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Jungle Fever

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Lertis Ayoun had been in the forest all day, training her body and mind with all purposes of becoming stronger.

As she was doing pull ups on a lowered tree branch, deciding to do her workouts at night so the sun wouldn't drain her of her stamina before she even had a good workout, she heard something from over by a nearby bush, as if some kind of animal was closing in on her as the leaves rustled together...


Condition: Green

Survival Rations
Re: Jungle Fever

Letris doesn't stop her workout. Most predators avoid humans, being too big and tough to handle (especially her), so it was probably just a bold critter. Though a starving wolf could get desperate.
Re: Jungle Fever

Ignoring the unknown animal, Letris, continues to do pullups on the tree branch. Until, her workout was interrupted as something pulled her violently off of the branch, causing her to land, face down, on the ground.

Not soon after, she felt something heavy crawl onto her back, as dozens of bug-like legs clamped around her sides, holding her arms against her waist as the freakish creature on her back held her down.
Re: Jungle Fever

Grunting as she hits the ground, Letris shakes her head to clear the fog of her surprise. Her wits were about to return when the assailant got a hold of her.

"GIANT BUG?!?" Letris yelps. "GET OFF!"

She tries use her legs to wrestle herself out of the creature's hold.
Re: Jungle Fever

(Letris attempts to escape)

Having the wind knocked out of her from the fall, Letris finds difficulty in struggling with the large thing on her back, the pincer like legs held her down tightly.

Letris, during her struggle, felt a sharp rip near the crotch area of her pants, as the creature exposed her pussy to the open air, sending a shiver up her spine from a cold breeze passing by.
Re: Jungle Fever

Letris brow furrows as she feels the fabric tear, then gasps at the sudden temperature change. This creature had just pissed her off. It just ruined her favorite candy blue denim shorts, and she wasn't going to let that slide.

She tightens her resolve, grunts and again tries to throw the bug thing off of herself.
Re: Jungle Fever

(Letris attempts to break free)

The monster behind her seems to shifts itself a little, and Letris feels one of it's legs loosen around her left hand. She uses that little bit of freedom to wiggle her hand free, and then her whole arm, as she reaches behind her, and shoves the lengthy centipede off of her back, allowing her to stand on both feet yet again.

The bug that was on her quickly roll back on it's legs, and seemed about to strike again.
Re: Jungle Fever

"Easily" throwing it off, Letris curls her hands into fists and charges her attacker. She hadn't hit anybody in while, and a punching bag would help her training.
Re: Jungle Fever

As Letris charges at the giant Centipede, it stands up on it's back legs, and then, unannounced, lunges through the air at her, knocking her on her back back as it's legs wrap around her again, holding her arms tightly at her sides. Before she could even begin to struggle, she felt something slimy brush along her sex, as if the centipede was about to thrust something inside of her...
Re: Jungle Fever

Letris grunted as she was subdued by the bug thing for a second time, certain that she could press and gain the advantage. Her eyes bulged as she felt something press at her nether region.

"THAT'S PRIVATE PROPERTY!" she yelled as she tried to kick the creature off again.
Re: Jungle Fever

Slamming the bug against a nearby tree, she managed to hurt the bug, but it managed to fight through the pain, as it quickly rammed it's cock inside of her, sending pain and pleasure through her body, as it's fat member stretched her walls so much that blood began to leak from her pussy. It began to slowly, but fiercely force it's cock in and out of Letris, causing her legs to buck with each push inside her.

After recovering from the initial shock, she musters enough will to decide on an action to take, rather than lay there and take it.
Re: Jungle Fever

Letris howled as the rapist bug penetrated her, unused to anything getting in her pussy, especially something so large. Fighting back the foul feeling in her gut and the strangely erotic feeling of being violated, she kept up her assault, trying to again to kick the beast off herself.

Re: Jungle Fever

Letris leaned over, and slammed the creature against the tree once more. One of the branches stabbed into it's body, causing it to stop it's thrusting momentarily, and it's grip to lessen a bit as well.
Re: Jungle Fever

Seeing hurt brought to the creature brings a small sadistic smile to her lips.

"Prepare to be stomped." Letris taunts as she brings another kick to the oversize vermin.
Re: Jungle Fever

Managing to bring her leg up, she delivers a nasty kick to the creature, sending it flying a small distance off of her, and rolling on the ground. It seemed to be in a lot of pain.
Re: Jungle Fever

Letris lips widens into a grin as she rises and walks almost casually up to the monster.

"Stomped," she says dryly as she brings her boot down on the vermin.
Re: Jungle Fever

Staying true to her words, Letris' foot hammers down on the creature's head, squishing it. The creature obviously stops all movement.

Not soon after killing the bug, a helicopter whirls overhead, heading deeper into the forest. The sounds of it lasting for a while, vibrating through the air for several minutes...
Re: Jungle Fever

Letris laughed madly after stomping the bug. She kicked it a few more times in frustration for good measure before checking her abuse pussy. Feeling not bad, she would have decided to continue training if not for the helicopter. She looks back at her defeated bug thing, getting her first good look at it.

"Is somebody looking you?" she wondered, guessing it was some mad scientist's creation that got loose. "Maybe they'll take you back as you are?"
"Let's no keep them waiting," she commands, as she tries to lift the broken creature and carry it off.
Re: Jungle Fever

(Strength check)

With a little "hoof," Letris lifts the heavy thing over her shoulder, although it's weight would definitely slow her down, and make her need to take a break before she ever reached the city...
Re: Jungle Fever

"Fucking thing," Letris comments as she plots the carcass onto the ground. Plotting next to it, Letris eases her breathing as she relaxes and attempts to recover from small endurance workout. Calming down, she sits cross-legged and shuts her eyes, clearing her mind and simply listening to the forest as she tries to meditate.
"Meyommmmmmm..." she chants, attempting the breathing exercises she'd seen a movie once, reflecting on the events of the night. Stupid bug thing. Why'd you mistake me for a girlfriend? I'm fabulously gorgeous, but that was ridiculous. That fight was pretty cool though. You were all 'It's rape time!' and I was like 'Not. STOMP!' Wish somebody had seen it... I wonder if the dudes in the chopper saw it? Probably not. They would have landed and asked for an autograph and picture.

After resting a bit, she gets up, lifts her kill unto her shoulders again to take it home.