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Jump One: Unknown Location


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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After escaping from the Harbinger fleet over Vega IV, the Salvation of the Stars now sits idly in space, analyzing a distant battle. The ground teams they managed to save now sit restlessly in a forward cargo bay, awaiting a sitrep from command as they try to take stock of just what the hell is going on.

Up on the bridge, sitrep requests trickle in to Ariok and the Control staff, who are about as clueless as everyone else. The ship's archive slowly reveal bits and pieces of random data through the encryption, and apparently, when Ariok initiated the drives, he initiated a sort of experimental trans-universal engine, allowing them to actually hop between realities. Or so the incoming data packets tell him from the archives. All this was flowing to him while the Admirals debated what to do about the distant space battle. "Well, if we intervene, we could end up being shot by both parties." "Harris, what about the Harbingers? They might find a way to follow us." Stukov followed Harris' statement as they both stared at each other, Buckley braking in to stop the argument. "We have no idea who or what they are, so we shouldn't interfere. As for the Harbingers, I suggest we leave those calculations up to Ariok. Harris, make sure your men are alright, wherever Ariok decided to shove them."

Down in the cargo bay, the soldiers were either milling about in patrol patterns, or sitting on crates in groups chatting each other up. Even outside of combat, they couldn't shake combat training. This cargo bay was the one used to store ammunition in, so there were plenty of crates for everyone to sit on while they waited for command to pull it together.
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

Several hundred kilometres from the Salvation of The Stars electricity begins to crackle, quickly stretching and spreading out, arcing as a tear in space begins to form. As the hole opens up the tip of a ship slowly breaks free, pulling with it the rest of the ship and as it free's itself from the tear plumes of smoke rise off its fractured hull, the glow of flames can be seen from its many windows, most of which have been destroyed.

"Shitshitshit!" Grant curses as he hammers on the controls of the ship trying to get some kind of response from it, its sirens blaring as the emergency lights pulse bathing everything in a red glow. The man scans the screens once more, registering the engine critical overload message before they flicker and fade for a final time.

"Dammit, not much time left," Grant thinks to himself as another sequence of explosions rip through the ship, the lights fading for a moment before coming back on. Unholstering his pistol he leaves the control room, his destination the escape pod room. As the man makes his way through the winding corridors he guns down any surviving pirates, their battle cries cut short. After all it was these assholes that condemned him to life on a prison ateroid, they're getting what they deserve. Or at least that's what he said to himself.

After what felt like an eternity Grant finally arrives at one of the many escape pod rooms, summoning his sword he cuts his way through the door. "Fuck!" Grant exclaims loudly as he has to stop himself from being sucked out of the massive hole that was once the escape pod room. From the damage and the way the metal was twisted it appeared as if it had been destroyed by one of the missiles that had hit the ship as he warped to wherever the hell he was now. And wherever the hell he was now is the least of his worries. As another explosion tears through the ship Grant weighs up his options, which admittedly were getting smaller and smaller by the minute. Taking a quick peak around the corner of the door Grant sighs. The faceplate of his helmet slides into back into place and the man checks his oxygen reserves. "At least something's working out for me," Grant says with a tone of bitterness as his oxygen levels read optimal. With one final sigh Grant throws himself through the doorway into what was once the escape pod room and into the vacuum of space where he drifts aimlessly for several minutes.

Until one final explosion rips through the ship, triggering wave after wave of explosions which finally destroy the colossal beast, sending fragments of twisted metal everywhere. Grant is caught in a shockwave from the destroyed ship, sending him hurtling towards the Salvation of The Stars. "Aww crap.." Grant mutters to himself as he nears the gigantic ship, and with difficulty he manages to get himself into position so that as he hits the ship he lands feet first, his shock absorbers taking the brunt of the impact though because of the speed he was travelling at they break. Now on solid ground thanks to his magnetized boots Grant begins to walk around, trying to get his bearings and work out exactly what part of the ship he was standing on.

After several minutes wandering he manages to find a window, and looking into it he see's a gathering of people, presumably soldiers sitting on some boxes. "Hmmm... must be some kind of storage facility..." The man thinks to himself as he peers in. Grant then knocks on the window, hoping to get the attention of someone inside the room.
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Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

Linda spent her time waiting on a crate of ammunition. Given that they hadn't received orders in the fairly long time they had been there, she had decided to strip her rifle down and begin cleaning it after it had picked up some dirt and dust on their last engagement. She seemed rather melancholy about something, and purposely tried to stay out of the conversations the others were having.

