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Jungle Fever

Re: Jungle Fever

After she began to leave the forest, seeing some of the buildings on the edge of the city, the helicopter whirled overhead again, and landed on the top of an Inn. From her angle, Letris couldn't see anyone getting out of the helicopter, but the building it landed on seemed to be the only building around her that had lights on. Everywhere else, even the street lights, had no lights on at all...
Re: Jungle Fever

Letris figured people would be asleep at this hour, though the street lamps being out was disturbing. She was feeling a bit tired, and home was on the other side of town, so Letris decided to stay at the inn. Her "ordeal" merited her a bit of pampering. Feeling the breeze, she also decided she would borrow a new pair of shorts. Hopefully they'd have something her size.

Letris strolls into the inn, carrying the bug thing.
Re: Jungle Fever

As Letris reached the strange metal door blocking her way into the hotel, someone on the other side opened it for her. It was a blond woman in some kind of wierd armor.

The woman laughed a little, pointing at the creature over Letris's shoulder, "Heh! No pets allowed!" she told Letris, "Not even dead ones!"
Re: Jungle Fever

"Ha! Pet, good one!" Letris chuckled, before becoming more serious "This thing jumped me in the woods and confused me for it's girlfriend. One thing led to another and I stomped it. But I figure Frankenstein's gonna want his monster back. Think there's room in the freezer?" What is this? A soldier cosplay themed inn?
Re: Jungle Fever

The guard shook her head at Letris, "That thing ain't a collector's item, sugar," she told her, "there's already dozens of them wandering around the town, with a fuckload of different varieties." She pointed at the thing on her shoulder, "Nobody's gonna be wantin' that in this world, sugar."
Re: Jungle Fever

Letris slumps her shoulders, dropping her ex-prize.
"Well, shit. I thought I was lucky or something." Letris whined. She was hoping for a news interview or something. "Fine then," she shrugs, "Are there any vacancies? Or at least an extra pair of shorts?"
Re: Jungle Fever

The woman looked at Letris in disbelief, "You didn't come here because of the broadcast?" she asked, "Well, shit, you're pretty damn lucky to have found this place! Any other place, and you'd find more than that one little bugger, let me tell you, sugar." she laughed, holding the door open for Letris.
Re: Jungle Fever

Broadcast? Letris pondered. Something weird was going on...

Feeling over loaded woman was eager to get Letris inside, she complied.

Walking into the inn, Letris walks up to the main desk, she draws her wallet looking to book a room for the night.

(I'm assuming Letris can have a wallet with some money cause nothing in it would be of any use in a post apocalyptic world. Also, this is going to the Inn thread now, right?)
Re: Jungle Fever

As Letris walked in, she looked over to the counter, only to see that no one was sitting at the desk.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

(Letris made it to the inn. Rejoice, as she will save you all from horrible rape.)

Letris looks back over her shoulder to the guard.
"I'm getting the feeling there's more than just a bunch of giant horny bugs running around." She states simply. Turning back to face her "Mind explaining to me what's going on? Starting with the broadcast. That sounds important."
Re: Jungle Fever

( Letris is on a completely different day than the day we're currently on, so this thread will act as a substitute for the Inn until she's on the same day everyone else is on. )

The guard shrugged, "What's going on is that there are a bunch of rapist monsters on the loose, and we're tryin' to... Well, to not get raped." she chuckled a little.
Re: Jungle Fever

(Exactly how many days off is Letris?)

Letris cocked an eyebrow.
"Not get raped. That sounds easy enough." she repeated. She stood, scratching her head for a moment, trying to grasp the situation. Rapist monsters running around. People hiding in fear at a run down hotel. Friendly lady acting as a guard as opposed to a gruff hulking muscle man. That means the military is slow and stupid. I'm the only one to save the day!

"All right! I'll do it!" she exclaims, full of energy. "But I'll need a few things first. Know where I can find a crowbar?"
Re: Jungle Fever

( Four days, but this can be fast forwarded. )

The guard looked at Letris strangely, "A crowbar? What the hell for?" she asked, one eyebrow raised at Letris, regarding her strangely.
Re: Jungle Fever

Letris returned estranged look.
"Why, for breaking into things. Duh."
Re: Jungle Fever

The woman shrugged, shaking her head, "Whatever, sugar, just try not to break into anything around here should ya find one, else I'm obligated to open a can of whopass on you!" she laughed openly.
Re: Jungle Fever

Figuring that the woman before her was trying her hardest to be an extension the door, Letris find her unhelpfulness insulting. She turns and rolls her eyes, delving farther into the inn, looking for someone more helpful.
Re: Jungle Fever

There wasn't much deeper to delve into, and the only people around were more guards, most in pairs, talking with each other, although there were a couple loners resting on the couches and chairs available to them.
Re: Jungle Fever

(I'm assuming all women.)

Letris walked towards the nearest non-guard looking person. She pauses before finishing her approach to observe her. After getting good look, she step forward, takes a seat and introduces herself.
"'sup. I'm Letris. I'm looking for a crowbar, and a clean pair of shorts. Wanna help?"
Re: Jungle Fever

(Pretty much, except every male in the game, due to how rare a male is, has been given a name, cept for the pilot of the helicopter you saw.)

Letris sits next to a brunette with green eyes, and motherly clothing on. She was sipping a steaming cup of coffee until Letris sat near her and introduced herself.

The brunette smiled at Letris warmly, and spoke in the most soothing voice she had ever heard.

"Why, hello, Letris, nice to meet you. I'm Jesse," she greeted her, smiling over her mug of coffee, "We don't have anything around like a crowbar, at least not in my storage, but I was going to ask Ferris if she'd send our new guests new pairs of clothing," she took another sip, as if she needed the boost, "If you'd kindly ask her for a room, I'll have her send pants and a shirt to you, first thing in the morning." She returned her gaze to her mug, and took another sip, relaxing in her chair.