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Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

I tried looking at the source code but damn, it's a mess it's way too branched, i can't follow it.
I looked at the places where it calls the game over scene, and tried reproducing it, you need to get to the game over scene, while the act variable is NOT equals to "oazuke" to get that text about a normal sister to trigger from what i've gathered.
What i know is that to get to the game over scene (oazuke, postponement), you have to get the arousal meter to the top, while she's still not wet (the meter is your arousal, hers is not shown, you only get the red face and wet pussy)
Anyway, i'm going to sleep now, i'll be back later, night~.

Edit: you managed to get the "normal end"? I'll have a look later tomorrow, also I did go a bit over the top with the titles for the movies, but they were similar to that in the original, I just rephrase to be more silly than it already was
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Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Hi....hopes someone can help, im playing Shogun princess christianne and have bouth "exploit opening" it shout be a counter rape attack...but i cant get it too Work, the button doesnt show like in the other games, what am i doing wrong

Finally I have a chance to get back to you. Been busy with new translated serika.

From runeflare's guide:
Exploit Opening Moves:
There are two counter moves in the game. You need to look for two different moves. If you have the mind’s eye skill to see her next move then you can catch (block) her moves “Kick” and “White Thunder” easier. Click the Exploit Opening button that will flash on the screen for a short time. To enable counter moves, buy the 3000p item from the store ”Exploit Opening” and bring her health down to 1/5 of the bar.

You can get the guide .

@Reisen: Did not see that you had responded previously that the loops where normal. If I had it would have saved both of us some frustration.:eek:

There are a few other minor errors, even at least one "i" and one bit of untranslated kanji (2 characters) but I was too involved with game to note them.:p They are minor and at this point I'm sick of the game for the moment (and I'm tired).:( If no one else posts them, I'll note them some other time.
Once again, thanks for your work! :D
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

I tried looking at the source code but damn, it's a mess it's way too branched, i can't follow it.
I looked at the places where it calls the game over scene, and tried reproducing it, you need to get to the game over scene, while the act variable is NOT equals to "oazuke" to get that text about a normal sister to trigger from what i've gathered.
What i know is that to get to the game over scene (oazuke, postponement), you have to get the arousal meter to the top, while she's still not wet (the meter is your arousal, hers is not shown, you only get the red face and wet pussy)
Anyway, i'm going to sleep now, i'll be back later, night~.

Edit: you managed to get the "normal end"? I'll have a look later tomorrow, also I did go a bit over the top with the titles for the movies, but they were similar to that in the original, I just rephrase to be more silly than it already was

Hey, those titles sounded good to me. Heh.

And yeah, it's weird. I figured that since the dominance ending was where you took control of the situation, the submission ending would be where you give in and admit your feelings while going towards M on the bar. Oddly, it just gave me the normal good ending. I haven't tried it yet, but my assumption was also that the lovers ending is potentially the same method, just without going too M or too S, and the yandere end was to go through options that would get her hopes up then pick something like that "You're a freak" one.

I'll try it more later. Currently trying to stay awake long enough to do a few things before collapsing.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

I tried looking at the source code but damn, it's a mess it's way too branched, i can't follow it.
I looked at the places where it calls the game over scene, and tried reproducing it, you need to get to the game over scene, while the act variable is NOT equals to "oazuke" to get that text about a normal sister to trigger from what i've gathered.
What i know is that to get to the game over scene (oazuke, postponement), you have to get the arousal meter to the top, while she's still not wet (the meter is your arousal, hers is not shown, you only get the red face and wet pussy)
Anyway, i'm going to sleep now, i'll be back later, night~.

Edit: you managed to get the "normal end"? I'll have a look later tomorrow, also I did go a bit over the top with the titles for the movies, but they were similar to that in the original, I just rephrase to be more silly than it already was

If it's becoming tedious to reproduce certain states then consider using a helper tool:

Alternatively you could load the SWF at runtime and modify the variables to your liking.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Might have a look at it later, flash's built in debugger looks like a PoS to me, no watch list, or changing the program counter, or dynamic changes in code, it doesn't helped me much (maybe it can do something, I didn't search much, looked too simple)

Okay, couldn't reproduce the "normal" ending, also i haven't skipped thru it an haven't spotted any untranslated lines, but what i found was many typos, i'm passing the lines thru word for spell checking, will post a probably revised version later up


found the untranslated bits


Just... don't forget to escape dots when using regex based stuff, people, just don't, seriously.
Fucked up good, i had a backup obviously, but just passing a warning along.
(. matches any character, so replacing ... will replace any 3 concurrent characters along the way)


The day i almost fucked everything with grep and sed, Never forget >.>
alas, no permanent damage done:
https:/ /mega.co.nz/#!roJzxa7Q!kYGy_W6xmxb4rHC7yBMC0WafqH1L6cIL3l6o3BN_CU4

Everything should be:
Capitalized where they need to
No double spaces, No quad ellipsis, No double ellipsis
No untranslated bits, Almost no gramatical/syntax errors (MSWord has said so :p),
All lines have a period or a tilde at end when used
None of them should start with uncapitalized strings or a space after a new line
And bunch of stuff i had to redo since i erased all the file contents with sed, yay for mind farts
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Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Is it actually possible to put all sub-.swf's into one big main .swf? This would make it easier to post it on flash sites.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Providing they accept the size?
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Is it actually possible to put all sub-.swf's into one big main .swf? This would make it easier to post it on flash sites.

