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Jen's Adventure

Re: Jen's Adventure

Jen once again begins to twist and writhe around in the net attempt to stretch it out enough for her to escape.
vs TN 9
Jen just barely manages to squirm free of the webbing as the spiderwoman bears on the spot she was just at. "Come now! My eggs will only hurt going in for a bit, but then they'll start to fell good." She saids as she attempts to rip Jen's top off.
Jen just isn't fast enough to dodge as the spiderwoman's hand comes swiping down Jen's chest, yanking her top off and exposing her petite perky breasts once more.

Jen's Escape Dex goes up to 8/20
Jen's Dodge goes up to level 1
Re: Jen's Adventure

N-no, I'd r-rather not. Jen stutters out, backing away from the woman. Then, when her top is ripped off, Jen flinches, bringing one arm up to cover herself while the other swings out to try and hit the spider woman with a lightning bolt.
Re: Jen's Adventure

Jen tries to cover herself while at the same time unleashes a lightning bolt at the frightening spider woman.
6 damage
The lightning bolt makes contact with the woman spider and sends electricity surging through her body, not killing her but sending her reeling and making her drop Jen's top. "GAH! You impudent little wash board! Just for that I'm putting my babies in your ASS!" She shouts furiously as she fires off another shot of webbing at Jen hoping to hold her down.
Jen can't get out of the way as the spider woman's webbing once again lands a direct hit and traps Jen down on the ground.
Jen's Magic goes up to 8/30
Jen's Dodge goes up to 1/20
Re: Jen's Adventure

Jen gives out a short cry of terror before she starts wriggling about again, trying to roll out of the tangled and sticky webbing before the woman can grab hold of her as well to hold her further. At least the woman wasn't meaning to force anything into her special place, but things aren't supposed to go in her ass!
Re: Jen's Adventure

Jen begins squirming about with all her strength once again hoping to escape the web before the spider woman can carry out her threat.
vs TN 9
Its no use as the webbing continues to hold her down tight to the ground even as the spider woman advances upon her. "Now, then little intruder, let's get this nasty old copper armor out of the way, shall we?"
Unable to resist
The spider grabs Jen by the waist before flipping her over onto her belly and crawling on top of her back, sitting herself down firmly on top of the terrified little adventurer.
Jen's Escape goes up to 9/20
Re: Jen's Adventure

N0no! G-get off of m-me! Jen stutters out, frantically squirming. Maybe she could get the webbing stuck on the woman as well. Then, when the woman went to remove Jen's armor, she might be forced to break the webbing to do so and thus freeing Jen. That's what Jen hoped at least. She might just as easily make it to where she was stuck where the monster woman wanted her instead.
Re: Jen's Adventure

Jen begins squirming frantically, and desperately to get out from under the insect woman to avoid the fate that she has promised her.
Jen manages to squirm free of the spider lady but unfortunately is still stuck in the webbing.
Jen's Escape goes up to 10/20
Re: Jen's Adventure

Groaning slightly as she feels herself still held by the webbing, Jen tries to roll about, webbing permitting, to stick the webbing to various points on the floor around her. Hopefully, the more she stretched out the webbing the weaker it would become.
Re: Jen's Adventure

Jen begins to roll about on the floor trying to get the webbing stuck to it, so it would be easier to break free from.
vs TN9
Jen manages to get free from the webbing as it sticks and stretches out to the floor, spreading itself out too thin and snapping, even as the spider woman makes another attempt to restrain her.
Jen just isn't fast enough though as the spider woman lunges at her, tackling her to the ground.
Jen's Escape goes up to 11/20
Jen's Dodge goes up to 2/20
Re: Jen's Adventure

Gah! Jen cries out as the spider woman tackles her before she can even stand up. Trying to get out from under the woman, Jen tries to slide out to the space between the woman's abdomen and legs so that the woman would have almost no hold on her. She did not want that woman holding her there long enough to stick things were things should not be stuck.
Re: Jen's Adventure

