jen would rather not have to actually fight anything more. Especially if the monsters were stronger than slimes.
Re: Jen's Adventure

Jen puts her ear to the door and tries to see if she can pick up any monsters.
vs TN 9
Jen hears the sound of slime slowly scooting around the floor almost at a snails pace, as if the creature could barely move at all.

Proceed through the door?
Head back down the hallway?
barely crack the door open and hope you don't alert anything?

Jen's notice goes up to 1/10
Re: Jen's Adventure

Cracking the door open, Jen tries to slide inside without attracting attention. Slimes she could handle, especially since this one sounded slow. She could handle it. She didn't need to run... hopefully.
Re: Jen's Adventure

As Jen cracks the door open she sees what appears to be a woman with the body of a slug. It's body is covered in a kind of slime.
Giant Slug
vs TN 15
The slug woman does not seem to hear the door creak open nor the see Jen peeking in through the crack. As she meerly turns her head back and forth ever so slowly, oblivious to just about everything.

Attack! (Enemy oblivious, Sneak Attack +3 Bonus)
Slowly close the door back and head back in the other direction?
Re: Jen's Adventure

Wha... what is she? She isn't a slime... Still, she hasn't seen me. Maybe I can get away with punching her or something. My mana reserves are low and if she's like a slime she isn't very sturdy... Jen thinks, trying to press her advantage by sneaking up close enough to do a barehanded punch to the woman's head.
Re: Jen's Adventure

Jen goes to try to strike the slug woman catching her off gaurd.
Giant Slug
The punch connects and sends the slug reeling. "OWCH! That wasn't nice little girl! I think you need to seriously relax!" And with that the slug lets a strange chemical from it's body towards Jen.
Giant Slug
Special: Pheremones
The pheromones are not strong enough to effect Jen's mind and merely sprays a pungent mist in her face.

Jen's Fight Unarmed goes up to 1/10
Re: Jen's Adventure

*Cough* *Cough* Elllgghh, that smell is gyeh! Jen coughs out as she inhales the mist. If that's all she has, then maybe I can be her without magic. I hit her once, so maybe I can do this. Yeah, just have to think positive, I can beat her. She isn't too tough. Jen mentally pepes herself as she tries to punch the woman again.
Re: Jen's Adventure

Jen lunges out once again to punch the strange slug like woman.
Giant Slug
The slug manages to barely block the attack and Jen's fist becomes stuck her body as her skin makes contact with the sticky goo covering the woman's body. "I said CALM DOWN!" And she once again releases the chemical towards Jen, this time point blank as she is stuck to her.
Giant Slug
Special: Pheromones
Unfortuantely Jen's will is still too strong to be bent by the woman's strange chemical.

Jen's Fight unarmed goes up to 2/10
Re: Jen's Adventure

Ewwww... My hand stuck to her... Gross. Jen thinks, happily capitalizing on being somewhat grossed out by the woman to be distracted from the fact she is till fighting her. Then, in an effort to pull her hand free, Jen punches with the other hand while pulling with the stuck one. Hopefully it would not only free her hand, but hurt the slug woman as well.