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Jen's Adventure

Re: Jen's Adventure

After reclining against the wall for a few hours Jen began to feel a strange and alien feeling deep within her womb as the spiderwoman's eggs begin to hatch in her loins. She moans and groans in misery as she feels the prickling sensation of the newly born insects' legs crawl around in her insides as a spider slowly manages to make it to her opening, slowly crawling out of her pussy before reaching the cold hard floor ans scuttering away, followed shortly by its sibling, leaving a mess of Jen's sex juices and spider icker in and around her most precious place.

Head through the connected rooms?
Go through the door in the upper right corner?

Jen recovers 14 mana and 11 pleasure from resting.
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Re: Jen's Adventure

Shuddering in disgust and unhappiness, Jen quickly stumbles towards the exit farthest from where the spiderlings went. She doesn't care which exit she takes. She just wants away from those things.
Re: Jen's Adventure

Jen goes up into the upper left hand corner of the room coming to two doors, one right below her and one right in front of her.

Go through the bottom door?
Go through the door on the left?
Re: Jen's Adventure

Eventually, in her stumbling, Jen calms enough to think sensibly. Because of this, she quickly moves to the both doors trying to listen at each of them. It would probably be best if she made sure she could handle whatever she fought next.
Re: Jen's Adventure

Jen puts her ear against both doors to check for any unwanted encounters.
vsTN9 (first door) failure
vsTN9 (bottom door) success

Jen doesnt hear anything behind the left door but at the bottom door she can hear the sounds of girls wailing and moaning, almost like banshess and ghosts.

Jen's notice goes up to 2/10

Go through the left door?
Go through the bottom door?
Re: Jen's Adventure

Th-the left door definitely sounds safer right now. Jen thinks as she heads through the left door. Trying to quietly open it in case there was something inside that she hadn't heard. This place is scary and... erg...
Re: Jen's Adventure

As Jen opens the door and steps into the room somewhat a stonelike demon woman comes leaping down from the ceiling behind her, kicking the door closed with her leg.
As the woman tries to grab Jen's breasts from behind, she hears the door shut , spins around to see her assailant, and twirls away from the creature, to see a grey skinned woman with wings, horns, a tail and a penis looking right at her. "My what a cute little thing it is that has stumbled into my chamber." the stone demon saids licking her chops as she eyes Jen up and down.
Jen's dodge goes up to 4/20
Re: Jen's Adventure

Yeee! Jen squeals out in fright as she stumbles back, intimidated by the woman appearing in front of her. Scared and still upset by her last encounter, Jen doesn't even reach the point where she starts to think about what just happens and instead sends out a bolt of lightning at the woman.
Re: Jen's Adventure

Jen squeeks out in fright at the creature attacking her letting out a bolt of lightning at the creature hoping to put it away.
6 damage
The lightning hits the creature, sending electricity coursing through the stonewoman's body, knocking her out cold.
Jen's Magic goes up to 10/30
Jen gains 1.5xp
I think I'm going too easy on you :\
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Re: Jen's Adventure

Shivering, but relieved that her attack had worked, Jen decides at a glance that the woman would have nothing of value given that she is naked and therefore Jen glances about the room for anything important as well as for a door.
Re: Jen's Adventure

(Random roll - Treasure: 1-50 equals nothing, 51-100 equals treasure - 90)
Jen spots a large wooden chest with a rusty lock on its face up in the corner of the room. She walks up to it and opens it and finds 25 gold and a lesser mana potion.
Lesser Mana potion
restores 10 mana

Jen has received 25 gold
Jen has received 1 Minor Healing potion

As Jen continues searching she see that there are also two doors on the bottom of the room, side by side.

Go down the bottom left door?
Go down the bottom right door?
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Re: Jen's Adventure

Moving down to the doors, Jen listens at both of them, again trying to find out what is inside. While she hadn't heard the person in this room. She was able to tell that there were several things in the other room, so it did help to listen last time.
Re: Jen's Adventure

vsTN9 success

vsTN9 Success

As Jen puts her ear to both of the doors, she can hear the same ghost like wailing and moaning but whenever she listens to the door on the right, she can make out 3 seperate voices.

Jen's notice goes up to 4/10
Re: Jen's Adventure

The door on the left definitely sounds safer again. One of whatever is there is better than three. Jen thinks, going to the left door and trying to gently ease it open. Hopefully she can do so without attracting the attention of those inside.
Re: Jen's Adventure

Jen attempts to quietly sneak by whatever enemies she might have to face.
Jen isn't lucky enough as the creaking of the door opening alerts on of the ghost in the other area past the right door turns her way, "You are not welcome here, little one." The ghost saids in a hauntingly mournful voice, as it turns in Jen's direction.
Jen's sneak goes up to 3/10
(Sorry, the areas are connected, and they passed your sneak check.)
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Re: Jen's Adventure

Jen whimpers as she realizes that several of the women seem to have noticed her. Trying to avoid a fight where she would be outnumbered, Jen nods at the ghost who spoke before trying to slide around the edge of the room towards another door, presuming there is one. Otherwise, she just backs back out the door.
Re: Jen's Adventure

Jen ducks back into the room she just left through the door she came in from, slamming it shut behind her, before leaning it against, hyperventilating in fear and shock wondering what she should do next?

What IS she going to do?
Re: Jen's Adventure

Unhappily, Jen heads back towards the room where she faced the spider woman so that she can head back the way she came earlier. Maybe there was a room she missed back this way.
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Re: Jen's Adventure

Jen heads back through the spider woman's room and out the door on the other side where she is confronted by three lithe flat chested women with purple hair, hair, horns and batwings. "Oh, look sisters. We have a visitor. Did you come to play with us little one?" They ask mischievously.
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Re: Jen's Adventure

Wh-wha... who are you? Jen asks, backing away slightly. However, at the same time, another set of thoughts would pass through her head, Th-they don't look very big... maybe th-they aren't dangerous like the others...