There are programs out there that lets you combine swf's.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Bear in mind files are generally separated because flash is an out dated POS and doesn't handle large files too well.

Any mention of when his new game is coming out?
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

And aside the fact the last blog entry is over 2 months old.....
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Just stopped by to say thanks to Reisen for the Serika game. I'm surprised that you could stomach all of the machine translation, my experience with those were horrifying. Anyway, l noticed a couple of errors (Mainly in lover's route).

1) When the MC asks why did Serika deleted that address, she says that she was an....(annoyance?). Might wanna rephrase that to take less space.
2)In the oral scene, she says "Are you ready FORE more?" Since they do not play golf, it should become for.
3)Not all "I" are capitalized(mainly the ones that are connected with another word {i'll etc.)

Hope that l helped.

EDIT 1: Also in the domination route, when you peek at her skirt, the MC says "It's hard not keep looking". It needs to be "It's hard TO not keep looking".
Same route, when you peek at blouse up breasts. "Why are your breasts the only that big" sounds awkward. Try "Why are only your breasts that big?"
When you peek at her face, 2 things. A) Remove the "the" in "This is how THE things work". B) Put a apostrophe and a s in "Onii-chan'S plaything".
In the Oral scene, "It is hot,Onii-chan" needs a space.
In the Doggy Style Scene. A)"But" and "Though" don't go together. I suggest to discard the "but". B)When you begin "Fast", "I can't help it" comes out as "I can't hel it". And a pussy feels "too good", not "too god". Also, it's "your body" not "you'r body".

EDIT 2: Damn, the yandere route is scary. Those eyes man. I'm not sure l can get past that.
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Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

+1 to getbend.
Just here to also give my words of thanks for Serika's Translator,but also all others people who translated JSK games,if I hadn't already did it in the past.

That Serika game is quitte hard actually,most of the time,she is just rage quitting once her deal with your thing is done.
I dont totally get how her pattern works,but I at least noticed that thing with S-M and arousal meter.
I didn't even got that love end,even after telling her back that I like her.
And I assumed to get yandere just like true Imoutoto game,you had to tell you like her as a brother and sister,but seems I was wrong all the ways.
Wonder if that game isn't a lil buggy or if its just me who is doing anything wrong o.o
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

+1 to getbend.
Just here to also give my words of thanks for Serika's Translator,but also all others people who translated JSK games,if I hadn't already did it in the past.

That Serika game is quitte hard actually,most of the time,she is just rage quitting once her deal with your thing is done.
I dont totally get how her pattern works,but I at least noticed that thing with S-M and arousal meter.
I didn't even got that love end,even after telling her back that I like her.
And I assumed to get yandere just like true Imoutoto game,you had to tell you like her as a brother and sister,but seems I was wrong all the ways.
Wonder if that game isn't a lil buggy or if its just me who is doing anything wrong o.o

You're just doing it wrong.

There's a walkthrough a page or two back that details all the steps necessary for each end.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

for number one, it was supposed to be "an acquaintance" i'll either snip a newline from there and it should fit, or rephrase it all.

for number two (and some of the edit):
$ grep "fore " *
MainTimeline.as: "Even if it's before our date, I'll do it anyway.",
Timeline_245.as: [ "You... Think before speaking" , "Yours are too." , "" ],

$ grep "for more" *
Timeline_251.as: [ "Onii-chan, is this good?" , "It's so big, but I'll put it regardless. ♥" , "Are you ready for more?" ],

$ grep "you'r " *

$ grep "\w,\w" *

$ grep "hans" *

$ grep "hel " *
i couldn't find many of these typos you mentioned, did you get the latest revision i made?

for number three: English is not my native language, but I'm pretty sure I'll is capitalized, as it's a contraction for "I will", and since I is a noun or some shit like that, it should be capitalized anywhere.

Fixed the "too god" one, god has nothing to do with this :p
Fixed the "hard not keep" one too
It has a little issue with word wrapping, i found another line over the 5 lines limit, will check it after recompiling later
Found a shitload of lines without a period, going to take a while to change

Will fix these then wait a bit before uploading another one, if someone finds anything else in the mean time,
btw, could you tell me where the but and though is?
If you could write the line as is in the game, even if just a fraction of it where the error is, i can just grep and sed it in a second instead of searching it (it's easier on me...) ;)
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Where can I download this? its not part of the pack
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Might have a look at it later, flash's built in debugger looks like a PoS to me, no watch list, or changing the program counter, or dynamic changes in code, it doesn't helped me much (maybe it can do something, I didn't search much, looked too simple)

Okay, couldn't reproduce the "normal" ending, also i haven't skipped thru it an haven't spotted any untranslated lines, but what i found was many typos, i'm passing the lines thru word for spell checking, will post a probably revised version later up


found the untranslated bits


Just... don't forget to escape dots when using regex based stuff, people, just don't, seriously.
Fucked up good, i had a backup obviously, but just passing a warning along.
(. matches any character, so replacing ... will replace any 3 concurrent characters along the way)


