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Jungle Fever

Re: Jungle Fever

"Great. Thank you, Jesse." Letris responded before getting up and approaching the other non-guard person, "Hi. I'm Letris. Are you Ferris? Jesse said I could book a room and get some clothes from her."
Re: Jungle Fever

(It clusters threads when you post your picture more than once in one post.)

The one Letris identified as Ferris was in fact, another guard, except Ferris looked much older and mature than the other guards, with long purple hair going past her shoulders, and blue eyes.

Ferris turned to Letris as she finished her greeting statement, "Yeah, that's me," she acknowledged, "Hang on, I'll get ya a key," she told Letris, walking over to the empty desk and grabbing one of the many lone keys hanging up on the wall, and handed it to Letris, "Here ya go, room number's signed on the key."
Re: Jungle Fever

Letris thanks Ferris for the key before heading off to check her room. Upon reaching it, she decides to take a nap, til morning.

Heroism can wait 'till morning I guess. Can't go around exposed anyway. It's undignified.

(Sorry about the Pic cluster.)
Re: Jungle Fever

( As we're fast forwarding, Letris has three free days to train herself in any skill, or attribute, you ask for her to train in. Only one skill or stat may be trained per day, over the course of three days. )

(Within reason, pick three stats or attributes you'd like for her to train in *CoughPerceptionCough* :3)
Re: Jungle Fever

(I guess a point increase in perception would make sense, as the search for useful objects (a crowbar), and constantly hearing other people horror/rape stories would hone her senses. But Letris is a kung fu nut. She'll increase her strength and dexterity, too. Not having anyone [PC] to practice with, her skills won't improve. Shall I update the character sheet?

Letris now knows it's post apocalyptic world, though she's still blissfully unaware of the shortage of testosterone for now.)
Re: Jungle Fever

( Spending only a day on a single stat might not improve it, two days might increase a low stat, but higher stats are very hard to level. That, and perception is very important against being ambushed by sneaky monsters, which can really make the difference in any fight. )
Re: Jungle Fever

(In which case, Letris will just focus on developing her perception 'till it dings, then go back to strength.)
Re: Jungle Fever

Letris spends two days on the roof, at first with the girls that were sniping, then the man who replaced them, and was surprised to see everyone else spotting things before she ever knew they were there, and learned to be a little more perceptive, as her fists can't fight what she can't see.

(Letris's perception has increased to 2)

After getting bored from watching the monsters die all day, she goes back to her room, as well as various other places to work out, until one day, she decides she wants to leave the hotel, and do something other than sit around all day...

(Letris is now on the same day as everyone else)