She was perhaps half done when she thought she heard a knocking. Thinking someone was tapping their foot to begin with, and she looked around the pile of ammo crates she was sitting on to check. once she could see it wasn't coming from her immediate area, she began to extend her gaze outward, and almost immediately noticed the man in the strange suit outside of the window.

"Shit! Hey Captain, I think someone wound up outside after that teleport! Go find someone with clearance for the airlocks!" She hollered, leaving her disassembled rifle on the box as she jumped down and made her way to the window, trying to motion the suited figure towards said airlock with wide hand waves and pointed fingers.
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

"Thank christ for that," Grant thinks to himself as one of the soldiers, a woman seems to have noticed him and looks to be signalling him somewhere. Deciding to follow where she's pointing he quickly realises she's motioning to what appears to be an airlock door. He quickly makes his way there, stopping short of it to wait for the door to be opened.
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

Reaper, who had been nursing his leg wound on an ammo crate off with one of the field medics, hears Linda's cries for clearance, groaning as the medic scoffs at him. The next thing the rest of the soldiers see is the Cyan set of armor limping towards the airlock, inputting a code to open the outer door, waiting for Grant to get inside before equalizing the pressure in the airlock, and opening the interior door. When he saw the armor Grant was wearing, his hands immediately began to inch towards his rifle. "You're not some random soldier. Who are you? Speak quick or you'll find yourself perforated." his gravelly voice states, several of the other soldiers able to hear him and looking over at him from their position on their crates. Cooperation was not apparent in this army.
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

Ariok limited the comm chatter coming to the bridge as much as possible, not allowing any communications from those that weren't officers to reach the admirals ears. That still left quite a bit of comm chatter to sift through, however, and after a moment, Ariok grew fed up with it, and sent back a single sentence to every ship of the fleet; "Stand by, we'll let you know just as soon as we do."

That done, Arioks holographic display appeared once more, and as the AI tried to figure out what had happened, who those fighting might be, and also whether or not the Harbingers could follow, he said to the admirals; "Those who were beamed aboard are in one of the cargo bays. Scanning......" As soon as he had anything of interest to report, he'd give it. The AI didn't have enough data available to determine whether or not the Harbingers could follow, or where exactly they were due to the universe-jumping drive, but he could give information on those fighting up ahead.

"Those in the gray vessels whose designs are similar to our own are humans. Their ship have no shields, but are equipped with missiles, nuclear warheads, and magnetic cannons similar to the Zaftras primary weapons. The other vessels are crewed by a conglomeration of alien species, and equipped with energy shields, guided plasma projectile weapons and direct fire laser weapons. Unless we intervene, or the human vessels greatly increase in firepower, it seems likely that they will be wiped out within the next fifteen minutes."
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

As the airlock door opens Grant deactivates his magnetized boots, and as he feels himself slowly drift off the ship he pulls himself into the room. Landing with a dull clunk Grant waits for the other door to open only to find another man, wearing armour he wasn't familiar with, waiting for him, his hand slowly drifting to his weapon and making it clear he was willing to become hostile.

"Easy there, fella," Grant says calmly, slowly moving a hand to his own firearm should the man decide to attack him. "I'm not here to hurt anyone. Hell, I don't even know where here is. And to answer your question, I'm Grantham Whithelm. Gunnery Sergeant Grantham Whithelm."
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

Reaper's hand stopped as he heard the rank, knowing it as a military designation, but not recognizing the name. Of course, it was a big military. "Which unit are you with, Grantham? We might be able to find your squad." he says, calming slightly as he assumes Grantham is one of their own. "Did the transport........muddle your brain or something?" he asks, noting that Grantham was acting strange for a soldier. For being a highly-trained spec-ops soldier, Reaper was quick to judge a man by word of mouth.
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

Grant relaxes slightly as the man stops moving for his gun. "Unit? That would be the Baker Squad, sir. Though I'm afraid I don't know what you mean by track down my unit. They were slaughtered by pirates that ambushed us while we were testing a new warp drive. Their numbers far outmatched ours, and even with our training we were no match for them." Grantham sighs as he recounts his story, his voice taking on a sombre tone. "Hell, I was lucky to live to tell the tale."