The day i almost fucked everything with grep and sed, Never forget >.>
alas, no permanent damage done:
https:/ /mega.co.nz/#!roJzxa7Q!kYGy_W6xmxb4rHC7yBMC0WafqH1L6cIL3l6o3BN_CU4

Everything should be:
Capitalized where they need to
No double spaces, No quad ellipsis, No double ellipsis
No untranslated bits, Almost no gramatical/syntax errors (MSWord has said so :p),
All lines have a period or a tilde at end when used
None of them should start with uncapitalized strings or a space after a new line
And bunch of stuff i had to redo since i erased all the file contents with sed, yay for mind farts

Right here I believe.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

So bit of a lurker here and breaking my silence to thank everyone that's been involved in gathering, archiving, translating, and making walkthroughs for all these games.

I stumbled across a broken version of Imouto and after some digging, made my way over here to find not just a full translation of it but most the other major games too.

These games have managed to eat away a week of my time before I realized it, very much appreciated. I wanna give my thoughts on the ones I've played, but I'll try not to go on for too long.

Imouto (Kaname)
Probably my favorite of the games, for a few reasons.
1. I feel usually your first game in a series tends to be you favorite, not a rule but true a good deal of the time.
2. Short blue hair, spunky girl with a great figure? Yes please.
3. I liked the inclusion of her pleasure bar, and I wish the current games kept it as well, but I get how the 'blush/hardblush' is meant to replace that, but some endings on other games don't have a difference in pleasure levels, so I like having the indicator to let you know 'yes you are maxed out'
4. I think the endings on this are pretty easy to figure out how to get on your own, nothing super complicated, the conditions are pretty logical to figure out.

A nice change of pace, and I like it more than I did the other interrogation game.
1. Older girl so I don't feel creepy.
2. Her bars are fully translated so I knew what they did. If I go back to the 14 year old sister one then I'll know what that last bar does.
This one wasn't so kind on me figuring out the endings. But thanks to the walkthough I got a few of them, love the lovers one and the lewd ending, nice touch with the slave collar.

Probably my least favorite of the games, and I can see how the games after this toned back the combat a bit. Also having to use your super move as a condition to trigger the lovers/runaway endings seems kinda odd. I'm glad that hasn't carried over. Christianne's design didn't interest me much, but that's just personal taste. I like girls with the exotic anime hair colors. The sex scenes didn't interest me that much either *Shrug*

I really like the twist they put on this one. Also how even if you fail to defeat her you still get a sex scene, but if you just loose, she basically screws you and then leaves you. Also nice how there's no real 'mind break' in the game, but even though 'Maisa' enjoys the sex scenes, you know she's possessed so I still feel guilty, although the real Maisa doesn't seem to mind it too much in the fused ending. also nice that we got some new scenes outside of the standard ones.

All of the 'Human vs. Devil/vampire/demon in their home' games.
I'm lumping them together because of how similar they feel to me, namely vampire hunter and the first devil girl game. I'm sorry, I'm bad at remembering most these names and don't feel like going back through the pages to re-look up all of them up.

I like the common theme these games have, different races trying to understand each other (or not, depending on the ending you go for) I liked the talk option in the first two of these games, and I wish it had been kept around, then maybe titananteus's opinion on the last game would be a little different. Personally I feel like Yumisu's personality is near identical to the first demon girl and the vampire. I also disagree with titan on 'Overthrow' having more bad ends than good or 'acceptable'. It seems about the same as the others. 1. She falls in love with you and treats you as a king. 2. she falls in love with you and makes you her right hand man. 3. You make her insatiable with a need for sex. 4 and 5 you enslave her and mindbreak her, the same as shion or Kaname, etc. Only real difference between 4 and 5 is if she's pregnant, so I'm lumping them together.

Some of these games are a pain on figuring out what to do. SCP's 'you have to use your ultimate attack' was a bullshit condition to me, but whatever. And I wish they'd kept the pleasure bar in all the games to have a solid grasp on how the girls feel so I know if I can increase their pleasure anymore or not. (Some of the lovers endings you can't). And most have a pretty standard set of 4 endings. Lovers, She dominates you, She's horny and lustful, and she's broken. I hope he starts adding more variety to the endings or trying out more sex positions.

Overall I like that these are actual games you can lose, not just flash loops. I'm not a fan of the 'rape-love' thing, so just by luck, the 'lovers' endings are usually my favorite in both dialog and sex scenes. I also like that there's always multiple endings, some easier to figure out than others. I'm not crazy for the new game being worked on but I hope it pushes his ideas forward into making more interesting games with characters I do like.

There's probably more stuff I could say but this has gone long enough, I'm happy to response back to anything anyone wants to say about these games.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Wasn't the Yukano game hacked to where you can access the ending?
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Wasn't the Yukano game hacked to where you can access the ending?

Yeah one of the files is unlocked so you can see the endings. Think it is the one in an actual folder rather than one of the files outside the folders (too lazy to look for it atm, but I do know it's there.)