Jen attempts to slide out out of the womans grip underneath her body.
Jen continues to struggle against the woman's grasp but it's just no use, she's too strong for Jen as she flips her around this time and goes to unlatches Jen's leg armor, exposing her her plain white panties which the spider woman quickly removes; exposing Jen's neither regions to the cold dungeon air; before she flings it to the other side of the room.
Jen's Escape goes up to 12/20
Re: Jen's Adventure

N-no! Jen cries out in terror as she feels the coolness of the air tingling unpleasantly against certain parts of her body. In sheer desperation she tries to slide her body out from under the spider woman, aiming to go between a pair of the woman's legs so that the woman can't finish what she's trying to do.
Re: Jen's Adventure

Jen tries to slide out of the spider womans arms, desperately trying to avoid the coming insemination.
(Critical Success)
It's no use there's no escape for her as the bizarre and sinister spider like woman has a vice grip on her, refusing to release her. "Hmmm, instead of your ass, I think I'll settle for that pink little pussy of yours after all. I hope you're not a virgin because this will hurt like hell, if you are." She saids with an evil malicious laugh as she brings up her egg tube and jams it directly into Jen's moistening folds of her pussy.
Special Ability: Lay Egg

Jen receives one pleasure damage going down to 6.5
Jen is now pregnant, 4 turns until eggs are hatched.
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Re: Jen's Adventure

Feeling the tube penetrate her body, Jen gives of a cry of pain as she flinches at the feeling of having something bigger than her fingers in her body for the first time. Desperately, she tries to slide her body forward and away from the tube, tears leaking down her cheeks as she is violated.
Re: Jen's Adventure

Jen tries desperately to get away from the spider woman even as she is being violated by the strange creature.
It seems hopeless as the sinister and bizarre spider-woman cross creature maintains her rip on the frightened and pitiful young girl.
Special Ability: Lay Egg
Jen lets out another cry of pain and pleasure as the freakish nightmare of giant spider and woman shoves another one of her eggs down into Jen's most precious place.
Jen's escape goes up to 14/20
Jen takes 1 Fatigue damage going down to 9 FP
Jen takes one pleasure damage going down to 5.5
Jen is Pregnant, 3 turns until eggs are hatched
"Don't worry little one. It will start to feel good after a while, and all you have to do give birth to my babies and it will all be over with." The spider womans saids with a sadistic giggle.
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Re: Jen's Adventure

Panicky and terrified because of the situation and the pain, Jen's mind jumps to choosing one of the few tactics that were universally recommended against back in the school where she used magic: Using lightning magic against someone who is touching you. Not considering the consequences and wanting the pain and strange feelings to stop, Jen tries to wriggle around enough to bring a palm flat against the monster woman's abdomen and unleash a lightning bolt.
Re: Jen's Adventure

Jen tries to wriggle around enough to bring a palm flat against the monster woman's abdomen and unleash a lightning bolt.
+4 for being point blank range
Unable to dodge
6 damage
Being right on top of the insect woman makes it very easy for Jen to score a hit on her an the lightning courses through the spider lady's body sending it into oblivion.
Jen takes 1 damage from the backlash

Jen gains 2XP from the battle
Jen takes 1 point of damage going down to 1HP
Jen's Magic goes up to 9/30
Jen is pregnant 2 turns until the eggs hatch

Stop and rest to recover and let the eggs hatch?
Move forward?
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Re: Jen's Adventure

Whimpering, Jen backs herself into a corner, crying slightly as she holds herself. For a time, she would fall asleep, trying not to remember what just happened to her.
Re: Jen's Adventure

Jen takes a few minutes to rest and attempt to get over the whole horrible ordeal. She is mercifully free from any intrusions as no monsters arrive during that time. There is a door in the upper left hand corner; in the bottom is a serpentine network of areas, the first one 2x2 with two doors on top; which leads to 3x3 room.

Head through the connected rooms?
Go through the door in the upper right corner?
Rest until the eggs hatch?

Jen has recovered 1HP going up to 2HP
Jen recovers 1FP going up to 10FP
Jen is pregnant, 1 turn until eggs are hatched.
Re: Jen's Adventure

Lying against the wall, Jen continues her soft sobs as she feels the alien sensations within her. This was not what she was thinking she would be dealing with when she decided to come here. She should have stuck to guarding caravans or simply studying at the school.