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Jigramund - WIP


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Nov 10, 2008
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Known Races:

Humans: Wide-spread, found pretty much anywhere. Found in all social classes, however distribution is not even in all places.

Orcs: Found primarily in Cantalina, which is currently viewed as their homeland. Most of the members of this race found elsewhere are either about on some manner of liasion, or are serving in some merchant or mercenary capacity. Far more cultured that the most commonly held image of Orcs in fantasy settings.

Gnomes: Native to the regions that organized into the Confederation of Nurich, Gnomes are best known for their expertise in clockwork devices and their scruplous, and discreet, business practices in regards to banking.

Halflings: Residing in Cassomme, Halflings are best known for their intense snobbery with regards to culinary pursuits, although there is a more normal range of interests and skills amongst them.

Dwarves: Long-standing allies and constituents of the Altdren Emperors, the Dwarves are often at the forefront of, or at least heavily involved in, that nation's leading engineering endeavours.

Elves: Long-lived and mystically inclined, the once wide-spread Elves have in recent centuries been gathering in the nation of Petrav, although they still maintain sizable communities elsewhere.

Goblins: Laid-back masters of sailing found in colonial holdings of Alvius and Cantalina.

Note on the prospect of interracial fertility: While certain races have been known to inter-marry, with all that entails, the children of such unions always take after one parent or the other, usually the mother. Those that take after the father often, though not always, prove a difficult birth. It is far from uncommon for the mother, and sometimes the child as well, to not survive. For the most part, this means that for all practical purposes they are treated as a full member of the race of the parent they take after. Despite centuries of clandestine magical experimentations (including those performed by practitioners of the dark arts), as well as decades of scientific studies, no means of truly "hybridizing" the races exist.

Key Realms:

Kingdom of Alvius: Currently highly prestigious kingdom, primarily of human stock. Due to control of numerous colonies and trade routes world-wide, it is more commonly referred to as the "Alvian Empire", although it is still officially a kingdom. Roughly equivalent to Victorian-era British Empire.

Altdren Empire: Perhaps one of the more influential continental powers, the Altdren Empire is perhaps best noted for being the home of the largest population of Dwarves. This give them a strong edge in regards to engineering endeavors, as the Dwarves seem to have a natural affinity for such matters. Roughly equivalent to Germany under Chancellor Bismarck.

Kingdom of Cantalina: Containing wide stretches of warm temperate and sub-tropical land, Cantalina is considered the homeland of the Orcs. Notable for large plantations and a wide-range of available produce and products derived from the crops. Roughly equivalent to colonial-era Spain.

Kingdom of Cassomme: Cassomme in general, and its capital city of Goave in particular, strive to be the cultural center of the world. While certainly prominent in the area of fashion, much of the Sommen views on cuisine, often espoused by the Halfling race which calls the country its homeland, are often found to be contentious, especially when trying to press a particular view that runs counter to the local flavor. Roughly equivalent to France.

Confederacy of Nurich: The homeland of the Gnomes, Nurich is best known for its impressive banking system, both well-regulated and discreet, as well as the impressive level of expertise in clockwork engineering. Unsurprisingly, Nurich is also known for its policy of strict neutrality in world politics, the better to serve the interests of its clients in banking. Roughly equivalent to Switzerland.

Empire of Petrav: Currently the "capital" of the world's Elven population, Petrav is often see as being slightly backwards, due to its slow start to modernization. It is, however, one of the largest national powers in the world and possessed of a strong national identity. Roughly based on late Tzarist Russia.

Kingdom of Mures: Unified from fractious smaller states, Mures started out diplomatically neutral, like Nurich. However, in recent years it has become isolated from the rest of the world, and seems to have turned into a heavily guarded military state. Many rumors persist about the questionable advances in science that have occurred within its guarded borders. It capital city is known to be the city of Cordova. Based heavily on Promethea from the setting.

Notable Persons:

Don Domingo Luiz Fernandez: Upper class Orc noble from Cantalina. Currently serving as the Cantalin liasion to the League. Known for having accidentally founded Villa Fernandez, due to insisting on having certain services local to his plantation. The Fernandez Plantation is also known for its assortment of excellent brandy, rum, and fine wines, as well as a selection of other beverages originating from some of Cantalina's distant colonies.

Katarina Molonova: Middle class Elven adventuress from Petrav. Active member of the League, suspected as an agent of the Petran crown.

