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Jumpers Rebirth

Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Or Alduris! If you've got time to help out with these games, you've got time to write a paragraph or three in Alduris. :p

Well, I don't have a lot of time right now...

And yeah, even though I posted and said I'm not working on Alduris [edit: at least until finals are over...], I've worked on little bits of it here and there... I was totally expecting to be super-productive and force myself to study, but judging by today that's not how everything is gonna work out...
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Re: Jumpers Rebirth

I might play since this looks like it's starting after finals.

I'm gonna edit my old character if I don't like any new races.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

I might play since this looks like it's starting after finals.

I'm gonna edit my old character if I don't like any new races.

I've used a lot of rj's stat changes and made a few of my own, so old characters will have to be editted.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

I've used a lot of rj's stat changes and made a few of my own, so old characters will have to be editted.

Yeah I based my character around some weird system the first time then we changed it back the other system and I felt she was useless after that.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

I'd be interested in playing this when it's ready as well. Looks like a lot of fun. Can't really think of anything I'd want to play that probably hasn't already been covered though.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

And of course Silth knows I'd be interested in rejoining the rape fest once it's back on it's feet. ^^
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

*Walks in as an Indian* "And me!"

*Walks in as a mafioso* "And me too, boss!"

*Walks in wearing a baseball uniform* "Yo, me too!"
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

And my axe!

(Pretty sure I already said I was interested a few weeks ago, but I couldn't resist making that joke >.>)
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Pretty sure than i also dont need to said it again, but...

Im still interested to play jumper
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Something's happening with this.

Can't tell you what, cause the binder with all my notes is at work.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

How's about tonight?

I'll post three worlds tonight, and I'll work on posting the other three I want to reveal tomorrow.

You'll notice something different: The Heroines, in the beginning, are considered Neutral. They work towards joining one of the three factions available.

There's also an addition to just helping the God or Goddess to be in that Dimension; after the fight is over, the entire world opens up, allowing the Heroines to explore further, but also 'lock' that world for their faction, gaining bonuses that affect everyone in your faction -whether they're older players or fledgling Heroines.

The other thing you'll notice is the addition of a certain NPC of mine named Cassie to every Dimension; acquiring this NPC (and every incarnation of her) will lead to a game-changing reward for the side that claims all 8 versions of her.

The Many Worlds of Jumpers:

The External Plane
This world is an in-between place for all Heroines, the 'neutral grounds' for all sides. All Heroines start here, and are able to socialize with one another here. There are four areas available: The Neutral Zone, where everyone is allowed, then three faction areas: Primal's Palace, Gaia's Garden, and Fate's Kingdom. A Heroine can only access the special area if she is part of that faction.

Dimension 1 - Alteria Generic Fantasy World (YAY!). Magic rules in a land where technology exists past a certain point, marked by a giant wall.
The Fight: Tabby Sisters - Carrie (Good) vs. Lisa (Evil). The two sisters have always been at each other's throats, but after their family is shattered by slavery, the two sisters became the epitome of Good and Evil.
Grand Battle: Magic vs. Technology. Technology (Evil) is looking to push into a magic-dominated area; Magic users (Good) are looking to strengthen their forces; While the Neutral Side only wishes to cause further disruption by putting up a barrier.
Special NPC: Cassandra Kicks: Good, level 7; To come with you, you'll have to save her Grandmother! Or... make her think you did.
Levels for the Fight: 1-4; Battle: 6-15.

Dimension 2 - 'Shiva' A 'modern' world beset on all sides by demons, focusing mainly on a boarding school.
The Fight: Magical Girl Numina vs. Desmoda. Numina was just a regular girl when Gaia 'chose' her to fight the forces of Evil; but Primal chose her own champion in the form of a Fallen Succubus.
Grand Battle: To rid the world of demons forever, the Heroines must enter the main portal and kill the only Demon capable of opening up more 'tears' to the world above (Good); The Heroines, in order to secure Primal's favor, must open up a portal in the basement of the school, unleashing thousands of more demons upon the unsuspecting students (Evil); And, in order to attain balance between the two planes, the Heroines vying to remain neutral will be forced to cast a spell, ensuring no other portals will open or close.
Notable NPC: Cassie Slice: Evil, level 8; Cassandra Slice has always been a bit of an outcast. Now with the Demons attacking, it would be the perfect time to eliminate her rivals... Or, making her think the rivals are gone.
Levels for the Fight: 3-8, Battle: 10-17

Dimension 3 - Armageddon This world is inaccessible to any Heroines not aligned to a faction, and only those going in teams of three or more. It's a world destroyed by a force of creatures that no faction is taking responsibility for. The three groups all want to know what's going on in the Dimension, but knowing too much could be the downfall of their Heroines...
The Fight: Survival. Once on the world, Heroines won't be able to leave until they find out what's behind the mysterious arrival of the new Faction- or even if it's organized enough to be considered one.
Grand Battle: Those fighting in the name of Gaia will want to send this 'Darkness' back from whence it came; But those fighting in the name of Primal will want the power of these creatures for their side. Fate has ordered the world an abomination - and now, all Heroines under her command are to seal the world off from all but her.
Team Size: 3 or higher.
Notable NPC: Cassandra Winters: Stuck far away from the 'landing points' of the Heroines, she's fighting to survive the oncoming waves of Darkness. If she can come to terms with the destruction of her world, she'll follow whoever comes to rescue her. Neutral, Level 10.
Levels for the Fight: 5-15; Grand Battle: 12-20.

Feel free to post comments and questions, as always.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth


So, all the rules are the same ? Why need to reload our character sheets taking out the exp of the demo game?
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

I was waiting for the update character creation rules. Are those now available? I'd like to be in the first wave of this if I'm able.