A hiss of air can be heard escaping his helmet and a second later the faceplate slides upwards to reveal the face of a young adult, a mop of messy brown hair and thick bags under his eyes. "Maybe it did," Grant replies, thinking Reaper was talking about Grants ship jumping to wherever the hell he is now. "One second my ship was being torn apart by the pirates and the next second it warped here. Wherever 'here' is. It blew up not long after that but after I managed to space myself."
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

Reaper reaches his right hand up to his ear and presses the comm button. "This is Reaper to Harris. We've got someone you might want to meet, sir. Requesting permission to bring him to the bridge. No, we found him floating out in space. I don't think he's one of us. No, I don't believe him to be a threat at the current moment. Yes sir, Reaper out." he states after carrying on a conversation with Admiral Harris, motioning with his right hand for Grant to follow him, taking him towards the rear of the cargo bay.

The rest of the soldiers would spot Reaper and the new soldier soon enough, some of them standing from their crates and wondering if they should start asking questions. It was then that they all received the message from Harris. "All units who made it back from the planet, return to your quarters. We'll have a briefing in three hours."

As they walked, Reaper would remain silent, leading Grantham past bulkheads and through corridors darkened and covered in red light, a power-saving method. Halfway to the bridge, he stopped, not turning to face Grantham "Let me make one thing clear. The person you're about to meet is one of our most powerful figures. So treat him with as much respect as you would one of your Generals wherever you come from." he states, then continues onward, grunting as his left leg begins to give him trouble as he nears the bridge.
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

"That I will, sir," Grant replies to Reaper, adding a curt nod before the two of them continued walking towards the bridge. "I assume you'll be wanting my weapons before we meet with this person?"
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

"That I will." Reaper says, holding out his hand for grant's sidearm. Once he had it, he entered a code into a keypad, the door opening onto the bridge, a large semi-circle shaped room with what appeared to be a large table in the center, with numerous men and women gathered around it, and multiple computer stations set up along the walls in rows, with more men and women manning those. When they entered, a fairly broad-shouldered man with long blond hair and a red dress coat turned about to face Reaper, smiling. "Is this the spacer you've told me about, Reaper?" he asks, his arms folded behind his back as he approached Grant, his coat swaying as he walked, Grant possibly noting a rather large sidearm at his right hip hidden under his coat. "He certainly looks like a good soldier. Tell me, son. How'd you get here? Were you responsible for that big explosion we witnessed a few minutes ago off our port flight deck?" he asks, now fairly close to Grant, enabling the soldier to make out all the wrinkles on the old man's face as well as the slight 5 o'clock shadow he was growing.

Ariok would be privy to all of this, while the database slowly fed him small bits of data.
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

Unclipping his pistol from his suits built-in holster Grant hands it over to Reaper. He then unclips what appears to be a sword hilt with an odd-looking section of metal on it. Fiddling with what appears to be a control panel hidden under a hatch of metal for a moment Grant then hands that over to Reaper as well. "It's locked so you shouldn't be able to do yourself any harm with it, but to be on the safe side make sure you're careful with it."

Upon entering the room Grant throws up a salute to the man that addresses Reaper before letting his arm down as he too is addressed. "I'm not exactly sure how I got here, sir. Wherever here is is certainly not the place I designated the warp drive to send my ship to. And yes, that explosion was my ship. I'm surprised it lasted as long as it did after the attack made on it."
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

Harris thinks for a few moments, then takes a step forward, raising his chin. "Admiral Stukov. Do you think it would be wise to allow this man to join our campaign against the Harbingers?" he calls across the bridge, the other admiral turning from the table and walking towards them, a bony man in a black dress uniform with a thick soul patch and beard covering his lower jaw, and a black cap with a yellow stripe around the top covering his head. "I do not know, Harris. He is without friends, and possibly a long way from home. I see no reason not to, but what reasons do we have to help him? He could be a spy sent by the Harbingers for all we know." he says in his cold Russian accent, looking over at the older Admiral. "We should help him because he's a soldier. To hell with where he came from or why he's here!" Harris states, he right hand making a fist behind his back as Reaper pipes up. "Sir. He has had numerous chances to garner information that a spy would normally take advantage of." he states, then goes back to being silent, as Harris nods. "well, son, you just joined the Humanity Remnant's Army. Long as you're with us, you'll have food, water, and a place to sleep, and we'll see if Ariok can find your home planet." he says, a smile showing on his face. "Reaper, show him to the barracks, and make sure he's fit for duty. We might have a fight on our hands soon."
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

Kenzo had himself propped up against a large crate, the sound of his own steady breathing the only sign that he was still among the living... The meanwhile wholerooms cacophony of com chatter screamed over his radio speaker...