Nikolai Alexsandrovich Shendov: Middle class Human architect from Petrav. Mixed Human/Elven heritage, former army doctor dishonorably discharged from service due to numerous reports of unnecessary and questionable surgeries. Current whereabouts unknown, believed to be in Cordova.

Jean Aguirre: Upper class Human scholar from Cassomme. Known for arguments with members of the Guild. Disappeared from the University of Goave after a conversation with two men, one believed to be Shendov. Thought to be hiding in Cordova.

Heinrich von Mandred: Middle class Human scientist from Nurich. Formerly Upper class, disowned by family, although maintained significant personal savings. Considered something of a disgrace in the scientific community, due to fascination with unusual, wild theories. Current whereabouts unknown.

Victor Feldstrum: Upper class Dwarven Engineer from Altdren. Highly respected Master Engineer within the Order. Known to have some contact with the adventurer Vincent Serin. Currently believed to have been behind the design and construction of several pieces of Serin's equipment, including the armored naval warship that Serin commanded against the Acheron.

Vincent Serin: Legendary Human adventurer, latest scion of the notable Serin family. Among his achievements include his noteworthy adventuring debut that resulted in the avenging of the Alvian cruiser Nelson against the Ebon Empire's ironclad warship Acheron, leading the final charge against the Demonologist-Emperor of the Ebon Empire, and more recently the halting of the Black Blade rebellion against the Alvius crown lead by Dr. Edward Barlowe and Sir Henry Kraven. This last action was marred slightly, due to Serin taking a direct approach to solving the problem upon learning of both men's involvement in the dark arts. Although there were murder charges leveled against the adventurer, pressure from the League, as well as evidence of misconduct on the part of the victims presented by the Guild, led to the dismissal of the charges. Since then, Vincent's profile has been drastically minimalized, and current gossip is that he has recently infiltrated the borders of Mures, seeking to learn the truth about what's going on in that silent country.

Noteworthy Organizations:

The Stalwart and Most Excellent Guild for the Regulation and Safety of Magic and Sorcery: International organization of mages and sorcerers, it is often simply called "the Guild". According to the Treaty of Nevils, which was signed by all existing powers, the Guild is the sole legal source for occult lore and magical training. Although "petty mages" exist, they are subject to extensive penalties if found (usually extremely hefty fines and imprisonment), unless they are discovered due to application for Guild licensing. All magic users must be licensed and trained in "proper" use of spells. This is done through courses of study resulting in degrees, much like extended university learning. Two branches of magical lore have been declared "dark arts" and are banned: Demonology and Necromancy. Discovery of unsanctioned study (and sanctioning is nearly impossible to receive) into either discipline is grounds for confiscation of all occult lore and related paraphernalia, and life imprisonment, although more commonly the latter sentence is altered to the death penalty. Only certain spells, those directly dealing with the remove of either demons or undead from the world, may receive special licenses for learning, and those with such licenses are watched very closely by their peers. Originally, membership was restricted to those with "proper breeding", however in recent years that qualification was removed in favor of high fees, which has allowed some of the more successful Middle class into the Guild.

The Scholarly and Honourable Order of Artificers, Engineers, and Scientists: International organization for the students of technology, often referred to as "the Order". While less restrictive and controlling that the Guild, the Order does monitor the scientific endeavors of its members, in order to insure that such work does not fall into areas that could best be described as "crimes against nature". The Order maintains ties with most Universities, in order to help spread new discoveries, and assist members in having the proper education for their field. An intense, yet civil, rivalry exists between the Order and the Guild.

The Illustrious League of Extraordinary and Adventurous Persons: International adventurers organization, often shortened to just "the League". The organization assists adventurers and would-be adventurers in finding efforts that match their skills, requiring periodic examinations at a League Center to be undertaken, in an effort to keep tabs on the skill levels of members, and to try to prevent them from biting off more than they can chew, as it were. Members of the League leadership have recently been expressing interest in any rumors or evidence as to the location of Vincent Serin.
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Re: Jigramund - WIP

A note on technology:

Certain aspects of steampunk-esque technology exists within the world of Jigramund. This does include airships, however the means available to propel them for extended periods of time are quite expensive. This leads to private ownership of them being restricted by cost to upper class, or the top percentage of middle class, and are usually only found held by Guild or Order members with ties, or membership, to the League.

A recent development by the Order has seen the advent of some airships that rely on powerful engines alone for lift, eschewing the traditional large balloon used for lifting. Currently, these are only being constructed for governments for military use.