Kenzo stared into space vacantly replaying the firefight he was just yanked from...

There were injuries... Could they have been prevented? No body died... But was that good enough?

They were making good progress in taking the Building... But Kenzo knew that wouldn't be the only Harbinger deployment on the planet... He knew he couldn't be in two places at once... But...

His thoughts were broken when someone patted him looking up he saw it was Linda. it took him a blink before he comprehended what she was saying and pointing at...

And with a sigh, "No shit... Guess they got his co-ordinates wro-ng?"

Kenzo took a closer look at what had irked him about the spaced person... His suit was holding up, and he seemed to be okay... But the colorisation was off... Even through the Polarised glass Kenzo could make out the odd colorings...

Taking a quick glance around the room for anyone with even similar markings Kenzo utters "Now, who the fuck are you?"

And then watched as Reaper limped over to the Airlock to let this Mystery Man in...

As the shakey greetings took place Kenzo kept his hand hovered over his pistol... It was a decently far off shot... Plenty of risk... But he had height to his advantage... And if he steadied his shot against the crate, then he shouldn't hit Reaper either...

But before the meeting could be truely decided upon, Harris broke over the comm, telling everyone to bunk up

Kenzo got up and begins walking off "Alright team... You heard the Admiral... Go get some RnR, don't know when next deployment's gonna be... So make it count..."

Kenzo walks by the New Comer... Just to get a good look at the young mans face... His leery distrust shielded by his helmets visor... One more sigh and Kenzo takes leave of the cargo bay heading towards his own quarters, He wanted to watch the fresh footage from the previous battle...

Kenzo didn't turn the lights on in his bunk, just moved to his bed in darkness. Unclasped his helmet and set it aside, leaning his head from side to side to work out the stiffness...

Then set about to connect the G36K's Guncam to the small bedside holopad...

As the connection was made Kenzo layed down still in his battle suit, and begun to watch.

Before the short silent clips had finished playng through, Kenzo had drifted off to sleep...
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

Grant stays silent as Admiral Harris addresses the other Admiral, his eyes narrowing ever so slightly as Stukov questions Grant's reason for being aboard the ship. It was clear to him that Admiral Stukov didn't trust him.

"Thank you sir, I promise you won't live to regret this," Grant says with a slight tone of joy in his voice, snapping off a salute to the aged Admiral.
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

Heinrich is sitting on one of the crates in the cargo bay, awaiting orders from command. While waiting he reloads his gun. He looks as group and group walk by. Taking to account the looks of every person, the scars and injuries everyone got fighting the harbringers. He thinks to himself "I really need to help the cause, I will help make a difference in this fight." Heinrich then stands up walks around the carg Bay.
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

Sgt. Zod spends the time reloading and prepping his gear just in case the Admiral decided to zap everyone back to the planet again. Who knows the mind of an Admiral? When the strange man shows up outside the ship, Zod keeps a wary eye, prepared to defend his people against another potential enemy. After Reaper escorts the stranger out, Niles follows his orders and returns to barracks. There he carefully cleans all of his gear, stows it, and goes to grab some chow.
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

Linda watched as Reaper led the new arrival away, giving Grant a conciliatory nod as he passed. That excitement over with, she returned to cleaning her rifle, nearly finishing before the order to disperse was given. She finished up and stowed her gear in it's proper place, returning to her bunkroom and simply deciding to nap until the debriefing.
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

Terra watched as Reaper led the new arrival away, looking Grant over curiously and warily as he passed. That excitement over with, she returned to cleaning her rifle, nearly finishing before the order to disperse was given. She finished up and stowed her gear in it's proper place, returning to her bunkroom and simply deciding to nap until the debriefing.